I want to install Oh My Zsh on Ubuntu in Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL
Using Zsh, open the ~/.zshrc file and update the plugins:
plugins=(git nvm)
I started using a computer at work that has Ubuntu 16.04 installed. Initially, Python3.6.8 was set as the version that was used if I entered the command 'python3' at the terminal. I updated Ubuntu using 'sudo apt-get update', installed miniconda and used the 'sudo apt-get autoremove' command. I followed the mini-tutorial on the anaconda website and one of the commands resulted in a warning about the pip version being old so I upgraded it inside a conda environment.
I noticed at some point that this error was occurring whenever I entered 'python3' at the commandline:
But as you can see, the default 3.5.2 version is there, but for some reason the 3.6.8 version doesn't seem to be there. These are the symlinks in /usr/bin and /etc/alternatives:
Is it safe for me to simply install Python3.6 using 'sudo apt-get install python3.6' and then the symlink will work correctly?
Thanks, any help appreciated.
Jupyter notebook work just fine on my computer, but when i run it via ssh from another computer i receive this message:
ImportError: No module named jupyter_core.command
Im using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS for both of them
and i have Conda installed
Ok then.
I just installed Ipython outside of the environment i worked with.:
conda deactivate
and then:
sudo apt install ipython
This worked for me
sudo apt install python3-jupyter-core
Windows :npm install -g grunt-cli
Windows :npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev
Windows :grunt
grunt command not found
How to install grunt locally and globally on windows system.
In windows we need to register the path in the windows environment variables:-
Close and open terminal(cmd,git-bash,etc)
I downloaded octave version 4.2.1 as instructed here http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_macOS, and I am able to run Octave from the terminal. However, I cannot launch Octave using GUI. When I add the command --force-gui, nothing happens.
I have tried brew reinstall octave --with-qt --with-fltk --with-gui
, which does not help.
Any ideas?
Thank you
I had the same problem.
Tried qt, flk but nothing happens with homebrew.
I do this:
Remove octave from homebrew : brew uninstall octave
Installed MacPort (https://guide.macports.org)
Install octave by macport : sudo port install octave
The repository homebrew/science is dead. Now Octave is available on dpo/homebrew-openblas
Just type:
brew tap dpo/openblas
Next pin the repository:
brew tap-pin dpo/openblas
Then install the dev snapshot with Java and the GUI
brew install dpo/openblas/octave --HEAD --with-qt --devel --with-java
You may also install Octave via MacPorts by executing
sudo port install octave
in the terminal. By default MacPorts will install Octave with the following options: +accelerate +app +docs +gfortran +graphicsmagick +qt5 +sound +sundials. It is qt5, that is necessary for the GUI backend. To view available options prior the installation you may execute:
port variants octave
To install Octave with the options you like list the options at the end of the command:
sudo port install octave +atlas +gcc10
Finally, to view the options with which Octave was installed, execute:
port installed | grep octave
And to launch Octave with GUI run:
octave --gui &
I have installed ERPNext on Ubuntu, now I have a specific requirement where I want to install it on Windows OS.
I have download the following Pre requisites.
1. Python 2.7
2. MariaDB
What is the correct procedure to install erpnext on windows. ?
ERPNext isn't compatible with Windows.
How ever you can install it in Windows using Virtual Machine
Install a Virtual Machine on Microsoft Windows
By following these instruction
After that follow these steps
Installation Steps:
Install WAMPserver from here
Install Python from here
Install Setup tools from here
Configure httpd.conf
Replace shebang lines to your python directory.
Run install.py
Good Luck
ERPNext isn't compatible with windows yet, as it uses some unix utilities.
You can do it using windows subsystem for linux and carry the steps of installing on linux in commandline of linux.