Azure GUIX automated testing - automated-tests

Can one implement automated UI testing for any UI designed using Azure GUIX? I came across an earlier post asking the same question.
Azure GUIX automated testing specifically for languages
I searched for Azure Test Harness but could not find much on it. Any suggestions?

We have added a string-fit test in GUIX Studio for the patch release, under Edit -> Run String Fit Test. This release has been pushed to the App Store and will be rolling out over the next couple of days. This tests to insure every string in every language fits within the assigned widgets. Of course you can assign and re-assign strings at runtime, so Studio can't test for that, only the know assignments of widgets and fonts can be statically tested by GUIX Studio.
For our own internal regression testing, we build our test apps as Win32 apps and write python scripts to generate events into those apps to drive them. We do md5sum calculations of the canvas memory and compare the computed value with "golden values" to insure nothing has been broken. We haven't yet instrumented anything similar to support on-target regression testing but we have this feature in our backlog, I will see if we can get this on the priority list for the next release.
Best Regards


What is the best practice to develop CD/CI when you use ML studio APIs?

In our backend development process, we have two environments: testing and production. We develop our code, and then we push the code into the testing repository. Then on the release date, we push everything into production.
Now that we are going to use ML studio, I'm struggling with setting up testing and production environments for my ML studio experiments.
I created two identical experiments with independent APIs; one experiment for testing and the other experiment is used by the production. When it comes to moving the trained experiment from testing to production, I make all the changes I made in the testing environment to the production environment, which is a very time demanding process.
Do you know any better solution so we can deploy and test our changes and then deploy the latest changes to the production? How people use ML studio in their CD/CI process?
The attached image shows the design that I have now. I'd appreciate if you can help me in improving this process. Maybe ML studio has some features to manage this scenario that I don't know.
In MLStudio, when you doing publishing an experiment as a API, the current API get replaced with a prevailing one. One of the practices you can do is like this.
Maintain a test experiment.
Maintain an identical copy of that and push it for the production.
When you done with the changes in the test experiment keep it as that (Then you can change it later) and make a copy of that(Using Save as) - publish it as the production service.
There are some drawbacks in this too. You have to update the API endpoints on the production code once you going to release and you may have to document the versions going for the production manually. The only advantage is the time of updating two experiments goes off.

free automatic regression test tool for applications?

We are working in a small team. We often had problems like developer1 did some changes in stored procedure or function and it affected work of developer2. Such issues are traced out by chance later. Please guide me how such issues can be stopped. Is there a free tool that we can run to test such issues?
Slowly introduce unit tests, focused integration tests and full system tests.
For all of those use a .net unit test framework to do it. It'll be what you do in the test what makes it be any of the above scenarios. Make sure to keep each of those 3 type of tests separately, as those will have a big difference on the speed it takes to execute them.
For the unit test framework I suggest NUnit but there are others, one that I've found interesting but never made the jump is
For full system tests I suggest to run them in the unit test framework using WatiN. You could also go with Selenium RC.
We often had problems like developer1 did some changes in stored procedure or function and it affected work of developer2. Such issues are traced out by chance later.
For that specific type of scenario I strongly suggest focused integration tests. Full system tests might catch such scenario, but it will still left you to figure out why it broke.
Instead focus the test in the very specific db access code that makes the call to the procedure. By adding scenarios in there that reveal all the expectations developer2 had from said procedure when (s)he wrote the related .net code, regression issues with that integration code can be revealed very quickly and be dealt with very effectively. Also note that developer1 can easily run the focused integration tests that involve that procedure or area of the database many times / which is a lot more likely to happen than doing the same with full system tests.
You can do either automated unit testing using tools such as NUnit or automated black-box testing using tools such as Selenium. Note that both options (even with free tools) may need significant investment in terms of time and efforts. Typically, unit test cases are created by developers them selves while for automated black box testing, a separate team of QA is utilized - this is mostly because unit test cases are generally written in languages such as C#, VB.NET while automated black-box testing tools typically utilize scripting languages.

Continuous Integration vs. Nightly Builds

Reading this post has left me wondering; are nightly builds ever better for a situation than continuous integration? The consensus of the answers seems to be pretty lopsided in favor of continuous integration, is that evangelism or is there really no reason to use nightly builds when continuous integration is an option?
If you're really doing continuous integration with all available tests, nightly builds would be redundant, since the last thing checked in that day would already have been tested.
On the other hand, if your CI regime only involves running a subset of all available tests, for example because some of your tests take a long time to run, then you can use nightlies additionally to run all tests. This'll let you catch many bugs early, and if you can't catch them early, you can at least catch them overnight.
I don't know, though, if that's technically still CI, since you're only doing a "partial" build each time, by ignoring some of the tests.
In our organization, nightly builds and CI builds have two distinct purposes. The CI build is a 'latest code' build in which the unit tests are run against the last check in as you would expect. We also run several code metrics on the CI build.
For nightly builds, however, we only incorporate source code that has been through the peer review process and is deemed ready for testing.
This way, the nightly build always contains build that is 'feature ready' for testing, while the CI build contains features that while functional (to the extent that the unit tests pass) may not be ready to send the to the test group.
The test groups writes new CRs exclusively from one of the nightly builds as opposed to the CI build, although those are also available for informal exploratory type testing.
Yes, if you have a process you want attached to a build, but it is resource heavy. For example, on my team we run JTest during the nightly build. We can't run it during the day because:
It requires a lot of resources, which may not be available
It takes 4 hours to complete each time
If you have a nice robust CI process in place a "nightly" is still useful.
As mentioned, a "nightly" build can do exhaustive tests and perhaps some high-level system tests. End-to-end stuff.
The concept of a "nightly" build is easily understood by everyone in the organization. If you have trouble communicating CI builds out to other groups (for example, a QA group that doesn't have the same handle on Agile that the Dev group might) a "nightly" is a powerful and simple concept.
If your nightly is a separate set of resources, it can be managed separately and used to cut "gold" images with some claims to software integrity. For example, developer writes code, some trusted build system that dev can't touch builds it, QA tests the gold build and signs it. In such a situation, the nightly build functions like a production build system.
Just some thoughts.
In my professional opinion, the only reason to use nightly builds is when the build process takes so long that it can't complete in a "reasonable" amount of time.
For example, if your build process takes 5 hours to complete there is really no reason to do a build on check in.
Beyond that, there is so much value in knowing as soon as possible when a build fails that it overrides other concerns.
It depends on the purpose and length of each of your builds. Basically, you should identify what you are trying to learn from CI and decide if it is worth while spending the resources on running multiple builds.
We used continuous integration at my last job for a few different purposes.
First, we used it to make sure that the repository and thus the developers always had a version of the code that compiled. Few things are worse for team members than having to manage another person's broken changes through commenting, uncommenting, reverting and merging, because one person checked in bad code. For this, we had a build that ran instantaneously with no tests or other validation so we knew as soon as possible if the code was safe to update. Builds usually took about ten minutes and the machine was probably running around 50% on a normal workday. No documentation was generated here, just a quiet pass or a loud fail siren.
Second, we wanted to know as soon as possible whether or not any rules were broken. The quicker that you find a broken rule, the easier it is to fix. For this purpose, we had a separate machine that ran a full build and validation of the code. This machine was running 12-14 hours a day continuously on a normal workday. Email status of the build was sent out describing broken unit tests, code compliance, etc.
We stopped there as far as automatically triggered builds go. A nightly build on top of that seemed a bit extreme for us. But I suppose if you wanted to have a snapshot build archived daily, you may want to schedule a third build with the extra steps required for that. Though, we did have another build that wrapped up and archived our QA deployment artifacts for quick and easy deployment, but we only ever manually triggered that one.
I think the other posts cover the common reasons, like having a build process that takes "too long" or having to run only a subset of tests during the CI build. But there's another reason which is political.
In some organizations the official builds are handled by a minimally responsive build/infrastructure/release management/SCM team. In these cases you might put them in charge of the nightly build and then run the CI build out of development. This avoids a fight because their build remains "the official build" and your CI build give you the feedback you need.
We have both continuous integration and nightly builds in place. They serve two different purposes.
Our continuous integration mechanism builds the software and runs unit tests under the continuous integration suite.
Our nightly build tags the source under version control, builds the software, runs the unit tests under nightly build suite. The software built here is then used in various system tests and stress tests.
I think that one of the main differentiator for nightly build is system tests.

What Tools Do You Recommend To Auto-Build Your Application? [closed]

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As recently as several years ago, the developers actually made the builds that went to clients. This was obviously a disaster for reasons too numerous to list.
Then when we started to learn the errors of our ways, we looked for a way to auto-build the entire application on a dedicated build machine. The culture at that time was very averse to bringing in outside tools, so we built our own autobuild system by writing a VB app.
This worked fine for a while, until the project's structure started to change, new projects were added, and we needed to build the application in different ways. Then then weaknesses of our hand-rolled autobuilder became apparent and, over time, increasingly onerous. This disease has progressed now to the point where QA (who owns our build process) can't even maintain the autobuilder because it requires more and more programming skill. Every time we add a project or change something in an existing project, it consumes more developer time just to make it work. There have been days when we were unable to produce a build because the system was broken.
I'm now in a position where I can change this process, and I'm looking to scrap the entire system and put something else in it's place. My goals are:
Have an autobuild system that can run with zero human interaction at a specific time every day. It should be able to gather all the source code, compile all the apps, create the setups, put the finished products on a network share, and possibly trigger the automated testing system to kick in (we use QTP).
The autobuild system should be flexible enough to easily adapt to changes in the project without rrequiring a major overhaul.
It should be simple enough so that QA can own the system and not require developer resources to make changes to how builds are made.
What are your experiences? Can you recommend an autobuild system? Should I have different goals?
I'm currently using CruiseControl integrated with Ant to control project builds. This allows flexibility of build schedules and means you can automate the entire build process fairly easily using Ant scripts. Also, during defect fixing periods you can have CruiseControl set up to watch for source control submissions instead of time periods and build when these occur. This allows developers very quick feedback on defect fixes.
I use FinalBuilder and FinalBuilder Server for nightly builds. It's a bit buggy at times, but if you think it through it's quite easy to create extensible projects that can build X project type, build it's database from change scripts and deploy it to a testing server.
It can also handle all kinds of wierd and wonderful things like ZIPing a nightly build and uploading it to an FTP or creating ISO images automatically.
Definitely look into MSBuild if you're on the Microsoft stack.
Joel is always going on and on about how great FinalBuilder is, so that might be worth a look as well.
We just migrated from a hand-rolled set of Perl scripts to a Buildbot setup. I found it because that's what Google's using for Chrome.
You can do nightlies, or it can integrate with source control to do an isolated test build whenever anybody does a checkin, or a variety of other things. It's also parallel; you can have more than one machine in the build farm, either for specialized duties or just to handle more load.
The entire system is written in Python, so it's platform-agnostic, which is important if you need to do builds on more than one platform. It can do anything you can do from the command line; we have it calling MSBuild for user-mode components, a DDK build for kernel-mode pieces, and running products for unit test builds.
Out of the box it supports most OSS source control tools, but if you're using TFS or something else you may need to modify the package that you install on the slave machines.
I think you are on the right track here.
Whoever looks after your automated build process needs to have a fundamental understanding of how your solution fits together. This doesn't necessarily mean knowing how to write code or architect solutions, but they will require a solid understanding of how the solution compiles, packages itself etc.
You might need to share responsibility for builds between people or teams to accomplish this. I'd say that a daily build is a "team responsibility".
I'd look at establishing a baseline build configuration which can be extended for "special use" builds (besides just building a release version), e.g. internationalized releases, fxCop/Quality Tools config, build + run Unit Tests, continuous integration builds, a build config to run on developer workstations, etc.
Instead, I'd aim to achieve the following:
Automatic versioning, signing etc
Ability to produce verbose output (logging) to help debug build breaks
On that point - it should handle errors properly, capture as much information and log it properly
Consistency - It should work the same way each time to produce repeatable outcomes
Run in a clean, limited access environment
Well commented/documented so that it can be understood by new staff, etc.
Option to generate release notes, compile metrics, produce reports (if this option is available)
Ability to deploy to multiple environments
Support different ways to obtain source code from source control, e.g. by changeset, label, date, etc
As for tool recommendations, I've used FinalBuilder, Visual Build Pro, MSBuild/Team Build, nAnt, CruiseControl and CIFactory plus and good old fashioned batch files.
Each has its pros and cons, I'm not going to make a recommendation except to say that the products with decent UI support were a little bit easier to work with, but at times were far less powerful. If you're working with VIsual Studio, MSBuild is very powerful, but has a somewhat steep learning curve.
As of tools delivered with MS Visual Studio you might want to use MSBuild. Additional Community toolsets for MSBuild will even give you the possibility to checkout code from Subversion and zip output.
We're using it successfully in our company. Projects consists of several solutions with 100+ subprojects. Works like a charm.
Visual Build Pro is nice, if your build machines are Windows. I think this would fill the requirement you have about QA owning the system. But don't get me wrong, it's pretty powerful.
We use CruiseControl.NET and UppercuT (which uses NAnt) to do this. UppercuT uses conventions for building so it makes it really easy for someone to get started by answering three questions (What is the solution named? What is the path to source control? What is your company's name?) and you are building.
Some good explanations here: UppercuT
We use the Hudson buildbot for for big Java web app building from ant build scripts. Hudson is pretty sweet for our purposes. It has a master/slave setup so builds can be done concurrently (on a timer or on-demand). Slave nodes can be any OS/hardware combo provided it has the needed build tools already on it and is on the network (and won't crash every 10 min).
Full web-based interface including live console output, change logs, artifacts from the build are available across the network including previous builds (if successful). Awesomesauce!

What is a good CI build-process

What constitutes a good CI build-process?
We use CI, but is deployment to production even a realistic CI goal when you have dependencies on several services that should be deployed too and other apps may depend on these too.
Is a good good CI build process good enough when its automated to QA and manual from there?
Well "it depends" :)
We use our CI system to:
build & unit test
deploy to single box, run intergration tests and code analisys
deploy to lab environment
run acceptance tests in prod-like system
drop builds that pass to code drop for prod deployment
This is for a greenfield project of about a dozen services and databases deployed to 20+ servers, that also had dependencies on half a dozen other 'external' services.
Using a CI tool to deploy your product to a production environment as a realistic goal? again... "it depends"
Why would you want to do this?
if you have the process you can roll changes (and roll back) faster and more often
less chance for human error
you can test the same deployment strategy in a test environment before going to production and catch issues earlier
Some technical things you have to address before you can answer this:
what is the uptime requirements for your system -- Are you allowed to have downtime or does it need to be up 24/7?
do you have change control processes in place that require human intervention/approval?
is your deployment robust enough for any component to roll back to a known-good state if a deployment fails?
is your system designed to handle different versions of services or clients in case one or several component deployments fails (and you have the above rollback to last known good)?
does the process have the smarts to handle a partial deployment where a component cannot handle mixed versions of its dependencies/clients?
how are you handing database deployment/upgrades?
do you have monitoring in place so you know when something goes wrong?
Here are a couple of recent related links about automation and building the tools you need.
When it comes down to it the more complex your system the more difficult it is do automate everything, but that does not mean it is not a worthy goal, it just takes a lot more effort and willpower to get it done -- everything from knowing the difficulties you're going to face, the problems you have to account for (failure will happen), the political challenges of building infrastructure (vs. more product features).
Now heres the big secret... the technical challenges are challenging but not impossible... the political challenges may be insurmountable. Everything about this costs money whether its dev time or buying 3rd party solutions. So really, can you build the $1K, $10K, $100K, or $1M solution?
Whatever solution you go for make sure the automation is robust first, complete second... i.e. make sure you have as robust a solution as you can for getting deployment to a test environment rather than a fragile solution that deploys to production.
CI is not intended as a deployment mechanism. It is good to have your CI execute any automated deployment to a QA/Test server, to ensure those aspects of your build work, but I would not use a CI system like Cruise Control or Bamboo as the means of deployment.
CI is for building the codebase periodically to automate execution of automated tests, verification of the codebase via static analysis and other checks of that nature.
Be sure you understand the idea behind a CI build. CI stands for Continuous Integration and CI builds are really intended to be throw-away builds that are performed when a developer checks code in to the source control system (or at some specified interval) to ensure that the newest changes do not break the code base (hence the idea of continuously integrating the changes to the code base).
To that end, the technology used for the actual build server process is largely irrelevant compared to what actually happens during the build. As #pdavis mentioned, the CI build should compile the code base, execute some code analysis (FxCop, StyleCop, Lint, etc.), execute unit tests and code coverage, and execute any other custom analysis you want performed that should impact the concept of a "successful" or "failed" build.
Having a CI build automatically deploy to an environment really doesn't fall under the control of a build server. That being said, you can always create a separate project that runs on the build server that handles the deployment when it detects certain conditions (such as a build completes successfuly), but that should always be done as a completely independent thing.
I am starting on a new project at work that I am really looking forward to. We are still in the initial design stage and have just recently completed the Logical System Architecture. We have ordered new servers for the testing and staging environments and are setting up a Continuous Integration (CI) build system based on Cruise Control ( and MSBuild ( which is basically an improved port of ANT. It appears that Visual Studio 2005 project and solution files are all now in MSBuild format. Cruise Control will be automatically pulling the source from Visual Source Safe (ok, it isn't Subversion but we can deal), compiling it, and then running it through fxCop (, nUnit (, nCover (, and last but not lease Simian ( Cruise Control has a pretty good website interface for displaying all of the compiled results from the various tools and can even display code changes from one build to the next. It also keeps track of all builds in a build history. I'm looking forward to the test driven development and think that this type of approach combined with nUnit/nCover should give us a pretty good idea before we roll out changes that we haven't broken anything. There are also plans to incorporate some type of automated user interface testing once we are far enough along in the project. Depending on the tool, this should be just a matter of installing the tool on the build server and calling it from Cruise Control. Sweet.
A good CI process will have full or nearly-full unit test coverage. Unit tests test classes and methods, vs. integration tests, which test multiple parts of the system. When you set up your CI builds, have them automate the unit tests. That way, the CI builds can run multiple times per day. We have ours set to run every 2 hours.
You can have longer running builds that run once per day. These can use other services and run integration tests.
I was watching a ThoughtWorks presentation (creators of Cruise Control) and they actually addressed this issue. Their answer is that NO deployment is too complex to test. Why? Because otherwise, your customers become your testers, which is exactly where you don't want to be.
If you have a complex deployment structure, set up a visualization server. Have it pretend to be all the systems you need to talk to. They can always start in a known good state, because you can reset to a clean image.
To answer your initial question, a good process is one which enables communication between the repository and the developers. If the repository is in a bad state (non-compiling code, failed tests, etc.), the developers know about it as soon as possible, so that they can correct it.
The later a bug is discovered, the costlier it is to fix. So bugs should be discovered as early as possible. This is the motivation behind CI.
A good CI should ensure catching as many bugs as possible. The whole application comprises of code (often in multiple languages), Database schema, deployment files etc. Errors in any of these can cause bugs - so the CI should try to exercise as many of them as possible.
CI does not replace a proper QA discipline. Also, CI need not be very comprehensive on day one of the project. One can start with a simple CI process that does basic compilation & unit testing initially. As you discover more classes of bugs in QA, you should adapt the CI process to try to catch future occurrences of those bugs. It can also involve static code-analysis checks, so that you can implement consistent coding and design ideals across the codebase.
