WinUI - Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll' - uno-platform

used uno-check to install all the needed prerequisites.
after this i have installed the Uno Platform dotnet templates :
dotnet new -i Uno.ProjectTemplates.Dotnet
and created a new project with this command :
dotnet new unoapp-winui -o MyUnoApp
who give me some errors about failed restoration (MSBUILD : error MSB1009 - project file not exist -)
After that i load the solution in visual studio (2019/2022), select MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop as starting project (x86) and start the debug session but i got this error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in UNO.Windows.Desktop.dll
Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll' or one of its dependencies
Any hint?

I had the exact same problem, but after fiddling around a bit I found a solution.
Set the '.Windows.Package' project as startup instead of '.Windows.Desktop'
Also make sure you are have the same Platform selected for both Package and Desktop project.

It's my understanding that MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop is the building target for the Windows desktop, whereas MyUnoApp.Windows.Package is the building target for the UWP app (pls correct me if I'm wrong). Hence, the original poster still would not have the problem of being unable to build the desktop app - which is the same problem I'm facing right now.


New project xamarin.form prism Error NETSDK1004 - Prism 2.2.1

when generating a new project xamarin.form prism I get this error when running. With the previous version 2.1.7 it worked for me OK.
It does not allow me to open the Nuget Package since it also gives an error.
Any recommendation?
I saw the 2 posts of this error but they do not apply to me.
Error NETSDK1004 Assets file 'C:\Empresas\Job_Facu\Job\Job.Prism\Job.Prism\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. Job.Prism C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.202\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 234
The error tells you what to do. Run a NuGet restore. Visual Studio should help you do this automatically. Note that if this occurred after updating dependencies sometimes Visual Studio gets confused and it's best to close Visual Studio and reopen it. This usually gets it to refresh itself so you get the updated package restore.
If that's not working for you, you can download the latest nuget.exe and from the command line navigate to the solution directory and execute the command {path to nuget.exe} restore.
When NuGet performs a restore it generates the project.assets.json file in the obj folder of each project it has restored. This in turn provides MSBuild with the reference information it needs to properly reference your dependencies like Prism and Xamarin.Forms.
I have recently ran into similar issue as well, seemingly out of the blue. I believe upgrading my build machine to the latest VS version (VS for Mac 8.10.4 (build 11))
NETSDK1004: */project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.
To fix, I had to run Nuget Restore twice. Once for the shared project directory and once for the iOS project.
If I run the restore just for the Shared/(main.sln file) project directory I get the error.
If I run the restore for the iOS project the build passes but IPA file isn't created.
Need to run both.
Modules used for CI/CD build in Azure Devops Pipeline

Couldn't install any packages .Net Framework NuGet

I have a solution with a lot of projects targeting .net framework but not any with .core NuGet. The case is that, quite occasionally I started getting the following error while trying to set up any package from manage NuGet packages
HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
Did someone run into the same issue and how you managed to resolve it
Go to your C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio folder, and you should find a folder in there called 15_{id}. Open it, and have a look at the ActivityLog.xml. If you have a look in it you should find the error in there and the library that's causing it. In my case it was caused by within the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll library.
This post helped me solve the issue then: Msdn forum
1.Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017" as Admin
2.CD into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies"
3.Run "gacutil -i Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll"
After a restart, it all worked well.
Please Follow the Source

System.Text.Encoding.CodePages missing in netcoreapp2.0 app

I just installed a clean install of the new .NET Core SDK on a CentOs 7 box. I had a different Linux VM I was running to test this and received the same error there.
I am building my application in VS 2017 on a Windows box and copying the project file over to the Linux box to test it. I am coming from netframework environment and trying to learn dotnetcore so I am sure this is probably just a newb issue. Here is what I am doing.
I run a dotnet restore, which works without error.
I run a dotnet build, which I receive a
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Then I run a dotnet run and receive the following error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (apf-ws.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages', version: '4.3.0'
path: 'runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard1.3/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll'
Nowhere in my code do I actually reference any type of Encoding explicitly. I have tried including System.Text.Encoding.CodePages in my project to see if that would add a reference and bring in the library to ignore the one it is looking for, but it doesn't help. Anyone have any ideas of what would be causing this?
I tried several things before wiping the directory out in Linux and copying the files over again. In doing so it seemed to fix the problem.

sqllite3.dll issues with UWP app development for Mobile

I am trying to learn how to develop apps for UWP for both Desktop and Mobile. I have been currently working on getting the Entity Framework working in my app to store application state and followed the following link:
It worked well for Desktop, the issue however is that when I try to run it on the Windows Mobile emulator I get the following error in debug mode when the code reaches the db.Database.Migrate() step:
Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3': The specified module could not be found
In the link I pasted above, someone else had the same issue and in the comments they recommended to try the following:
Step 1: Install SQLite VSIX pacakge for Universal Windows Platform development using Visual Studio 2015
Step 2: Install NuGet package SQLite.NET-PCL
Install-Package SQLite.NET-PCL
Step 3: Add references
Add Reference -> Universal Windows ->Extensions -> Make sure the following packages have been checked: "SQLite for Universal Windows Platform" "Visual C++ 2015 Runtime for Universal Windows Platform Apps"
After that, if you get the error "Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'sqlite3.dll', do the following:
copy sqlite3.dll from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\UAP\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs\SQLite.UAP.2015\\Redist\Debug\ARM\sqlite3.dll
past to (override it)
The problem after doing those steps is that I am now seeing the issue when doing a build for "Payload contains two or more files" however not in the SQLitePCL.raw_basic directory (I don't even seem that have that). Instead my error is the following:
Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'sqlite3.dll'. Source files:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\UAP\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs\SQLite.UWP.2015\3.13.0\Redist\Debug\x86\sqlite3.dll
I have been searching everywhere and am truly stumped as to how to get my UWP program working on Mobile. Thanks a lot for your help!
It seems like you got the solution for resolving the exception The specified module could not be found from #Leandro_Medeiros_Machado 's comment on this document. If you got the Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'sqlite3.dll' exception after you done the above three steps you may be also found the next solution from the comment.
After that, if you get the error "Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'sqlite3.dll', do the following:copy sqlite3.dll from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\UAP\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs\SQLite.UAP.2015\\Redist\Debug\ARM\sqlite3.dll
past to (override it)
For you, you may need to copy from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\UAP\v0.8.0.0\ExtensionSDKs\SQLite.UWP.2015\3.13.0\Redist\Debug\x86\sqlite3.dll to(override) C:\Users\admin\.nuget\packages\SQLite\3.13.0\runtimes\win7-x86\native\sqlite3.dll.
But actually, for using EF core you don't need the above steps and I recommend you check your environment instead of using the above workaround. I created a simple EF project by following the document and without install the VSIX I can run successfully on the emulator (build 10586). My VS build is 2015 update 3, my OS version is build 14393 and the EF core version is Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite 1.1.0. So please firstly check if your environment met the following requirements:
Windows 10
Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
The latest version of Windows 10 Developer Tools
And if your EF core and EF core tools versions are right.

PLCrashReporter in XCode 4 - won't compile in Simulator

I must be doing something totally stupid here, but I can't get the PLCrashReporter framework included in my project. Here are the steps I took to get the framework:
Downloaded the .dmg file from the official project site on google code
Copied the CrashReporter.framework folder to the root directory of my project
Added the framework by going to my project, selecting the target, going to the Build Phases tab, opening the Link Binary With Libraries section, clicking the plus sign, and adding the CrashReporter.framework folder
I am pulling in the framework in my class file by using
#import <CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h>
When I try to compile under 4.3 simulator, I get the following errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReporter", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReport", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
When I compile under the device, everything is fine. Is there some sort of header or library search path I need to include?
The app compiles under XCode 3 without issues under all configurations.
I had the same issue and was able to resolve it. Here are the steps I completed...
Download the PLCrashReporter source release and unzip.
Open the PLCrashReporter xcode project. This project is setup to use an old SDK, update all the required SDKs for each target to get rid of the warnings. This is also required to compile in the next step.
Navigate to the CrashReporter-iPhoneSimulator Target. Under the Build Settings: a) set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to "No", b) set "Mach-O Type" to "Static Library".
Select CrashReport-iPhoneSimulator : [IOS simulation (ie iPhone 4.3 Simulator)] and click build.
Navigate to your build directory for the PLCrashReporter. For me, it was /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CrashReporter-(random characters)/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Copy the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a from the build directory in step 5 to the iphone application project directory you want to add the crash reporter to.
Open the your iphone application project in xcode.
Download the PLCrashReporter binary release and extract the framework to a local directory.
Add the CrashReporter framework to your project using this SO post.
Following the same procedure as step 9, add the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a static library to the "Link Binary with Libraries" section of the build phases. No *.framework directory is needed when adding a static library.
Review the "Link Binary with Libraries" in the Target. Make sure the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a is listed above the CrashReporter framework. You can drag and drop to reorder.
I hope this helps.
For anyone else looking for this information:
I followed the same steps given above however I was getting errors. I deleted the static library and only included the framework (which you can get from their dmg).
It worked perfectly for me. I think the process of creating static library by building the project was old (before they created a framework).
Don't forget to include
in "Link Binary With Libraries".
