How to get Pine script syntax highlighting in Atom - atom-editor

I want to work on script outside of trading view. Is there any plugins I can use to make coding in Atom more enjoyably for Pine script.

Not sure about Pine Script for TradingView in Atom, but there's an XML library for Notepad++.
Not as robust as Atom, but it's still a lot better than trying to code in TV directly.
Here's link to the XML:
PineCoders also provides a list of other tools besides Notepad++


Atom or Rstudio like IDE alternative for julia language

Similar to Rstudio, Atom allowed you to run code segments on interactively rather than the entire script all at once. Is there a suitable Julia language IDE that is comparable to rstudio or Atom (juno) and allows for on-the-fly execution of code blocks because Atom is being phased out?
note: Thanks for answers in vs code to obtain interactive feature hold ctrl + return will run code.
Did you try the Microsoft Visual Studio Code ? You can check how to download and setup for Julia notebook in link below.
The Best, Wr
In Microsoft VS Code you can define code cells using magic comments (## or # %% or #- can play this role - the choice is yours):
(your code goes here)
A code cell is executed by pressing Alt + Enter while the cursor is inside the cell.
At the code below I pressed Alt + Enter while being in line 10.
The keyboard shortcut can be configured by selecting in the main menu View->Command Palette or pressing Ctrl + Shift + P:
VSCode. The Julia team was working on a Julia IDE called Juno but the website now says "Juno will receive no more feature updates. Development focus has shifted to the Julia extension for VSCode", and VSCode seems to be the recommended way to develop in julia.
The Julia extension for VSCode let's you run code block by just pressing shift+enter and it uses Revise.jl to make interactive sessions better. You can see plots and other outputs right in the editor, and recenty they have even added performance monitoring/benchmarking tools.
However, if you prefer notebook-style workflows, you can use Jupyter with Julia (and the IJulia kernel) but even better imo is Pluto, which is specifically made for Julia and has some nice features such as no hidden state.

Syntax Highlighting for R in Macvim

I use R and I find some of the embedded editor's characteristics annoying. Typically, it would be convenient to have the possibility to add tabs or even bette to do splits like you can do it with vim.
I have a Mac running Mavericks and I use Macvim. I want to use vim as my R editor, without using it as an IDE.
However, the syntax highlighting is not convincing. The functions are not recognized for instance.
I installed the Vim-R-plugin (I followed these instructions). However, I found no change in my syntax highlighting.
Do you have any suggestions?
R-Studio is a development environment for R. It is very light and powerful and it offers some embedded themes to highlight code.
You can use it as editor only...

Changing Cntrl + R shortcut for Running scripts in R Windows GUI

Is is possible to change the "Control + R" shortcut for sending scripts from the R text editor in the Windows GUI to the R console? I'd like to change it to "Control + Enter" to be more like the shortcut on my Mac. I do all my normal work on a Mac but have to use R on a PC to interface with some PC-only computational software.
Additional tidbits:
I'd rather not run an IDE on the PC if I don't have to, though perhaps this is the solution.
I use Rstudio on my Mac, but Rstudio does not get along with the PC software I'm running
The short answer is:
"No, there are no [built-in] ways to alter the menu shortcuts in the R Console"
I'm however gathering here -community wiki style- some of suggestions posted as remarks to this questions.
One approach may be to download the R source, hack it (see circa line 625 of src/gnuwin32/editor.c: ), and build the R binary anew (see the R for Windows FAQ for the tools you need to build from source). This seems to be a rather radical approach for the mere convenience of using an alternate keystroke sequence...
A similar approach may be to create an automatic patcher program which would patch the R executable, by locating the byte patterns surrounding the compiled logic of editor.c mentioned above and replacing it with a byte sequence for the desired keystroke. This solution may be sensitive to changes in the binaries, but also avoids the build process altogether...
An easier way to achieve this is probably by using an external text editor. Most modern editors have macros or configs that can be used, for example, to execute a source command in R for the selected text.
Customizing keyboard shortcuts is made available in Rstudio 0.99.644.
See for more information.

Calling summaryCoding() in RQDA raises an error

I'm attempting to use the RQDA package. I've tried to use the summaryCoding() (or SummaryCoding() or summarycoding() ) command with no success. getCodingTable() works fine.
You forgot the "s" at the end of the word codings, it should be:
(respect the capitals letters too, R is case sensitive). To avoid this kind of issues you may use Rstudio, which provides code completion. I've made tutorials on YouTube in French, you can find them here. To install R Studio watch video 2 3 or 4 (windows linux or mac). To see how to use the command prompt watch video 20. It's all in French but by watching the videos you can understand it even if you don't speak french.
well after coding you can put your code into category code. Sometimes the same code goes to many category codes. Then you can create a graph (cf. video 18). You have also the crossCodes()... But usually it's quite difficult to put a lot of numbers in a qualitative study. Personally speaking i retrieve the codes per "code category" and I do not hesitate to cite a lot of codes in my written analysis document. And if my files are interviews, I usually link the opinion of the speakers with other studies from a science article, for instance...

Embedding scripts in text-editor

I am looking for a text editor that support embedding scripts (Perl in my case) in the text you write.
I understand that something like it is possible through Emacs, but am not sure how and what.
The idea is to generate reports that contain the output of the embedded scripts, which are run while generating the report (if not already in previous versions of the report).
The Babel package in Emacs can do this. See the introductory tutorial here.
sweave does that in a limited way (R only).
