Is there any way to send only filled fields and ignore empty ones? I'm trying to use form.setValues(nonEmtyValues), but it doesn't work
Like this:
MktoForms2.loadForm("//", "785-UHP-775", 1057, function(form){
var obj = form.vals();
for (var propName in obj) {
if (obj[propName] === null || obj[propName] === '') {
delete obj[propName]
You may be overthinking this when it comes to Marketo and blank fields. By default, if you successfully submit a form to Marketo, it won't nullify blank fields.
If you had a form where you had someone fill out only Last Name with no First Name value, but the database already has an existing value for First Name, it won't be overwritten—it just stays as the same value.
I'm making an app with an advanced search feature which can help users filter data from dropdowns and textboxes (Dropdown to choose column and clause, Textbox for entering search parameter) like this one:
Advanced Search page sample:
I tried to bind the Column's name dropdown to #datasource.query.parameters.Parameter and changed the Query part of the datasource like this:
Datasource's Query Script and Parameters:
However, I keep getting errors like:
Parameter 'Column' is used in 'where' clause but not defined in property 'parameters'
Could you please tell me how can I resolve this problem?
You literally have to construct your 'Where' clause in this case and then set the parameter of the where clause equal to your parameters. So lets say your first set of parameters is Column1: Name, Query1: contains, Parameter1: John, then your datasource needs to have the following parameters Column1, Query1, and Parameter1 and your bindings on your dropdown1, dropdown2, and textbox1 should be:
Then your query script needs to be as follows:
if (query.parameters.Field1 === null || query.parameters.Query1 === null) {
throw new app.ManagedError('Cannot complete query without Parameters!');
switch (app.metadata.models.MaintenanceManagement.fields[query.parameters.Field1].type) {
case 'Number':
query.parameters.Parameter1 = Number(query.parameters.Parameter1);
case 'Date':
query.parameters.Parameter1 = new Date(query.parameters.Parameter1);
case 'Boolean':
if (query.parameters.Parameter1 === 'True' || query.parameters.Parameter1 === 'true') {
query.parameters.Parameter1 = true;
} else {
query.parameters.Parameter1 = false;
query.parameters.Parameter1 = query.parameters.Parameter1;
query.where = query.parameters.Column1 + " " + query.parameters.Query1 + "? :Parameter1";
So your where statement essentially becomes a string that reads 'Name contains? :Parameter1' (i.e. John) that then becomes your query. Hope this makes sense, feel free to ask follow up questions.
I'm creating a 'Kiosk' where users can sign-in and out.
I'm stuck on the sign-out component.
I'd like to have a table that only returns visitors that have not signed out after the end-user searches.
My search box has the following properties:
On value change:
if (widget.value === null || (widget.value).length === 0){
} else {
I'm new to this & JS as a whole. How can I filter the search to only contain users that have not signed out?
As suggested in the comments you need to add widget.datasource.query.filters.signedout._equals = false; line before you load your data source. However you should make one more change while unloading.
Here's the full code.
if (widget.value === null || (widget.value).length === 0){
} else {
widget.datasource.query.filters.signedout._equals = false;
Here unload() will unload previous data and load() will reload it. Now while reloading you can pass multiple filters so it reloads only filtered records.
Given this code:
var Container = CRM.GetBlock("Container");
var CustomCommunicationDetailBox = CRM.GetBlock("CustomCommunicationDetailBox");
var sHTML=CRM.GetPageNoFrameset();
Im calling this .asp page with this parameters but does not seems to work
Note the Key6=Comm_Id and Act=512??? which i believe it is when editing?
How can i achieve to fill the screen's field with entity dada?
In this case it is a communication entity
In order to populate a custom screen with data, you need to pass the data to the screen.
First, you need to get the Id value. In this case, we're getting it from the URL:
var CommId = Request.QueryString("Key6") + '';
We're going to put a few other checks in though. These are mainly to handle scenarios that have come up in different versions or from different user actions.
// check we have a value and get the Id from context if we don't
if(CommId == 'undefined'){
CommId = CRM.GetContextInfo("Communication","comm_communicationid");
// if CommId is still undefined, set it to zero to check later
// otherwise, make sure the URL only contains one CommId
if(CommId == 'undefined'){
CommId = 0;
} else if(CommId.indexOf(",") > -1){
CommId = CommId.substr(0,CommId.indexOf(","));
Certain user actions can make the URL hold multiple Ids in the same attribute. In these cases, those Ids are separated by commas. So, if the Id is not defined, we check if there is a comma in it. If there is, we take the 1st Id.
After we have the Id, we need to load the record. At this point, you should have already checked you have a valid id (E.g. not zero) and put some error handling in. In some pages you may want to display an error, in others you may want to create a new, blank record. This gets the record:
var CommRecord = CRM.FindRecord("communication","comm_communicationid = " + CommId);
After that, you need to apply the record to the screen. Using your example above:
CustomCommunicationDetailBox.ArgObj = CommRecord;
Adding all that to your script, you get:
var CommId = Request.QueryString("Key6") + '';
// check we have a value and get the Id from context if we don't
if(CommId == 'undefined'){
CommId = CRM.GetContextInfo("Communication","comm_communicationid");
// if CommId is still undefined, set it to zero to check later
// otherwise, make sure the URL only contains one CommId
if(CommId == 'undefined'){
CommId = 0;
} else if(CommId.indexOf(",") > -1){
CommId = CommId.substr(0,CommId.indexOf(","));
// add some error checking here
// get the communication record
var CommRecord = CRM.FindRecord("communication","comm_communicationid = " + CommId);
// get the container and the detail box
var Container = CRM.GetBlock("Container");
var CustomCommunicationDetailBox = CRM.GetBlock("CustomCommunicationDetailBox");
// apply the communication record to the detail box
CustomCommunicationDetailBox.ArgObj = CommRecord;
// add the box to the container
// set the moder
} else {
// output
var sHTML=CRM.GetPageNoFrameset();
However, we would advise putting in more error/exception handling. If the user is saving the record, you will also need to add a redirect in after the page is written.
Six Ticks Support
I use Mesosphere and I want to make a custom rule to validate equalsField:
Mesosphere.registerRule("equalsField", function(fieldValue, ruleValue){
//var ruleValue = $('#'+ruleValue).val();
//var ruleValue = document.getElementById(ruleValue).value;
return fieldValue === ruleValue;
But I can't use jquery $ or document because is not accesible on the server side (these works only on the client side)
So it looks like what you want to to is check that one field is equal to another field.
In actuality when a rule is validated in Mesosphere, the rule is passed 5 parameters: fieldValue, ruleValue, fieldName, formFieldsObject, and fields. Since formFieldsObject is an object containing the raw unvalidated data from the form, with the name of each input as the key and the current value as the key value, This means that you can create your new rule as follows..
Mesosphere.registerRule("equalsField", function(fieldValue, ruleValue, fieldName, formFieldsObject, fields){
return fieldValue === formFieldsObject[ruleValue];
Then when you set up your rules, pass the name of the field that the current field should be equal to and you should be good to go.
How can i know specific value on a form using request.form?
I am trying it long but no success.
i want to check something like this
if (request.form.contains("text_check")) //But it doesn't work
go in;
here we go;
i want to know specific value from AllKeys, and total count of all keys too.
To check if a key exists in the form data, you can simply compare the value to null:
if (Request.Form["text_check"] != null) {
If the key exists, you always get a string value back, even if the value is empty.
If you want to check if there is a non-empty value, you can use the String.IsNullOrEmpty method:
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["text_check"])) {
If you want to check if a certain key exists in the Request.Form collection you can do so like this:
if(Request.Form.AllKeys.Any(k => k == "text_check")) { ... }
and to then get it's value:
if(Request.Form.AllKeys.Any(k => k == "text_check"))
var textCheckValue = Request.Form["text_check"];
To get the total number of keys then:
var count = Request.Form.AllKeys.Count();
If you are using server side controls, you can use Request.Form.Contains(text_check.UniqueId) to make sure form is having that value during postback.