Can't invoke Soap method with Zeep and basic auth - basic-authentication

I am trying to access Web Service with Zeep and I get 401 in response. I checked official docs and . I get an error when I try to call a method, like:
from requests import Session
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth # or HTTPDigestAuth, or OAuth1, etc.
from zeep import Client
from zeep.transports import Transport
session = Session()
session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(user, password)
client = Client('',
Items = client.get_type('ns1:ItemsType')
response = client.service.publishService('MyProps', Items ={ #ERROR HAPPENS HERE
'ItemInformation': {
The response I get is:
zeep.exceptions.TransportError: Server returned response (401) with invalid XML: Invalid XML content received (Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1).
Request in itself is OK (it works without auth if it's disabled on service).
Credentials are OK as well (in fact the whole thing works in Soap UI)
Am I missing something here?


Trace failed fastapi requests with opencensus

I'm using opencensus-python to track requests to my python fastapi application running in production, and exporting the information to Azure AppInsights using the opencensus exporters. I followed the Azure Monitor docs and was helped out by this issue post which puts all the necessary bits in a useful middleware class.
Only to realize later on that requests that caused the app to crash, i.e. unhandled 5xx type errors, would never be tracked, since the call to execute the logic for the request fails before any tracing happens. The Azure Monitor docs only talk about tracking exceptions through the logs, but this is separate from the tracing of requests, unless I'm missing something. I certainly wouldn't want to lose out on failed requests, these are super important to track! I'm accustomed to using the "Failures" tab in app insights to monitor any failing requests.
I figured the way to track these requests is to explicitly handle any internal exceptions using try/catch and export the trace, manually setting the result code to 500. But I found it really odd that there seems to be no documentation of this, on opencensus or Azure.
The problem I have now is: this middleware function is expected to pass back a "response" object, which fastapi then uses as a callable object down the line (not sure why) - but in the case where I caught an exception in the underlying processing (i.e. at await call_next(request)) I don't have any response to return. I tried returning None but this just causes further exceptions down the line (None is not callable).
Here is my version of the middleware class - its very similar to the issue post I linked, but I'm try/catching over await call_next(request) rather than just letting it fail unhanded. Scroll down to the final 5 lines of code to see that.
import logging
from fastapi import Request
from opencensus.trace import (
from import AzureExporter
from opencensus.trace import span as span_module
from opencensus.trace import tracer as tracer_module
from opencensus.trace import utils
from opencensus.trace.propagation import trace_context_http_header_format
from import AzureLogHandler
from starlette.types import ASGIApp
from src.settings import settings
module_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AppInsightsMiddleware:
Middleware class to handle tracing of fastapi requests and exporting the data to AppInsights.
Most of the code here is copied from a github issue:
def __init__(
app: ASGIApp,
) -> None: = app
self.excludelist_paths = excludelist_paths
self.excludelist_hostnames = excludelist_hostnames
self.sampler = sampler or samplers.AlwaysOnSampler()
self.propagator = (
propagator or trace_context_http_header_format.TraceContextPropagator()
self.exporter = exporter or AzureExporter(
async def __call__(self, request: Request, call_next):
# Do not trace if the url is in the exclude list
if utils.disable_tracing_url(str(request.url), self.excludelist_paths):
return await call_next(request)
span_context = self.propagator.from_headers(request.headers)
tracer = tracer_module.Tracer(
except Exception:
module_logger.error("Failed to trace request", exc_info=True)
return await call_next(request)
span = tracer.start_span()
span.span_kind = span_module.SpanKind.SERVER = "[{}]{}".format(request.method, request.url)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_HOST, request.url.hostname)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_METHOD, request.method)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_PATH, request.url.path)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_URL, str(request.url))
"excludelist_hostnames", self.excludelist_hostnames
except Exception: # pragma: NO COVER
module_logger.error("Failed to trace request", exc_info=True)
response = await call_next(request)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status_code)
return response
# Explicitly handle any internal exception here, and set status code to 500
except Exception as exception:
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 500)
return None
I then register this middleware class in like so:
app.middleware("http")(AppInsightsMiddleware(app, sampler=samplers.AlwaysOnSampler()))
Explicitly handle any exception that may occur in processing the API request. That allows you to finish tracing the request, setting the status code to 500. You can then re-throw the exception to ensure that the application raises the expected exception.
response = await call_next(request)
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, response.status_code)
return response
# Explicitly handle any internal exception here, and set status code to 500
except Exception as exception:
tracer.add_attribute_to_current_span(HTTP_STATUS_CODE, 500)
raise exception

"Handler crashed with error runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference", but POSTMAN is ok! Why this happens?

I work with vue and go for frontend and backend respectively. I send post request to my server and get 403 error code message(notAllowed). But in postman I get the objects and is fine.
Vue and Vuex
My axios post request:
const response = await this.$`http://localhost:8000/v1/org/${params.organization}/kkms/${params.kkm}/closeShift`,{
headers : {
'token' : this.state.token.value
I know I should also use other properties like 'Content-Type' and etc in headers, but know it works well with only "token" property in the other requests. I want to know whether problem in backend or frontend?
It seems you have a mistake in the axios request.
You are receiving a 403, that means you are not authorized (or sometimes something else, check the comments in the question and down here ).
As can be found in axios docs, the post request looks like this:[, data[, config]]).
It accepts the config (so the headers) as THIRD parameter, while you are setting it as second parameter. Add an empty FormData object as second param, and just shift your config to the third param.
const fakeData = new FormData();
const response = await this.$`http://localhost:8000/v1/org/${params.organization}/kkms/${params.kkm}/closeShift`,
headers : {
'token' : this.state.token.value

Unable to modify request in middleware using Scrapy

I am in the process of scraping public data regarding metheorology for a project (data science), and in order to effectively do that I need to change the proxy used on my scrapy requests in the event of a 403 response code.
For this, I have defined a download middleware to handle such situation, which is as follows
class ProxyMiddleware(object):
def process_response(self, request, response, spider):
if response.status == 403:
f = open("Proxies.txt")
proxy = random_line(f) # Just returns a random line from the file with a valid structure ("http://IP:port")
new_request = Request(url=request.url)
new_request.meta['proxy'] = proxy"[Response 403] Changed proxy to %s" % proxy)
return new_request
return response
After properly adding the class to, I expected this middleware to deal with 403 responses by generating a new request with the new proxy, hence finishing in a 200 response. The observed behaviour is that it actually gets executed (I can see the Logger info about Changed proxy), but the new request does not seem to be made. Instead, I'm getting this:
2018-12-26 23:33:19 [bot_2] INFO: [Response] Changed proxy to
2018-12-26 23:33:26 [bot_2] INFO: [Response] Changed proxy to
... indefinitely with random proxies, which makes me think that I'm still retrieving 403 errors and the proxy is not changing.
Reading the documentation, regarding process_response, it states:
(...) If it returns a Request object, the middleware chain is halted and the returned request is rescheduled to be downloaded in the future. This is the same behavior as if a request is returned from process_request().
Is it possible that "in the future" is not "right after it is returned"? How should I do to change the proxy for all requests from that moment on?
Scrapy will drop duplicate requests to the same url by default, so that's probably what's happening on your spider. To check if this is your case you can set this settings:
To solve this you should add dont_filter=True:
new_request = Request(url=request.url, dont_filter=True)
Try this:
class ProxyMiddleware(object):
def process_response(self, request, response, spider):
if response.status == 403:
f = open("Proxies.txt")
proxy = random_line(f)
new_request = Request(url=request.url)
new_request.meta['proxy'] = proxy"[Response 403] Changed proxy to %s" % proxy)
return new_request
return response
A better approach would be to use scrapy random proxies module instead:
'rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware': 610,
'rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 620

How do I inject new request header with json data in proxy request flow?

I am trying to inject a new request header in the proxy request flow using JS policy to be sent to the backend server. When I look at the debug trace, I see that the json data in the request header is distorted.
I am trying to inject some string like
But when I look at the trace window I see this
what am I doing wrong?
var obj = {"scope":"","time_till":2264,"id_1":"hUXLXVqpA1J4vA9sayk2UttWNdM","custom_data":{"c_id":"test_data"}};
var header_str = JSON.stringify(obj);
request.headers['x-json-hedar']= header_str;
I tested your code and it seems to work. Here's an example response where I set the header string as a response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
User-Agent: curl/7.30.0
Accept: */*
x-json-header: {"scope":"","time_till":2264,"id_1":"hUXLXVqpA1J4vA9sayk2UttWNdM","custom_data":{"c_id":"test_data"}}
Content-Length: 0
It appears this is only an issue with the Apigee debug session / trace tool as the header value was set correctly. Here was the JSON download of the debug session showing this header value:
"name": "x-json-header",
"value": "{\"scope\":\"\",\"time_till\":2264,id_1\":\"hUXLXVqpA1J4vA9sayk2UttWNdM,\"custom_data\":{\"c_id\":\"test_data\"}}"
You can see that the value passed to the UI for displaying the debug info has the malformed json:
This does not appear to be a problem with the Apigee debug/trace UI. I see the malformed JSON trickle down to my backend service.
Here is the header I'm trying to send -
{"timeStamp":"2349218349381274","latitude":"34.589","longitude":"-37.343","clientIp":"","deviceId":"MOBILE_TEST_DEVICE_AGAIN","macAddress":"23:45:345:345","deviceType":"phone","deviceOS":"iOS","deviceModel":"iPhone 5S","connection":"5G","carrier":"Vodafone","refererURL":"","xforwardedFor":"","sessionId":"kfkls498327ksdjf","application":"mobile-app","appVersion":"7.6.5","serviceVersion":"1.0","userAgent":"Gecko"}
But Apigee reads the header as below. Note the missing start quotes from some fields.
{"timeStamp":"2349218349381274",latitude":"34.589,longitude":"-37.343,clientIp":",deviceId":"MOBILE_TEST_DEVICE_AGAIN,macAddress":"23:45:345:345,deviceType":"phone,deviceOS":"iOS,deviceModel":"iPhone 5S,connection":"5G,carrier":"Vodafone,refererURL":",xforwardedFor":",sessionId":"kfkls498327ksdjf,application":"mobile-app,appVersion":"7.6.5,serviceVersion":"1.0,"userAgent":"Gecko"}
The header is used in a service callout to a backend service which parses it. And rightly so, I get the below error -
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('l' (code 108)): was expecting double-quote to start field name
at [Source:; line: 1, column: 35]
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser._constructError(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportError(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase._reportUnexpectedChar(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._handleUnusualFieldName(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser._parseFieldName(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.ReaderBasedJsonParser.nextToken(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer.deserializeFromObject(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.BeanDeserializer.deserialize(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper._readMapAndClose(
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper.readValue(
I encounter strange behaviour when adding JSON to a context variable for example like the following:
var header_str = JSON.stringify(obj);
I appreciate this is an example so you may not have included the full extent of the problem but this normally works (now it is not added to a variable first):
request.headers['x-json-header'] = JSON.stringify(obj);
Code like this also works if you can send the request from JavaScript
var headers = {"Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Language": "en"};
var sessionRequest = new Request(url, 'POST', headers, body);
var exchange = httpClient.send(sessionRequest);
if (exchange.isSuccess()){
var responseObj = exchange.getResponse().content.asJSON;
if (responseObj.error){
request.content += JSON.stringify(responseObj);
Also, I have had success with using an AssignMessage policy to build a request, followed by a Callout policy to read the stored request and then make that request and store the result in a response object which can then be read by an Extract Variables policy.

why is my grails integration testing of my web api failing?

I am developing an app that appends all the values of the form to a FormData() object e.g. "msgBody" and sends it to the grails server-side where it is consumed by jax-rs api. I have used something like:
GrailsWebRequest request = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest()
def params = request.getParams()
if (!(params.msgBody.length() > 0)) {
log.error("Empty message body")
The problem I am having is with the integration testing of that api where I have written:
def headers = ['Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryZ7dAiucrA3eTbjzI', 'Accept': 'application/json']
def content='{"msgBody":"Hello World"}'
sendRequest("/api/v1/message", 'POST', headers, content.bytes)
I keep on getting the "500 Internal Server Error" and error message:
"Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method length() on null object".
Why is this happening?
I have found out that you don't need to set the Content-Type in the headers and you also have to set all the fields of the FormData() object even if they are null. I did so but still I am getting the same NullPointerException message.
