Transloco configuration missingHandler.logMissingKey - transloco

I have an Angular component that gets a TranslocoService injected into the constructor. The point of this component is to use the key provided as the output of the transform method in the event the key isn't found. This is done to make migrating existing components easier so I don't have to do them all at once.
The problem I'm having is that if I do this in the constructor in my component the config setting doesn't seem to have any affect.
this.translocoService.config.missingHandler.logMissingKey = false;
What am I missing here?
The translate function is as follows:
transform(contentKey: string, l10nBasePath: string): string {
const translatedText: string = this.translocoService.translate(l10nBasePath + '.' + contentKey);
if (translatedText !== null) {
return translatedText;
return contentKey;


g_object_get_property: can't retrieve property '....' of type 'gchararray' as value of type 'GValue'

I try to understand the whole GObject stuff and tried a class with three properties,
where two properties have getter and setters: 'example-property-a', 'example-property-b'
Each emit the notify signal different.
'example-property-a' emits, whenever the property changed its value.
'example-property-b' emits, whenever the property is set.
for 'example-property-c' i dont use a getter or setter. i use the GObject instance methods.
instance.set_property ([ property name STR] , [value STR] );
instance.get_property ([ property name STR] , [value GValue] ); says a GValue is needed as parameter.
But i get an error :g_object_get_property: can't retrieve property 'example-property-c' of type 'gchararray' as value of type 'GValue'
hm ... how to get a gchararray? - the complete class try
const GOBJECT =;
//-- prefix: 'go_' ... instances of classes and classes themselves, which inherit from GOBJECT.Object have this prefix
const go_Example = GOBJECT.registerClass(
GTypeName: 'SubclassExample',
Properties: {
'example-property-a': GOBJECT.ParamSpec.double('example-property-a', '', '', GOBJECT.ParamFlags.READWRITE, Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, 0),
'example-property-b': GOBJECT.ParamSpec.boolean('example-property-b', '', '', GOBJECT.ParamFlags.READWRITE, true),
'example-property-c': GOBJECT.ParamSpec.string('example-property-c', '', '', GOBJECT.ParamFlags.READWRITE, null) },
Signals: {
'example-signal': { flags: GOBJECT.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, param_types: [GOBJECT.TYPE_STRING], accumulator: GOBJECT.AccumulatorType.TRUE_HANDLED, return_type: GOBJECT.TYPE_BOOLEAN } }
class go_Example extends GOBJECT.Object
_init (properties) //-- _init ... name of the constructor in GObject classes
//-- set standard defined above in properties
//-- 'example_property_a' get, set link on '_example_property_a' -> notify, only if value has changed
get example_property_a () { return this._example_property_a; }
set example_property_a (value) { if (this._example_property_a === value) return; this._example_property_a = value; this.notify ("example-property-a"); }
//-- 'example_property_b' get, set link on '_example_property_b'; notify, if value is set
get example_property_b () { return this._example_property_b; }
set example_property_b (value) { this._example_property_b = value; this.notify ("example-property-b"); }
//-- no get, set of example_propertyC -> notify over GOBJECT.Object.set_property function
let go_Obj=new go_Example ({example_property_a:12.5585, example_property_b:true, example_property_c: "hello world"});
let GValue_RV=new GOBJECT.Value; //-- return Value
go_Obj.connect ("notify::example-property-c", function (instance, ParamSpec) {log (instance+" - "+ParamSpec.get_name ());});
go_Obj.set_property ("example-property-c","hello");
go_Obj.get_property ("example-property-c",GValue_RV);
log (GValue_RV.get_string());
here i construct a GValue for returning the value of get_property
let GValue_RV=new GOBJECT.Value; //-- return Value
whats wrong?
other questions- if i construct a GObject.Object instance, can i install a ParamSpec property on a special object instance, because i only found install properties on a complete class?
Usually you won't want to use GObject.get_property() or GObject.set_property() in GJS. Instead you should just use the native accessors and allow GJS to do the heavy lifting for you:
const myObject = new MyObject();
// Getting a property
let stringValue = myObject.example_property_c;
// Setting a property
myObject.example_property_c = 'string value';
There is an introduction to GObject and a more thorough guide on subclassing on the website:
The Basics of GObject: Properties
GObject Subclassing: Properties
if i construct a GObject.Object instance, can i install a ParamSpec property on a special object instance, because i only found install properties on a complete class?
No, you can only install GObject properties on a class when it is defined, not on an instance. You can, however, add native JavaScript properties with Object.defineProperty().

Aurelia creating a Binding Behaviour that wraps SignalBindingBehaviour

I've currently got a simple Value Converter which uses momentjs to convert Dates to strings:
export class MomentValueConverter {
public toView(value: Date, format: string): string {
return moment(value).format(format);
However, wherever I use it I end up having to combine it with the aurelia-translation-signal so that its updated if the user changes the current language.
${fileSaved | moment:'ll LTS' & signal:'aurelia-translation-signal'}
How do I instead create a Binding Behavior that automatically takes care of the signalling from aurelia-translation-signal?
Then I could use it like:
${fileSaved & moment:'ll LTS'}
There is a good example in aurelia-i18n library,
import {ValueConverter} from 'aurelia-binding';
import {SignalBindingBehavior} from 'aurelia-templating-resources';
export class TBindingBehavior {
static inject = [SignalBindingBehavior];
constructor(signalBindingBehavior) {
this.signalBindingBehavior = signalBindingBehavior;
bind(binding, source) {
// bind the signal behavior
this.signalBindingBehavior.bind(binding, source, 'aurelia-translation-signal');
// rewrite the expression to use the TValueConverter.
// pass through any args to the binding behavior to the TValueConverter
let sourceExpression = binding.sourceExpression;
// do create the sourceExpression only once
if (sourceExpression.rewritten) {
sourceExpression.rewritten = true;
let expression = sourceExpression.expression;
sourceExpression.expression = new ValueConverter(
[expression, ...sourceExpression.args]);
unbind(binding, source) {
// unbind the signal behavior
this.signalBindingBehavior.unbind(binding, source);
UPDATE: Signals are internally supported by value converters already
import {signalBindings} from 'aurelia-framework';
export class FlightTimeValueConverter {
signals = ['locale-changed'];
toView(date) {
return date.toLocaleString(window.currentLocale);

TypeScript vs Java object properties [duplicate]

I'm not sure of the best approach for handling scoping of "this" in TypeScript.
Here's an example of a common pattern in the code I am converting over to TypeScript:
class DemonstrateScopingProblems {
private status = "blah";
public run() {
var thisTest = new DemonstrateScopingProblems();
// works as expected, displays "blah":;
// doesn't work; this is scoped to be the document so this.status is undefined:
Now, I could change the call to...
...which does work. But it's kinda horrible. It means that code can all compile and work fine in some circumstances, but if we forget to bind the scope it will break.
I would like a way to do it within the class, so that when using the class we don't need to worry about what "this" is scoped to.
Any suggestions?
Another approach that works is using the fat arrow:
class DemonstrateScopingProblems {
private status = "blah";
public run = () => {
Is that a valid approach?
You have a few options here, each with its own trade-offs. Unfortunately there is no obvious best solution and it will really depend on the application.
Automatic Class Binding
As shown in your question:
class DemonstrateScopingProblems {
private status = "blah";
public run = () => {
Good/bad: This creates an additional closure per method per instance of your class. If this method is usually only used in regular method calls, this is overkill. However, if it's used a lot in callback positions, it's more efficient for the class instance to capture the this context instead of each call site creating a new closure upon invoke.
Good: Impossible for external callers to forget to handle this context
Good: Typesafe in TypeScript
Good: No extra work if the function has parameters
Bad: Derived classes can't call base class methods written this way using super.
Bad: The exact semantics of which methods are "pre-bound" and which aren't create an additional non-typesafe contract between your class and its consumers.
Also as shown:
Good/bad: Opposite memory/performance trade-off compared to the first method
Good: No extra work if the function has parameters
Bad: In TypeScript, this currently has no type safety
Bad: Only available in ECMAScript 5, if that matters to you
Bad: You have to type the instance name twice
Fat arrow
In TypeScript (shown here with some dummy parameters for explanatory reasons):
$(document).ready((n, m) =>, m));
Good/bad: Opposite memory/performance trade-off compared to the first method
Good: In TypeScript, this has 100% type safety
Good: Works in ECMAScript 3
Good: You only have to type the instance name once
Bad: You'll have to type the parameters twice
Bad: Doesn't work with variadic parameters
Another solution that requires some initial setup but pays off with its invincibly light, literally one-word syntax is using Method Decorators to JIT-bind methods through getters.
I've created a repo on GitHub to showcase an implementation of this idea (it's a bit lengthy to fit into an answer with its 40 lines of code, including comments), that you would use as simply as:
class DemonstrateScopingProblems {
private status = "blah";
#bound public run() {
I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere yet, but it works flawlessly. Also, there is no notable downside to this approach: the implementation of this decorator -- including some type-checking for runtime type-safety -- is trivial and straightforward, and comes with essentially zero overhead after the initial method call.
The essential part is defining the following getter on the class prototype, which is executed immediately before the first call:
get: function () {
// Create bound override on object instance. This will hide the original method on the prototype, and instead yield a bound version from the
// instance itself. The original method will no longer be accessible. Inside a getter, 'this' will refer to the instance.
var instance = this;
Object.defineProperty(instance, propKey.toString(), {
value: function () {
// This is effectively a lightweight bind() that skips many (here unnecessary) checks found in native implementations.
return originalMethod.apply(instance, arguments);
// The first invocation (per instance) will return the bound method from here. Subsequent calls will never reach this point, due to the way
// JavaScript runtimes look up properties on objects; the bound method, defined on the instance, will effectively hide it.
return instance[propKey];
Full source
The idea can be also taken one step further, by doing this in a class decorator instead, iterating over methods and defining the above property descriptor for each of them in one pass.
There's an obvious simple solution that doesn't require arrow-functions (arrow-functions are 30% slower), or JIT-methods through getters.
That solution is to bind the this-context in the constructor.
class DemonstrateScopingProblems
{ =;
private status = "blah";
public run() {
You can write an autobind method to automatically bind all functions in the constructor of the class:
class DemonstrateScopingProblems
export function autoBind(self)
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.constructor.prototype))
const val = self[key];
if (key !== 'constructor' && typeof val === 'function')
// console.log(key);
self[key] = val.bind(self);
} // End if (key !== 'constructor' && typeof val === 'function')
} // Next key
return self;
} // End Function autoBind
Note that if you don't put the autobind-function into the same class as a member function, it's just autoBind(this); and not this.autoBind(this);
And also, the above autoBind function is dumbed down, to show the principle.
If you want this to work reliably, you need to test if the function is a getter/setter of a property as well, because otherwise - boom - if your class contains properties, that is.
Like this:
export function autoBind(self)
for (const key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self.constructor.prototype))
if (key !== 'constructor')
// console.log(key);
let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(self.constructor.prototype, key);
if (desc != null)
if (!desc.configurable) {
console.log("AUTOBIND-WARNING: Property \"" + key + "\" not configurable ! (" + + ")");
let g = desc.get != null;
let s = desc.set != null;
if (g || s)
var newGetter = null;
var newSetter = null;
if (g)
newGetter = desc.get.bind(self);
if (s)
newSetter = desc.set.bind(self);
if (newGetter != null && newSetter == null) {
Object.defineProperty(self, key, {
get: newGetter,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
configurable: desc.configurable
else if (newSetter != null && newGetter == null) {
Object.defineProperty(self, key, {
set: newSetter,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
configurable: desc.configurable
else {
Object.defineProperty(self, key, {
get: newGetter,
set: newSetter,
enumerable: desc.enumerable,
configurable: desc.configurable
continue; // if it's a property, it can't be a function
} // End if (g || s)
} // End if (desc != null)
if (typeof (self[key]) === 'function')
let val = self[key];
self[key] = val.bind(self);
} // End if (typeof (self[key]) === 'function')
} // End if (key !== 'constructor')
} // Next key
return self;
} // End Function autoBind
In your code, have you tried just changing the last line as follows?
$(document).ready(() =>;

Dart Language: observable

I have two table rows at an HTML file. When the first row gets clicked, it changes its styling via classes.add("active_style"). If the second row gets clicked, I would like to clear the first row styling.
I know that I can just write...
... in order to clear the first row class (and then resetting its style), but in a bigger code I think that observable would be the best fit.
I don't know if observable works for this. But, if it does, how can I do that?
EDIT/UPDATE: I think that the right question is "is there any way to run a function when a variable gets changed?".
Thanks for the help!
You can make a getter/setter for a field and run your function in the setter.
class MyClass {
String _cssClass;
String get cssClass => _cssClass;
set cssClass(String newClass) {
_cssClass = newClass;
void updateDom() {
// do important work here
You can use a model class that extends Observable.
Here you have to call dirtyCheck() to make Observable check for changes and notify listeners.
Dart also offers the ChangeNotifier mixin. Here you don't need to call any method for dirty-checking. When changes are made listeners are invoked.
A simple example I wrote a while ago while examining the functionality
import 'package:observe/observe.dart';
class Notifiable extends Object with ChangeNotifier {
String _input = '';
get input => _input;
set input(val) {
_input = notifyPropertyChange(#input, _input, val + " new");
Notifiable() {
this.changes.listen((List<ChangeRecord> record) => record.forEach(print));
class MyObservable extends Observable {
String counter = '';
MyObservable() {
this.changes.listen((List<ChangeRecord> record) => record.forEach(print));
void main() {
var x = new MyObservable();
x.counter = "hallo";
Notifiable notifiable = new Notifiable();
notifiable.input = 'xxx';
notifiable.input = 'yyy';

Can I get some advice on JavaScript delegates?

I'm rusty with delegates and closures in JavaScript, and think I came across a situation where I'd like to try to use one or both.
I have a web app that behaves a lot like a forms app, with fields hitting a server to change data on every onBlur or onChange (depending on the form element). I use ASP.NET 3.5's Web Services and jQuery to do most of the work.
What you need to know for the example:
isBlocking() is a simple mechanism to form some functions to be synchronous (like a mutex)
isDirty(el) checks to make sure the value of the element actually changed before wasting a call to the server
Agent() returns a singleton instance of the WebService proxy class
getApplicationState() passes a base-64 encoded string to the web service. This string represents the state of the application -- the value of the element and the state are passed to a service that does some calculations. The onSuccess function of the web service call returns the new state, which the client processes and updates the entire screen.
waitForCallback() sets a flag that isBlocking() checks for the mutex
Here's an example of one of about 50 very similar functions:
function Field1_Changed(el) {
if (isBlocking()) return false;
if (isDirty(el)) {
Agent().Field1_Changed($j(el).val(), getApplicationState());
The big problem is that the Agent().Field_X_Changed methods can accept a different number of parameters, but it's usually just the value and the state. So, writing these functions gets repetitive. I have done this so far to try out using delegates:
function Field_Changed(el, updateFunction, checkForDirty) {
if (isBlocking()) return false;
var isDirty = true; // assume true
if (checkForDirty === true) {
isDirty = IsDirty(el);
if (isDirty) {
function Field1_Changed(el) {
Field_Changed(el, function(el) {
Agent().Field1_Changed($j(el).val(), getTransactionState());
}, true);
This is ok, but sometimes I could have many parameters:
Agent().Field2_Changed($j(el).val(), index, count, getApplicationState());
What I'd ultimately like to do is make one-linen calls, something like this (notice no getTransactionState() calls -- I would like that automated somehow):
// Typical case: 1 value parameter
function Field1_Changed(el) {
Field_Changed(el, delegate(Agent().Field1_Changed, $j(el).val()), true);
// Rare case: multiple value parameters
function Field2_Changed(el, index, count) {
Field_Changed(el, delegate(Agent().Field1_Changed, $j(el).val(), index, count), true);
function Field_Changed(el, theDelegate, checkIsDirty) {
function delegate(method) {
/* create the change delegate */
Ok, my first question is: Is this all worth it? Is this harder to read but easier to maintain or the other way around? This is a pretty good undertaking, so I may end up putting a bounty on this one, but I'd appreciate any help you could offer. Thanks!
So, I've accepted an answer based on the fact that it pointed me in the right direction. I thought I'd come back and post my solution so that others who may just be starting out with delegates have something to model from. I'm also posting it to see if anybody wants to try an optimize it or make suggestions. Here's the common Field_Changed() method I came up with, with checkForDirty and omitState being optional parameters:
function Field_Changed(el, args, delegate, checkForDirty, omitState) {
if (isBlocking()) return false;
if (!$j.isArray(args) || args.length == 0) {
alert('The "args" parameter in Field_Changed() must be an array.');
return false;
checkForDirty = checkForDirty || true; // assume true if not passed
var isDirty = true; // assume true for updates that don't require this check
if (checkForDirty === true) {
isDirty = fieldIsDirty(el);
if (isDirty) {
omitState = omitState || false; // assume false if not passed
if (!omitState) {
var state = getTransactionState();
delegate.apply(this, args);
It handles everything I need it to (check for dirty, applying the application state when I need it to, and forcing synchronous webservice calls. I use it like this:
function TransactionAmount_Changed(el) {
Field_Changed(el, [cleanDigits($j(el).val())], Agent().TransactionAmount_Changed, true);
cleanDigits strips out junk characters the user may have tried to type in. So, thanks to everyone, and happy coding!
OK, few things:
Delegates are extremely simple in javascript since functions are first class members.
Function.apply lets you call a function with an array of arguments.
So you can write it this way
function Field_Changed(delegate, args)
if (isBlocking()) return false;
if (isDirty(args[0])) { //args[0] is el
delegate.apply(this, args);
And call it as:
Field_Changed(Agent().Field2_Changed, [el, getApplicationState(), whatever...]);
I have been using the following utility function that I wrote a long time ago:
* #classDescription This class contains different utility functions
function Utils()
* This method returns a delegate function closure that will call
* targetMethod on targetObject with specified arguments and with
* arguments specified by the caller of this delegate
* #param {Object} targetObj - the object to call the method on
* #param {Object} targetMethod - the method to call on the object
* #param {Object} [arg1] - optional argument 1
* #param {Object} [arg2] - optional argument 2
* #param {Object} [arg3] - optional argument 3
Utils.createDelegate = function( targetObj, targetMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
// Create an array containing the arguments
var initArgs = new Array();
// Skip the first two arguments as they are the target object and method
for( var i = 2; i < arguments.length; ++i )
initArgs.push( arguments[i] );
// Return the closure
return function()
// Add the initial arguments of the delegate
var args = initArgs.slice(0);
// Add the actual arguments specified by the call to this list
for( var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i )
args.push( arguments[i] );
return targetMethod.apply( targetObj, args );
So, in your example, I would replace
function Field1_Changed(el) {
Field_Changed(el, delegate(Agent().Field1_Changed, $j(el).val()), true);
With something along the lines
function Field1_Changed(el) {
Field_Changed(el, Utils.createDelegate(Agent(), Agent().Field1_Changed, $j(el).val()), true);
Then, inside of Agent().FieldX_Changed I would manually call getApplicationState() (and encapsulate that logic into a generic method to process field changes that all of the Agent().FieldX_Changed methods would internally call).
Closures and delegates in JavaScript:
