Gatsby cloud CMS Previews are failing with: Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use - gatsby-cloud

I've been trying to get my Gatsby Cloud CMS Previews to work for like over a week now with no success. I've upgraded Gatsby to latest V3 (13.14.5) and all it's dependencies. When running yarn upgrade-interactive it says success All of your dependencies are up to date..
My "normal" Gatsby Cloud builds runs without errors, but my CMS Preview fails with this:
ERROR Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use
14:30:25 PM:
at doListen (net.js:1516:7)
14:30:25 PM:
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:83:21)
14:30:25 PM:
at listenInCluster (net.js:1379:12)
Any ideas? Is there anyway I can get in touch with the Gatsby team about this?

Alright so I found out that it had to do with my webpack-bundle-anlyzer trying to run in production. Removed usage from production and then it worked!


Next.js example takes a long time to compile due to Inter google fonts

I'm trying with the trivial next.js example blog from their tutorial. However, when I access the page, I get the following situation:
$ npm run dev
> nextjs-blog#0.1.0 dev /Users/<redacted>/tmp/nextjs-blog
> next dev
ready - started server on, URL: http://localhost:3000
event - compiled client and server successfully in 386 ms (165 modules)
wait - compiling /_error (client and server)...
event - compiled client and server successfully in 91 ms (166 modules)
warn - Fast Refresh had to perform a full reload due to a runtime error.
wait - compiling / (client and server)...
error - Failed to download `Inter` from Google Fonts. Using fallback font instead.
event - compiled client and server successfully in 152.9s (195 modules)
error - Failed to download `Inter` from Google Fonts. Using fallback font instead.
warn - Fast Refresh had to perform a full reload due to a runtime error.
I am not sure why it hangs for two minutes and why it can't download the google fonts. I am behind a proxy, so I suspect that could be a factor, but I cannot find anything on how to set up a proxy for next.js in the configuration (assuming the actual problem is that).
Note that HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY are set correctly.
I'm running with these:
"next": "13.0.7"
npx create-next-app#latest nextjs-blog --use-npm --example
GitHub Link
I tried as suggested to run npm run build, and I get the following:
$ npm run build
> nextjs-blog#0.1.0 build /Users/xxx/tmp/nextjs-blog
> next build
info - Linting and checking validity of types
info - Creating an optimized production build
Failed to compile.
`#next/font` error:
Failed to fetch `Inter` from Google Fonts.
> Build failed because of webpack errors
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! nextjs-blog#0.1.0 build: `next build`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the nextjs-blog#0.1.0 build script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
The logs file does not give more info than this.
Same issue, I suspect it's because #next/font doesn't respect HTTPS_PROXY
environment variable. It's really frustrating for a new user (behind a proxy) who read the fantastic docs but cannot even run a minimal create-next-app project (at least the default index.js).
I Disconnected with the VPN and it solved this problem.
some solutions
solution 1
just remove the #next/font/google module, if you don't need it.
import Head from 'next/head'
import Image from 'next/image'
- import { Inter } from '#next/font/google'
import styles from '#/styles/Home.module.css'
- const inter = Inter({ subsets: ['latin'] })
solution 2
if you are using a VPN, quit your VPN and try it again.
As #ashwani-panwar suggested.
It works for me.
I had this same issue, but I wasn't behind a proxy, after a lot of code testing I discovered the fault was from #next/font/google, it stuck on compiling /page and didn't show an error. A temporary solution I found is to use a VPN service to change your IP address, there seems to be a network request issue when Next gets the fonts from the server.
visiting seems to indicate whether the issue is from Google's servers or something else, if #next/font/google is causing a slowdown visiting the fonts page ussually hangs too.

AWS Amplify build failing - Failed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: amplify

I have an AWS-Amplify project that had been building without a problem but is now failing.
# Starting phase: build
2021-11-20T00:40:02.506Z [INFO]: [31mFailed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: amplify[39m
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [ERROR]: !!! Build failed
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [ERROR]: !!! Non-Zero Exit Code detected
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [INFO]: # Starting environment caching...
2021-11-20T00:40:02.565Z [INFO]: # Environment caching completed
Terminating logging...
The problem seemed to start after I made an error doing a pull request (in the wrong direction!), however, the problem has persisted despite reverting back to an earlier commit.
I have also ensured all the Amplify code is up to date amplify pull, as well as trying amplify configure and amplify init on my development machine.
Other posts that describe problems with 'Profile Configuration' seem to be related to the development machine and setting up the CLI. This failure is happening when I try to build on AWS using continuous deploys, building locally works fine.
so i got it to work.
Just delete the aws-exports.json and the amplify folder.
Then run the command from amplify which is something like:
amplify pull --appId XXXXXXXXXXX --envName dev
After a few mins, it will prompt you to select:
select AWS KEYS
enter credentials for a programmatic user and it should be fine

Next.js - ERROR Build directory is not writeable on Google Cloud Build

I was trying to automate the deployment process of my Next.JS application to App Engine using Cloud Build but at the build phase it keeps on failing with:
Error: > Build directory is not writeable.
I cant seem to figure out what to fix for this.
My current build file is and it keeps failing on step 2:
# install dependencies
- name: ''
args: ['install']
# build the container image
- name: ''
args: ['run', 'build']
# deploy to app engine
- name: ""
args: ["app", "deploy"]
- 'PORT=8080'
- 'NODE_ENV=production'
timeout: "1600s"
runtime: nodejs12
- url: /.*
secure: always
script: auto
PORT: 8080
NODE_ENV: 'production'
any help would be appreciated
Can reproduce the same behavior after upgrading to next version 9.3.3.
The issue is related to the npm dependency which is managed by google if you use seems they are running your build inside of Google Cloud Build on an old node version.
Here you can find the currently supported version
As you can see Googles latest node version is 10.10. The newest next.js version requires at least node 10.13
Change to
- name: node
entrypoint: npm
in order to use the official docker npm package which runs on node12.
After those changes your build will be successful again.
Switching to the official npm will increase the build duration (at least in my case). It takes around 2 minutes longer then the gcr npm.

How to know which version of Google Firebase plugin to use in Flutter app?

I've been stuck with Gradle not building (working on iOS fine). I struggled because Gradle was giving a generic error, finally got this today:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong: Failed to capture fingerprint of input files for task ':app:preDebugBuild' property 'compileManifests' during up-to-date check.
> In project 'app' a resolved Google Play services library dependency depends on another at an exact version (e.g. "[18.0. 0]", but isn't being resolved to that version. Behavior exhibited by the library will be unknown.
Dependency failing: ->[18.0.0], but fire base-iid version was 17.1.2.
The following dependencies are project dependencies that are direct or have transitive dependencies that lead to the art ifact with the issue. -- Project 'app' depends on project 'firebase_messaging' which depends onto 0
-- Project 'app' depends on project 'firebase_core' which depends onto -- Project 'app' depends on project 'firebase_analytics' which depends onto 0 -- Project 'app' depends on project 'firebase_remote_config' which depends onto .1 -- Project 'app' depends onto
For extended debugging info execute Gradle from the command line with ./gradlew --info :app:assembleDebug to see the dep endency paths to the artifact. This error message came from the google-services Gradle plugin, report issues at https:// and disable by adding "googleServices { disableVersionCheck = false }" to your b uild.gradle file.
* Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
* Get more help at
This was after I took out the version numbers from my pubspec to see if that would help. I don't understand Google's version numbering and I'm not sure which versions of plugins I should be installing as it has caused conflicts in the past:
sdk: flutter
flutter_app_badger: #for launcher badge icon (notifications)
Google doesn't seem to maintain consistent version numbering and by taking out the version numbers I thought it would at least take the latest version of the plugins which theoretically should work. So, how can I solve this?
You should begin by putting the version number back in there.
This is an issue with firebase / play services versions being mismatched so you know for sure the other plugins in your pubspec.yaml are fine.
The dependancy which is failing is firebase messaging.
It's using many words to tell you package depends on[18.0.0]
but it's only finding 17.1.2.
You need
in the future, if you are having version issues check the specific packages GitHub issues to see if there's anything currently wrong with the version you're on. This will save you a lot of time.
I wouldn't recommend removing version numbers from your pubsepc.yaml but if you type
firebase_messaging: any
It will get a compatible version for you.
The error you are getting is not necessarily from the packages you have listed in pubspec.yaml. It is referring to the dependencies on build.gradle.
Google has no issue with the version numbers. There is a difference between the versions of packages i.e what you have listed on pubspec.yaml and the dependencies on app/build.gradle. It would be wise to reconsider the number of packages you use as every package has a dependency and you may end up in a sticky situation where multiple packages are conflicting. In addition you end up with a bloated solution for minimal functionality.
Removing version numbers will not help as some packages are incompatible. I would suggest you start with the packages you require i.e the firebase which from experience have no issues then incrementally add if necessary.

(Meteor) Mup deploy "read ECONNREST Error"

I don’t know what is going on.
I reinstalled my Computer and updated Meteor. I had some permission problems in a earlier problem I could fix that tho. Meteor is normally running if I don't want to deploy it. Deploying used to work just fine btw.
mup.cmd deploy --settings settings.json
Building App Bundle Locally
Started TaskList: Pushing Meteor App
[] - Pushing Meteor App Bundle to the Server
[] - Pushing Meteor App Bundle to the Server: SUCCESS
[] - Prepare Bundle
[] - Prepare Bundle: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Configuring App
[] - Pushing the Startup Script
[] - Pushing the Startup Script: SUCCESS
[] - Sending Environment Variables
[] - Sending Environment Variables: SUCCESS
Started TaskList: Start Meteor
[] - Start Meteor
throw er; // Unhandled ‘error’ event
Error: read ECONNRESET
at _errnoException (util.js:1022:11)
at TCP.onread (net.js:615:25)
What does that mean? I couldn’t find any solution for my problem online. Do you know what is wrong?
This error can happen if your IP address cannot SSH. Make sure your IP
hasn't changed, or change your rules/IP in the security groups of the
service you are using.
There was another case of this recently here mup setup : Error: Timed out while waiting for handshake
But I don't think he sorted it out. He has also reported it on the mup issues list
You can also enable debugging and set mup to be verbose like this:
DEBUG=mup* mup <command> --verbose
(docs at
