Unexpected symbol error when trying to run a function - r

Im trying to run the function below but I get:
Error: unexpected symbol in:
"MMod<-function (Pmat, cycle, n, Init, halfcycle=F, measure, discount=.03)
{cumul<-0 i"
MMod<-function (Pmat, cycle, n, Init, halfcycle=F, measure, discount=.03)
{cumul<-0 i<-1 istate<-Init m<-measure*cycle
if (halfcycle) {cumul<-0.5*(Init%*%m)} while (i <= n)
{ istate<-istate%*%Pmat imeasure<-istate%*%m cumul<-cumul+imeasure
#print(paste(c(i,round(istate,2),cumul))) i<-i+1
if (halfcycle) {cumul<-cumul - 0.5*imeasure} return(cumul)}
then I get more erros but I believe that is the key to run it.

R (among many programming languages) is very particular about this: different expressions must be separated either by a newline or a semi-colon. Try this:
MMod <- function(Pmat, cycle, n, Init, halfcycle = FALSE, measure, discount = 0.03) {
cumul <- 0
i <- 1
istate <- Init
m <- measure * cycle
if (halfcycle) {
cumul <- 0.5 * (Init %*% m)
while (i <= n) {
istate <- istate %*% Pmat
imeasure <- istate %*% m
cumul <- cumul + imeasure
#print(paste(c(i,round(istate,2),cumul))) i<-i+1
m <- m * (1 - discount * cycle)
if (halfcycle) {
cumul <- cumul - 0.5 * imeasure


Writing recursion function for probability

I am trying to find where the probability reaches a certain point; then, the function will return the value responsible for this probability.
The function I wrote takes two arguments
p represents the number of CPUs
q the number of jobs processed by each CPU
The function wants to optimise the number of CPUs in a server that will guarantee a 0.9 probability that each CPU will handle only one job simultaneously. Therefore, the number of processors (p) needs to be > the number of jobs (q).
opcpu <- function(p,q){
if (p < q){
paste("The number of processors should be",q," or more")
} else {
prob = prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
while (prob < 0.9){
p = p + 1
I wrote the function as a recursion function. But it seems there is something wrong.
I tried to run the function, but it is not working. Solving the problem by trial and error gives that p = 631 when q = 12.
You’re on the right track. Try using if instead of while, and returning either p or a recursive call:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (p < q) {
stop("The number of processors should be", q, " or more")
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
if (prob < 0.9) {
} else {
# 631
Or you could use while instead of recursion:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (p < q) {
stop("The number of processors should be", q, " or more")
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
while (prob < 0.9){
p <- p + 1
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
# 631
Note, I changed your paste() to stop(), since it seems you’re trying to indicate that p < q isn’t valid input. Another option would be to just start testing at p = q if the input is missing or less than q:
opcpu <- function(p,q) {
if (missing(p) || p < q) p <- q
prob <- prod(p:(p-(q-1)))/p^q
if (prob < 0.9) {
} else {
opcpu(q = 12)
# 631

Error in if (randomNumber <= p) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

I get a problem when I run this program in R.
anybody help me to solving this problem..?
cdf2 <- function(x, help) {
pgamma(x, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) *
pgamma(x, shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2])-help
nextEventTime <- function(censoring) {
randomNumber <- runif(n=1, min=0, max=1)
pnew <- randomNumber * (1 - cdf2(censoring, 0)) + cdf2(censoring, 0)
uniroot(f=cdf2, interval=c(0, 1000*tau), help=pnew)$root
hazardRate1 <- function(t) {
dgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) /
(1 - pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]))
hazardRate2 <- function(t) {
dgamma(t, shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2]) /
(1 - pgamma(t,shape=par_2[1], scale=par_2[2]))
nextEventType <- function(t) {
p <- hazardRate1(t)/(hazardRate1(t)+hazardRate2(t))
randomNumber <- runif(n=1, min=0, max=1)
if (randomNumber <= p) {1} else {2}
for(i in 1:nrow(dfnexteventime)){
When I run this program, this program will error & produce output like this
Error in if (randomNumber <= p) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I think this problem because t value in nextEventType(t) function can't zero (t!=0).
But nextEventTime(dfnexteventime$nexteventtime[i]) never produce zero value, when I run this part for 10 times,
for(i in 1:nrow(dfnexteventime)){
without nextEventType function. This part never produce 0 value.
So, I confuse, what is a problem?.
I want result nextEventType(t) produce not zero value.
because if using zero value will be Error in if(ramdonNumber <= p) { :...
Your problem isn't calling nextEventType(t) on zero, since this will never happen. However, the same error occurs whenever nextEventType(t) is called on a value of t greater than 195. At this point, the term pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) is so close to one that R evaluates 1 - pgamma(t, shape=par_1[1], scale=par_1[2]) to zero, so hazardRate1(t) returns Inf. Since nextEventType(t) is trying to assign p to Inf/Inf, p is never defined.
> p <- hazardRate1(196)/(hazardRate1(196) + hazardRate2(196))
> p
[1] NaN
This will only happen in very extreme cases, when you happen to draw > 195 in nextEventTime(t), which only occurs around once in 30,000 random draws. That's why you don't see it when you run it 10 times, but often you do when you run it 20,000 times.
random_draws <- numeric()
for(i in 1:1000000) random_draws[i] <- nextEventTime(0)
length(which(random_draws > 195))
# > [1] 28

Optimizing Log-Likelihood Function in R with optim

I have a log-likelihood function I would like to optimize and understood I could do so with optim() in R. The parameters my function requires is a vector of probabilities (of length N) as well as a symmetric matrix of size N*N (where only N-choose-2 (right now N=5) values matter, due to the symmetry).
When I try using optim() I receive the following error:
Error in optim(params, L) : (list) object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
Why do I receive this error and how can I make this work?
(If there is a better solution in Matlab or Python, references or suggestions for functions in these languages are welcome too)
Here is the code:
numerator <- function(P, Gamma, y, U, N) {
expr = 1
for (i in 1:N-1) {
for ( j in i+1:N) {
if ((y[i] == y[j]) & (y[i] == 1)) {
expr = expr*P[i]*P[j]*exp(Gamma[i,j])
if ((y[i] != y[j]) & (y[i] == 1)) {
expr = expr*P[i]*(1 - P[j])
if ((y[i] != y[j]) & (y[i] == 0)) {
expr = expr*(1 - P[i])*P[j]
if ((y[i] == y[j]) & (y[i] == 0)) {
expr = expr*(1 - P[i]*P[j]*exp(Gamma[i,j]) - P[i]*(1 - P[j]) - (1 - P[i])*P[j])
denominator <- function(params, y, U, N) {
P <- params$probs
val <- 1
for (i in 1:N-1) {
val <- val*(y[i]*P[i]^(N-3) + (1-y[i])*(1 - P[i])^(N-3))
val <- val * y%*%P + (1 - y)%*%(1 - P)
L <- function(params, y, U, N) {
P <- params$probs
Gamma <- params[,2:(N+1)]
n <- log(numerator(P, Gamma, y, U, N))
d <- log(denominator(P, y, U, N))
l <- n-d
y <- readRDS(file="purchase_records_df.rds")
N <- ncol(y)
params <- data.frame('probs'=rep(0.001, N), 'gamma'=matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=N))
optim(params, L)
Briefly, the setting is y is a vector of purchases, but here we want to take our purchase data and find the underlying probabilities.
Thank you very much!

R using "extract" Function: all cases discarded after aggregation

I'm trying to use the "extract" Function in R, which allows for Policy Mood analysis (documentation can be found here: http://www.unc.edu/~jstimson/Software_files/Doc.pdf). All of my cases are discarded, however, and I can't figure out whether the data or the function is the problem.
Here is a sample dataset with the code needed to execute the function (the "extract" function code is included further below):
#create sample data frame
mat <- matrix(, nrow = 10, ncol = 0)
mat <- as.data.frame(mat)
mat$year <- c(1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,1996,1997,1998,2000,2002) #survey years
mat$varname <- c("ESS","ESS","ESS","ESS","ESS","ISSP","ISSP","ISSP","ISSP","ISSP") #survey names
mat$index <- c(10,20,30,20,30,10,20,30,20,10) #approval rating in survey
mat$ncases <- c(1000,1120,1300,800,1000,1200,1300,1400,1100,1000) #number of survey respondents
source("Extract.r") #loading Extract for estimating Mood
mat$date<-ISOdate(mat$year,1,1) #generate date variable
output<-extract(mat$varname,mat$date,mat$index,mat$ncases) #estimate mood series
The final line returns the following:
[1] "Series ESS discarded. After aggregation cases = 0"
[1] "Series ISSP discarded. After aggregation cases = 0"
Error in issue[, v] : subscript out of bounds
So the surveys are all being eliminated as unusable at aggregation. My best guess, looking at the function code below, is that the cases are being dropped for having uncomputable or zero standard deviations - but I don't understand why that would be the case.
Finally, here is the Extract.r code for the function. The code chunk I believe may be causing problems begins at "#NOW REDUCE ISSUE MATRIX TO ELIMINATE UNUSABLE SERIES (WN<2)":
display<-function(out,filename=NULL) {
if (is.null(filename)) filename=""
if (d==2) m2<-out$latent2
for (t in 1:T) {
if (d==1) {
} else {
plot.Zextract<-function(outobject) {
dim<- outobject$dimensions
T<- outobject$T
if (dim>1) {
if (miny>min(vect2)) miny<-min(vect2)
if (maxy<max(vect2)) maxy<-max(vect2)
dummy<-rep(miny,T-1) #dummy is a fake variable used to reset axes to handle min/max of both series
leg.text<-c("","Dimension 1","Dimension 2")
plot(t,dummy,type="l",lty=0,main="Final Estimation Results: Two Dimensions",xlab="Time Point",ylab="Latent Variables")
} else {
plot(t,vect1,type="l",main="Final Estimation Results",xlab="Time Point",ylab="Latent Variable")
if (dim == 2) lines(t,vect2,col=2)
summary.Zextract<- function(outobject) {
dim<- outobject$dimensions
vn<- c(outobject$varname,"Variable Name")
vn<- format(vn,justify="right")
nc<- format(outobject$N,justify="right")
ld<- format(outobject$loadings1,digits=3,justify="right")
mean<- format(outobject$means,digits=6,justify="right")
sd<- format(outobject$std.deviations,digits=6,justify="right")
cat("Variable Loadings and Descriptive Information: Dimension 1\n")
cat(paste(vn[nvar+1],"Cases","Loading"," Mean ","Std Dev","\n"))
for (v in 1:nvar) {
cat(paste(vn[v]," ",nc[v]," ",ld[v],mean[v],sd[v],"\n"))
if (dim == 2) {
ld<- format(outobject$loadings2,digits=3,justify="right")
cat("\nVariable Loadings and Descriptive Information: Dimension 2\n")
cat(paste(vn[nvar+1],"Cases","Loading"," Mean ","Std Dev","\n"))
for (v in 1:nvar) {
cat(paste(vn[v]," ",nc[v]," ",ld[v],mean[v],sd[v],"\n"))
findper<-function(unit,curdate,mind,miny,minper,aggratio) { #returns intFindPer
mo <- findmonth(datcurdate)
qu <- 1 + as.integer((mo - 1)/3)
dy <- findday(datcurdate)
yr <- findyear(datcurdate)
arinv<- 1/aggratio
if (unit == "D") intFindPer <- curdate - mind +1 #curdate - mindate + 1
if (unit == "A" || unit == "O") intFindPer <- as.integer((yr - miny) / aggratio) + 1
if (unit == "Q") part <- qu
if (unit == "M") part <- mo
if (unit == "Q" || unit == "M") intFindPer <- (yr - miny - 1) * arinv + part + (arinv - (minper - 1))
} #findper
findday<-function(DateVar) {
} #end findday
findmonth<-function(DateVar) {
} #end findmonth
findyear<-function(DateVar) {
} #end findyear
aggregate<- function(varname,date,index,ncases,mindate,maxdate,nperiods,nvar,aggratio,unit,miny,minper) { #
vl<- character(nvar)
mind<- as.integer(mindate)/86400
maxd<- as.integer(maxdate)/86400
vfac<- factor(varname) #make a factor vector
vlev<- levels(vfac) #find unique categories
Mat.Issue<- array(dim=c(nperiods,nvar))
nrec<-length(varname) #added for R compatibility
lp<- 0
per<- 0
x<- 0
c<- 0
nkeep<- 0
lv<- "0"
for (record in 1:nrec) { # MASTER LOOP THROUGH INPUT DATA, 1 TO NREC
if (ncases[record] == 0 || is.na(ncases[record])) ncases[record] <- 1000
mo <- findmonth(date[record])
qu <- 1 + as.integer((mo - 1)/3)
dy <- findday(date[record])
yr <- findyear(date[record])
curdate<- as.integer(date[record])
if (curdate >= mind && curdate <= maxd) { #is date within range?
nkeep <- nkeep + 1
if (nkeep==1) { #startup routine for first good case
firstcase<- TRUE
lp <- findper(unit,curdate,mind,miny,minper,aggratio)
lv <- varname[record]
x <- index[record] * ncases[record] #start new sums for case 1
c <- ncases[record]
for (i in 1:nvar) {
if (lv==vlev[i]) v=i #determine v by matching to position of labels vector
} #end for
} else {
firstcase<- FALSE
} #end if
if (firstcase == FALSE) { #skip over the rest for first good case
per<- findper(unit,curdate,mind,miny,minper,aggratio) #here we translate date into agg category
if ((varname[record] != lv) || (per !=lp)) { #found a new period or variable name
if (lp > 0 && lp <= nperiods) {
Mat.Issue[lp, v] <- x / c #recompute for either period or var change
x<- 0
c<- 0
if (varname[record] != lv) { #new var only
for (i in 1:nvar) {
if (varname[record]==vlev[i]) v=i #determine v by matching to position of labels vector
} #end for
vl[v]<- varname[record] #this will only catch names that have good cases
lv<-vl[v] #reassign new varname to lastvar
} # new var
lp <- findper(unit,curdate,mind,miny,minper,aggratio)
x <- index[record] * ncases[record] #start new sums for current case
c <- ncases[record]
} else {
x<- x + index[record] * ncases[record] #a continuing case, increment sums
c<- c + ncases[record]
} # end of first case special loop
} #end of date test loop
} #newrec: next record
vl<- vlev #overwrite previous assignment which had good names only
agglist<- list(lab=vl,iss=Mat.Issue)
return(agglist) #list includes labels and issue matrix
} #end aggregate function
esmooth<- function(mood, fb, alpha){
smooth<- function(alpha) { #for time series "series" and alpha "alpha[1]" compute sum of squared forecast error
ferror<- numeric(1)
T<- length(series)
xvect<- numeric(T)
xvect[1] <- series[1]
for (t in 2:T) {
xvect[t] <- alpha[1] * series[t] + (1 - alpha[1]) * xvect[t - 1]
sumsq <- 0
for (t in 3:T) {
ferror <- series[t] - xvect[t - 1]
sumsq <- sumsq + ferror ^ 2
return(sumsq) #this is the value of the function for a particular parameter alpha[1]
series<- mood[fb,] #create series to be smoothed
sm.out<- optim(c(.75),smooth,method="L-BFGS-B",lower=0.5,upper=1) #call smoother
alpha<- sm.out$par #assign result to alpha
T<- length(series)
for (t in 2:T) {
mood[fb,t] <- alpha * series[t] + (1 - alpha) * mood[fb,t - 1]
residmi<- function(issue,v,mood) { #function regresses issue(v) on mood and then residualizes it
o<- lm(issue[,v] ~ mood[3,]) #regress issue on mood to get a,b
issue[,v]<- 100 + issue[,v] - (o$coef[1]+o$coef[2]*mood[3,]) #100 + Y - (a+bx)
iscorr<- function(issue,mood) { #compute issue-scale correlations
Nv<- length(issue[1,])
Np<- length(issue[,1])
Rvector<- numeric(Nv)
for (v in 1:Nv) {
N<- Np - sum(is.na(issue[,v]))
if (N > 1) Rvector[v]<- cor(issue[,v],mood[3,],use="complete.obs",method="pearson")
} #end function iscorr
dominate<- function(fb,issue,nperiods,nvar,mood,valid,smoothing,alpha) {
nitems<- numeric(nperiods)
if (fb==2) alpha1<-alpha
if (fb==1) {
everlap<- integer(1)
alpha<- 1
alpha1<- 1
if (fb == 1) {
startper <- 1
mood[fb, startper] <- 100
firstj <- 2
lastj <- nperiods
stepj <- 1
jprev <- 1
} else {
startper <- nperiods
mood[fb, startper] <- mood[1, nperiods] #reuse forward metric
firstj <- nperiods - 1
lastj <- 1
stepj <- -1
jprev <- nperiods
} # end if
for (j in seq(firstj,lastj,by=stepj)) {
mood[fb, j] <- 0
everlap <- 0 ## of years which have contributed sums to mood
if (fb == 1) {
firstj2 <- 1
lastj2 <- j - 1
} else {
firstj2 <- j + 1
lastj2 <- nperiods
} # end if
for (j2 in firstj2:lastj2) {
sum <- 0 #has already been estimated
consum <- 0 #sum of communalities across issues
overlap <- 0
for (v in 1:nvar) {
xj <- issue[j, v] #xj is base year value
sngx2 <- issue[j2, v] #sngx2 is comparison year value
if (!is.na(xj) && !is.na(sngx2)) {
overlap <- overlap + 1 #numb of issues contributing to sum
ratio <- xj / sngx2
if (csign[v] < 0) ratio <- 1 / ratio
sum <- sum + valid[v] * ratio * mood[fb, j2]
consum <- consum + valid[v]
} # end if
} #next v
if (overlap > 0) {
everlap <- everlap + 1
mood[fb, j] <- mood[fb, j] + sum / consum
} # end if
} #next j2
nitems[j] <- everlap
if (everlap > 0) mood[fb, j] <- mood[fb, j] / everlap else mood[fb, j] <- mood[fb, jprev] #if undefined, set to lag(mood)
jprev <- j #last value of j, whether lead or lag
} #next j
if (smoothing == TRUE) {
alpha<- esmooth(mood, fb, alpha) #NOW SMOOTH USING ALPHA
mood.sm<- mood[fb,] #set up alternate vector mood.sm
for (t in 2:nperiods) {
mood.sm[t]<- alpha*mood[fb,t]+(1-alpha)*mood.sm[t-1]
} #end for
mood[fb,]<- mood.sm #now assign back smoothed version
} else {
alpha1 <- 1
alpha <- 1
if (smoothing == TRUE && fb == 1) alpha1 <- alpha
dominate.out<- list(alpha1=alpha1,alpha=alpha,latent=mood[fb,]) #output object
# return(mood[fb,])
} #end dominate algorithm
#begindt<-NA #ISOdate(2004,6,1)
#enddt<-NA #ISOdate(2004,10,31)
## MAIN EXTRACT CODE BEGINS HERE #########################################################
extract<- function(varname,date,index,ncases=NULL,unit="A",mult=1,begindt=NA,enddt=NA,npass=1,smoothing=TRUE,endmonth=12) {
nrecords<- length(varname)
if (is.null(ncases)) ncases<- rep(0,nrecords)
moddate<- date #create temporary date vector, leaving original unmodified
if ((unit=="A" || unit=="O") && endmonth<12) {
for (i in 1:nrecords) { #first loop through raw data file
month<- findmonth(moddate[i])
year<- findyear(moddate[i])
if (month>endmonth) moddate[i]<- ISOdate(year+1,1,1) #modified date become 1/1 of next year
} #end loop through data
} # end if
if (is.na(begindt)) minper<-findmonth(min(moddate)) else minper<-findmonth(begindt)
if (is.na(begindt)) miny<-findyear(min(moddate)) else miny<-findyear(begindt)
if (is.na(begindt)) minday<-findday(min(moddate)) else minday<-findday(begindt)
if (is.na(enddt)) maxper<-findmonth(max(moddate)) else maxper<-findmonth(enddt)
if (is.na(enddt)) maxy<-findyear(max(moddate)) else maxy<-findyear(enddt)
if (is.na(enddt)) maxday<-findday(max(moddate)) else maxday<-findday(enddt)
if (unit=="Q") {
minper<- as.integer((minper-1)/3)+1
maxper<- as.integer((maxper-1)/3)+1
mindate<- ISOdate(miny,minper,minday,0,0,0,tz="GMT")
maxdate<- ISOdate(maxy, maxper, maxday,0,0,0,tz="GMT") #86400=24*60*60
latent<- numeric(1)
aggratio<- 0
fb<- 1 #initialize
auto<- "start" #meaningless value
alpha<- 1
alpha1<- 1
pass<- 1
holdtola<- 0.001
tola<- holdtola
iter<- 0
lastconv<- 99999
wtmean<- 0 #for it=1
wtstd<- 1
fract<- 1
if (unit=="A") {
nperiods<- maxy-miny+1
aggratio<- 1
months<- 12
if (unit=="O") {
years<- mult
months<- years*12
aggratio<- 2
odd<- (maxy-miny+1) %% mult #mod
nperiods=as.integer((maxy-miny)/mult) + odd
if (unit=="M") {
fract<- 100
nperiods<- (maxy-miny)*12
nperiods<- nperiods-12 + (12-minper+1) + maxper
aggratio<- 1/12
months<- 1
if (unit=="Q") {
aggratio<- 1/4
months<- 3
nperiods<- as.integer((maxy-miny)/aggratio)
nperiods<- nperiods-4 + (4-minper+1) + maxper
fract<- 10
if (unit=="D") {
nperiods<- (as.integer(maxdate)-as.integer(mindate))/86400 + 1 #86400=24*60*60
arinv<- 1/aggratio
aggratio<- months/12
nrecords<- length(index)
if (fb != 2) mood<- array(dim=c(3,nperiods))
vfac<- factor(varname) #make a factor vector
vlev<- levels(vfac) #find unique categories
nvar<- length(vlev) #how many are there?, includes unusable series
valid<- numeric(nvar)
csign<<- numeric(nvar)
vl<- character(nvar)
r<- numeric(nvar)
oldr<- rep(1,nvar) # r=1 for all v initially
issue<- array(dim=c(nperiods,nvar))
count<- numeric(nperiods)
vl<- numeric(nvar)
period<- numeric(nperiods)
converge<- 0
evalue<- 0
# create numeric variable period, eg, yyyy.0m
if (unit=="D") {
} else {
if (months >= 12) {
for (l in 1:nperiods) {
p <- (l - 1) * aggratio
period[l] <- miny + p
} #next l
} else {
y <- 0
i <- 0
my <- miny
if (minper == 1) my <- my - 1
for (l in 1:nperiods) {
i<- 1 + ((l-1) %% arinv)
mq <- minper + i - 1
mq<- 1 + ((mq-1) %% arinv)
if (mq == 1) y <- y + 1 #first month or quarter, increment year
period[l] <- my + y + mq / fract
} # end for
} #end else
} # end if
agglist<- aggregate(varname,moddate,index,ncases,mindate,maxdate,nperiods,nvar,aggratio,unit,miny,minper) # call aggregate to produce issue matrix
vl<- agglist$lab #extract two elements of the list from aggregate call
issue<- agglist$iss
rm(agglist) #don't need this anymore
ndrop<- 0
nissue<- numeric(nperiods)
std<- numeric(nperiods)
for (v in 1:nvar) {
std[v]<- 0 #default
nissue[v]<- sum(!is.na(issue[,v])) #criterion is 2 cases for npass=1 or 3 for npass=2
if (nissue[v]>npass) std[v]<- sqrt(var(issue[,v],na.rm=TRUE)) #this is just a test for variance >0
if (std[v]<.001) { #case dropped if std uncomputable (NA) or actually zero (constant)
ndrop<- ndrop+1
print(paste("Series",vl[v],"discarded. After aggregation cases =",nissue[v]))
nvarold<- nvar
nvar<- nvar-ndrop
pointer<- 1
found<- FALSE
for (v in 1:nvar) { #now reduced nvar
while (found==FALSE && pointer<=nvarold) { #find first valid column and push down
if (std[pointer]>.001) { #good case, transfer
issue[,v]<- issue[,pointer]
vl[v]<- vl[pointer]
pointer<- pointer+1
found<- TRUE
} else {
pointer<- pointer+1 #bad case, increment pointer
} #end if
} #end while
found<- FALSE
} #for
length(vl)<- nvar #reduce
length(issue)<- nperiods*nvar #chop off unused columns
attr(issue,"dim")<- c(nperiods,nvar)
N<- numeric(nvar)
for (pass in 1:npass) { #newpass: RESTART FOR SECOND DIMENSION CASE
if (pass == 2) { #reset iteration control parameters
iter <- 0
tola = holdtola
lastconv <- 99999
converge<- lastconv
conv<- converge
} else {
av<- numeric(nvar)
std<- numeric(nvar)
# ngood<- 0
for (v in 1:nvar) { #compute av and std by issue nvar now reduced to good cases
wn<- as.integer(nperiods-sum(is.na(issue[,v])))
av[v] <- mean(issue[,v],na.rm=TRUE)
std[v]<- sqrt(var(issue[,v],na.rm=TRUE) * ((wn - 1)/wn)) #convert to population standard deviation
issue[,v]<- 100 + 10 * (issue[,v] - av[v])/std[v] #standardize
# ngood<- ngood+1
}#end for
out<- as.character(10) #initial length only
out[1]<- print(paste("Estimation report:"))
if (pass == 1) {
if (months >= 12) {
out[2]<- print(paste("Period:", miny, " to", maxy," ", nperiods, " time points"))
} else {
out[2]<- print(paste("Period:", miny, minper, " to", maxy, maxper, nperiods, " time points"))
out[3]<- print(paste("Number of series: ", nvar+ndrop))
out[4]<- print(paste("Number of usable series: ", nvar))
out[5]<- print(paste("Exponential smoothing: ",smoothing))
out[6]<- print(paste("Iteration history: Dimension ",pass))
print(" ")
out[7]<- print("Iter Convergence Criterion Reliability Alphaf Alphab")
outcount<- 7
for (p in 1:nperiods) {
count[p]<- sum(!is.na(issue[p,]))
valid<- rep(1,times=nvar)
csign<<- rep(1,times=nvar)
auto <- "y" #iterative estimation on by default
quit <- 0 #false implies go ahead and estimate
for (fb in 1:2) { # MASTER fb LOOP fb=1 is forward, 2 backward
dominate.out<- dominate(fb,issue,nperiods,nvar,mood,valid,smoothing,alpha) #master estimation routine
alpha1<- dominate.out$alpha1
alpha<- dominate.out$alpha
mood[fb,]<- dominate.out$latent
} #next fb
fb <- 3 #average mood from here on
for (p in 1:nperiods) { # AVERAGE
mood[fb, p] <- (mood[1, p] + mood[2, p]) / 2
} #next p
for (p in 1:nperiods) { #PLACEMENT OF THIS LOOP MAY NOT BE RIGHT
mood[fb,p] <- ((mood[fb,p] - moodmean) * wtstd / sdmood) + wtmean
} #end for
#plot commands
t<- seq(1:nperiods) #time counter used for plot below
lo<- 50 #force scale of iterative plot to large range
hi<- 150
if (min(mood[3,]) < lo) lo=min(mood[3,]) #whichever larger, use
if (max(mood[3,]) > hi) hi=max(mood[3,])
dummy<- rep(lo,nperiods) #dummy is fake variable used to set plot y axis to 50,150
dummy[nperiods]<- hi
if (iter==0) {
plot(t,dummy,type="l",lty=0,xlab="Time Period",ylab="Estimate by iteration",main="Estimated Latent Dimension") #create box, no visible lines
} else {
iter <- iter + 1
if (auto == "y") r<- iscorr(issue,mood) else auto <- "y" #recompute correlations
wtmean<- 0
wtstd<- 0
vsum<- 0
goodvar<- 0
converge<- 0 #start off default
evalue<- 0
totalvar<- 0
for (v in 1:nvar) {
wn<- nperiods-sum(is.na(issue[,v]))
if (!is.na(sign(r[v]))) csign[v]<<- sign(r[v])
wn<- nperiods-sum(is.na(issue[,v]))
if (wn>1) { #sum over variables actually used
vratio <- wn / nperiods
evalue <- evalue + vratio * r[v]^2
totalvar <- totalvar + vratio
} #end if
#convergence tests
if (wn > 3) {
conv <- abs(r[v] - oldr[v]) #conv is convergence test for item=v
conv <- conv * (wn / nperiods) #weight criterion by number of available periods
if (conv > converge) converge <- conv #converge is the global max of conv
} #end if
if (!is.na(r[v])) oldr[v] <- r[v]
if (!is.na(r[v])) valid[v] <- r[v]^2
if (!is.na(av[v])) wtmean <- wtmean + av[v] * valid[v]
if (!is.na(std[v])) wtstd <- wtstd + std[v] * valid[v]
if (!is.na(r[v])) vsum <- vsum + valid[v]
} #end v loop
if (vsum > 0) wtmean <- wtmean / vsum
if (vsum > 0) wtstd <- wtstd / vsum
if (pass == 1) {
mean1 <- wtmean
std1 <- wtstd
} else {
wtmean <- mean1
wtstd <- std1 #*unexp
} #end if
fbcorr <- cor(mood[1,],mood[2,]) #fnfrontback
if (quit != 1) {
outcount<- outcount+1
cv<- format(round(converge,4),nsmall=4)
out[outcount]<- print(paste(itfmt," ",cv," ",round(tola,4)," ",round(fbcorr,3),round(alpha1,4),round(alpha,4)))
if (converge > lastconv) tola <- tola * 2
lastconv <- converge
auto = "y" #skip corr on iter=1, set auto on
if (iter >= 50) break #get out of while loop
if (auto == "y" && converge<tola) { #IF WE REACH THIS CODE WE HAVE A FINAL SOLUTION TO BE REPORTED
if (pass == 1) out1<- out #hold output for 2 dimensional solution
auto <- "Q"
quit <- 1 #flag solution reached, last time through
r<- iscorr(issue,mood) #final iteration correlations
if (pass == 1) r1<- r #hold correlations for 2 dimensional solution
if (pass > 1) {
unexp <- totalvar
totalvar <- unexp * totalvar
evalue <- evalue * unexp
} # end if
if (pass == 1) {
expprop <- evalue / totalvar
tot1 <- totalvar
} else {
erel <- evalue / totalvar #% exp relative
totalvar <- (1 - expprop) * tot1 #true var=original var discounted by %exp
evalue <- erel * totalvar #rescale to retain %exp relationship
expprop <- evalue / tot1 #now reduce eral to expprop
} # end if
for (v in 1:nvar) {
N[v]<- sum(!is.na(issue[,v]))
var.out<- list(varname=vl,loadings=r,means=av,std.deviations=std)
print(" ")
outcount<- outcount+1
out[outcount]<- print(paste("Eigen Estimate ", round(evalue,2), " of possible ",round(tot1,2)))
outcount<- outcount+1
out[outcount]<- print(paste(" Percent Variance Explained: ",round(100 * expprop,2)))
if (pass != 2 && npass>1) {
for (v in 1:nvar) {
valid[v] <- 0 #reset all, regmoodissue will set good=1
if (csign[v] != 0) issue[,v]<- residmi(issue,v,mood) #regmoodissue()
} #v loop
} # if
#begin prn output routine # mood[fb,] is now our estimate, WHAT ABOUT A SECOND DIMENSION
latent<- mood[fb,] #vector holds values for output
if (pass == 1) latent1<- latent #hold first dimension
print(" ")
out[outcount+1]<- print(paste("Final Weighted Average Metric: Mean: ",round(wtmean,2)," St. Dev: ",round(wtstd,2)))
#for Zelig output
if (npass==1) {
extract.out<- list(formula=formula,T=nperiods,nvar=nvar,unit=unit,dimensions=npass,period=period,varname=vl,N=N,means=av,std.deviations=std,setup1=out1,loadings1=r1,latent1=latent1)
} else {
for (i in 6:outcount) {
length(out)<- outcount-5
extract.out<- list(formula=formula,T=nperiods,nvar=nvar,unit=unit,dimensions=npass,period=period,varname=vl,N=N,means=av,std.deviations=std,setup1=out1,loadings1=r1,latent1=latent1,setup2=out,loadings2=r,latent2=latent)
} #end if auto="y"
} #end of for pass=1,2 loop
par(col=1) #reset on termination
class(extract.out)<- "Zextract"
} #end of extract
Anyone have any ideas what's going wrong here? Thanks in advance for your time!
The issue here seems to be dates inside the aggregate function (note, not the base R aggregate). Namely, a minimum and maximum date are calculated as:
mind<- as.integer(mindate)/86400
maxd<- as.integer(maxdate)/86400
These are then compared (inside a loop for each date) against the curdate variable, using an if statement:
if (curdate >= mind && curdate <= maxd) { #is date within range?
The problem, though, is that curdate<- as.integer(date[record]) (the line immediately before the if statement) is not on the same time scale. Changing it to: curdate<- as.integer(date[record])/86400 seems to solve the problem.

Mixture modeling - troublee with infinite values from exp() and log()

I'm writing a function for Gaussian mixture models with spherical covariance structures--ie $\Sigma_k = \sigma_k^2 I$. This particular function is similar to the mclust package with identifier VII.
Anyways, the problem I'm having is running into infinite values for the weight matrix. Definition: Let W be an n x m matrix where n = 1, ..., n (number of obs) and m = 1, ..., m (number of mixtues). Each element of W (ie w_ij) can essentially be defined as a specific form of:
w_im = \frac{a / b * exp(c)}{\sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)]}
Computing this numerically is giving me infinite values. So I'm trying to use the log-identity log(x+y) = log(x) + log(1 + y/x). But the issue is that it's not as simple as log(x+y) but rather log(\sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)]).
Here's some code define:
n_im = a / b * exp(c) ;
d_.m = \sum_i=1^m [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)] ; and
c_mat[i,j] as the value of the exponent for the [i,j]th term.
n_mat[, i] <- log(a[i]) - log(b[i]) - c[,i] # numerator of w_im
internal_vec1[i] <- (a[i] * b[1])/ (a[1] * b[i]) # an internal for the step below
c_mat2 <- cbind(rep(1, n), c_mat[,1] - c_mat[,-1]) # since e^a / e^b = e^(a-b)
for (i in 1:n) {
d_vec[i] <- n_mat[i,1] + log(sum(internal_vec1 * exp(c_mat2[i,)))
} ## still getting infinite values
I'm trying to define the problem as briefly as possible. the entire function is obviously much larger than this. But, since the problem I'm running into is specifically dealing with infinite (and 1/infinity) values, I'm hoping this snippet is sufficient. Anyone with a coding trick here?
Here is the solution!! (I've spent way too damn long on this)
**The first function log_plus() solves the simple problem where you want log(\sum_{i=1)^n x_i)
**The second function log_plus2() solves the more complicated problem described above where you want log(\sum_{i=1}^n [a_i / b_i * exp(c_i)])
log_plus <- function(xvec) {
m <- length(xvec)
x <- log(xvec[1])
for (j in 2:m) {
sum_j <- sum(xvec[1:j-1])
x <- x + log(1 + xvec[j]/sum_j)
log_plus2 <- function(a, b, c) {
# assumes intended input of form sum(a/b * e^c)
if ((length(a) != length(b)) || (length(a) != length(c))) {
stop("Input equal length vectors")
if (!(all(c > 0) || all(c < 0))) {
stop("All values of c must be either > 0 or < 0.")
m <- length(a)
# initilialize log sum
x <- log(a[1]) - log(b[1]) + c[1]
# aggregate / loop log sum
for (j in 2:m) {
# build denominator
b2 <- b[1:j-1]
for (i in 1:j-1) {
d1 <- 0
c2 <- c[1:i]
if (all(c2 > 0)) {
c_min <- min(c2[1:j-1])
c2 <- c2 - c_min
} else if (all(c2 < 0)) {
c_min <- max(c2[1:j-1])
c2 <- c2 - c_min
d1 <- d1 + a[i] * prod(b2[-i]) * exp(c2[i])
den <- b[j] * (d1)
num <- a[j] * prod(b[1:j-1]) * exp(c[j] - c_min)
x <- x + log(1 + num / den)
