Twilio Voice Meteor App stuck on registering state - meteor

Tried to initialize the new twililo voice sdk and stuck on registering. Here is the debug image.

Without seeing the code, this looks like you are trying to use the SDK client-side. You want to use the sdk server-side. Here is how I import mine server-side.
const accountSid = Meteor.settings.private.twilioSid;
const authToken = Meteor.settings.private.twilioToken;
const smsClient = require("twilio")(accountSid, authToken);
You could then call a method from the client-side to interact with the Twilio API.


Module not found in nextJs when using slack web API

I'm building a next.js application that uses the slack web API to fetch a list of channels once user is authenticated.
Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'
Now, this only happens after I start using the slack client within my app:
const getChannels = async (token: string) => {
const result = await slackClient.channels.list({
return result;
I saw a couple of posts on SO mentioning the fs error within next.js apps, but they were all related to middleware, while I'm not using any.
Why would I need to access fs? Do I have to create a custom middleware?

eHow to transition away from inline editor on actions on google

In a previous Stack Overflow question, I shied away from using an external webhook on Actions on Google
so I needed to go back to the inline editor. I got that worked out, but now I'm feeling brave again.
I've outgrown the inline editor and want the ability to develop my code on my laptop, testing it in Firebase, and publishing to a site for my webhook, presumably where the inline code editor publishes to. In fact, I have already written the require functions and deployed them from Firebase. So the full functionality is ready to go, I just need to hook it up properly to Actions on Google.
What I have now in Actions on Google, inline editor, is more of a stub. I want to merge that stub into my more fullblown logic that I have in Firebase. Here is what is in the inline editor:
const { conversation } = require('#assistant/conversation');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const app = conversation();
app.handle('intent_a_handler', conv => {
// Implement your code here
conv.add("Here I am in intent A");
app.handle('intent_b_handler', conv => {
// Implement your code here
conv.add("Here I am in intent B");
exports.ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
When I search on the Internet, I see discussion from the point of view of Dialogflow, but like I say, I'm in "Actions on Google". I want to transition away from the inline editor, taking what I already have, as a basis.Can someone explain how I set that up? I'm happy to do this within the context of the Google ecosystem.
To test your own webhook locally on your own system I would recommend incorporating a web app framework such as express. With express you can host code on your local machine and make it respond to request from Actions on Google. In your case you would replace this will all the code related to the Firebase functions package. Here is an example of what a simple webhook for Actions on Google looks like:
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const { conversation } = require('#assistant/conversation');
const exprs = express();
exprs.use(bodyParser.json()) // allows Express to work with JSON requests
const app = conversation();
app.handle('example intent', () => {
// Do something
// More app.handle() setups'/', app);
With this setup you should be able to run your own application locally. The only thing you need to do is install the required dependencies and add your own intent handlers for your action. At this point you have a webhook running on your own machine, but that isn't enough to use it as a webhook in Actions on Google because it runs locally and isn't publicly available via the internet.
For this reason we will be using a tool called ngrok. With ngrok you can create a public https address that runs all messages to your local machine. This way you can use ngrok address as your webhook URL. Now you can just make as many code changes as you want and Actions on Google will automatically use the latest changes when you develop. No need to upload and wait for Firebase to do this.
Just to be clear: Ngrok should only be used for development. When you are done with developing your action you should upload all your code to a cloud service or host it on your own server if you have any. A (free plan) ngrok URL usually expires every 6 hours. So its not a suitable solution for anything other than development.

Firebase (with react native) HTTPS function doesn't receive parameters

I'm using React native with Firebase. I deployed a function (without query params) and I'm able to call it without problems from my iPhone. When I add parameters, I'm able to run it only on my browser, but on my phone the parameters are undefined.
Firebase function
exports.testFunction = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const searchQuery =;
Client App
const testFunction = functions.httpsCallable('testFunction');
testFunction({search: "anything"})
I'm suspecting that this is a bug in either Firebase SDK, React Native's translation to iOS or hopefully a problem in my code, what could be the problem?
To call firebase functions from app, do not use onRequest; use onCall. See the doc for detailed implementation on both server and client side.
This is also mentioned in the doc of react-native-firebase, but the use of onCall is not emphasized (I think it should be highlighted to avoid confusion).
That said, it is possible to call an onRequest function from app, but the parameters are not under request.query, but under For example, in OP's scenario, the firebase function would be
exports.testFunction = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
const searchQuery =; // param is not in query
However, calling onRequest from app is not recommended, because the success or error message sent back to the client cannot be properly handled by react-native-firebase. Thus, the best practice is to use onCall.

Use Firebase onRequest() or Express app.use() for the Slack API

Use the #slack/interactive-message package with firebase-functions to listen and respond to Slack messages and dialogs.
I'm not sure how to use the #slack/interactive-message listener with firebase.
1) Do I use Firebase's functions.https.onRequest(), and somehow pass the req from Slack to slackInteractions.action()?
2) Do I use app.use("/app", slackInteractions.expressMiddleware()); If so, where do slackInteractions.action()s go?
3) Something else?
// Express
import express = require("express");
const app = express();
const cors = require("cors")({
origin: "*"
app.use("*", cors);
// Firebase Functions SDK
import functions = require("firebase-functions");
const slackbotConfig = functions.config().slackbot;
const { createMessageAdapter } = require("#slack/interactive-messages");
const slackInteractions = createMessageAdapter(slackbotConfig.signing_secret);
app.use("/app", slackInteractions.expressMiddleware());
// Express route"/go", (req, res) => {
console.log("Hello from Express!");
.send("Hello from Express!")
}); = functions.https.onRequest(app);
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((_req, res) => {
console.log("Hello from Firebase!");
.send("Hello from Firebase!")
I'm new to the details of Express and using middleware. Examples of the #slack/interactive-message show...
slackInteractions.start(port).then(() => {
console.log(`server listening on port ${port}`);
...and with Firebase Cloud Functions, this bit isn't relevant. I'm not sure how listeners, requests, and responses are integrated between Firebase and #slack/interactive-message
creator of #slack/interactive-messages here 👋
In short, your solution number 2 seems correct to me. While I don't have experience with Firebase functions, I have a pretty good understanding of express, and I'll provide some more details.
What is express middleware?
Express middleware is a name for a kind of function that processes an incoming HTTP request. All middleware functions can, on a request-by-request basis, choose to pre-process a request (usually by adding a property to the req argument), respond to the request, or post-process a request (like calculate the timing between the request and the response). It can do any one or combination of those things, depending on what its trying to accomplish. An express app manages a stack of middleware. You can think of this as a list of steps a request might work through before a response is ready. Each step in that list can decide to offer the response so that the next step isn't even reached for that request.
The cors value in your code example is a middleware function. It applies some rules about which origins your Firebase function should accept requests from. It applies those rules to incoming requests, and when the origin is not allowed, it will respond right away with an error. Otherwise, it allows the request to be handled by the next middleware in the stack.
There's another middleware in your example, and that's a router. A router is just a kind of middleware that knows how to split an app up into separate handlers based on the path (part of the URL) in the incoming request. Every express app comes with a built in router, and you attached a handler to it using the"/go", () => {}); line of code in your example. Routers are typically the last middleware in the stack. They do have a special feature that people often don't realize. What are these handlers for routes? They are just more middleware functions. So overall, you can think of routers as a type of middleware that helps you divide application behavior based on the path of a request.
What does this mean for slackInteractions?
You can think of the slackInteractions object in your code as a router that always handles the request - it never passes the request onto the next middleware in the stack. The key difference is that instead of dividing application behavior by the path of the request, it divides the behavior using the various properties of a Slack interaction. You describe which properties exactly you care about by passing in constraints to the .action() method. The only significant difference between a typical router and slackInteractions, is that the value itself is not the express middleware, you produce an express middleware by calling the .expressMiddleware() method. It's split up like this so that it can also work outside of an express app (that's when you might use the .start() method).
Putting it together
Like I said, I don't have experience with Firebase functions specifically, but here is what I believe you should start with as a minimum for a function that only handles Slack interactions.
// Firebase Functions SDK
import functions = require("firebase-functions");
const slackbotConfig = functions.config().slackbot;
// Slack Interactive Messages Adapter
const { createMessageAdapter } = require("#slack/interactive-messages");
const slackInteractions = createMessageAdapter(slackbotConfig.signing_secret);
// Action handlers
slackInteractions.action('welcome_agree_button', (payload, respond) => {
// `payload` is an object that describes the interaction
console.log(`The user ${} in team ${} pressed a button`);
// Your app does some asynchronous work using information in the payload
setTimeout(() => {
respond({ text: 'Thanks for accepting the code of conduct for our workspace' });
}, 0)
// Before the work completes, return a message object that is the same as the original but with
// the interactive elements removed.
const reply = payload.original_message;
delete reply.attachments[0].actions;
return reply;
// Express
import express = require("express");
const app = express();
app.use("/", slackInteractions.expressMiddleware());
exports.slackActions = functions.https.onRequest(app);

Calling google cloud endpoint api from another google app engine web application servlet java

I have a google cloud endpoint api application which i want to call it from another google app engine web application, say from a servlet. The cloud endpoint api is not secured.
I tried looking for examples but could not find one. I see example related to Android client.
When tried using URLConnection it does not work, am not sure whether am doing correctly as well, sample codes or pointers will be of great help. I also checked the logs of cloud endpoint api to see if any requests are coming through, but i don't see any errors in the logs.
I'm doing this as well, although with authentication. You can use the Jar generated by the endpoint API at MyAPI/build/libs/MyAPI-v1-SNAPSHOT.jar, just as you might in Android.
Once you depend on that JAR, your code to build an API client should look something like that below. Mine is using OAuth authentication with a service account, which I'll leave in there because it was the more complicated part which you might eventually need. But without authentication you should just be able to set the credential to null.
HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
JsonFactory JSON_FACTORY = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
List<String> SCOPES = Arrays.asList(EMAIL_SCOPE);
String CREDENTIAL_FILE = "WEB-INF/my-file.p12";
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
.setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File(CREDENTIAL_FILE))
MyAPI.Builder builder = new MyAPI.Builder(
JSON_FACTORY, credential)
// options for running against local devappserver
// - is localhost's IP address in Android emulator
// - turn off compression when running against local devappserver
// .setRootUrl("")
MyAPI myAPI =;
You cannot use URLConnection for making endpoint calls from App Engine. Use FetchURL instead. If you set doNotFollowRedirect, you will receive X-Appengine-Inbound-Appid as header in the called App Engine project. You can trust this header, as Google would strip it off if somebody off App Engine would use it. Make sure you target the domain, as it won't work with custom domains.
