AEM Metadata Schema Editor Form doesn't show Asset Rating field - adobe

I'm creating new fields to customize the Assets Metadata Schema, however, there is a field missing: Asset Rating. Looking into the web I've figured out that is disabled on .jsp configuration file, so, I've enabled that (uncommenting) directly in CRX repository. However, after trying this approach the field keeps missing on the form
Obs.: I don't what means that comment
<!-- CQ-4284633 Disable ratings component in metaschema editor when skyline is enabled -->.

Are you using AEM as a Cloud Service? If so, the Asset Ratings widget is not supported in the schema editor.
From the feature parity section of the AEM Assets Cloud notable changes.


Fields that are imported via config are disabled by default. How to enable them?

In a custom module for Drupal 8 I'm able to add a new content type with all of its fields, but all of the fields are disabled by default. How do I enable them during install of my module?
Edit To be clear, module fields are not being enabled by default under Manage Form Display. How do I enable (or disable) fields using something like hook install?
Edit 2 Along with enabling fields by default in a newly created content type, installing this module also updates fields on an existing content type (Article) and those fields are also disabled.
Edit 3 disabled meaning they are shown as disabled on the form display for the content type and users cannot see the fields when adding content.
There must be code that I can run via hook_install that enabled fields on a content type?
I'm presuming that by "disabled" you mean that the fields aren't displayed when an instance of your content type is made.
Personally I've been using the UI to set up how each of my fields are displayed through the "Manage Display" page provided for each content type. I drag the fields that I want to enable from the disabled section as you would normally.
When I'm happy with how the fields are arranged I then use the brilliant inbuilt export functionality (think features in Drupal 7 but way better) to generate the .yml config files for my content type.
This process is described brilliantly by this article on the Drupal website. In this case, as it's just the config for which fields that we want to display, it should be as simple as exporting the "Entity View Display" config for the content type to a .yml file. (note that you need to name your yml files correctly, this is explained in the article (and I think that the export module provides the auto-generated name anyway)).
Here is what the export looks like for one of my content types:
Once I've generated the config files that I want to apply to Drupal when the module is enabled it really is as simple as making two directories in the root directory of the module:
and placing the config files into the install directory.
Now, when the module is first installed Drupal will apply the configuration provided by the files in the /config/install directory.
This process is elaborated upon here:
When you export a field you have to export too:
"Field declaration" field.field.[entity_type].[bundle].[field_name].yml file. Don't forget to add re-used fields declaration
"Field Storage"[entity_type].[field_name].yml file
"Form Display" where you have modified the field configuration. core.entity_form_display.[entity_type].[budle].default.yml
"Manage Display" where you have modified the field configuration. core.entity_view_display.[entity_type].[budle].[view_mode_id].yml files (If you have Default, Teaser, etc)
"Entity", if the entity is new. [entity_type].[type|paragraph_type|vocabulary].[bundle].yml file
I recommend you to use "drush cex/cim" commands to import and export configuration.
I don't know too much about Drupal 8 but when i try to create custom content type to use this article.
Then when i enable our custom module then content type is created successfully and the content type fields are also enabled.
Also i have try to create a node in this content type then the node is successfully created.
So please check this article.
It may be helpful for you.

Adding additional Metadata field in AEM-DAM

I want to add a custom metadata field in DAM assets, is there any way to add custom metadata apart from overlaying a workflow or writing custom workflow?
Metadata profiles is the way to add default properties to assets on upload. Metadata profiles are linked to assets at folder level. You could have different default properties for assets based on folder they are uploaded to. For e.g. attached default tags based on folder
Checkout this link for the detailed documentation on how to add metadata profile to a DAM folder
Metadata Profiles

Import/create a new template in Magnolia

I am following these steps: I'm stopped at creating a page definition.
Magnolia does not see my helloWorld.jsp template. I'm using the Enterprise Edition (free trial) if it matters. I watched all tutorials, but I can not find the answer.
Yes, it probably matters.
When you are using EE, you can have defined multiple sites in single server and you don't necessarily want to have each template available in each site you define. So you need to tell Magnolia for which site you want to enable this template. To enable this template for all sites, go to STK group in AdminCentral and open SiteDefinitons app there. In Site Definitions, go to /default/templates/availability/templates and register your template there by creating Node named helloWorld with property id set to value templating:pages/helloWorld (ID is always in format module-name:path-to-template-from-templates-folder)

How to implement an RSS feed of a site within alfresco share?

I am still learning alfresco and trying to get the feed dashlets to display a custom feed in share. The end goal is to have some sort of workflow in which the editing of certain components on a site site page within alfresco generate a feed element which will then be picked up by the feed dashlet. For now to test I created an xml feed file and put it in a document space in a collaborative site that was set to public and put its link in the feeds dashlet config but that doesn't work. Is there anyway to implement the functionality I'm after?
There are 2 options:
Create your own Dashlet. The current RSS-Feed Dashlet connects to the http connector(share-config-custom.xml), this is an external connector for which authentication is required. So copy the RSS-Feed Dashlet and rip this part out.
According to this JIRA enhancement , in Alfresco Enterprise 4.1.4 you can read internal Share Feeds! So this means you probably won't have to do any customization. So grap the SVN/GIT source of Enterprise tree and use Alfresco's code to build the Dashlet or extend/override it.

How do I configure Tridion Pages with Extension XML to get published to file system and rest to Broker DB?

I am trying to configure cd_storage_conf file to get the pages with extension XML to get published to file system. I am not sure what value should I give for typeMapping attribute in Item node to enable this configuration. Can anyone help?
Add an itemType element with a typeMapping of "Page" and an itemExtension attribute of ".xml" to your cd_storage_conf.xml. Be sure to do this for both your deployer and your application so that your configurations match
From the online documentation (login required): Configuring content storage
You can store specific types of Pages (that is, Web pages with
specific file extensions) in a different storage medium. To do this,
insert an Item element inside the ItemTypes element:
<Item typeMapping="Page" itemExtension=".Jsp" cached="CACHE_BEHAVIOR" storageId="STORAGE_ID" />
