Can we train generator and discriminator at the same time? - generative-adversarial-network

I recent start study GAN, but when I read about GAN's training algorithm it said the first step is train discriminator and then train generator in loop while they're not balance i'm confused about can't we train both at the same time??

This question is better suited to Cross Validated. Based on my understanding from reading the 2014 GAN paper and other resources, the discriminator is kept at near optimal level such that it can provide better guidance to generator so it could improve. This is by first optimizing discriminator for some steps and then optimizing generator for one step.
Discriminator tries to maximize probability of assigning correct labels to both data from training example and the samples generated from generator. Simultaneously generator tries to minimize log(1 - D(G(z))) or maximize log(D(G(z))).
At start both generator and discriminator are weak. Discriminator will mostly classify wrong and generated samples will be far from training distribution.
If generator can always completely fool discriminator then it will label all generated data as real. If the discriminator can perfectly distinguish between generated and real data then the generator will not know how to improve.
In practice, for a mini batch discriminator D is optimized (Section 3 of paper) for k steps then generator G is optimized for 1 step.
If generator and discriminator are trained at the same time then generator won't get proper feedback from discriminator to generate better results and discriminator will misclassify generated, real data. I am not sure if it will converge and if it did it should take a lot of time.
If the discriminator is slightly better then it can catch some generated fake results, but not all. This in turn will allow generator improve its generation ability using feedback from discriminator to fool discriminator next time. Again in next iterations discriminator will keep improving and generator will also have to get better to fool discriminator. This result in gradual improvement of generated data that close matches training data.
Corrections for any mistakes welcome.
GAN 2014 paper section 3,
Coursera GAN training,

As Grnarova et al. (2019) explains, the performance of GANs can be observed by measuring the so-called "duality gap". Grnarova et al. (2021) later proposes that instead of training a generative adverserial network that solves a minimax problem, you can train a generative minimization network that solves a minimization problem instead.
By that, both the generator and discriminator are cloned and trained by themselves over 10 steps to minimize their own loss against the other original. Then, the difference between the 2 final losses is used to train the actual networks.


Machine learning project: split training/test sets before or after exploratory data analysis?

Is it best to split your data into training and test sets before doing any exploratory data analysis, or do all exploration based solely on training data?
I'm working on my first full machine learning project (a recommendation system for a course capstone project) and am looking for clarification on order of operations. My rough outline is to import and clean, do exploratory analysis, train my model, and then evaluate on a test set.
I am doing exploratory data analysis now - nothing special initially, just starting with variable distributions and whatnot. But I am not sure: should I split my data into training and test sets before or after exploratory analysis?
I don't want to potentially contaminate algorithm training by inspecting the test set. However, I also don't want to miss visual trends that might reflect real signal that my poor human eye might not see after filtering, and thus potentially miss investigating an important and relevant direction while designing my algorithm.
I checked other threads, like this, but the ones I found seem to ask more about things like regularization or actual manipulation of the original data. The answers I found were mixed but prioritized splitting first. However, I don't plan to do any actual manipulation of the data before splitting it (beyond inspecting distributions and potentially doing some factor conversions).
What do you do in your own work and why?
Thanks for helping a new programmer!
To answer this question, we should remind ourselves of why, in machine learning, we split data into training, validation and testing sets (see also this question).
Training sets are used for model development. We often carefully explore this data to get ideas for feature engineering and the general structure of the machine learning model. We then train the model using the training data set.
Usually, our goal is to generate models that will perform well not only on the training data, but also on previously unseen data. Therefore, we want to avoid models that capture the peculiarities of the data we have available now rather than the general structure of the data we will see in the future ("overfitting"). To do so, we assess the quality of the models we're training by evaluating their performance on a different set of data, the validation data, and choose the model that performs best on the validation data.
Having trained our final model, we often want to have an unbiased estimate of its performance. Since we have already used the validation data in the process of model development (we chose the model that performed best on the validation data), we cannot be sure that our model will perform equally well on unseen data. So, to assess model quality, we test performance unsing a new batch of data, the testing data.
This discussion gives the answer your question: We should not use the testing (or validation) data set for exploratory data analysis. Because if we did, we would run the risk of overfitting the model to the peculiarities of the data we have, for example by engineering features that work well for the testing data. At the same time, we would lose the ability of getting an unbiased estimate of our model's performance.
I would take the problem the other way round; is it bad to use the test set ?
The objective of modeling is to end up with a model with low variance (and small bias): that's why the test set is keeping a bunch of data aside to assess how your model behaves with new data (i.e. its variance). If you use the test set during modeling you are left with nothing to do that, and you are overfitting your data.
The objective of EDA is to understand the data you're working with; the distributions of features, their relationships, their dynamics, etc ... If you leave your test set in the data, is there a risk of "overfitting" your understanding of data ? If that was the case, you would observe on say 70% of your data some properties that are not valid for the 30% remaining (test set) ... knowing that the split is random, this is impossible, or you have been extremely unlucky.
From my understanding in Machine Learning Pipeline is exploratory data analysis should be done before splitting the data into train and test.
Here are my reasons:
The data may not be cleaned in the beginning. It might have missing values, mismatch datatypes and outliers.
Need to understand every features with the target variable in the dataset. This will help to understand the importance of every features with respect to the business problem and will help to derive the additional features as well.
The data visualization will also help to get the insights information from the dataset.
Once the above operations done, then we can split the dataset into train and test. Because the features must be similar in both train and test.

Keras plot after model is finished explanaition

It is not really a programming question, I apologise for that. I have trained my network and generated these graphs.
I am struggling to find an answer to what do Accuracy vs Val_Accuracy and Loss vs Val_loss really represent. I do understand that if val_loss starts to jump high it means that there is over fitting going on and network just starts to memorise the data rather then learning. Could anyone explain in a bit more detail what they all mean?
During a neural network training - you usually provide two sets of data - a train one and validation one. Your training algorithm is taking data from a train set - and using a calculus and backpropagation it's trying to decrease a cost function which somehow represents how good your representation is (smaller the better). Aside of this - a cost is computed for a validation set which is not seen by a training algorithm - so one may check if model doesn't overfit on a train data provided (this happens if train loss is substancially smaller than validation loss). Despite loss different metrics might be computed - one of them might be e.g. accuracy. Sometimes they give you better insights into how your model works because loss might be hard to understand. Metrics give you better understanding on if your model works good.

Can DOE driver results feed Metamodel component?

I am interested in exploring surrogate based optimization. I am not yet writing opendao code, just trying to figure out to what extent OpenMDAO will support this work.
I see that it has a DOE driver to generate training data (, I see that it has several surrogate models that can be added to a meta model ( Yet, I haven't found an example where the results of the DOE are passed as training data to the Meta-model.
In many of the examples/tutorials/forum-posts it seems that the training data is created directly on or within the meta model. So it is not clear how these things work together.
Could the developers explain how training data is passed from a DOE to a meta model? Thanks!
In openmdao 1.x, this kind of process isn't directly supported (yet) via a DOE, but it is definitely possible. There are two paths that you can take, which offer different benefits depending on your eventual goal.
I will separate the different scenarios based on a single high level classification:
1) You want to do gradient based optimization around the whole DOE/Metamodel combination. This would be the case if, for example, you wanted to use CFD to predict drag at a few key points, then use a meta-model to generate a drag polar for mission analysis. A great example of this kind of modeling can be found in this paper on simultaneous aircraft-mission design optimization..
2) You don't want to do gradient based optimization around the whole model. You might want to do gradient free optimization (like a Genetic algorithm). You might want to do gradient based optimization just around the surrogate itself, with fixed training data. Or you might not want to do optimization at all...
If you're use case falls under scenario 1 (or will eventually fall under this use case in the future), then you want to use a multi-point approach. You create one instance of your model for each training case, then you can mux the results into an array you pass into meta-model. This is necessary so that derivatives can
be propagated through the full model. The multi-point approach will work well, and is very parallelizable. Depending on the structure of the model you will use for generating the training data itself, you might also consider a slightly different multi-point approach with a distributed component or a series of distributed components chained together. If your model will support it, the distributed component approach is the most efficient model structure to use in this case.
If you're use case falls into scenario 2, you can still employ the multi-point approach if you like. It will work out of the box. However, you could also consider using a regular DOE to generate the training data. In order to do this, you'll need to use a nested-problem approach, where you put the DOE training data generation in a sub-problem. This will also work, though it will take a bit of extra coding on your part to get the array of results out of the DOE because thats not currently implemented.
If you wanted to use the DOE to generate the data, then pass it downstream to a surrogate that would get optimized on, you could use a pair of problem instances. This would not necessarily require that you make nested problems at all. Instead you just build a run-script that has one problem instance that uses a DOE, when its done you collect the data into an array. Then you could manually assign that to the training inputs of a meta-model in a second problem instance. Something like the following pseudo-code:
prob1 = Problem()
prob1.driver = DOE()
#set up the DOE variables and model ...
training_data = prob1.driver.results
prob2 = Problem()
prob2.driver = Optimizer()
#set up the meta-model and optimization problem
prob2['meta_model.train:x'] = training_data

A framework for comparing the time performance of Expectation Maximization

I have my own implementation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm based on this paper, and I would like to compare this with the performance of another implementation. For the tests, I am using k centroids with 1 Gb of txt data and I am just measuring the time it takes to compute the new centroids in 1 iteration. I tried it with an EM implementation in R, but I couldn't, since the result is plotted in a graph and gets stuck when there's a large number of txt data. I was following the examples in here.
Does anybody know of an implementation of EM that can measure its performance or know how to do it with R?
Fair benchmarking of EM is hard. Very hard.
the initialization will usually involve random, and can be very different. For all I know, the R implementation by default uses hierarchical clustering to find the initial clusters. Which comes at O(n^2) memory and most likely at O(n^3) runtime cost. In my benchmarks, R would run out of memory due to this. I assume there is a way to specify initial cluster centers/models. A random-objects initialization will of course be much faster. Probably k-means++ is a good way to choose initial centers in practise.
EM theoretically never terminates. It just at some point does not change much anymore, and thus you can set a threshold to stop. However, the exact definition of the stopping threshold varies.
There exist all kinds of model variations. A method only using fuzzy assignments such as Fuzzy-c-means will of course be much faster than an implementation using multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models with a covaraince matrix. In particular with higher dimensionality.
Covariance matrixes also need O(k * d^2) memory, and the inversion will take O(k * d^3) time, and thus is clearly not appropriate for text data.
Data may or may not be appropriate. If you run EM on a data set that actually has Gaussian clusters, it will usually work much better than on a data set that doesn't provide a good fit at all. When there is no good fit, you will see a high variance in runtime even with the same implementation.
For a starter, try running your own algorithm several times with different initialization, and check your runtime for variance. How large is the variance compared to the total runtime?
You can try benchmarking against the EM implementation in ELKI. But I doubt the implementation will work with sparse data such as text - that data just is not Gaussian, it is not proper to benchmark. Most likely it will not be able to process the data at all because of this. This is expected, and can be explained from theory. Try to find data sets that are dense and that can be expected to have multiple gaussian clusters (sorry, I can't give you many recommendations here. The classic Iris and Old Faithful data sets are too small to be useful for benchmarking.

When to use test and training sets in Weka?

I've been working with Weka for awhile now, and in my research on it, I find that a lot of code examples use test and training sets. For instance, with Discretization and Bayesian Networks,their examples are almost always shown using test and training sets. I may be missing some fundamental understanding of data processing here, but I don't understand why this seems to always be the case. I am using Discretization and Bayesian Networks in a project and for both of them, I have not used test or training sets, and do not see why I would need to either. I am performing cross validation on the BayesNet, so I am testing its accuracy. Am I misunderstanding what test and training sets are used for??? Oh and please use the simplest of terminology; I'm still not very experienced with the world of data processing.
The idea behind training and test sets is to test the generalization error. That is, if you used just one data set, you could achieve perfect accuracy by simply learning this set (this is what nearest neighbour classifiers do, IBk in Weka). In general, this is not what you want however -- the machine learning algorithm should learn the general concept behind the example data that you give it. A way of testing whether this happens is to use separate data for training and testing.
If you're using cross-validation, you're using separate training and test sets. This is simply a way of coming up with the partition of your entire data set into training and test. If you do 10 fold cross-validation for example, your entire data is partitioned into 10 sets of equal size. Nine of these are combined and used for training, the remaining one for testing. Then the process is repeated with nine different sets combined for training and so on until all the ten individual partitions will have been used for testing.
So training/test sets and cross-validation are conceptually doing the same thing, cross-validation simply takes a more rigorous approach by averaging over the entire data set.
Training data refers to the data used to "build the model".
For example, it you are using the algorithm J48 (a tree classifier) to classify instances, the training data will be used to generate the tree that will represent the "learned concept" that should be a generalization of the concept. It means that the learned rules, generated trees, the adjusted neural network, or whatever; will be able to get new (unseen) instances and classify them correctly (the "learned concept" does not depends on the training data).
The test sets are a percentage of the data that will be used to test whether the model has learned the concept properly (it is independent of the training data).
In WEKA you can run an execution splitting your data set into trainig data (to build the tree in the case of J48) and test data (to test the model in order to determine that the concept has been learned). For example, you can use 60% of the data for training and 40% for testing (determine how much data is needed for training and testing is one of the key problems of data mining).
But I would recommend you to have a quick look to cross-validation, that is a robust testing method that is implemented in WEKA. It has been explained quite well here:
If you have more questions just leave a comment.
