Bootstrap 5 underline navbar menu item - css

I am attempting to get the current selected menu within a navbar to be underlined however it isn't working.
My code:
.navbar-nav .nav-item:focus .nav-link {
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: yellow;
It seems quite common to have the selected menu link underline or highlighted in some way but I cannot figure out how to achieve this with Bootstrap 5.

You should apply pesudo class :focus on .nav-link element
.navbar-nav .nav-item .nav-link:focus {
text-decoration: underline;
background-color: yellow;

The reason that your css doesn't affect is because .nav-item never get focused..
If you want it to get focused use tabindex.
Else, change it to .nav-link:focus {text-decoration: underline;} (you don't need even !important for that).

Try to override the 'active' class:
.navbar-nav .active { text-decoration: underline; background-color: yellow; }


Change highlight menu items on hover to underline on hover on wordpress

I'm having some difficulty tying to change the how the menu items would look as once hovered over. Currently it is set to highlight when hovered over but I would like it to be underlined instead.
Use text-decoration: underline; on hover and remove the color definetion :
.navbar-nav > li > a:hover {
color: black;
text-decoration: underline;
As I see it override by other css so use !important
.navbar-nav > li > a:hover {
color: black!important;
text-decoration: underline!important;
Can i increase the weight/thickness of the underline
Use border-bottom instead text-decoration
.navbar-nav > li > a:hover {
color: black!important;
text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: 10px solid black;

Overriding a:hover text-decoration in a different class

I have all links on my site underlined when hovered using the following css:
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
How can I make a class which will override this?
.footer {
text-decoration: none;
Your second selector is less accurate than the first one, therefore it's the first one that is applied.
Plus, you shouldn't target such a wide selector (.footer) in order to only style your links. What you should do is:
.footer a:hover{ text-decoration: none; }
(As I assume that default a state doesn't have a text-decoration: underline;)
This code seemed to fix it although it wasn't working earlier:
a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
.footer a{

active class link in joomla

Hi I'm trying to make a joomla site here, only one problem I can't seem to figure out. The color of my active link doesn't change, it has an image and a color, the image is in place as it should be, but the color doesn't change. Anyone an idea? here's the css:
a {
color: #ffffff;
text-decoration: none;
a:link, a:visited {color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none;}
a:focus, a:hover {
color: #e2231a;
text-decoration: none;
#links {
color: #e2231a;
text-decoration: none;
background: url("../images/hover.png") bottom center no-repeat;
padding-bottom: 17px;
I know the active statement looks different then the rest, but this was the only way to get my image to show. Really stuck on this..
Used to this for a tag
#links a {
// here style for your anchor link
If you want just the list elements within Links to change when active use this.
#links li:active a {color:#000;}
If you want all lists to be effected by this change use
li:active a {color:#000;}
If you want more than just the li elements to change ie ever single link on the site that is active to obey these rules then use the following
a:active {color:#000;}
Hope this helps you out.

In css code a:active is not working

I am using CSS code like this
.top_nav ul li a{
color: #444; background: #111;
.top_nav ul li a:hover{
color: #fff; background: #555;
.top_nav ul li a:active{
color: #111; background: #fff;
But the problem is this when any page is active, on navigation menu that link's background not change. Background of that link is same as other's.
You are probably looking for focusing an active link in your menu with different color. Mind that a:active is not intended for that purpose.
A link only takes up the a:active state when it is clicked, so you only see the change for a few seconds. You should look for a different way for getting it done, like adding a new css class for the selected menu item from your server side script.
The active is only applied when you click on it. Do it like this:
And then style it
top_nav ul li {
color: #111;
background: #fff;
The a:active selector refers to active state of a link, not your active page.
You will have to set some "active page" class to your menu item for the page you are currently viewing and refer to that in yor CSS.
If you have static HTML pages, you can add a class to your navigation items representing the current active page:
<li class="current">...</li>
and then change your css to:
.top_nav ul li.current a {
color: #111; background: #fff;

Can't see link unless you hover over link?

I'm having an issue on my site; if you look at the widget I installed at the very bottom, you can't see the links unless you hover over them. This doesn't just happen with this widget, almost any I put in have a 'haze' over them, if that makes sense.
I'm wondering if someone could help me figure out what's going on, and how to correct it.
The links are visible, they are just set to a light grey colour. You have these rules defined in your default.css file:
a:link, a:visited {
color: #EEEEEE;
a:hover {
color: #999999;
You could change the value of the standard link colour, or you create a new rule with a higher specitivity, so that only links in that widget are affected.
#dsq-combo-widget a {
color: #999;
You haven't specified the color for your new style:
.widget ul li a:link, .widget ul li a:visited {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
color: #999; <-- Add this
Only because of color you can't see it but it's visible. You have a predefined color (#EEE) for all of your "a:link, a:visited" at "" at line 3 and all links are inheriting that color so if you want to change the color for your widgets then add another color like
.widget ul li a:link, .widget ul li a:visited {
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
color: #333; /*or whatever you want*/
It's at line 345 in the same file.
