The best way to implement collective communications with individual send and receives depends on how the nodes are physically connected, by e.g. Infiband. I have not been able to find documentation on how to tell OpenMPI what network topology the supercomputer has, so I suppose it finds out automatically when doing collective communications. How does this work? In case "network topology" is the wrong search term, I mean things like fat tree, pruned tree, mesh, hypercube.
Can I simulate susceptible-infected-susceptible (SIS) model using NS-3?
I'm aiming to model malware flow using SIS and trying to simulate using NS-3.
I'm a newbie to networks, and have been searching for this since hours, going through tens of research papers but can't find anything similar.
SIS implies some sort of discovery mechanism to spread the infection of a network. These discovery mechanisms typically use exploits in network capable daemons. So, to simulate SIS, you want a simulator that works at the application level of the network stack.
ns-3 has some application-level capabilities, but it's mostly intended to be used to simulate the network stack below the application level. The application-level capabilities that ns-3 does have are limited to traffic generation. Discovering the presence of a service on a Node, let alone a compromised version of a daemon, is not supported.
So, it seems like you'll need to find another simulator. I'm not sure what your options are, but depending on how complex of a simulation you want, you could just roll your own by representing the network as a graph, and infecting a susceptible node with probability p.
I have an ethernet network that is connected like the following.
Only switches and the central computer are depicted. There are more devices connected to the individual switches within the buildings, but it's not what this question is about.
What is the technically correct way to describe this network topology?
I have found the term "tree topology" online, with similar network examples. Can the following network be described as such?
That's a tree. Just picture any of the left-side switches slightly more to the left and you should see it.
The network in your diagram is not a good setup due to chaining. Any of the left-side switches failing takes down more of the network than is necessary.
A better alternative is a central ("core") switch that all the others connect to. Any switch failing only takes down the connected nodes, except for the core switch (which you could make redudant).
Nodes: Clients on DHT-network.
Peers: Clients trying to download a specific resource.
Suppose that the DHT-network is a connected graph, but NO nodes can access ALL other nodes (a consumption contrary to the common belief that the Internet, which DHT-network overlays on, is fully connected).
Is the Peer-network, which overlays on DHT-network, is still a connected graph? Why?
Kademlia is an abstract algorithm that assumes spherical cows in a vacuum. The only failure modes the paper discusses are churn and temporary graph partitions. Asymmetric reachability is not considered.
Kademlia as implemented in the real world makes no guarantees. Everything is done on a best-effort probabilities-are-good-enough basis.
The main concern in the real world are not nodes where interconnected cluster A cannot talk to a interconnected cluster B. NATs and firewalls do not introduce such clusters on a considerable scale. They create a set of second-class citizens which are not consistently reachable by anyone - absent NAT traversal measures - and thus can only connect to the first-class citizens which are the nodes where anyone can talk to anyone else. Of course a few edge cases exist, but they're largely irrelevant.
Anyway, since you're not even asking about kademlia but about bittorrent, which is not really an overlay over kademlia but a separate network which simply bootstraps its contact information from kademlia things get even more complicated. Bittorrent can be implemented over two different transport mechanisms, TCP and µTP, and clients may support different levels of nat traversal capabilities for TCP, µTP and Kademlia-via-UDP.
Kademlia nodes generally store contact information for bittorrent on several reachable nodes, since they - quite obviously - cannot reach unreachable nodes for the purpose of storage. They also do so with redundancy, which ensures a high likelihood that the stored contact information can be observed by anyone else.
Based on that contact information bittorrent clients can then attempt to connect to each other. As long as there are some reachable bittorrent clients they will be able to establish a direct connection and then may additionally be able to attempt some nat traversal measures between non-reachable nodes. Again, there are no guarantees, so small swarms may fail under some circumstances, but once a swarm becomes large enough the probabilities tip overwhelmingly in the favor of the graph becoming connected.
A small additional concern is IPv4 vs. IPv6. Generally IPv6 provides better connectivity (if firewalls don't get in the way) but not all clients implement the ipv6 extensions equally well, thus possibly preventing a few v6-edges from forming when they would in principle provide superior connectivity between the same nodes.
Note that ipv4 and ipv6 DHTs are in theory independent DHT networks, they just happen to have some significant overlap. It's basically outside the scope of kademlia how to coordinate multiple independent networks.
Does it use some kind of Djikstra? Then what are the weights?
I was reading about computer networks..And thought about it
Thanks for your help
Routing algorithms are used by individual routers to determine the direction in which packets are sent. They can be simple, like RIP, that looks at advertised path costs received from other routers, or more complex, like OSPF, in which a model of the network is built within each router and a Djikstra is run to determine the best path. The trade off between them is the complexity of management and the resource consumption on each router.
Software Defined Networks are exploring options where a central controller makes all of the forwarding decisions and distributes them to the network elements that are handling the traffic. Technologies like OpenFlow are in use in large production networks today.
We are working on a project to create a V2V ad-hoc network between vehicles. Basically we are deploying Raspberry Pis in vehicles and we are using Xbee modules and Zigbee protocol in order to exchange data between vehicles if they are near from each other.
Our ad-hoc network is completely dynamic and decentralized (We cannot have any static nodes in the network). Our problem is that the topology of the mesh network created by the Zigbee protocol requires a coordinator to be always in the network and the network will fail in case this coordinator failed down.
It seems that using Zigbee protocol requires knowing the topology of the network beforehand.
We do not know whether it is feasible to create our dynamic network using the Zigbee protocol without knowing the topology of the network beforehand and without the requirement of the coordinator. Can we have more than 1 coordinator in the network to overcome this problem? Thanks in advance.
Is there a particular reason you are looking to use Zigbee? if you are after a truely decentralised network you would be better off using either a different protocol (one that has no need for a coordinator) or by defining your own using basic RF modems (which is a lot more complicated)
however XBee modules are configurable by AT commands, with a bit of work you could probably set them up to periodically change mode (when it is running as coordinator) to check for other coordinators and if it finds one then stay as a standard node, and if the coordinator drops out (stops replying) then steps up to be coordinator.
this approach would require you to solve a few issues though:
how do the remaining modules in the network decide which becomes coordinator
how often would the coordinator scan for other coordinators in order to effect a reasonable response time, yet not disrupt data flow
i would suggest that you provide a bit more information relevant to the question such as:
how much data is being transferred?
how often is this data being transferred?
how are you planning to define where the data gets sent (addresses? or multicast to everywhere?)
hopefully this helps you in the right direction, but in the mean time i'd suggest you look at the XBee datasheets for the AT commands and what is possible (has been a while since i used them)
Digi sells XBee modules that implement protocols other than ZigBee. Both the plain 802.15.4 module and their proprietary DigiMesh module would be possible candidates for your project if you don't need to be ZigBee-compliant.
I think that you could send broadcast messages with 802.15.4.
With DigiMesh, all nodes are of the same node type. But I do not know how well it will handle having networks come together and fragment on a regular basis. You could contact Digi's technical support or sales support teams to see if they can provide any guidance.