How to hide backgroud image on small devices? - tailwind-css

In tailwindcss: 2.2 layout I have image defined in backgroud
<div class="absolute top-0 w-full h-full bg-gray-900" style="background-image: url(./assets/img/register_bg_2.png); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat;"
and I to hide this backgroud image on small devices. I know how to use
But in this case all div will be hidden, nut image. How can I do it without splitting into 2 divs ?
I modified tailwind.config.js and added definition :
module.exports = {
purge: {
options: {
safelist: [...ta_gallery_safelist],
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: theme => ({
'test-device-sm': "url('/img/test-device/sm.png')",
'test-device-md': "url('/img/test-device/md.png')",
'test-device-lg': "url('/img/test-device/lg.png')",
'test-device-xl': "url('/img/test-device/exlg.png')",
// 'personal_page_container_wrapper_bg_image': "url('/img/register_bg_2.png'); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat;",
'personal_page_container_wrapper_bg_image': "url('/img/register_bg_2.png')",
but adding personal_page_container_wrapper_bg_image to my divs I do not see any background
image or invalid path error in the console...
classes test-device-... I use to show current device and it work ok...
Thanks in advance!

First of all, xs:hidden will hide the element above xs screen size, not below. You can read about it here.
You can hide background-image by setting it to none. So for your case, you could write your own css like this:
#media screen and (max-width: yourvalue) {
yourselector {
background-image: none;
or to use tailwind syntax, you could use something like this:
#screen xs {
yourselector {
background-image: url(./assets/img/register_bg_2.png);
background-size: 100%;
#apply bg-no-repeat;

You should do something like:
class='bg-opacity-0 xs:bg-opacity-100'

I think the logical way is to add your background image by editing the theme.backgroundImage section of your tailwind.config.js file:
module.exports = {
theme: {
extend: {
backgroundImage: {
+ 'bg-header': "url('/img/hero-pattern.svg')",
Then you can do something like:
<div class="absolute top-0 w-full h-full bg-gray-900 bg-none sm:bg-header"
If you are not familiar with how "tailwind.config.js" works, read this section, it's the most practical way to customize tailwindcss.


How to change scrollbar when using Tailwind (next.js/react)

I'm using Tailwind (react/next) and struggle to change the way my scrollbar looks.
It's a single page application and I have been trying to create custom CSS to apply to the first div in my index file, like this:
<div className="no-scroll"> <<<<<<<--------- Adding custom css here
<title>Oscar Ekstrand</title>
<link rel="icon" href="/images/favicon.ico" />
<main className="flex flex-col no-scroll">
<section ref={heroref}>
<Hero scrollToContacts={scrollToContacts} />
<section ref={offeringref}>
<Offering />
<section ref={processref}>
<WhatIDo />
<section ref={biographyref}>
<CvBar />
<section ref={skillsetref}>
<Skillset />
<section ref={contactsref}>
<Footer />
I can get custom CSS classes to work for things like buttons, both with a "plugin-approach" and having a global style sheet. (
But I can't understand how to change the look of my scrollbar.
Anyone got an idea?
Tailwind CSS doesn't provide a built-in way to customise the scrollbar styling. However, you can use the various ::-webkit-scrollbar pseudo-elements to style it.
Tailwind playground link:
#layer utilities {
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
border-radius: 100vh;
background: #f7f4ed;
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: #e0cbcb;
border-radius: 100vh;
border: 3px solid #f6f7ed;
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {
background: #c0a0b9;
yarn add -D tailwind-scrollbar
npm install --save-dev tailwind-scrollbar
plugins: [
// ...
<div class="h-32 scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-gray-900 scrollbar-track-gray-100">
<div class="h-64"></div>
variants: {
// ...
scrollbar: ['dark']
#layer utilities {
.scrollbar-medium::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 12px;
<div class="h-32 scrollbar scrollbar-thumb-gray-900 scrollbar-track-gray-100 scrollbar-medium">
<div class="h-64"></div>
THERE IS ONLY ONE STYLE FOR SCROLLBAR WHICH IS scrollbar-thin... so customize this way
I've managed to style the scrollbar with Tailwin plugin like this:
// tailwind.config.js
const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin');
module.exports = {
// ...
plugins: [
plugin(({ addBase, theme }) => {
'.scrollbar': {
overflowY: 'auto',
scrollbarColor: `${theme('')} ${theme('')}`,
scrollbarWidth: 'thin',
'.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar': {
height: '2px',
width: '2px',
'.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb': {
backgroundColor: theme(''),
'.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece': {
backgroundColor: theme(''),
// ...
And use like this:
<div class="scrollbar">
<!-- content -->
/* For Firefox Browser */
.scrollbar {
scrollbar-width: thin;
scrollbar-color: #000 #fff;
/* For Chrome, EDGE, Opera, Others */
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 20px;
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: #fff;
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
TailwindCSS's doc changed scrollbar styles by scrollbar:!w-1.5 scrollbar:!h-1.5 scrollbar:bg-transparent scrollbar-track:!bg-slate-100 scrollbar-thumb:!rounded scrollbar-thumb:!bg-slate-300 scrollbar-track:!rounded, the plugin they use
/** #type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
mode: 'jit',
content: ['./src/**/*.{html,ts,tsx,js}'],
darkMode: 'media',
theme: {
extend: {},
variants: {
extend: {},
plugins: [
function ({ addVariant }) {
'#supports (backdrop-filter: blur(0)) or (-webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(0))',
addVariant('supports-scrollbars', '#supports selector(::-webkit-scrollbar)');
addVariant('children', '& > *');
addVariant('scrollbar', '&::-webkit-scrollbar');
addVariant('scrollbar-track', '&::-webkit-scrollbar-track');
addVariant('scrollbar-thumb', '&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb');
Addition to that comment :
You can add darktheme option just adding
dark:scrollbarkdark or what you want to name that.
<div className="... overflow-auto scrollbar dark:scrollbarkdark> ...
Then add this in your main css file like in that comment above.
.scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: white;
.scrollbardark::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: black;
Extend Tailwind by adding your own base styles on top of Preflight, simply add them to your CSS within a #layer base directive:
//Inside styles.css
#tailwind base;
#tailwind components;
#tailwind utilities;
#layer base {
#apply bg-transparent shadow-sm
#apply w-3 bg-transparent
#apply rounded-none bg-blue-400 /*color trackbar*/
Check out the documentation [here][1]

Tailwind - How to customize padding such as px-10

In Tailwind, I want to customize px-10 to equal
padding-left: 10;
padding-right: 10px;
How do I do that?
Many thanks.
You can add custom padding values as shown in their documentation
// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
spacing: {
sm: '10px',
and use it as
<div class="px-sm"> .. <div/>
Use your custom values inside class by using JIT mode
<div className="pl-[10px] pr-[10px]"> .. </div>

Video.js change Focus style

I'm using Video.js together with Vue.js and Electron.js and I'm trying to change the outline of the video player to something a bit better looking than the standard yellow outline but the outline just stays as it is.
My Video Component:
<div id="video-container">
<video class="video-js" id="video-player" ref="video"></video>
import videojs from "video.js";
export default {
name: "Preferences",
props: ["item"],
methods: {
getPath: function () {
return this.item.dir + "/" + + "." + this.item.fileType;
mounted: function () {
let options = {
autoplay: false,
controls: true,
fluid: true,
playbackRates: [0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2],
controlBar: {
pictureInPictureToggle: false,
this.player = videojs(this.$, options).src(this.getPath());
<style scoped>
#video-player {
outline: none;
I've also tried !important, #video-player:hover and using the video-container div to change the outline but so far nothing worked.
The outline looks like this:
Video Box outline
button outline
If I understand what you are saying, you are talking about the bowser focus, that blue line around the focus component.
you need something like
.video-js:focus {
outline-style: none;
if still not working you can add !important or add this too
.video-js:focus {
outline-style: none;
box-shadow: none;
border-color: transparent;
Normally we don't remove this for the simple reason that could be hard to use Tab around the components. But if you are ok with that go for it!
EDIT (10/02/2021):
So for the video JS, you can actually use your custom class and overwrite the Video-js CSS class in order to do that you will need to create this 3 follow classes in your CSS. {
color: #00ff00;
/*put other stuff you need here*/
/* Change the border of the big play button. */
.vjs-matrix .vjs-big-play-button {
border-color: #00ff00;
/*put other stuff you need here*/
/* Change the color of various "bars". */
.vjs-matrix .vjs-volume-level,
.vjs-matrix .vjs-play-progress,
.vjs-matrix .vjs-slider-bar {
background: #00ff00;
/*put other stuff you need here*/
And for your HTML
<video class="vjs-matrix video-js">...</video>
Try to play around with this and see if fix your problem!
Source (videojs)

Get image height in React grid

I am making masonry grid gallery in React and I have trouble getting image height after load and before resizing it with grid. I have onLoad handler on img but there I get only already resized image height where it should be original, to use it to calculate number of row spans. I am aware it could be pure css problem, but I don't know how to solve it.
Here is my useEffect:
useEffect(() => {
if (imageRef.current && !loading) {
const height = imageRef.current.clientHeight;
console.log('height', height);
const spansCount = Math.ceil(height / 10 + 1);
}, [imageRef.current, loading]);
And here is my render:
return (
style={{ gridRowEnd: `span ${spansCount}` }}
style={loading ? { display: 'block' } : { display: 'none' }}
Here is my non working Codesandbox.
And here is working Codesandbox with react-load-image package, but I am not sure why this is working and the first one isn't.
I just needed to change this css on image:
.gallery__img {
width: 100%;
height: auto; // not 100%

How to dynamically update a background image based on routing in a React framework

I am trying to update a background image based on various routing options. However no background is displayed at all.
I've tried inline styling and making sure I'm referring to the right directories.
Originally the css just set the background by changing the html background but I could not make this dynamic.
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
'route': 'Home'
onRouteChange = (route) => {
this.setState({route: route});
render() {
if (this.state.route === 'Home') {
return (
<div className='App home'>
<div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', backgroundColor: 'rgb(91,121,97, 0.5)'}}>
<div style={{marginRight: 'auto'}}><Logo onRouteChange={this.onRouteChange}/></div>
<Navigation onRouteChange={this.onRouteChange}/>
} else {
<div className='App theAnimalKingdom'>
<div style={{display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'flex-end', backgroundColor: 'rgb(91,121,97, 0.5)'}}>
<div style={{marginRight: 'auto'}}><Logo onRouteChange={this.onRouteChange}/></div>
<Navigation onRouteChange={this.onRouteChange}/>
export default App;
The app.css is shown below. {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
div.home {
background-image: url('./Images/cover.jpg') no-repeat center bottom fixed;
background-size: 100% 100%;
div.theAnimalKingdom {
background-image: url('./Images/other.jpg') no-repeat center bottom fixed;
background-size: 100% 100%;
If the this.status should change to theAnimalKingdom then the background should change to other.jpg
There is no such thing as ./something (relative paths to "current" folder) for CSS <url> values of background-image.
You can use relative URLs, but those are relative to the CSS file (in build folder after the webpack/typescript/... compilation - if using create-react-app, assets from public folder are copied all, but assets from src only when actually imported).
Setting a backgroundImage With React Inline Styles might be easier, but placing the images to public folder is also possible.
