How can I decrypt a coreml model? - coreml

How can I decrypt a coreml model encrypted by core_ml_api?
the encrypted file has the encryptionInfo folder

If I understand you correctly, you don't. The encryption is performed on an unencrypted model and the API handles the decryption.
The documentation that you linked to states:
At runtime, you load the encrypted model the same way you load any other built-in model by using its load(completionHandler:completionHandler:) type method.


Can AEM share crypto library/key to other system?

Basically in AEM I would want to encrypt some text using AEM CryptoSupport and pass the encrypted key to other system(say ABC system), then the ABC system to decrypt the key to do some action.
AEM can share Adobe Granite Crypto Support 0.0.8 jar to ABC system to do encrypt/decrypt but I wonder how does AEM share HMAC and Master file to other system to decrypt? Is this possible ? Please advise.
You shouldn't have to share the jar with them. AEM CryptoSupport uses AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding for encryption. As long as both systems use a known key and scheme you should be able to encrypt/decrypt without having to use the same jar. AEM Cryptosupport can be used with a key other than the one generated by AEM.
CryptoSupport#encrypt(byte[] key, byte[] plainText)
The way to generate encryption key bytes is by using
CryptoSupport.hmac_256(shared_hash_key, shared_secret)
This allows you to come up with a shared key to use with the other system without having to expose AEMs keys.
To decrypt on the other system use the same hash key and secret. The part after ':' in output from CryptoSupport.encrypt is the IV.

Self-validating encrypted string - is method feasible?

I have a keystring which allows customer to have additional features.
Obviously I would like the software to check that this string is valid, and not modified.
Is the following idea feasible:
get the key string as encrypted value, and encode it in Base64
(my encrypted string is around 100 characters, for my purpose)
calculate the checksum (MD5) of course using a private salt.
weave the checksum into the encrypted data
In principle :
the places to weave into the encrypted data could be determined by first cher of the encrypted, creating up to 16 different patterns.
On checking the code validity I simply "unweave" the checksum, test if it's correct, and thereby know if the data has been modified.
Is my line of thoughts correct ?
The cryptographic feature you're thinking of is called "authentication," and there are many well-established approaches. You should strongly avoid inventing your own, particularly using a long-outdated hash like MD5. When an encryption system is authenticated, it can detect changes to the ciphertext.
Your best approach is to use an authenticated cipher mode, such as AES-GCM. Used correctly, that combines encryption an authentication in a single operation. While decrypting an authenticated scheme, the decryption will fail if the cipher text has been modified.
If you don't have access to AES-GCM, the next option is AES-CBC+HMAC, which uses the more ubiquitous AES-CBC with a random IV, and appends a type of encrypted hash (called an HMAC) to the end of the message to authenticate it. In order to authenticate, you need to remove the HMAC, use it to validate that the cipher text is unmodified, and then proceed to decrypt normally. This scheme is generally called "encrypt then MAC."
The implementation details will depend on your language and frameworks.

How to Decrypt Values in Pentaho which were encrypted using custom secret key

I have a problem like this, I'm using Pentaho COmmunity edition for some reporting and analysis purposes. In my side I have a table with encrypted values which were encrypted using a secret key. When I fetch data using Pentaho those values comes as encrypted values. How can I get the decrypted values. Is there a work around.
If the encryption is DES, AES or TripleDES you can use the "Symmetric Cryptography" step in the transformation. There is also a PGP decryption step if that's what you have.
Anything else probably needs a custom Java step that loads the needed libraries and executes the decrypt.

Alfresco properties encryption

I want to encrypt some specific property of a file like encryption type password decryption key these are custom properties.Can anyone tell How can i encrypt those properties?
The same way you encrypt any other data. Find some way to convert the various data into a buffer stream of formatted data (XML/TLV/etc.) and encrypt the buffer. Data is data.
That being said, if you're looking to transport this data along with the file, don't. That defeats the entire purpose of encryption. It only works if you do not send keys (except maybe public keys), passwords, etc along with the data. Rule #1 of encryption is keep your private keys private.
If there were a magic way to do this securely, we wouldn't need PKI.
Hello everyone now i am able to answer my question,
In Alfresco there is a bean name metadetaEncryptor inject that and use to encrypt and decrypt the data. by default it will use your alfresco keystore for key.
Want more info then comment below..............!!

What algorithms are used by RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider in web.config encyrption?

I cannot find (after hours of googling) the MSDN article/doc that declares what algorithms are used by the RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider when encrypting a section of the web.config file for an ASP.NET web application. I recall reading that it uses RSA for the key, and 3DES for the actual connection string.
What algorithms are used in encrypting the web.config file when using the default RSAProtectedConfigurationProvider (for both the key and the data)? Can someone provide a link to the appropriate MSDN article or other documentation on this?
RSA (naturally) is used as the asymmetric algorithm that is used to protect the symmetric key that is encrypted and stored alongside the protected data.
If you look at the relevant code in Reflector, there's a strong indication that the symmetric algorithm used to protect the data is AES256 ("") although TripleDES is also supported.
Use Reflector or JustDecompile and have a look at:
public EncryptedData Encrypt(XmlElement inputElement, string keyName);
Declaring Type: System.Security.Cryptography.Xml.EncryptedXml
