Maria-DB increasing innodb_io_capacity? - mariadb

I got two fast NVMe drives, and would like to increase the default value for innodb_io_capacity which is 200 (defined mostly for old SATA hdds) up to 15000, to get a better I/O bandwidth.
However, my question is, should innodb_flush_sync be turned off if innodb_io_capacity is set? If so, why?
OS: FreeBSD 13
Maria-DB ver: 10.5.12_1


OpenCL - Setting up local memory for a large dataset

I have the following problem. I have 6000 * 1000 elements that i need to work on in parallel (for most of the part). However, at some part of the kernel, those 6000 items have to summed together.
When I tried to setup my kernel inputs where (globalThreads = 6000 * 1000, localThreads = 6000), it seemed to throw an error (CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE). It seems that the maximum number of local elements in a workgroup is limited.
How can I work around this problem?
You can't set local threads that high. Most hardware can only do 128 to 1024 or so local threads (clGetDeviceInfo with CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE will tell you for your device). You can leave the local size NULL and the runtime will pick a size for you, but if your global size is not multiple of your devices work group size, this might not give you optimal performance. For top performace you can experiment with different local sizes, and then specify both, but the global must be a multiple of the local size in OpenCL 1.x. Round up the global and then check the work item index in your kernel to see if it is below your real work size.

R: limiting the use of RAM

I am currently working with big fileList on R 64 bits, and my colleague is also using the same virtual machine with another software.
Because of the 64 bits version, R is using most of the available RAM (48 Go). I tried to limit it with memory.limit(X) with X the limit in MB.
I have the answer:
Warning message:
In memory.limit(4000) : cannot decrease memory limit: ignored
So I can not "decrease the memory"? I have tried different options (memory.size(max=FALSE), but I can not find a way to limit the maximum use of RAM at 24 GB for all sessions of R.
Any advice / help is welcome!

OpenCL Accuracy and Performance Issues when using MacPro (Firepro D500)

I have run into a strange issue while running the same OpenCL kernel on multiple machines. Please see below:
OS OpenCL version GPU Output Accuracy
LINUX 2.0 AMD-R9 290X Good
Mac 1.2 Nvidia GT-750M Good
Mac 1.2 AMD Firepro D500 Incorrect
LINUX 1.1 Nvidia Tesla K20 Good
I posted on Apple forums, and the only reply I have received is that I should disable fast path math. I am not enabling it anywhere.
In terms of performance, the code runs two times slower on the Firepro when compared to the other discrete GPUs (Tesla and R9) in the list.
Can someone please tell what could be going on? I am happy to share the code if needed.
Here is the OpenCL kernel (some of the variable/function names are not proper):
Here is how it is called from the host:
sentence_length = 1024
num_sentences = 6
count = 0
for(sentence in textfile)
sentences += sentence
if(count == num_sentences - 1)
A sentence is basically a group of 1024 words. The level of parallelism is at the word level. I chose to use 128 work-items per word, because that allowed me to keep neu1 and neu1e in the shared memory. I tried other combinations like 'layer1_size' work items per word, or 1 wavefront per word, but that did not give good performance at all. Even now, the performance is not that great, but it gives me around 2.8X (compared to 6 core Xeon) on the R9 and Tesla.
Please let me know if more detail is needed!

Code profiling to improve performance : see CPU cycles inside mscorlib.dll?

I made a small test benchmark comparing .NET's System.Security.Cryptography AES implementation vs BouncyCastle.Org's AES.
Link to GitHub code:
I'm particularly interested in AES-GCM since it's a 'better' crypto algorithm and .NET is missing it. What I noticed was that while the AES implementations are very comparable between .NET an BouncyCastle, the GCM performance is quite poor (see extra background below for more). I suspect it's due to many buffer copies or something. To look deeper, I tried profiling the code (VS2012 => Analyze menu bar option => Launch performance wizard) and noticed that there was a LOT of CPU burn inside mscorlib.dll
Question: How can I figure out what's eating most of the CPU in such a case? Right now all I know is "some lines/calls in Init() burn 47% of CPU inside" - but without knowing what specific lines, I don't know where to (try and) optimize. Any clues?
Extra background:
Based on the "The Galois/Counter Mode of Operation (GCM)" paper by David A. McGrew, I read "Multiplication in a binary field can use a variety of time-memory tradeoffs. It can be implemented with no key-dependent memory, in which case it will generally run several times slower than AES. Implementations that are willing to sacrifice modest amounts of memory can easily realize speeds greater than that of AES."
If you look at the results, the basic AES-CBC engine performances are very comparable. AES-GCM adds the GCM and reuses the AES engine beneath it in CTR mode (faster than CBC). However, GCM also adds multiplication in the GF(2^128) field in addition to the CTR mode, so there could be other areas of slowdown. Anyway, that's why I tried profiling the code.
For the interested, where is my quick test performance benchmark. It's inside a Windows 8 VM and YMMV. The test is configurable but currently it's to simulate crypto overhead in encrypting many cells of a database (=> many but small plaintext input)
Creating initial random bytes ...
Benchmark test is : Encrypt=>Decrypt 10 bytes 100 times
Name time (ms) plain(bytes) encypted(bytes) byte overhead
.NET ciphers
AES128 1.5969 10 32 220 %
AES256 1.4131 10 32 220 %
AES128-HMACSHA256 2.5834 10 64 540 %
AES256-HMACSHA256 2.6029 10 64 540 %
BouncyCastle Ciphers
AES128/CBC 1.3691 10 32 220 %
AES256/CBC 1.5798 10 32 220 %
AES128-GCM 26.5225 10 42 320 %
AES256-GCM 26.3741 10 42 320 %
R - Rerun tests
C - Change size(10) and iterations(100)
Q - Quit
This is a rather lame move from Microsoft as they obviously broke a feature that worked well before Windows 8, but no longer, as explained in this MSDN blog post:
On Windows 8 the profiler uses a different underlying technology than
what it does on previous versions of Windows, which is why the
behavior is different on Windows 8. With the new technology, the
profiler needs the symbol file (PDB) to know what function is
currently executing inside NGEN’d images.
It is however on our backlog to implement in the next version of Visual Studio.
The post gives directions to generate the PDB files yourself (thanks!).

Optimal Local/Global worksizes in OpenCL

I am wondering how to chose optimal local and global work sizes for different devices in OpenCL?
Is it any universal rule for AMD, NVIDIA, INTEL GPUs?
Should I analyze physical build of the devices (number of multiprocessors, number of streaming processors in multiprocessor, etc)?
Does it depends on the algorithm/implementation? Because I saw that some libraries (like ViennaCL) to assess correct values just tests many combination of local/global work sizes and chose best combination.
NVIDIA recommends that your (local)workgroup-size is a multiple of 32 (equal to one warp, which is their atomic unit of execution, meaning that 32 threads/work-items are scheduled atomically together). AMD on the other hand recommends a multiple of 64(equal to one wavefront). Unsure about Intel, but you can find this type of information in their documentation.
So when you are doing some computation and let say you have 2300 work-items (the global size), 2300 is not dividable by 64 nor 32. If you don't specify the local size, OpenCL will choose a bad local size for you. What happens when you don't have a local size which is a multiple of the atomic unit of execution is that you will get idle threads which leads to bad device utilization. Thus, it can be benificial to add some "dummy" threads so that you get a global size which is a multiple of 32/64 and then use a local size of 32/64 (the global size has to be dividable by the local size). For 2300 you can add 4 dummy threads/work-items, because 2304 is dividable by 32. In the actual kernel, you can write something like:
int globalID = get_global_id(0);
if(globalID >= realNumberOfThreads)
globalID = 0;
This will make the four extra threads do the same as thread 0. (it is often faster to do some extra work then to have many idle threads).
Hope that answered your question. GL HF!
If you're essentially making processing using little memory (e.g. to store kernel private state) you can choose the most intuitive global size for your problem and let OpenCL choose the local size for you.
See my answer here :
If memory management is a central part of your algorithm and will have a great impact on performance you should indeed go a little further and first check the maximum local size (which depends on the local/private memory usage of your kernel) using clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo, which itself will decide of your global size.
