Openmodelica initialisation when part of equation is in submodel - initialization

I want to model a thermodynamic system.
This is what I have tried:
model IdealGas
// Natural Constants
parameter Real R(unit="J/molK") = 8.31446261815324 "Gas Constant J/molK";
// Values of Air used
parameter Real f = 5 "Degrees of Freedom";
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MolarMass MG = 28.949e-3 "kg/mol";
// Variables
Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature T(start=273.15) "Temperature (K)";
Modelica.Units.SI.AbsolutePressure p(start=1.015e5) "Absolut Pressure (Pa)";
Modelica.Units.SI.SpecificEnthalpy u "spezific energy (J/mol)";
Modelica.Units.SI.SpecificEnthalpy h "spezific Enthalpy (J/mol)";
Modelica.Units.SI.Density rho "Density (kg/m3)";
Modelica.Units.SI.Concentration c "mol/m3";
rho = MG * p / (R * T);
c = p / (R * T);
u = 0.5 * f * R * T;
h = u + R * T;
end IdealGas;
model OpenGasVolume
import Modelica.Units.SI;
parameter SI.Temperature T0=273.15+55 "Start Temperature (K)";
parameter SI.Pressure p0=5e5 "Start pressure (Pa)";
parameter SI.Volume V=1 "Volume (m3)";
SI.Mass m(min = 0.0, start = 1) "Mass in Volume (kg)";
SI.Energy H(min = 0.0) "Enthalpie in Volume (J)";
IdealGas media;
initial equation
media.T = T0;
media.p = p0;
H = media.h * media.c * V; // <--- Somehow this initialization does not work as i intend
H = media.h * media.c * V;
media.rho = m / V;
der(m) = 0; // No Mass transfer
der(H) = 0; // No energy transfer
end OpenGasVolume;
Somehow I do not get the initialization right.
It is mandatory that 'H' is set to a proper start value in 'OpenGasVolume'. Part of the equations are captured in the Model 'media'.
My desired result would be media.T == T0 and media.p=p0 over the whole simulation time.
However I get:
Simulation process failed. Exited with code 255.
Matrix singular!
The initialization problem is inconsistent due to the following equation: 0 != 55 = T0 - media.T
Error in initialization. Storing results and exiting.
Use -lv=LOG_INIT -w for more information.
How to init the model correctly?
Thanks, Bernd

I could solve it. Now I understand the meaning of `fixed=true'.
Solution is:
model OpenGasVolume
import Modelica.Units.SI;
parameter SI.Temperature T0=273.15+55 "Start Temperature (K)";
parameter SI.Pressure p0=5e5 "Start pressure (Pa)";
parameter SI.Volume V=1 "Volume (m3)";
SI.Mass m(min = 0.0, start = 1) "Mass in Volume (kg)";
SI.Energy H(min = 0.0) "Enthalpie in Volume (J)";
IdealGas media(T(start = T0, fixed=true), p(start=p0, fixed=true)); <<<=== Correction done here.
initial equation
H = media.h * media.c * V;
does not work as i intend
H = media.h * media.c * V;
media.rho = m / V;
der(m) = 0; // No Mass transfer
der(H) = 0; // No energy transfer
end OpenGasVolume;


How do I apply velocity and acceleration to match the result of math formulas

So I have an initial velocity iv a final velocity fv (that is always 0) a time t and an acceleration variable a
I use these variables to calculate final distance fd
Note: language used here is Kotlin
Note: Formula used for calculating fd and a are not something I came up with
var iv = 10.0 // initial velocity
var fv = 0.0 // final velocity
var t = 8.0 // time
var a = ((fv - iv)/t) // acceleration
var fd: Double = ((iv*t) + (a/2.0*Math.pow(t,2.0)))
I get the result that fd = 40.0
when I try to model this the way I would try to apply it in code.
var d = 0.0 // current distance traveled
var i = 0 // current time elapsed
while (i < t) {
d += v
v += a
I end up with the result of d = 45.0 when d should equal fd at the end.
what am I doing wrong in applying velocity and acceleration to velocity so that my results differ from what the mathematical formulas show they should be?
Don't worry about "formulas" - think about the physics.
If you have ever studied calculus and physics you know that:
a = dv/dt // a == acceleration; v == velocity; t == time
v = ds/dt // v == velocity; s == distance; t == time
If you know calculus well enough you can integrate the equation for acceleration twice to get the distance traveled as a function of time:
a(t) = dv/dt = a0
v(t) = ds/dt = a0*t + v0
s(t) = (a0/2)*t^2 + v0*t + s0
You can calculate the constants:
a0 = -1.25 m/sec^s
v0 = 10 m/s
s0 = 0 m
a(t) = -1.25
v(t) = 10 - 1.25*t
s(t) = -0.625*t^2 + 10*t = (10 - 0.625*t)*t
You can also calculate the answer numerically. That's what you're doing with Kotlin.
If you know the initial conditions
a(0), v(0), and s(0)
you can calculate the value at the end of a time increment dt like this:
a(t+dt) = f(t+dt)
v(t+dt) = v(t) + a(t)*dt
s(t+dt) = s(t) + v(t)*dt
Looks like you are assuming that acceleration is constant throughout the time you're interested in.
You don't say what units you're using. I'll assume metric units: length in meters and time in seconds.
You decelerate from an initial velocity of 10 m/sec to a final velocity of 0 m/second over 8 seconds. That means a constant acceleration of -1.25 m/sec^2.
You should be able to substitute values into these equations and get the answers you need.
Do the calculations by hand before you try to code them.

Multi-parameter optimization in R

I'm trying to estimate parameters that will maximize the likelihood of a certain event. My objective function looks like that:
event_prob = function(p1, p2) {
x = ((1-p1-p2)^4)^67 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p2)^5 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p1)^2 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1*p2)^3 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1^2) *
((1-p1-p2)*p1^2*p2)^2 *
(p1^3*p2) *
In this case, I'm looking for p1 and p2 [0,1] that will maximize this function. I tried using optim() in the following manner:
aaa = optim(c(0,0),event_prob)
but I'm getting an error "Error in fn(par, ...) : argument "p2" is missing, with no default".
Am I using optim() wrong? Or is there a different function (package?) I should be using for multi-parameter optimization?
This problem can in fact be solved analytically.
The objective function simplifies to
F(p1,p2) = (1-p1-p2)^299 * p1^19 * p2^11
which is to be maximised over the region
C = { (p1,p2) | 0<=p1, 0<=p2, p1+p2<=1 }
Note that F is 0 if p1=0 or p2 =0 or p1+p2 = 1, while if none of those are true then F is positive. Thus the maximum of F occurs in the interior of C
Taking the log
f(p1,p2) = 299*log(1-p1-p2) + 19*log(p1) + 11*log(p2)
In fact it is as easy to solve the more general problem: maximise f over C where
f( p1,..pN) = b*log( 1-p1-..-pn) + Sum{ a[j]*log(p[j])}
where b and each a[j] is positive and
C = { (p1,..pN) | 0<pj, j=1..N and p1+p2+..pN<1 }
The critical point occurs where all the partial derivatives of f are zero, which is at
-b/(1-p1-..-pn) + a[j]/p[j] = 0 j=1..N
which can be written as
b*p[j] + a[j]*(p1+..p[N]) = a[j] j=1..N
M*p = a
where M = b*I + a*Ones', and Ones is a vector with each component 1
The inverse of M is
inv(M) = (1/b)*(I - a*Ones'/(b + Ones'*a))
Thus the unique critical point is
p^ = inv(M)*a
= a/(b + Sum{i|a[i]})
Since there is a maximum, and only one critical point, the critical point must be the maximum.
Based on Erwin Kalvelagen's comment: Redefine your function event_prob:
event_prob = function(p) {
p1 = p[1]
p2 = p[2]
x = ((1-p1-p2)^4)^67 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p2)^5 *
((1-p1-p2)^3*p1)^2 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1*p2)^3 *
((1-p1-p2)^2*p1^2) *
((1-p1-p2)*p1^2*p2)^2 *
(p1^3*p2) *
You may want to set limits to ensure that p1 and p2 fulfill your constraints:

Why my code in Julia is getting slower for higher iteration?

I wrote a main function which uses a stochastic optimization algorithm (Particle Swarm Optimization) to found optimal solution for a ODE system. I would run 50 times to make sure the optimal can be found. At first, it operates normally, but now I found the calculation time would increase with iteration increases.
It cost less than 300s for first ten calculations, but it would increase to 500s for final calculation. It seems that it would cost 3~5 seconds more for each calculation. I have followed the high performance tips to optimize my code but it doesn't work.
I am sorry I don't know quite well how to upload my code before, here is the code I wrote below. But in this code, the experimental data is not loaded, I may need to find a way to upload data. In main function, with the increase of i, the time cost is increasing for each calculation.
Oh, by the way, I found another interesting phenomenon. I changed the number of calculations and the calculation time changed again. For first 20 calculations in main loop, each calculation cost about 300s, and the memory useage fluctuates significantly. But something I don't know happend, it is speeding up. It cost 1/4 time less time for each calculation, which is about 80s. And the memory useage became a straight line like this:
I knew the Julia would do pre-heating for first run and then speed up. But this situation seems different. This situation looks like Julia run slowly for first 20 calculation, and then it found a good way to optimize the memory useage and speed up. Then the program just run at full speed.
using CSV, DataFrames
using BenchmarkTools
using DifferentialEquations
using Statistics
using Dates
using Base.Threads
using Suppressor
function uniform(dim::Int, lb::Array{Float64, 1}, ub::Array{Float64, 1})
arr = rand(Float64, dim)
#inbounds for i in 1:dim; arr[i] = arr[i] * (ub[i] - lb[i]) + lb[i] end
return arr
mutable struct Problem
mutable struct Particle
mutable struct Gbest
function PSO(problem, data_dict; max_iter=100,population=100,c1=1.4962,c2=1.4962,w=0.7298,wdamp=1.0)
dim = problem.dim
lb =
ub = problem.ub
cost_func = problem.cost_func
gbest, particles = initialize_particles(problem, population, data_dict)
# main loop
for iter in 1:max_iter
#threads for i in 1:population
particles[i].velocity .= w .* particles[i].velocity .+
c1 .* rand(dim) .* (particles[i].best_position .- particles[i].position) .+
c2 .* rand(dim) .* (gbest.position .- particles[i].position)
particles[i].position .= particles[i].position .+ particles[i].velocity
particles[i].position .= max.(particles[i].position, lb)
particles[i].position .= min.(particles[i].position, ub)
particles[i].cost = cost_func(particles[i].position,data_dict)
if particles[i].cost < particles[i].best_cost
particles[i].best_position = copy(particles[i].position)
particles[i].best_cost = copy(particles[i].cost)
if particles[i].best_cost < gbest.cost
gbest.position = copy(particles[i].best_position)
gbest.cost = copy(particles[i].best_cost)
w = w * wdamp
if iter % 50 == 1
println("Iteration " * string(iter) * ": Best Cost = " * string(gbest.cost))
println("Best Position = " * string(gbest.position))
gbest, particles
function initialize_particles(problem, population,data_dict)
dim = problem.dim
lb =
ub = problem.ub
cost_func = problem.cost_func
gbest_position = uniform(dim, lb, ub)
gbest = Gbest(gbest_position, cost_func(gbest_position,data_dict))
particles = []
for i in 1:population
position = uniform(dim, lb, ub)
velocity = zeros(dim)
cost = cost_func(position,data_dict)
best_position = copy(position)
best_cost = copy(cost)
push!(particles, Particle(position, velocity, cost, best_position, best_cost))
if best_cost < gbest.cost
gbest.position = copy(best_position)
gbest.cost = copy(best_cost)
return gbest, particles
function get_dict_label(beta::Int)
beta_str = lpad(beta,2,"0")
T_label = "Temperature_" * beta_str
M_label = "Mass_" * beta_str
MLR_label = "MLR_" * beta_str
return T_label, M_label, MLR_label
function get_error(x::Vector{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64})
numerator = sum((x.-y).^2)
denominator = var(x) * length(x)
function central_diff(x::AbstractArray{Float64}, y::AbstractArray{Float64})
# Central difference quotient
dydx = Vector{Float64}(undef, length(x))
dydx[2:end] .= diff(y) ./ diff(x)
#views dydx[2:end-1] .= (dydx[2:end-1] .+ dydx[3:end])./2
# Forward and Backward difference
dydx[1] = (y[2]-y[1])/(x[2]-x[1])
dydx[end] = (y[end]-y[end-1])/(x[end]-x[end-1])
return dydx
function decomposition!(dm,m,p,T)
# A-> residue + volitale
# B-> residue + volatile
beta,A1,E1,n1,k1,A2,E2,n2,k2,m1,m2 = p
R = 8.314
rxn1 = -m1 * exp(A1-E1/R/T) * max(m[1]/m1,0)^n1 / beta
rxn2 = -m2 * exp(A2-E2/R/T) * max(m[2]/m2,0)^n2 / beta
dm[1] = rxn1
dm[2] = rxn2
dm[3] = -k1 * rxn1 - k2 * rxn2
dm[4] = dm[1] + dm[2] + dm[3]
function read_file(file_path)
df =, DataFrame)
data_dict = Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}()
for beta in 5:5:21
T_label, M_label, MLR_label = get_dict_label(beta)
T_data = collect(skipmissing(df[:, T_label]))
M_data = collect(skipmissing(df[:, M_label]))
T = T_data[T_data .< 780]
M = M_data[T_data .< 780]
data_dict[T_label] = T
data_dict[M_label] = M
data_dict[MLR_label] = central_diff(T, M)
return data_dict
function initial_condition(beta::Int64, ode_parameters::Array{Float64,1})
m_FR_initial = ode_parameters[end]
m_PVC_initial = 1 - m_FR_initial
T_span = (300.0, 800.0) # temperature range
p = [beta; ode_parameters; m_PVC_initial]
m0 = [p[end-1], p[end], 0.0, 1.0] # initial mass
return m0, T_span, p
function cost_func(ode_parameters, data_dict)
total_error = 0.0
for beta in 5:5:21
T_label, M_label, MLR_label= get_dict_label(beta)
T = data_dict[T_label]::Vector{Float64}
M = data_dict[M_label]::Vector{Float64}
MLR = data_dict[MLR_label]::Vector{Float64}
m0, T_span, p = initial_condition(beta,ode_parameters)
prob = ODEProblem(decomposition!,m0,T_span,p)
sol = solve(prob, AutoVern9(Rodas5(autodiff=false)),saveat=T,abstol=1e-8,reltol=1e-8,maxiters=1e4)
if sol.retcode != :Success
# println(1)
return Inf
M_sol = #view sol[end, :]
MLR_sol = central_diff(T, M_sol)::Array{Float64,1}
error1 = get_error(MLR, MLR_sol)::Float64
error2 = get_error(M, M_sol)::Float64
total_error += error1 + error2
function main()
total_time = 0
best_costs = []
file_path = raw"F:\17-Fabric\17-Fabric (Smoothed) TG.csv"
data_dict = read_file(file_path)
dimension = 9
lb = [5, 47450, 0.0, 0.0, 24.36, 148010, 0.0, 0.0, 1e-5]
ub = [25.79, 167700, 5, 1, 58.95, 293890, 5, 1, 0.25]
problem = Problem(cost_func,dimension,lb,ub)
global_best_cost = Inf
println("Running PSO ...")
population = 50
max_iter = 1001
println("The population is: ", population)
println("Max iteration is:", max_iter)
for i in 1:50 # The number of calculation
start_time =
println("Current iteration is: ", string(i))
gbest, particles = PSO(problem, data_dict, max_iter=max_iter, population=population)
if gbest.cost < global_best_cost
global_best_cost = gbest.cost
global_best_position = gbest.position
end_time =
time_duration = round(end_time-start_time, Second)
total_time += time_duration.value
push!(best_costs, gbest.cost)
println("The Best is:")
println("The calculation time is: " * string(time_duration))
println("Global best cost is: ", global_best_cost)
println("Global best position is: ", global_best_position)
#suppress_err begin
#time global best_costs = main()
So, what is the possible mechanism for this? Is there a way to avoid this problem? Because If I increase the population and max iterations of particles, the time increased would be extremely large and thus is unacceptable.
And what is the possible mechanism for speed up the program I mentioned above? How to trigger this mechanism?
As the parameters of an ODE optimizes it can completely change its characteristics. Your equation could be getting more stiff and require different ODE solvers. There are many other related ways, but you can see how changing parameters could give such a performance issue. It's best to use methods like AutoTsit5(Rodas5()) and the like in such estimation cases because it's hard to know or guess what the performance will be like, and thus adaptiveness in the method choice can be crucial.

CSIM will not run in Scilab v6.0.0 or 6.0.1

in Scilab v5.5.2 this code executes without issue.
In Scilab v6.0.0 or higher I get the following error,
lsode-- at t (=r1), mxstep (=i1) steps
necessary before reaching tout
where i1 is : 500
where r1 is : 0.1202764106130D-05
Excessive work done on this call (perhaps wrong jacobian type).
at line 159 of function csim ( C:\Program Files\scilab-6.0.1\modules\cacsd\macros\csim.sci line 170 )
at line 39 of executed file C:\Users\wensrl\Documents\SciLab\Control\optTest2.sce
ode: lsode exit with state -1.
Here is the code,
t = linspace(1, 520, 5200)
for i = 1:5200
if (i > 15) then
if (i < (5200 / 2)) then
u(i) = 1;
u(i) = 0;
u(i) = 0;
P = syslin('c', 0.72, 1 + 11 * %s);
n = 4 // order of the delay function
delay = 1 / (( 1 + ((%s * 3) / n)) ^n); // make into a function
Pd = P * delay;
x0=[7.1373457 6.6467066 1.0393701 0.125];
kc = x0(1);
ki = x0(2);
kd = x0(3);
alpha = x0(4);
// stdDeltaV PID formula
pidFormula = kc * (1 + (1/(ki * %s)) + ...
((kd * %s)/(alpha * kd * %s + 1)));
C = syslin('c', pidFormula);
oL = Pd * C;
cL = oL /. 1;
[y] = csim(u', t, cL)
For me it works similarily with scilab-5.5.2and scilab-6.0.1.
But note that ode solvers are supposed to get continuous systems. Here your input is discontinuous, so the solver has difficulties to integrate it and the result may be wrong.
In fact you should make 3 successives integrations for each continuous part
clf(),plot([t(1:15) t(15:2599) t(2599:$)],[y1 y2 y3])

How to generate a lower frequency version of a signal in Matlab?

With a sine input, I tried to modify it's frequency cutting some lower frequencies in the spectrum, shifting the main frequency towards zero. As the signal is not fftshifted I tried to do that by eliminating some samples at the begin and at the end of the fft vector:
interval = 1;
samplingFrequency = 44100;
signalFrequency = 440;
sampleDuration = 1 / samplingFrequency;
timespan = 1 : sampleDuration : (1 + interval);
original = sin(2 * pi * signalFrequency * timespan);
fourierTransform = fft(original);
frequencyCut = 10; %% Hertz
frequencyCut = floor(frequencyCut * (length(pattern) / samplingFrequency) / 4); %% Samples
maxFrequency = length(fourierTransform) - (2 * frequencyCut);
signal = ifft(fourierTransform(frequencyCut + 1:maxFrequency), 'symmetric');
But it didn't work as expected. I also tried to remove the center part of the spectrum, but it wielded a higher frequency sine wave too.
How to make it right?
its more like downsampling the signal itself, not the FFT..
Take a look at downsample.
Or you could create a timeseries object, and resample it using the resample method.
a similar example :)
% generate a signal
Fs = 200;
f = 5;
t = 0:1/Fs:1-1/Fs;
y = sin(2*pi * f * t) + sin(2*pi * 2*f * t) + 0.3*randn(size(t));
% downsample
n = 2;
yy = downsample([t' y'], n);
% plot
subplot(211), plot(t,y), axis([0 1 -2 2])
subplot(212), plot(yy(:,1), yy(:,2)), axis([0 1 -2 2])
A crude way to downsample your spectrum by a factor of n would be
% downsample by a factor of 2
n = 2; % downsampling factor
newSpectrum = fourierTransform(1:n:end);
For this to be a lower-frequency signal on your original time axis, you will need to zero-pad this vector up to the original length on both the positive and negative ends. This will be made much simpler using fftshift:
pad = length(fourierTransform);
fourierTransform = [zeros(1,pad/4) fftshift(newSpectrum) zeros(1,pad/4)];
To recover the downshifted signal, you fftshift back before applying the inverse transform:
signal = ifft(fftshift(fourierTransform));
EDIT: Here is a complete script which generates a plot comparing the original and downshifted signal:
% generate original signal
interval = 1;
samplingFrequency = 44100;
signalFrequency = 440;
sampleDuration = 1 / samplingFrequency;
timespan = 1 : sampleDuration : (1 + interval);
original = sin(2 * pi * signalFrequency * timespan);
% plot original signal
title('Original signal')
fourierTransform = fft(original)/length(original);
% downsample spectrum by a factor of 2
n = 2; % downsampling factor
newSpectrum = fourierTransform(1:n:end);
% zero-pad the positive and negative ends of the spectrum
pad = floor(length(fourierTransform)/4);
fourierTransform = [zeros(1,pad) fftshift(newSpectrum) zeros(1,pad)];
% inverse transform
signal = ifft(length(original)*fftshift(fourierTransform),'symmetric');
% plot the downshifted signal
title('Shifted signal')
Plot of original and downshifted signals
