How can i remove double coordinates from an array and all coordinates between those double coordinates - multidimensional-array

I am writing a script to find the path to the exit of a maze and that part works and gives an 2d array with coordinates. But the array contains al coordinates that are tried so i need to remove the coordinates from the array if they are double and all those in between. for example
array = [[3 3], [2 3], [1 3], [2 3], [3 3], [3 4], [3 5]]
final_array = [[3 3], [3 4], [3 5]]


Pushing arrays of one variable in one array

I have this piece of code:
for i=1:10
#show v
and I get this result:
v = [2, 1]
v = [4, 2]
v = [6, 3]
v = [8, 4]
v = [10, 5]
v = [12, 6]
v = [14, 7]
v = [16, 8]
v = [18, 9]
v = [20, 10]
Now what I want to do is to collect all these outputs of into one array of arrays, something like:
and I don't really know how to do it, I've tried several solutions that didn't work.
You can use array comprehensions for this:
julia> x = [[2i,i] for i in 1:10]
10-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
[2, 1]
[4, 2]
[6, 3]
[8, 4]
[10, 5]
[12, 6]
[14, 7]
[16, 8]
[18, 9]
[20, 10]
or go with the manual route of constructing an empty initial array, and pushing the inner arrays into it one-by-one:
julia> y = []
0-element Array{Any,1}
julia> for i in 1:10
julia> y
10-element Array{Any,1}:
[2, 1]
[4, 2]
[6, 3]
[8, 4]
[10, 5]
[12, 6]
[14, 7]
[16, 8]
[18, 9]
[20, 10]

How to initialise reduce and use accumulator in Julia

It works without initial value:
reduce(+, [2 3 4])
Tried multiple ways to provide initial value - nothing works
reduce(+, [2 3 4], 1)
reduce(+, 1, [2 3 4])
Also seems like reduce could be used only with 2 argument operator. What function should be used to reduce collection with custom functions that accept current value and accumulator? Something like code below?
reduce((accumulator, value) -> push!(accumulator, value^2), [1, 2, 3], [])
# => [1, 4, 9]
This example could be implemented as map(x -> x^2, [1, 2, 3]) but I would like to know how to implement it as reduce with accumulator.
julia version 1.1.1
The init argument to reduce is a keyword argument:
julia> reduce(+, [2 3 4], init = 1)
julia> reduce((accumulator, value) -> push!(accumulator, value^2), [1, 2, 3], init = [])
3-element Array{Any,1}:

Decrypt following string

The matrix A is 7 1
4 5
0-25 represent a-z in alphabetical order.
Find A inverse and hence decrypt the ciphertext fact .working modulo 26
Got this question in a test answer was supposed to be a word I got veho can anyone help?
The inverse of
A = [7 1]
[4 5]
computed in Z_26 (the integers modulo 26)
A^-1 = [1 5]
[20 17]
This is just the formula that, if
A = [a b]
[c d]
A^-1 = 1/ * [d -b]
(ad - bc) [-c a]
To use this mod 26, you need to find the reciprocal of ad-bc = 31 = 5. This is just its multiplicative inverse, which is 21 (since 5*21 = 105 = 1 in Z_26).
Thus A^-1 = 21 * [5 -1] = 21 * [5 25] = [105 525] = [1 5]
[-4 7] [22 7] [462 147] [20 17]
To test,
[1 5] [7 1] = [27 26] = [1 0] (mod 26)
[20 17] [4 5] [208 105] [0 1]
It should be easy enough to use this inverse to decrypt -- just make sure to do all the arithmetic mod 26.
I inverted
[ 7 1 ]
[ 4 5 ]
and came up with
[ 5/31 -1/31 ]
[ -4/31 7/31 ]
I had a little help from
Sorry, but I don't see how these mixed fractions could correspond to letters.

Vectors of length N with elements from another vector (with repetition)

Is there any easy way to generate an array of permutations of length N, drawn from k values? Example:
N = 2
k = [[0 0], [0 1], [1 0], [1 1]]
Permutations = [
[[0 0], [0 0]],
[[0 0], [0 1]],
[[0 0], [1 0]],
[[0 0], [1 1]],
[[0 1], [0 0]],
[[0 1], [0 1]],
[[0 1], [1 0]],
[[0 1], [1 1]],
An important note here: If possible, I'd like the result to be arrays all the way down (the product function in the Iterators package generates tuples)
If it helps, the Haskell equivalent would be: replicateM 2 [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]]
Just in case there's a more idiomatic way to achieve what I'm trying to do, here's the function I'm writing:
function generate_states(length)
# "tuples" contains what I want, but it needs a lot of transformation to
# be usable later
tuples = [collect(t) for t in
product([product(0:1, 0:1) for _ in 1:length]...)]
states = collect(distinct(imap(x -> kron([[i...] for i in x]...), tuples)))
return states
Which works, and does what I want, but ideally I'd like it to look something like this:
function generate_states(length)
arrays = replicateM(3, Array[[0 0], [0 1], [1 0], [1 1]])
states = collect(distinct(imap(x -> kron(x...), arrays)))
return states
The question actually wants to generate all the sequences of length N of elements from k.
This could be achieved using:
using Iterators # install package with `Pkg.add("Iterators")`
N = 2
k = Array[[0 0], [0 1], [1 0], [1 1]]
res = [Array[e...] for e in product(fill(k,N)...)]
OLDER INTERPRETATION - permutations of objects
collect(combinations(['a','b','c','d'],2)) generates the right collection disregarding the elements being permuted.
The specific elements in your code [0 0] are row vectors (i.e. 1x2 matrices). This is more awkward than column vectors in Julia. The example with column vectors is:
julia> combinations(Array[[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]],2) |> collect
6-element Array{Array{Array{Int64,1},1},1}:
Note the explicit typing of [] to prevent flattening of internal elements by vcat. With row vectors, as in the OP:
combinations(Array[[0 0],[0 1],[1 0],[1 1]],2) |> collect
(standard output is messy)
There's a simple solution with tuples as follows:
K = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)]
vec( [(i,j) for i in K, j in K] )
If you really need arrays (why do you need this?) you can do
K2 = [ [a...] for a in K ]
[ a for a in vec( [(i,j) for i in K2, j in K2] ) ]
If you need arrays of arrays then that is also possible, but even more messy. So the question is, can you really not get use tuples of tuples?

How to evaluate elements in nested vectors in Clojure

I am very new to Clojure and just started learning it last week. I am trying to evaluate a nested vector of vectors in this form:
[[1 2] [3 1] [-1 0]] which represents polynomials so the vector represents:
x^2 + 3*x - 1 (with the first number of each set being the coefficient and the second being the exponent)
I have a function named eval-term() that takes in a number input and does the calculation of the ((number^exponent)*coefficient) for each term, so I want it to iterate through the nested vector [[1 2] [3 1] [-1 0]] and essentially evaluate [1 2] and then [3 1] and then [-1 0]
I am getting an error:
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$make_poly$fn__11617, compiling:(null:53:1) clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.eval clojure.lang.Compiler$DefExpr.eval clojure.lang.Compiler.eval clojure.lang.Compiler.eval clojure.lang.Compiler.eval
core.clj:2852 clojure.core/eval
eval.clj:77 lighttable.nrepl.eval/->result clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo
core.clj:619 clojure.core/apply
core.clj:2396 clojure.core/partial[fn] clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
core.clj:2487 clojure.core/map[fn] clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq clojure.lang.RT.seq
core.clj:133 clojure.core/seq
core.clj:2523 clojure.core/filter[fn] clojure.lang.LazySeq.sval clojure.lang.LazySeq.seq
core.clj:64 clojure.core/next
core.clj:2781 clojure.core/dorun
core.clj:2796 clojure.core/doall
eval.clj:126 lighttable.nrepl.eval/eval-clj clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
sonar.clj:215 lighttable.nrepl.sonar/eval5570[fn] clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo
core.clj:617 clojure.core/apply
core.clj:1788 clojure.core/with-bindings* clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke
sonar.clj:203 lighttable.nrepl.sonar/eval5570[fn] clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke
core.clj:98 lighttable.nrepl.core/queued[fn]
core.clj:2330 clojure.core/comp[fn]
interruptible_eval.clj:138[fn] java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't know how to create ISeq from: user$make_poly$fn__11617 clojure.lang.RT.seqFrom clojure.lang.RT.seq
core.clj:133 clojure.core/seq
protocols.clj:26 clojure.core.protocols/seq-reduce
protocols.clj:41 clojure.core.protocols/fn
protocols.clj:13 clojure.core.protocols/fn[fn]
core.clj:6175 clojure.core/reduce
(Unknown Source) user/make-poly clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr.eval
I think my
(defn poly-maker [polyvector]
(reduce + #(map eval-term polyvector %))
is wrong because the "map" is not going through the sets in [[1 2] [3 1] [-1 0]] and evaluating them one at a time. I don't know how to resolve this, please help!
You want something like this:
(defn poly-maker [polyvector]
(fn [x] (reduce + (map #(eval-term % x) polyvector))))
(def example (poly-maker [[1 2] [3 1] [-1 0]]))
(example 3)
Note that the result is 17, not 9.
Your representation is fallible: you could have two or more values for the same coefficient, for example [[1 2] [3 2]].
So use a map: power -> coefficient. For example, {2 1, 1 3, 0 -1} instead of [[1 2] [3 1] [-1 0]].
