Understanding Eliza Chatbot in prolog - dictionary

I'm trying to understand how it really works the next eliza chatbot provided as example at:
What I so far understand is, that at the beginning we have a list (Dictionary) empty that will be fulfill with the matches of each word and each integer.** The matching of words and integers will be performed through
match([N|Pattern], Dictionary, Target) :-
integer(N), lookup(N, Dictionary, LeftTarget),
append(LeftTarget, RightTarget, Target),
match(Pattern, Dictionary, RightTarget).
match([Word | Pattern], Dictionary, [Word | Target]) :-
atom(Word), match(Pattern, Dictionary, Target).
match([], _Dictionary, []).
The matches will be saved in the dictionary through:
lookup(Key, [(Key, Value) | _Dict], Value).
lookup(Key, [(Key1, _Val1) | Dictionary], Value) :-
Key \= Key1, lookup(Key, Dictionary, Value).
I have been also reading the explanation found in the book "The art of prolog" of Leon Sterling and Ehud Shapiro but I can't really get it
I would appreciate your help
eliza :-
write('? '), read_word_list(Input), eliza(Input), !.
eliza([bye]) :-
write('Goodbye. I hope I have helped you'), nl.
eliza(Input) :-
pattern(Stimulus, Response),
match(Stimulus, Dictionary, Input),
match(Response, Dictionary, Output),
!, eliza.
match([N|Pattern], Dictionary, Target) :-
integer(N), lookup(N, Dictionary, LeftTarget),
append(LeftTarget, RightTarget, Target),
match(Pattern, Dictionary, RightTarget).
match([Word | Pattern], Dictionary, [Word | Target]) :-
atom(Word), match(Pattern, Dictionary, Target).
match([], _Dictionary, []).
pattern([1,X,2],[can,you,tell,me,more,about,your,X,'?']) :- important(X).
reply([Head | Tail]) :-
write(Head), write(' '), reply(Tail).
reply([]) :- nl.
lookup(Key, [(Key, Value) | _Dict], Value).
lookup(Key, [(Key1, _Val1) | Dictionary], Value) :-
Key \= Key1, lookup(Key, Dictionary, Value).
read_word_list(Ws) :-
tokenize_atom(A, Ws).


is it possible for better optimization of my kusto query

below is my Kusto query, it takes 2+ mins in lens dashboard to show the data, I have optimized my query to have materialize() in let statements and contains with has. is there anyother way to optimize it in a better way.
let C_masfunteams = materialize(find withsource=source in (cluster(X).database('oci-*').['TextFileLogs']) where AttemptedIngestTime > ago(7d)
and FileLineContent has "<li>Build Number:" | summarize min(AttemptedIngestTime) by source, FileLineContent);//, AttemptedIngestTime
let n = C_masfunteams | extend databaseName = extract(#"""(oci-[^""]*)""", 1, source)
| extend BuildNumber = extract(#"([A-Z]\w*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
| extend StampVersion = extract(#"([0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
|extend cluster ='masfunteams'
| project BuildNumber , StampVersion , min_AttemptedIngestTime
| summarize NumberOfRuns=count() , ingestedtime = min(min_AttemptedIngestTime) by BuildNumber,StampVersion;
let C_masfun= materialize(find withsource=source in (cluster(Y).database('oci-*').['TextFileLogs']) where AttemptedIngestTime > ago(7d)
and FileLineContent has "<li>Build Number:" | summarize min(AttemptedIngestTime) by source, FileLineContent);//, AttemptedIngestTime
let m = C_masfun | extend databaseName = extract(#"""(oci-[^""]*)""", 1, source)
| extend BuildNumber = extract(#"([A-Z]\w*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
| extend StampVersion = extract(#"([0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
|extend cluster ='masfunteams'
| project BuildNumber , StampVersion , min_AttemptedIngestTime
| summarize NumberOfRuns=count() , ingestedtime = min(min_AttemptedIngestTime) by BuildNumber,StampVersion;
let C_masvaas = materialize(find withsource=source in (cluster(z).database('oci-*').['TextFileLogs']) where AttemptedIngestTime > ago(7d)
and FileLineContent has "<li>Build Number:" | summarize min(AttemptedIngestTime) by source, FileLineContent);//, AttemptedIngestTime
let o= C_masvaas | extend databaseName = extract(#"""(oci-[^""]*)""", 1, source)
| extend BuildNumber = extract(#"([A-Z]\w*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
| extend StampVersion = extract(#"([0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*\.[0-9]\d*)",1,FileLineContent)
|extend cluster ='masfunteams'
| project BuildNumber , StampVersion , min_AttemptedIngestTime
| summarize NumberOfRuns=count() , ingestedtime = min(min_AttemptedIngestTime) by BuildNumber,StampVersion;
union isfuzzy=true m,n,o
| summarize Ingestedtime =min(ingestedtime) by BuildNumber,StampVersion
Hi the query is quite complex and without running it on the actual cluster it is hard to figure out what is the expected results. So here are a few tips:
Consider starting the union operator as the first operator with a uniform logic for the filtering, parsing and summarize operations
Consider removing the materialize() if you are only using each dataset only once
Consider removing the 'find' as you are not doing search across multiple columns, If you are using it to get the source table in your output records set, consider adding "withsource" to the union statement
If possible consider using the 'parse' operator instead of the regular expression
Hope this helps!

What is the "some" meaning in Collect result in Scala

"some" is not a special term which makes the googling seem to just ignore that search.
What I am asking is in my learning below:
Array[(Int, String)] = Array((3,dog), (6,salmon), (3,rat), (8,elephant))
Array[(Int, String)] = Array((3,dog), (3,cat), (6,salmon), (6,rabbit), (4,wolf), (7,penguin))
if I do some join and then collect the result, like b.join(d).collect, I will get the following:
Array[(Int, (String, String))] = Array((6,(salmon,salmon)), (6,(salmon,rabbit)), (3,(dog,dog)), (3,(dog,cat)), (3,(rat,dog)), (3,(rat,cat)))
which seems understandable, however, if I do: b.leftOuterJoin(d).collect, I will get:
Array[(Int, (String, Option[String]))] = Array((6,(salmon,Some(salmon))), (6,(salmon,Some(rabbit))), (3,(dog,Some(dog))), (3,(dog,Some(cat))), (3,(rat,Some(dog))), (3,(rat,Some(cat))), (8,(elephant,None)))
My question is why do I get results seems to be expressed differently, I mean why the second result contains "Some"? what's the difference between with "Some" and without "Some"? Can "Some" be removed? Does "Some" have any impact to any later operations as the content of RDD?
Thank you very much.
When you do the normal join as b.join(d).collect, you get Array[(Int, (String, String))]
This is because of only the same key with RDD b and RDD d so it is always guaranteed to have a value so it returns Array[(Int, (String, String))].
But when you use b.leftOuterJoin(d).collect the return type is Array[(Int, (String, Option[String]))] this is because to handle the null. In leftOuterJoin, there is no guarantee that all the keys of RDD b are available in RDD d, So it is returned as Option[String] which contains two values
Some(String) =>If the key is matched in both RDD
None If the key is present in b and not present in d
You can replace Some by getting the value from it and providing the value in case of None as below.
val z = b.leftOuterJoin(d).map(x => (x._1, (x._2._1, x._2._2.getOrElse("")))).collect
Now you should get Array[(Int, (String, String))] and output as
Array((6,(salmon,salmon)), (6,(salmon,rabbit)), (3,(dog,dog)), (3,(dog,cat)), (3,(rat,dog)), (3,(rat,Some(cat)), (8,(elephant,)))
Where you can replace "" with any other string as you require.
Hope this helps.

pyparsing recursive grammar space separated list inside a comma separated list

Have the following string that I'd like to parse:
((K00134,K00150) K00927,K11389) (K00234,K00235)
each step is separated by a space and alternation is represented by a comma. I'm stuck in the first part of the string where there is a space inside the brackets. The desired output I'm looking for is:
[[['K00134', 'K00150'], 'K00927'], 'K11389'], ['K00234', 'K00235']
What I've got so far is a basic setup to do recursive parsing, but I'm stumped on how to code in a space separated list into the bracket expression
from pyparsing import Word, Literal, Combine, nums, \
Suppress, delimitedList, Group, Forward, ZeroOrMore
ortholog = Combine(Literal('K') + Word(nums, exact=5))
exp = Forward()
ortholog_group = Suppress('(') + Group(delimitedList(ortholog)) + Suppress(')')
atom = ortholog | ortholog_group | Group(Suppress('(') + exp + Suppress(')'))
exp <<= atom + ZeroOrMore(exp)
You are on the right track, but I think you only need one place where you include grouping with ()'s, not two.
import pyparsing as pp
LPAR,RPAR = map(pp.Suppress, "()")
ortholog = pp.Combine('K' + pp.Word(pp.nums, exact=5))
ortholog_group = pp.Forward()
ortholog_group <<= pp.Group(LPAR + pp.OneOrMore(ortholog_group | pp.delimitedList(ortholog)) + RPAR)
expr = pp.OneOrMore(ortholog_group)
tests = """\
((K00134,K00150) K00927,K11389) (K00234,K00235)
((K00134,K00150) K00927,K11389) (K00234,K00235)
[[['K00134', 'K00150'], 'K00927', 'K11389'], ['K00234', 'K00235']]
[['K00134', 'K00150'], 'K00927', 'K11389']
['K00134', 'K00150']
['K00234', 'K00235']
This is not exactly what you said you were looking for:
you wanted: [[['K00134', 'K00150'], 'K00927'], 'K11389'], ['K00234', 'K00235']
I output : [[['K00134', 'K00150'], 'K00927', 'K11389'], ['K00234', 'K00235']]
I'm not sure why there is grouping in your desired output around the space-separated part (K00134,K00150) K00927. Is this your intention or a typo? If intentional, you'll need to rework the definition of ortholog_group, something that will do a delimited list of space-delimited groups in addition to the grouping at parens. The closest I could get was this:
[[[[['K00134', 'K00150']], 'K00927'], ['K11389']], [['K00234', 'K00235']]]
which required some shenanigans to group on spaces, but not group bare orthologs when grouped with other groups. Here is what it looked like:
ortholog_group <<= pp.Group(LPAR + pp.delimitedList(pp.Group(ortholog_group*(1,) & ortholog*(0,))) + RPAR) | pp.delimitedList(ortholog)
The & operator in combination with the repetition operators gives the space-delimited grouping (*(1,) is equivalent to OneOrMore, *(0,) with ZeroOrMore, but also supports *(10,) for "10 or more", or *(3,5) for "at least 3 and no more than 5"). This too is not quite exactly what you asked for, but may get you closer if indeed you need to group the space-delimited bits.
But I must say that grouping on spaces is ambiguous - or at least confusing. Should "(A,B) C D" be [[A,B],C,D] or [[A,B],C],[D] or [[A,B],[C,D]]? I think, if possible, you should permit comma-delimited lists, and perhaps space-delimited also, but require the ()'s when items should be grouped.

neo4j graphity how to implement

so I have been trying for quite some time to impelement the Graphity on neo4j
But i can find a way to build the queries, anyone have any leads?
for example on the neo4j document for Graphity there is a query just to get only the first element on the chain. how do i get the second one?
and also why there is an order by in the query? isn't that algorithm suppose to eliminate that?
Here is the query:
MATCH p=(me { name: 'Jane' })-[:jane_knows*]->(friend),(friend)-[:has]->(status)
RETURN me.name, friend.name, status.name, length(p)
ORDER BY length(p)
That is a variable-length query (notice the * in the relationship pattern), and it gets all the elements in the chain in N result rows (where N is the length of the chain). Each result row's path will contain the previous row's path (if there was a previous row) plus the next element in the chain. And, because every row has a different path length, ordering by the path length makes sense.
If you want to see the names (in order) of all the statuses for each friend, this query should do that:
MATCH p=(me { name: 'Jane' })-[:jane_knows*]->(friend)
WITH me, friend, LENGTH(p) AS len
MATCH (friend)-[:has|next*]->(status)
RETURN me.name, friend.name, COLLECT(status.name), len
With the same data as in the linked example, the result is:
| me.name | friend.name | COLLECT(status.name) | len |
| "Jane" | "Bill" | ["Bill_s1","Bill_s2"] | 1 |
| "Jane" | "Joe" | ["Joe_s1","Joe_s2"] | 2 |
| "Jane" | "Bob" | ["Bob_s1"] | 3 |

Denormalize table and append

How do I denormalize this table
| lemma | definition |
| abandon | a feeling of emotional intensity |
| abandon | forsake |
| abandon | leave behind |
| abbey | a church associated with a monastery |
| abbey | a convent ruled by an abbess |
| lemma | definition |
| abandon | a feeling of emotional intensity forsake leave behind |
| abbey | a church associated with a monastery a convent ruled by an abbess |
What should be the query?
SELECT lemma, GROUP_CONCAT(definition, ' ') AS definition
FROM your_table
GROUP BY lemma
GROUP_CONCAT is one of the aggregate functions available in SQLite
Try this:
SELECT lemma, GROUP_CONCAT(definition,' ')
FROM your_table
GROUP BY lemma
Works in SQLite.
As this link says:
The group_concat() function returns a string which is the
concatenation of all non-NULL values of X. If parameter Y is present
then it is used as the separator between instances of X. A comma (",")
is used as the separator if Y is omitted. The order of the
concatenated elements is arbitrary.
