wordpress update permalinks structure - wordpress

I need to change my blog archive pagination url from:
to blog/page/2
This is our current permalink setup under Settings
Custom Structure - /blog/%postname%/
I don't have access to the server, htaccess, or the template files so trying to accomplish this inside functions.php
I am trying to use paginate_links filter to update the 'format' of my url string but does the $link argument have all the details of the paginate_links function, base, format..ect. I tried to use var_dump to see the $link array/object but nothing prints out to the screen.
// define the paginate_links callback
function filter_paginate_links( $link ) {
// Blog page
if ( !is_front_page() && is_home() ) {
return $link;
return $link;
// add the filter
add_filter( 'paginate_links', 'filter_paginate_links', 10, 1 );


Output certain product page on homepage / WooCommerce shortcode not working properly

I need to output a certain product page on the homepage. add_rewrite_rule doesn't work for homepage for any reason (
there are actually no rewrite rules for the homepage in the database, WordPress seems to use some other functions to
query the homepage):
//works fine
add_rewrite_rule( 'certainproductpage/?$',
//does not work
add_rewrite_rule( '', //tried everything like "/", "/?$" etc
After spending way too much time looking through wp / wc core code and stackoverflow I came across an alternative. I can
simply add a shortcode in the content of the page I need to be the homepage and a product page at the same
time: [product_page id=815]. Indeed it works great, but only if the shortcode is added in the admin editor or is
stored in the database (post_content). If I try to call the shortcode manually on the page template (
page-certainproductpage.php) then it outputs the product page without some necessary stuff (PayPal, PhotoSwipe and
Gallery js). Weirdly enough, if I keep the shortcode in the content (via Gutenberg / Code Editor) but don't
call the_content and only echo the shortcode then everything works fine:
if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
get_header( 'shop' );
//works fine only if the same shortcode is within the certainproductpage's content
echo do_shortcode("[product_page id='815']");
get_footer( 'shop' );
Also when I try to add the shortcode via the_content filter hook before the do_shortcode function is applied in core's
default-filters.php ($priority < 11), then I get only the error:
NOTICE: PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5106
Unfortunately there is no stack trace logged. And the function around line 5107 is wp_ob_end_flush_all which is called on shutdown from default-filters.php
echo do_shortcode(apply_filters('the_content', "[product_page id=815]")); did not help either (same incomplete output as
with echo do_shortcode("[product_page id=815]");)
Also totally weird:
When I compare the string of the content from the editor and the string of the shortcode added programmatically it is
add_filter( "the_content", function ( $content ){
$wtf = "<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>[product_page id=815]</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->";
$result = $wtf === $content;
?><pre><?php var_dump($result)?></pre><?php
return $content;
}, 1 );
But if I replace return $content with return $wtf - I get the maximimum exucution time exceeded error.
So how can I properly output a product page on the homepage ("/") or how can I get the same result with the shortcode
when applied within the the_content filter as when just adding the shortcode in the (Gutenberg) editor?
Tested it with a simple custom shortcode outputting only a heading tag and it works fine with the_content filter. Also tried it on an absolutely clean site with only WooCommerce and PayPal installed - with the same results. Seems to be a bug on the WooCommerce side. Gonna run it through xDebug some day this week.
Ok, found a bit of a hacky solution. I just check on every page load whether the homepage is currently queried or not. Then I get the page content and check if it already contains the shortcode. If not then the page content gets updated in the database with the shortcode appended.
//it has to be a hook which loads everything needed for the wp_update_post function
//but at the same time has not global $post set yet
//if global $post is already set, the "certainproductpage" will load content not modified by the following code
add_action( "wp_loaded", function () {
//check if homepage
//there seems to be no other simple method to check which page is currently queried at this point
if ( $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] === "/" ) {
$page = get_post(get_option('page_on_front'));
$product = get_page_by_path( "certainproduct", OBJECT, "product" );
if ( $page && $product ) {
$page_content = $page->post_content;
$product_id = $product->ID;
$shortcode = "[product_page id=$product_id]";
//add shortcode to the database's post_content if not already done
$contains_shortcode = strpos( $page_content, $shortcode ) > - 1;
if ( ! $contains_shortcode ) {
$shortcode_block = <<<EOT
<!-- wp:shortcode -->
<!-- /wp:shortcode -->
$new_content = $page_content . $shortcode_block;
wp_update_post( array(
'ID' => $page->ID,
'post_content' => $new_content,
'post_status' => "publish"
) );
} );
I'd recommend one step at a time. First of all, does this work?
add_filter( "the_content", function ( $content ) {
$content .= do_shortcode( '[product_page id=815]' );
return $content;
}, 1 );
This should append a product page to every WordPress page/post.
If it works, then you need to limit it to the homepage only, by using is_front_page() conditional in case it's a static page:
add_filter( "the_content", function ( $content ) {
if ( is_front_page() ) {
$content .= do_shortcode( '[product_page id=815]' );
return $content;
}, 1 );
If this works too, then we'll see how to return a Gutenberg paragraph block, but not sure why you'd need that, so maybe give us more context

Remove category base from WordPress url only for specific category

I would like to remove the category base from Wordpress URL only for specific category.
For example, i need to change:
but i want to keep other categories unchanged:
I think that it could be achieved with some .htaccess rule, but I found some generic rules that remove the basic category in all the url.
you can easily achieve this by using Enhanced Custom Permalinks Wp plugin. you just need to go edit the category, yo will see a field to add your custom url.
This can be accomplished with some custom filters & actions.
Try placing this code in your theme's functions.php file:
add_filter( 'post_link', 'custom_permalink', 10, 3 );
function custom_permalink( $permalink, $post, $leavename ) {
// Get the categories for the post
$category = get_the_category($post->ID);
if ( !empty($category) && $category[0]->cat_name == "News" ) {
$permalink = trailingslashit( home_url('/'. $post->post_name .'-'. $post->ID .'/' ) );
return $permalink;
add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', 'custom_rewrite_rules');
function custom_rewrite_rules( $wp_rewrite ) {
// This rule will will match the post id in %postname%-%post_id% struture
$new_rules['^([^/]*)-([0-9]+)/?'] = 'index.php?p=$matches[2]';
$wp_rewrite->rules = $new_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
return $wp_rewrite;
This will set up the permalink structure that you want for posts:
You can easily do that without using plugins.
Through Admin panel
go to settings->permalinks and select default to custom
here you know more..

Show different page templates for custom post types

I am using the Custom Post Type UI plugin for worpdress and have created custom "pages". I have set these pages to be able to use the page template dropdown but would like to know if anyone knows of a way to show separate page templates for different post types?
You will need the theme_page_templates filter hook to remove the templates that you do not want to see for each post type. When the templates are loaded, including for display in the edit screen the templates that are returned are first passed to this function:
apply_filters ( 'theme_page_templates', array $page_templates, WP_Theme $this, WP_Post|null $post )
To implement you will use something like the following code:
function filter_theme_page_templates( $templates, $theme, $post ){
// make sure we have a post so we know what to filter
if ( !empty( $post ) ){
// get the post type for the current post
$post_type = get_post_type( $post->ID );
// switch on the post type
switch( $post_type ){
case 'custom-post-type':
// remove anything we don't want shown for the custom post type
// array is keyed on the template filename
unset( $templates['page-template-filename.php'] );
// if there is no match it will return everything
// return the (maybe) filtered array of templates
return $templates;
add_filter( 'theme_page_templates', 'filter_theme_page_templates', 10, 3 );

FeedWordPress - Save string as Custom Field

I am using the FeedWordPress plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/feedwordpress/ to pull posts from one site to another.
I have written a filter that after some help from Stack users successfully scans the $content and extracts the image URL into $new_content
define('FWPASTOPC_AUTHOR_NAME', 'radgeek');
/*hook=*/ 'syndicated_item_content',
/*function=*/ 'fwp_add_source_to_content',
/*order=*/ 10,
/*arguments=*/ 2
function fwp_add_source_to_content ($content, $post) {
// Use SyndicatedPost::author() to get author
// data in a convenient array
$content = $post->content();
// Authored by someone else
if( preg_match( '/<img[^>]+src\s*=\s*["\']?([^"\' ]+)[^>]*>/', $content, $matches ) ) {
$new_content .= 'URL IS '.$matches[0].'';
return $new_content;
What I wanted to do now was save this URL into a custom field instead of just returning it. Has anyone achieved anything similar?
So as I understand it, the plugin grabs content from external RSS feeds and creates them as posts in your website.
If this is the case, using your filter you should be able to grab the post ID within the $post variable.
So all you need is the add_post_meta() function to add a custom field to the specific post.
So including your code above it should look something like:
define('FWPASTOPC_AUTHOR_NAME', 'radgeek');
/*hook=*/ 'syndicated_item_content',
/*function=*/ 'fwp_add_source_to_content',
/*order=*/ 10,
/*arguments=*/ 2
function fwp_add_source_to_content ($content, $post) {
// Use SyndicatedPost::author() to get author
// data in a convenient array
$content = $post->content();
// Authored by someone else
if( preg_match( '/<img[^>]+src\s*=\s*["\']?([^"\' ]+)[^>]*>/', $content, $matches ) ) {
$new_content .= 'URL IS '.$matches[0].'';
//Add custom field with author info to post
add_post_meta($post->ID, 'post_author', $new_content);
return $new_content;

Do I have to add_filter() before apply_filters() in Wordpress?

I'm trying to understand Wordpress plugin like:
apply_filters( 'gettext', $translations->translate( $text ), $text, $domain );
I'm looking for all codes in Wordpress, I can't find:
add_filter( 'gettext', ....);
Why there is no add_filter for this plugin? Or I missed something? Same thing like:
I can't find:
add_action('wp_loaded', ....);
apply_filters is like, 'if there are any filters with this name, run the attached callbacks with these parameters'. So if there is no add_filter for that name, it means that there is no filter that's going to be run with the apply_filters call at the moment.
The same goes with do_action and add_action.
I am a beginner in PHP - WordPress stack as well, but this is from my understanding.
The plugins call apply_filters without having any add_filter in their codes is to allow the website users to add custom logic to their plugins. We - the users, can add our own function and use add_filter to register our functions.
For example, this piece of code is from the plugin. Normally, it shows all products but it provides us a way to not show a specific product.
// Plugin's
if (apply_filters( 'plugin_show_products', true, $product->get_id() ) ) {
So, if we - the users, want to customize a bit. We can add our own function as following (maybe in functions.php)
// Our custom changes
function my_own_changes($boolean, $product_id) {
if ( $product_id === 5 ) return false;
return true;
add_filter( 'plugin_show_products', 'my_own_changes', 10, 2 );
This translates to: The plugin will behave normally but for my own site, it will not show the product with ID of 5!
I have come across this type of code in a plugin or theme where the apply_filter is used without necessarily having an existing filter or add_filter
In this case, where the apply_filters is used without a filter you will have to call the function again where you want to run it. For example, in the header of a theme.
The following is an example of apply filters used in a function that is again called in the header.php
if ( ! function_exists( 'header_apply_filter_test' ) ) {
function header_apply_filter_test() {
$filter_this_content = "Example of content to filter";
echo $filter_this_content;
$output = ob_get_clean();
echo apply_filters( 'header_apply_filter_test', $output );//used here
Now in the header.php file, you would have to call this function since it is not hooked anywhere. So, in this case, to display the output in the header you would call the function like this :
<?php header_apply_filter_test(); ?>
You could as well write this code with a hook and it would do the same thing i.e display the output in the header.
add_filter('wp_head', 'header_apply_filter_test');
if ( ! function_exists( 'header_apply_filter_test' ) ) {
function header_apply_filter_test() {
$filter_this_content = "Example of content to filter";
echo $filter_this_content;
$output = ob_get_clean();
echo $output;
For this second option, you would still have the capability of using apply_filters anywhere else to call the callback function header_apply_filter_test() since the filter now exists.
So the bottom line in my view is a use case since either approach works!
