I'm looking for a function with this signature:
chainTraversal :: k -> (k -> a -> Maybe (k, b)) -> Map k a -> Map k b
You give it an initial key to start at, a function and a map.
It will extract the element at the position k in the Map, and feed that element to the function. Based on this, the function will return another key to look at next.
It's some mix between a filter and a traversal, with the elements themselves giving the next position to open. The result is the list of elements that has been traversed. It can be shorter than the original map.
Edit: taking into account a comment.
Since all the lookups are done in the original Map:
foo :: k -> (k -> a -> Maybe (k, b)) -> Map k a -> Map k b
foo k f m = fromList $ unfoldr g k
g k = (\(k', b) -> (k', (k, b))) -- k ? k' ? you decide
<$> (f' k =<< (m `at` k))
f' k (k', a) = f k a -- or: f k' a ? you decide
or something like that.
You'll have to implement the at function in terms of one of the lookupNN functions of your choosing.
It's not a filter since it must stop on the first Nothing produced by f.
There is no existing function with that signature and behavior. You'll have to write it yourself.
I am very new to Haskell and I wrote a Data Type in Haskell
for representing an interval map.
What does that mean? Briefly: A map data type that gives you a value back
for every possible key (put simply in my case [0..]).
Then you insert "sequences" like I want my map to hold from 7 to 23 'b'
so keys 0 to 6 will be init value e.g. 'a' and 7 to 23 will be 'b' and 24 and ongoing will be 'a' again etc.
I managed to wrote the Data Type, a get and insert function as well as a
functor version.
But I can't managed to get a applicative functor version to work.
The idea is to set the keys value to [0..] and just work on the values.
Here is my code and thanks for any provided help!
-- Building an interval map data structure in haskell
data IntervalMap k v = IntervalMap {keys :: [k] , values :: [v]} | Empty deriving Show
-- k = key, Typ variable
-- v = value, Typ variable
singleton :: (Enum k, Num k) => v -> IntervalMap k v
singleton v = IntervalMap{keys=[0..], values= repeat v}
-- get operator => a ! 5 = value at position 5
(!) :: Ord k => IntervalMap k v -> k -> v
(!) iMap k = snd (head (filter (\(x, y) -> x == k) (zip (keys iMap) (values iMap)) ))
-- insert a sequence into intervalMap
insert :: (Ord k, Num k, Enum k) => k -> k -> v -> IntervalMap k v -> IntervalMap k v
insert start end value iMap = IntervalMap {keys=keys iMap, values = rangeChanger (values iMap) start end value}
-- helper function to change a range of values in an intervalMap
rangeChanger :: (Num a1, Enum a1, Ord a1) => [a2] -> a1 -> a1 -> a2 -> [a2]
rangeChanger iMapValues start end value = [if (i >= start) && (i <= end) then newValue else iMapValue | (iMapValue, newValue, i) <- zip3 iMapValues (repeat value) [0..]]
-- functor instance for intervalMap
instance Functor (IntervalMap k) where
-- fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap f iMap = IntervalMap {keys=keys iMap, values= map f (values iMap) }
-- applicative functor for intervalMap
instance (Ord k, Num k, Enum k) => Applicative (IntervalMap k) where
pure k = IntervalMap{keys=[0..], values=repeat k}
_ <*> Nothing = Nothing
-- class Functor functor => Applicative functor where
-- pure :: a -> functor a
-- (<*>) :: functor (a -> b) -> functor a -> functor b
-- (*>) :: functor a -> functor b -> functor b
-- (<*) :: functor a -> functor b -> functor a
It seems like you always expect the keys to be [0..], e.g. it is hard-coded in your rangeChanger function. If that is the case then it is redundant and honestly I would leave it out. You can easily reconstruct it by doing something like zip [0..] (values iMap) as you do in the rangeChanger function.
If you make that change, then your IntervalMap data structure is basically the same as ZipList which has an applicative instance here:
instance Applicative ZipList where
pure x = ZipList (repeat x)
liftA2 f (ZipList xs) (ZipList ys) = ZipList (zipWith f xs ys)
You see that this doesn't define a <*> but that can be defined in terms of liftA2: p <*> q = liftA2 (\f x -> f x) p q, so you could also write that explicitly for ZipList:
ZipList fs <*> ZipList xs = ZipList (zipWith (\f x -> f x) fs xs)
Edit: I should also mention that one difference with ZipList is that you have an Empty constructor for your IntervalMap type. That makes things harder, you would need to know that your values have some sort of default value, but that is not possible in general (not every type has a default value), so your type cannot be an Applicative. Do you really need that Empty case?
I'm trying to self-learn some programming in a functional programming language and recently stumbled on the problem of generating all the permutations of length m from a list of length n, with repetition. Mathematically, this should result in a total of n^m possible permutations, because each of the m 'slots' can be filled with any of the n elements. The code I have currently, however, does not give me all the elements:
let rec permuts n list =
match n, list with
0, _ -> [[]]
| _, [] -> []
| n, h :: t -> (List.map (fun tt -> h::tt) (permuts (n-1) list))
# permuts n t;;
The algorithm basically takes one element out of a list with m elements, slaps it onto the front of all the combinations with the rest of the elements, and concatenates the results into one list, giving only n C m results.
For example, the output for permuts 2 [1;2;3] yields
[[1;1]; [1;2]; [1;3]; [2;2]; [2;3]; [3;3]]
whereas I actually want
[[1;1]; [1;2]; [1;3]; [2;1]; [2;2]; [2;3]; [3;1]; [3;2]; [3;3]]
-- a total of 9 elements. How do I fix my code so that I get the result I need? Any guidance is appreciated.
Your error appears on the second line of:
| n, h :: t -> List.map (fun tt -> h::tt) (permuts (n-1) list)
# permuts n t
Indeed, with this you are decomposing the set of n-tuples with k elements as the sum of
the set of (n-1)-tuples prefixed with the first element
the set of n-tuples with (k-1) elements
Looking at the cardinal of the three sets, there is an obvious mismatch since
k^n ≠ k^(n-1) + (k-1)^n
And the problem is that the second term doesn't fit.
To avoid this issue, it is probably better to write a couple of helper function.
I would suggest to write the following three helper functions:
val distribute: 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list list
(** distribute [x_1;...;x_n] y returns [x_1::y;...x_n::y] *)
val distribute_on_all: 'a list -> 'a list list
(** distribute_on_all x [l_1;...;l_n] returns distribute x l_1 # ... # distribute x l_n *)
val repeat: int -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
(** repeat n f x is f(...(f x)...) with f applied n times *)
then your function will be simply
let power n l = repeat n (distribute_on_all l) [[]]
In Haskell, it's very natural to do this using a list comprehension:
samples :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
samples 0 _ = [[]]
samples n xs =
[ p : ps
| p <- xs
, ps <- samples (n - 1) xs
It seems to me you never want to recurse on the tail of the list, since all your selections are from the whole list.
The Haskell code of #dfeuer looks right. Note that it never deconstructs the list xs. It just recurses on n.
You should be able to copy the Haskell code using List.map in place of the first two lines of the list comprehension, and a recursive call with (n - 1) in place of the next line.
Here's how I would write it in OCaml:
let perm src =
let rec extend remaining_count tails =
match remaining_count with
| 0 -> tails
| _ ->
(* Put an element 'src_elt' taken from all the possible elements 'src'
in front of each possible tail 'tail' taken from 'tails',
resulting in 'new_tails'. The elements of 'new_tails' are one
item longer than the elements of 'tails'. *)
let new_tails =
List.fold_left (fun new_tails src_elt ->
List.fold_left (fun new_tails tail ->
(src_elt :: tail) :: new_tails
) new_tails tails
) [] src
extend (remaining_count - 1) new_tails
extend (List.length src) [[]]
The List.fold_left calls may look a bit intimidating but they work well. So it's a good idea to practice using List.fold_left. Similarly, Hashtbl.fold is also common and idiomatic, and you'd use it to collect the keys and values of a hash table.
let rec fold_inorder f acc t =
match t with
| Leaf -> acc
| Node (l, n, r) -> f (fold_inorder f acc l) (f n (fold_inorder f acc r))
I'm trying to print the infold of a tree as following :
fold_inorder (fun acc x -> acc # [x]) [] (Node (Node (Leaf,1,Leaf), 2, Node (Leaf,3,Leaf))) = [1;2;3]
I'm getting an error saying my [x] is
This expression has type 'a list
but an expression was expected of type 'a
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a list
I'm really not sure what to do from here. Can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
In your definition of fold_inorder, what type do you expect f to have?
If I look at this call:
f n (fold_inorder f acc r)
it appears that the first parameter of f is a new value from a tree node and the second parameter is an accumulated value.
But in your test call you define f like this:
(fun acc x -> ...)
This suggests that the first parameter is the accumulated value and the second parameter is a new value from a tree node.
Usually test which contain question about SML have questions that ask you to find the signature/type of a function.
For example - What is the type of the following function:
fun foo f g x y = f (f x (g x) y) y;
val foo = fn : ('a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'a
I was wondering if there is a good algorithm I could follow in order to solve those kind of questions. Every time I try to solve one of those, I get confused and fail.
Start with what you know, then figure out a bit here and a bit there until there are no unknowns.
Here is one possibility:
Call the unknown types FOO, F, G, X, and Y, respectively.
Then look for something small and easy and start assigning types.
(g x)
is clearly an application of a function to one argument.
Set X = a and G = a -> b.
Then look at the enclosing expression:
(f x (g x) y)
| |
v v
a b
So far, we know that F = a -> b -> Y -> C, for some C.
Go outwards again:
f (f x (g x) y) y
Since both x and (f x (g x) y) are first arguments to f, they must be the same type a, and the same idea applies to y and (g x), giving them the type b.
So, F = a -> b -> b -> a and, since the outer f is only given two arguments, the type of the right-hand side must be b -> a.
X = a
Y = b
G = a -> b
F = a -> b -> b -> a
FOO = (a -> b -> b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b -> (b -> a)
And, since arrows associate to the right, FOO is equivalent to
(a -> b -> b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> a -> b -> b -> a
There are several ways to derive the type of a function depending on how close to the compiler's algorithm you want to go and how much you want to cut corners with intuition, which can come handy in practice and perhaps in exams, depending on the focus of the exam.
An example by Ionuț G. Stan cuts very few corners, and has a quite verbose notation. This mechanical approach is very safe, spells out everything and takes some time.
This current example by molbdnilo takes a middle ground and does some equational reasoning, but also relies on some level of intuition. I think this is generally the way you want to be able to do it, since it takes less time and space by hand.
An example by me links to various other examples for a diversity in practical approaches.
How do you make an anonymous recursive function (something simple for example factorial n?) I have heard it is possible but no idea how to make it work in OCaml.
let a =
fun x -> ....
I just don't know how to keep it going...
Here is a definition of factorial using only anonymous functions:
let fact =
(fun f -> (fun x a -> f (x x) a) (fun x a -> f (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))
It requires the use of the -rectypes flag.
Here's a session showing that it works:
$ rlwrap ocaml -rectypes
OCaml version 4.03.0
let fact =
(fun f -> (fun x a -> f (x x) a) (fun x a -> f (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1));;
val fact : int -> int = <fun>
# fact 8;;
- : int = 40320
I cheated somewhat by looking up the Y Combinator here: Rosetta Code: Y Combinator
Disclaimer: you would do better to read up on lambda calculus, fixed points, and the Y Combinator than to get your info from me. I'm not a theorist, just a humble practitioner.
Following the actual computation is almost impossible (but definitely worth doing I'm sure). But at a high level the ideas are like this.
The first line of the definition is the Y Combinator, which in general calculates the fixed point of a function. It so happens that a recursive function is the fixed point of a function from functions to functions.
So the first goal is to find the function whose fixed point is the factorial function. That's the second line of the definition. If you give it a function of type int -> int, it gives you back another function of type int -> int. And if you give it the factorial function, it gives you back the factorial function. This means that the factorial function is its fixed point.
So then when you apply the Y Combinator to this function, you do indeed get the factorial function.
Let me try to expand a bit on Jeffrey Scofield's answer. A non-anonymous recursive definition of the factorial function could be
let rec fact n =
if n < 2 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1)
The first problem you encounter when you try to define an anonymous recursive function is how to do the actual recursive call (fact (n - 1) in our case). For a call we need a name and we do not have a name for an anonymous function. The solution is to use a temporary name. With the temporary name f, the definition body is just
fun n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
This term does not have a type, because the "temporary name" f is unbound. But we can turn it into a value that does have a type by bounding f as well. Let us call the result g:
let g = fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
g is not yet anonymous at the moment, but only because I want to refer to it again.
Observe that g has type (int -> int) -> (int -> int). What we want (the factorial function) will have type (int -> int). So g takes something of the type we want (a function type in this case) and produces something of the same type. The intuition is that g takes an approximation of the factorial function, namely a function f which works for all n up to some limit N and returns a better approximation, namely a function that works for all n up to N+1.
Finally we need something that turns g into an actual recursive definition.
Doing so is a very generic task. Recall that g improves the approximation quality. The final factorial function fact is one which cannot be further improved. So applying g to fact should be the same as just fact. (Actually that is only true from a value point of view. The actual computation inherent in g fact n for some n is different from that of just fact n. But the returned values are the same.) In other words, fact is a fixed point of g. So what we need is something that computes fixed points.
Luckily, there is a single function that does so: The Y combinator. From a value point of view, the Y combinator (let us use y in OCaml, as uppercase is reserved for constructors) is defined by the fact that y g = g (y g) for all g: given some function g, the combinator returns one of its fixed points.
y : (`a -> `a) -> `a
In our case the type variable is instantiated by (int -> int).
One possible way to define y would be
let y = fun g -> (fun x -> g (x x)) (fun x -> g (x x))
but this works only with lazy evaluation (as, I believe, Haskell has). As OCaml has eager evaluation, it produces a stack overflow when used. The reason is that OCaml tries to turn something like y g 8 into
g (y g) 8
g (g (y g)) 8
g (g (g (y g))) 8
without ever getting to call g.
The solution is to use deferred computation inside of y:
let y = fun g -> (fun x a -> g (x x) a) (fun x a -> g (x x) a)
One drawback is that y does not work for arbitrary types any more. It only works for function types.
y : ((`b -> `c) -> (`b -> `c)) -> (`b -> `c)
But you asked for recursive definitions of functions anyway, not for recursive definitions of other values. So, our definition of the factorial function is y g with y and g defined as above. Neither y nor g are anonymous yet, but that can be remedied easily:
(fun g -> (fun x a -> g (x x) a) (fun x a -> g (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))
Defining y only works with the -rectypes option. The reason is that we apply x to itself.
There is also an "intuitive" way to accomplish anonymous recursion without resorting to Y combinators.
It makes use of a let binding to store the value of a lambda that accepts itself as an argument, so that it can call itself with itself as the first parameter, like so:
let fact = (let fact0 = (fun self n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * self self (n - 1)) in (fun n -> fact0 fact0 n));;
It's anonymous only to the extent that it is not defined with let rec.