How to get total advertising costs filtered by a product in Sponsored Brands reports - amazon-advertising-api

I would like to ask help in my current project that performs API calls from Amazon Advertising API reports using scripts run by cron jobs.
The endpoint I need to call is the sponsored brands reports API, and the goal is to get the total advertising costs filtered by a product. Calling the API to get the total costs for all products is easy since all I need to do is to supply the date.But for total costs filtered by product, I don't see any helpful information on how to achieve it. For sponsored products and sponsored display Apis are really easy as well since I cna just pass the sku and asin in the metrics parameter.The product can then mapped from the asin and sku in the api call response.But in Sponsored Brands, it is not possible to pass the sku and asin in an api call.It doesn't also included in the api response.
Does any one has solution to this ?


How to pull company insights using LinkedIn API

Is there a way to pull company insights info using one of the LinkedIn API's? I have a premium account and have created an app on the LinkedIn developers platform. I can’t seem to find a way to fetch company data such as number of employees (by category and total), headcount growth (3m, 6m, 1yr, 2yr), job openings by category, etc.
Any idea on how to resolve this issue?
you can do this easily using organizationPageStatistics and brandPageStatistics APIs
just request the following link
GET{organization URN}
if you need to read more you can read the documentation

How to solve error Profile does not support product ads on Amazon Ads API

I am using the Amazon Advertising API and when requesting the campaign list for either the sponsored products or sponsored brands endpoint I get
{"code":"400","details":"Profile does not support product ads","requestId":"23SEDRS6NYJD8EHE7CS8"}
I'm not really sure what is going on, for other accounts I'm not getting this error and can't seem to find information anywhere on what might be going on.
The owner of the account says he has ads on that particular account, so he has product ads in the account.
What to do?

Is it possible to filter the orders that are visible via WooCommerce REST API?

We are running a WooCommerce shop and want to make our orders available to an external shipping contractor via the WooCommerce REST API.
However, not all orders are relevant to this contractor and he should not be able to access orders with only virtual products due to security and privacy reasons.
Is there a filter available where I can hide these orders from the REST API? I know how to do the filter, I just don't know if the right filter hooks exists to only filter posts (orders) accessed via the REST API. The WooCommerce Docs are not very clear on that subject. Thanks!

Can Google Endpoints be used as an API gateway for a SaaS product?

I have gone through the documentation on Endpoints and Quotas, but I still cannot figure out what the scope of Google Endpoints is.
Since I don't know a better way to phrase it, let's take the example of a SaaS company that, for a monthly fee, will provide customers with stock data through a REST API. They have different packages, from Enthusiast (for $10 per month) to Enterprise (for $1000 per month).
Would Google Endpoints be a suitable API management tool for this fictitious company?
Can you create an interface for API token management?
Can you set quotas based on the package that your customers are paying for?
product manager for Google Cloud Endpoints here.
We do not have quite the feature set that you need yet. We've got some features in the works (you'd need developer portals with log-in and key generation and monthly quotas) as we work on alignment with our Apigee product. There will be some progress this year, but no dates that I can speak of yet.

Charge user on a per month & per post basis for directory

I'm looking for a way to charge users to post to a directory site.
I've tried using the WPMU Dev directory plugin, but it didn't have this feature.
You could either charge a one time fee per post, or you could charge a monthly rate.
Oh, and for now the gateway would be PayPal.
There are a number of ways you could do that on the PayPal platform, but with the limited info I have here I would probably recommend the Adaptive Payments API, specifically Preapproval and Pay.
Using Preapproval, you would have users create a preapproval profile which gives you authentication to make payments on their behalf without further approval. This way you could take payments based on any trigger you want, be it a post, a specific date coming up, or whatever.
