How to find all possible paths that pass through each node once in an undirected graph - networking

I have an adjacency matrix describing an undirected graph and I need to find all possible paths that pass through each and every node once.
My graph has 25 nodes, therefore any path with length < 25 should be discarded.
I'd prefer the input to be and adjacency matrix rather than typing out each connection (the matrix is quite big).
I tried looking into DFS algorithms but they often require a start and end node or will display all the paths inline without showing each individual path.
I need my algorithm to look through every possible path, starting from any node and ending wherever it can.
If you have any idea of how I can start this project it'd be greatly appreciated.
I'm cool with C++, Java, js, or Python.
Thank you!


how to find all random paths between two node in graph to construct initial population in genetic algorithm

I want to create the initial population in a genetic algorithm. a population consists of paths between two nodes ( source and destination). how to find all possible paths between two nodes in an undirected graph?
You could take a recursive approach to this problem. Do something along the lines of the following. (be warned I have not refined this).
Start by selecting a random node from the graph as a start node. And select a random node as the end node.
Look at all the connections to other nodes from the start one. Do not return to previous nodes. If there are no possible connections left stop.
If the node is the end node then stop and record the path. If not, then look at all the connections to that node, and repeat this step.
Repeat this process with every pair of nodes in the graph.
I'm sure you can see the recursive part to this solution. I'm afraid I cannot write up this solution currently but I hope this might point you in the right direction.

How to find a point on 2-d weighted map, which will have equidistant (as close as possible) paths to multiple endpoints?

So let's say I got a matrix with two types of cells: 0 and 1. 1 is not passable.
I want to find a point, from which I can run paths (say, A*) to a bunch of destinations (don't expect it to be more than 4). And I want the length of these paths to be such that l1/l2/l3/l4 = 1 or as close to 1 as possible.
For two destinations is simple: run a path between them and take the midpoint. For more destinations, I imagine I can run paths between each pair, then they will create a sort of polygon, and I could grab the centroid (or average of all path point coordinates)? Or would it be better to take all midpoints of paths between each pair and then use them as vertices in a polygon which will contain my desired point?
It seems you want to find the point with best access to multiple endpoints. For other readers, this is like trying to found an ideal settlement to trade with nearby cities; you want them to be as accessible as possible. It appears to be a variant of the Weber Problem applied to pathfinding.
The best solution, as you can no longer rely on exploiting geometry (imagine a mountain path or two blocking the way), is going to be an iterative approach. I don't imagine it will be easy to find an optimal solution because you'll need to check every square; you can't guess by pathing between endpoints anymore. In nearly any large problem space, you will need to path from each possible centroid to all endpoints. A suboptimal solution will be fairly fast. I recommend these steps:
try to estimate the centroid using geometry, forming a search area
Use a modified A* algorithm from each point S in the search area to all your target points T to generate a perfect path from S to each T.
Add the length of each path S -> T together to get Cost (probably stored in a matrix for all sample points)
Select the lowest Cost from all your samples in the matrix (or the entire population if you didn't cull the search space).
The algorithm above can also work without estimating a centroid and limiting solutions. If you choose to search the entire space, the search will be much longer, but you can find a perfect solution even in a labyrinth. If you estimate the centroid and start the search near it, you'll find good answers faster.
I mentioned earlier that you should use a modified A* algorithm... Rather than repeating a generic A* search S->Tn for every T, code A* so that it seeks multiple target locations, storing the paths to each one and stopping when it has found them all.
If you really want a perfect solution to the problem, you'll be waiting a long time, so I recommend that you use any exploit you can to reduce wasteful calculations. Even go so far as to store found paths in a lookup table for each T, and see if a point already exists along any of those paths.
To put it simply, finding the point is easy. Finding it fast-enough might take lots of clever heuristics (cost-saving measures) and stored data.

Reachable vertices from each other

Given a directed graph, I need to find all vertices v, such that, if u is reachable from v, then v is also reachable from u. I know that, the vertex can be find using BFS or DFS, but it seems to be inefficient. I was wondering whether there is a better solution for this problem. Any help would be appreciated.
Fundamentally, you're not going to do any better than some kind of search (as you alluded to). I wouldn't worry too much about efficiency: these algorithms are generally linear in the number of nodes + edges.
The problem is a bit underspecified, so I'll make some assumptions about your data structure:
You know vertex u (because you didn't ask to find it)
You can iterate both the inbound and outbound edges of a node (efficiently)
You can iterate all nodes in the graph
You can (efficiently) associate a couple bits of data along with each node
In this case, use a convenient search starting from vertex u (depth/breadth, doesn't matter) twice: once following the outbound edges (marking nodes as "reachable from u") and once following the inbound edges (marking nodes as "reaching u"). Finally, iterate through all nodes and compare the two bits according to your purpose.
Note: as worded, your result set includes all nodes that do not reach vertex u. If you intended the conjunction instead of the implication, then you can save a little time by incorporating the test in the second search, rather than scanning all nodes in the graph. This also relieves assumption 3.

Traversal of directed acyclic weighted graph with constraints

I have a directed acyclic weighted graph which I want to traverse.
The constraints for a valid solution route are:
The sum of the weights of all edges traversed in the route must be the highest possible in the graph, taking in mind the second constraint.
Exactly N vertices must have been visited in the chosen route (including the start and end vertex).
Typically the graph will have a high amount of vertices and edges, so trying all possibilities is not an option, and requires quite an efficient algorithm.
Looking for some pointers or a suitable algorithm for this problem. I know the first condition is easily fulfilled using Dijkstra's algorithm, but I am not sure how to incorporate the second condition, or even where to begin to look.
Please let me know if any additional information is needed.
I'm not sure if you are interested in any path of length N in the graph or just path between two specific vertices; I suspect the latter, but you did not mention that constraint in your question.
If the former, the solution should be a trivial Dijkstra-like algorithm where you sort all edges by their potential path value that starts at the edge weight and gets adjusted by already built adjecent paths. In each iteration, take the node with the best potential path value and add it to an adjecent path. Stop when you get a path of length N (or longer that you cut off at the sides). There are some other technical details esp. wrt. creating long paths, but I won't go into details as I suspect this is not what you are interested in. :-)
If you have fixed source and sink, I think there is no deep magic involved - just run a basic Dijkstra where a path will be associated with each vertex added to the queue, but do not insert vertices with path length >= N into the queue and do not insert sink into the queue unless its path length is N.

Cycle detection in graphs containing multiple cycles

I have the following graph:
Is there a way I can identify all cycles in this graph? I know that DFS can be used to detect cycles by simply doing DFS until a back edge is found, but I was wondering if there is a computationally efficient way to return the individual cycles, considering that there are actually 3 cycles in the graph (1-2-3-4-5-6, 4-5-7-8-9, 1-2-3-4-9-8-7-5-6). I am a bit stuck because it seems like the carbon atom belongs to multiple graphs and I can't think of any way other than brute-forcing all possible paths originating from every vertex.
You don't have to find all pathes from EVERY vertex.
Only vertex refering to 3 or more other may belong to multiple cycles
You have to check only 4,5,6(,9)
