Using python to find the limit of a recusive function - recursion

Assume I had the following iterative fuction:
f(z) = z^2 + c
z initally equal to 0
and each answer of the function becomes z for the next iteration. i.e. if c is 1 then the fist iteration gives 1, the second gives 2 and so fourth.
Now assuming I already set a value for c, I would like to be able to use Python to find the limit as this function approaches an infinite number of iterations. How would I best be able to do that? Would Sympy be a good tool?
editied to clearify what I man by iterative function.


R find all possible directions given dimensions

I'm trying to accomplish something which I think is fairly simple, but I'm not able to do. I've a function that takes in a number of dimensions as input, say func(n). What I'd like the function to do is to find all possible directions along an entity can move in that n-dimensional space. So for n=2 I'm expecting the output to be
1, 1
-1, 1
The end use case is to say: given a pair of variables, either both can increase, both can decrease, one can increase while the other decreases and the opposite. Its easy to enumerate them out for n=2 but my n is bound to be in the 8-12 range. This would give 2^8 to 2^12 combinations. How is this done in R?
I tried the permutations function in gtools package but that's clearly not what is needed here. Any pointers appreciated.
We could use expand.grid
expand.grid(rep(list(c(1, -1)), 2))

Recursive formula for recurrence that takes 2 arguments

I can create a recursive formula from recurrences where it only passes down one argument (something like $T(n/2)$). However, for a case like this where the value of $u$ and $v$ are different, how do I put them together? This is the problem:
The call to recursive function RecursiveFunction(n, n) for some n > 2
RecursiveFunction(a, b)
if a >= 2 and b >= 2
RecursiveFunction(u, v)
The end goal is to find the tight asymptotic bounds for the worst-case running time, but I just need a formula to start first.
There are in fact two different answers to this, depending on the relative sizes of a and b.
The function can be written as follows:
Where C is some constant work done per call (if statement, pushing u, v onto the call stack etc.). Since the two variables evolve independently, we can analyse their evolution separately.
a - consider the following function:
Expanding the iterative case by m times:
The stopping condition a < 2 is such that:
b - as before:
The complexity of T(a, b) thus depends on which variable reaches its stopping condition first, i.e. the smallest between m and n:

working with powers in ocaml

I am trying to write a recursive function that will return true if second number is power of first number.
For example:
find_power 3 9 will return true
find_power 2 9 will return false because the power of 2 is 8 not 9
This is what I have tried but I need a recursive solution
let rec find_power first second =
if (second mod first = 0)
return true
false ;;
A recursive function has the following rough form
let rec myfun a b =
if answer is obvious then
let (a', b') = smaller_example_of_same_problem a b in
myfun a' b'
In your case, I'd say the answer is obvious if the second number is not a multiple of the first or if it's 1. That is essentially all your code is doing now, it's testing the obvious part. (Except you're not handling the 0th power, i.e., 1.)
So, you need to figure out how to make a smaller example of the same problem. You know (by hypothesis) that the second number is a multiple of the first one. And you know that x * a is a power of a if and only if x is a power of a. Since x is smaller than x * a, this is a smaller example of the same problem.
This approach doesn't work particularly well in some edge cases, like when the first number is 1 (since x is not smaller than x * 1). You can probably handle them separately.

Recursion Confusion - Summation Symbol

I have an assignment with this symbol on it: [Image of unfamiliar symbol
Basically the question asks "Write a recursive Java method which, given a positive integer n, computes and returns the sum of the integers from 1 to n as follows".
I do not need any help on the recursion itself, I really just need to understand what that symbol means (Link Included), so I can answer the question properly.
My Question: What meaning does the symbol possess? What is my instructor expecting as a valid response?
NOTE: I do NOT want anyone to attempt to answer the actual assignment question. I ONLY want know understand what the symbol being used means and what should be returned in my recursion method.
IT is the sigma symbol which means take the sum from i = 1 to n.
so your output comes as 1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + n
This explanation is to left hand side of the equation. others are the same.
It's a summation symbol
The sum of each i starting from i = 1 to i == n equals the sum of each i starting from i = 1 to i == n/2 plus the sum of of each i starting from i = n/2 + 1 to i == n

Can recursion be dynamic programming?

I was asked to use dynamic programming to solve a problem. I have mixed notes on what constitutes dynamic programming. I believe it requires a "bottom-up" approach, where smallest problems are solved first.
One thing I have contradicting information on, is whether something can be dynamic programming if the same subproblems are solved more than once, as is often the case in recursion.
For instance. For Fibonacci, I can have a recursive algorithm:
if (n=1 or n=2)
return 1
return RecursiveFibonacci(n-1) + RecursiveFibonacci(n-2)
In this situation, the same sub-problems may be solved over-and-over again. Does this render it is not dynamic programming? That is, if I wanted dynamic programming, would I have to avoid resolving subproblems, such as using an array of length n and storing the solution to each subproblem (the first indices of the array are 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21)?
F1 = 1
F2 = 1
for i=3 to n
Fi=Fi-1 + Fi-2
return Fn
Dynamic programs can usually be succinctly described with recursive formulas.
But if you implement them with simple recursive computer programs, these are often inefficient for exactly the reason you raise: the same computation is repeated. Fibonacci is a example of repeated computation, though it is not a dynamic program.
There are two approaches to avoiding the repetition.
Memoization. The idea here is to cache the answer computed for each set of arguments to the recursive function and return the cached value when it exists.
Bottom-up table. Here you "unwind" the recursion so that results at levels less than i are combined to the result at level i. This is usually depicted as filling in a table, where the levels are rows.
One of these methods is implied for any DP algorithm. If computations are repeated, the algorithm isn't a DP. So the answer to your question is "yes."
So an example... Let's try the problem of making change of c cents given you have coins with values v_1, v_2, ... v_n, using a minimum number of coins.
Let N(c) be the minimum number of coins needed to make c cents. Then one recursive formulation is
N(c) = 1 + min_{i = 1..n} N(c - v_i)
The base cases are N(0)=0 and N(k)=inf for k<0.
To memoize this requires just a hash table mapping c to N(c).
In this case the "table" has only one dimension, which is easy to fill in. Say we have coins with values 1, 3, 5, then the N table starts with
N(0) = 0, the initial condition.
N(1) = 1 + min(N(1-1), N(1-3), N(1-5) = 1 + min(0, inf, inf) = 1
N(2) = 1 + min(N(2-1), N(2-3), N(2-5) = 1 + min(1, inf, inf) = 2
N(3) = 1 + min(N(3-1), N(3-3), N(3-5) = 1 + min(2, 0, inf) = 1
You get the idea. You can always compute N(c) from N(d), d < c in this manner.
In this case, you need only remember the last 5 values because that's the biggest coin value. Most DPs are similar. Only a few rows of the table are needed to get the next one.
The table is k-dimensional for k independent variables in the recursive expression.
We think of a dynamic programming approach to a problem if it has
overlapping subproblems
optimal substructure
In very simple words we can say dynamic programming has two faces, they are top-down and bottom-up approaches.
In your case, it is a top-down approach if you are talking about the recursion.
In the top-down approach, we will try to write a recursive solution or a brute-force solution and memoize the results so that we will try to use that result when a similar subproblem arrives, so it is brute-force + memoization. We can achieve that brute-force approach with a simple recursive relation.
