How to handle Complex Object in the ngrx? - ngrx

I'm working on a project in which the main part of the data has a complex structure as you can see in the above picture.
Now, the object, in reality, is much complex than that but what I showed it servers the purpose.
Because in DB they are linked together in tables relationship the first time when the website is launched, after log in, a list of projects will come together with some small details of technology and dataObjects.
I created separated action and effects files but everything is handled by a single reducer. What I mean is at the start, the list of projects will be saved on a state, than any other actions like Create a project, technology, data object, edit, delete has to perform actions over the same state "projects-state".
For example besides technologyAPIS will be another 3-4 technologies, inside each technology object will be another list of objects.
The issue here is that the reducer file is getting bigger and bigger when it handles all kinds of actions that will perform actions over the specific data from the state. It is important that the chain of Objects stay together.
My question is, is this a bad approach? it can be handled in a different way? I know I can create a reducer for each entity (project, technology, data app) but I will lose that relationship between them, where one belongs to the other?
Thank you so much for your feature response

I've only been doing reactive/NGRX for a few months now, but from my understanding, thats defiantly a bad approach. It should still work, but may be a hassle to debug/maintain.
Ngrx seems to be promoting 'Normalising' data, just like the usual Relational Database concept.
You could break down your project-state into smaller states, with relational keys in them.
Projects state (not to be confused with project-state)
techAPIs:number[] //where the content here is the id of the TechApi
TechApi state
And then when you need to access the TechApi state for a project, you retrieve it and filter/map it in a selector.
This is a some what General Example if my explanation is not understandable.


Firebase/Firestore Testing Pattern: mock fake data without code duplication (DRY)

This is a question about programming style and patterns when it comes to writing tests for complex systems written in Firebase/Firestore. I'm writing a web app using Firebase, Typescript, Angular, Firestore, etc...
I have written basic security rules tests to test my users collection. I'll also be testing the function that writes the document, and e2e testing that the document is written when a new user signs up. So far so good.
The tests are clean so far - I manually define a few user objects, write it to the database before the tests with beforeEach() and run the tests. The tests depend on me knowing what data I wrote in the first place - what were the document ids, what were the field values etc... and then I check for certain operations to pass, certain operations to fail, depending on the custom claims provided. Similarly, with functions tests and e2e tests, I'll be checking if correct data was written, generated, etc...
The next step would be to test the chat functionality. Here's where I run into code duplication issues.
So let's say I want to test the chat functionality or the transaction functionality. For these modules to be tested, the database needs to have fake user data, transaction data, test data etc... and, furthermore, within the tests, I need to have access to the fields, document Ids, etc.. that were written to the database, so I can access the documents for tests, etc...
For example, whether or not a chat message can be written to firestore depends on whether certain fields exist on the user document.
This would require me to manually define all the objects I plan to write to the database in the same file as the tests themselves, so I have access to what I wrote. As I test more complex and dependent modules of the system, since each test for each module is in a separate file, I either have to manually write out each object, or require it from another test file and write it. Each document has its payload and its Id that I need to keep track of, and even the fake user token objects I have to pass to firestore (or actual auth user records I have to import for online testing). This would mean a whole bunch of boilerplate code and duplication simply writing objects as such in all of my files:
const fakeUserPayload: User = {
handle: 'username',
// And so on and on for all test users, chat docs, transaction docs, etc...
Potential Solution: so there are a few potential solutions I came up with, but none seem to solve the problem.
For example, I thought I would write a module that simply populates the firestore database at the start of each test. The module would have a userPayloadFactory and other loops (using faker module) to automatically populate the Db with fake data.
Problem: If I did this, I wouldn't have access to the document Ids and field data in my tests, since it's automatically generated. I thought, maybe I could populate firestore with fake data, and then use an administrative db connection to read the fake user documents and their Ids back into the tests, and then use this data to conduct the tests. For example, I would find the user id and then generate a chat document and test for correct data / success. Except it seems incredibly messy to write data in one module and then read it back in another, especially since most tests require a specific document to be written to test for certain cases/scenarios. Which makes auto-populated mock data useless - so we're back to square one, where I have to manually define and write out a large number of fake objects in order to test rules, functions and functionality.
Potential Solution: I could maybe keep auth and firestore data in a JSON backup file, (so they remain static) and import them into the database with a shell command before each test suite. However, this has its own issues as it's not easy to dynamically generate new test cases or edge cases, and also difficult to continually re-export and update the JSON backup files as the project grows.
What is a better way to structure and write my tests so that I can automatically generate the documents and payloads I need, while having control and access over what gets written?
I'm hoping there's some kind of factory or pattern that can make this easier, scalable and more consistent and robust.
You're asking a really huge question, writing tests for big environments is a complex task and even more when it's coupled to database state. I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge so take my words with a grain of salt.
I believe you're dealing with two similar yet different concerns, automatic creation of mock data and edge-cases that require very specific document setup. These two are tightly coupled within the tests itself as you need both kinds of data to run them, however the requirements differ one another and therefore their creation should take that in account. Let's talk about your potential solutions from that perspective.
The JSON backup provides a static and consistent dataset that allows to repeat the tests over time being sure the environment hasn't changed and it's a good candidate to address the edge-case problem. It's downsides are that is hardly maintainable because any object modification to accommodate changes in TestA may break the expectations of TestB that also relies on it, it's almost assured you will loss the track of these nuances at some point; You can add new objects to accommodate code and test changes but this could lead to a combinatoric explosion of the objects you need to take care of as your project grows. Finally JSON files are not the way to go if you are going to require dynamically generated data.
The factory method is a great option to deal with the creation of arbitrary mock data since there are less restrictions placed on it, so writing a generator seems a good idea. You disliked this based on the fact that you need to know your data while running the tests but I think that's solvable. Your test might load the Factory module, then create the data and store it in-memory/HDD in addition to commit this changes to Firestore, there's no need to read the data from the database.
Your other other concern were the corner case documents which is trickier because you need very specifically shaped data. You might handcraft the documents yourself but then you got a poorly scalable solution. The alternative is trying to look for constraints/invariants in the shape of edge-case documents that you can abstract into factory methods. The worst scenario here is that when some edge-cases do not share any similarity with the rest you will need to write a whole method for each of these. I won't consider this a downside as it improves the modularity and maintainability of the Factory .
Overall, I would stick with the Factory pattern because it already offers techniques to follow the DRY principle by the means of isolating the creation of distinct objects, decoupling data creation from test execution and facilities to avoid disruptive breaks as the tests evolve with the project.
With that being said a little research got me to this page about the Builder Pattern that you may find interesting. Also this thread about code duplication in tests might be of interest. And finally just to comment out that Firebase has some testing functionality that can be found here.
Hope this helps.

something in ngrx (redux pattern) than I still dont get for large applications

I've been building data driven applications for about 18 years and for the past two, I've been successfuly using angular for my large forms/crud based apps. You know, the classic sql server db with hundreds of tables with millons of records. So far, so good.
Now I'm porting/re-engineering a desktop app with about 50 forms, all complex, all fully functional, "smart". My approach for the last couple years was to simply work tightly with the backend rest API to retrieve, insert or update data as needed and everything works fine.
Then I stumbled across ngrx and I understand exactly how it works, what it does and why it is good for a "reactive" app.
My problem is the following: In the usual lifecycle of the kind of systems i mentioned, you always have to deal with fresh data and always have to tell everything to the server. Almost no data in such apps can be safely "stored" localy since transactional systems rely on centralized data interactions. There's no such thing as "hey lets keep this employee's sales here for later use".
So why would it be so important to manage a local 'store' when most of my data is volatile? I understand why it would be useful for global app data like user-profile or general ui related state, but for the core data itself? I dont get it. You query for data, plug that data in the form, it gets processed by the user and sent back to the server. That data is no longer needed, and if you do need it, you ask for it again, as it could have changed its state since the last time you interacted with it.
I do not understand the great lengths i have to go to mantain a local store and all the boilerplate if that state is so volatile.
They say change detection does not scale but I've build some really large web apps with a simple "http service" pattern and it works just fine, cause most of the component-tree is destroyed anyway as you go somewhere else in the app, and any previous subscriptions become useless. Even with large-bulky-kinky forms, it's never that big of a problem the inner workings of a form as to require external "aid" fro a store. The way I see it, the "state" of a form is a concern of that form in that moment alone. Is it to keep the component tree in sync? never had problems with that before... even for complicated trees with lots of shared data, master detail is kind of a flat pattern in the end if al lthe data is there.
For other components, such as grids, charts, reporte, etc, same thing applyes. They get the data they need and then "puf", gone.
So now you see my mindset. I AM trying to change it to something better. Why am I missing out the redux pattern?
I have a bit of experience here! It's all subjective, so what I've done may not suit you. My system is a complex system that sounds like it's on a similar scale as yours. I battled at first with the same issues of "why build complex logic on the front end and back end", and "why bother keeping stuff in state".
A redux/NGRX approach works for me because there are multiple ways data can be changed - perhaps it's a single user using the front end, perhaps it's another user making a change and I want to respond to that change straight away to avoid concurrency issues down the track. Perhaps there are multiple parts within my front end that can manipulate the same data.
At the back end, I use a CQRS pattern instead of a traditional REST API. Typically, one might suggest to re-implement the commands/queries to "reduce" changes to the state, however I opted for a different approach. I don't just want to send a big object graph back to the server and have it blindly insert, and I don't want to re-implement logic on the client and server.
My basic "use case" life cycle looks a bit like:
Load a list of data (limited size, not all attributes).
User selects item from list
Client requests "full" object/view/dto from server
Client stores response in object entity state
User starts modifying data
These changes are stored as "in progress" changes in a different part of state. The system is now responding to the data in the "in progress" part
If another change comes in from server, it doesn't overwrite the "in progress" data, but it does replace what is in the object entity state.
If required, UI shows that the underlying data has changed / is different to what user has entered / whatever.
User clicks on the "perform action" button, or otherwise triggers a command to be sent to server
server performs command. Any errors are returned, or success
server notifies client that change was successful, the client clears the "in progress" information
server notifies client that Entity X has been updated, client re-requests entity X and puts it into the object entity state. This notification is sent to all connected clients, so they can all behave appropriately.

Modeling document data and query performance

I have an aggerate data model (think a Customer entity with Widgets that belong to them as a list of embedded entities).
When I search for customers (e.g DocumentDBRepository.GetItemsAsync) That will be hydrating the customer data model along with the widgets for each. For efficiency reasons, I don’t really need the customer search to consider the widgets.
Are there any strategies for this in document dbs (such as a “LiteCustomer” entity)? I suspect not as that is just the nature of the “schema-less” data I’ve told it to store in the first place, but interested to hear thoughts.
Is this simply a ‘non issue’?
First, disclaimer: data modeling is hard. There are many nuances and a SO question can never cover entire business and everything left unsaid in both Q and A. There's no silver bullets. Regardless..
Perfectly fine to have such model in your client code. Your main Customer model may and will have many representations, most of them simple subsets of full model. Similarly to relational sql, select only what you need. Don't fetch data to client which you don't need.
The SQL API provides quite cool SQL tools to compose json for return documents for you.
physical storage model may differ from domain model
Consider your usage scenarios. If many scenarios happen to work with customer without widgets (or vice versa) then consider having widgets as separate document(s) in storage model.
In DocDB, the question is often not so much in querying logic but what your application expects on modification logic. Querying which is indexed is fast and every sql query can easily do transformations (though cross-doc joining is troublesome). For C(R)UD - you have less options - it's always by full document. Having too large documents will end up with higher RU costs and complex code.
Questions to consider:
How often customer changes without widget count/details changing?
How often widgets change without customer changing?
Do widgets on customer change independently or always as a set?
When do you need transactional updates on customer+widget changes?
How would queries look like? Can they be indexed?
True, changing model later is cumbersome in DocDB, but don't try to fix something before you know it's broken. If you are not sure you have an issue or not, then most likely fixing the maybe-issue is costlier than not fixing it.
If in doubt, generate loads of data and test it out.

MVC3 + MongoDB Architecture: Store models directly to database?

I am currently developing a mvc3 application using mongodb. I am quite unsure on how i shall build the architecture. E.g. my app has a page used for managing the user profile for a registered user (like name, email, some attributes exposed inside enum-comboboxes). Hence i have a ManageProfileModel.cs with all properties to manage. What's the proper way to use the data with mongodb? Shall i store the ManageProfileModel data inside mongodb or do i have to add an additional layer containing domain classes like User.cs, Invoice.cs, ... and store these objects inside mongodb (these objects are being used in the models created)?
I am asking because a model for managing a user profile does not necessarily resemble a user (domain) object. My first approach is to store directly my (view)models inside mongodb. I am not sure if its that easy to get my (consistent) data at a later point.
I would store the models directly in Mongo as-is for most of your data. I'm sure you know this already, but Mongo focuses on denormalization, and so it's different than traditional relational databases that want you to normalize your data.
So for a profile, you might have a user, a set of invoices, a set of addresses etc. As you decide your data models, I would suggest the following:
Consider your UI. If you need user + profile + invoices, go ahead and make a document like that. Makes your life a lot easier.
Don't be afraid to have repeated information stored.
You will constantly be wondering if you should embed a document (adding addresses to user) or link to a document (put a list of references in an array referencing invoices). The rule I've heard that I think is good: If the data is constantly changing, make a link/reference. If it's immutable or slowly changing, embed it.
If your document will grow a lot over time, considering breaking it up. Mongo has to move your document in memory if it grows too big.

How to realize persistence of a complex graph with an Object Database?

I have several graphs. The breadth and depth of each graph can vary and will undergo changes and alterations during runtime. See example graph.
There is a root node to get a hold on the whole graph (i.e. tree). A node can have several children and each child serves a special purpose. Furthermore a node can access all its direct children in order to retrieve certain informations. On the other hand a child node may not be aware of its own parent node, nor other siblings. Nothing spectacular so far.
Storing each graph and updating it with an object database (in this case DB4O) looks pretty straightforward. I could have used a relational database to accomplish data persistence (including database triggers, etc.) but I wanted to realize it with an object database instead.
There is one peculiar thing with my graphs. See another example graph.
To properly perform calculations some nodes require informations from other nodes. These other nodes may be siblings, children/grandchildren or related in some other kind. In this case a specific node knows the other relevant nodes as well (and thus can get the required informations directly from them). For the sake of simplicity the first image didn't show all potential connections.
If one node has a change of state (e.g. triggered by an internal timer or triggered by some other node) it will inform other nodes (interested obsevers, see also observer pattern) about the change. Each informed node will then take appropriate actions to update its own state (and in turn inform other observers as needed). A root node will not know about every change that occurs, since only the involved nodes will know that something has changed. If such a chain of events is triggered by the root node then of course it's not much of an issue.
The aim is to assure data persistence with an object database. Data in memory should be in sync with data stored within the database. What adds to the complexity is the fact that the graphs don't consist of simple (and stupid) data nodes, but that lots of functionality is integrated in each node (i.e. events that trigger state changes throughout a graph).
I have several rough ideas on how to cope with the presented issue (e.g. (1) stronger separation of data and functionality or (2) stronger integration of the database or (3) set an arbitrary time interval to update data and accept that data may be out of synch for a period of time). I'm looking for some more input and options concerning such a key issue (which will definitely leave significant footprints on a concrete implementation).
There is another aspect I forgot to mention. A graph should not reside all the time in memory. Graphs that are not needed will be only present in the database and thus put in a state of suspension. This is another issue which needs consideration. While in suspension the update mechanisms will probably be put to sleep as well and this is not intended.
In the case of db4o check out "transparent activation" to automatically load objects on demand as you traverse the graph (this way the graph doesn't have to be all in memory) and check out "transparent persistence" to allow each node to persist itself after a state change.
Moreover you can use db4o "callbacks" to trigger custom behavior during db4o operations.
What's the exact question? Here a few comments:
As #German already mentioned: For complex object graphs you probably want to use transparent persistence.
Also as #German mentione: Callback can help you to do additional stuff when objects are read/written etc on the database.
To the Observer-Pattern. Are you on .NET or Java? Usually you don't want to store the observers in the database, since the observers are usually some parts of your business-logic, GUI etc. On .NET events are automatically not stored. On Java make sure that you mark the field holding the observer-references as transient.
In case you actually want to store observers, for example because they are just other elements in your object-graph. On .NET, you cannot store delegates / closures. So you need to introduce a interface for calling the observer. On Java: Often we use anonymous inner classes as listener: While db4o can store those, I would NOT recommend that. Because a anonymous inner class gets generated name which can change. Then db4o will not find that class later if you've changed your code.
Thats it. Ask more detailed questions if you want to know more.
