How to convert from File to git path? - jgit

Im using jgit, log() command, and the addPath(String path) requires me to input a git compatible path, that is, a relative path like src/java/com/foo/ But what I got is a File object, that will have an absolute path of something like: c:\hello\irrelevant\myproject\src\java\com\foo\
How to convert from this to the git path? Is there some handy function within jgit itself? I cant find it....

You can use Path::relativize to get the relative path between the file to add and the work directory.
For example:
File workDir = git.getWorkTree(); // e.g. "/path/to/workdir"
File file = new File("/path/to/workdir/foo.txt");
Path relativePath = workDir.toPath().relativize(file.toPath());
assertEquals("foo.txt", relativePath.toString());


Absolute path of the project root directory in Julia

The project root directory of a file located in PROJECT_ROOT/lib/code.jl can be accessed with this code:
root = dirname(dirname(#__FILE__))
Using dirname() twice seems pretty ugly. Is there a better way to do this? With Ruby, I would use this code:
root = File.expand_path('../', File.dirname(__FILE__))
Thanks for making me find out about:
According to ?relpath, it gives a path from the location of the second argument in the file-system, to the first argument. Is this better than the double dirname solution?
A variant of the same niceness is:
Closest to Ruby equivalent might be:
I like to use
module Foo
const PROJECT_ROOT = pkgdir(Foo)
end # module
where the definition of PROJECT_ROOT can also be replaced by
const PROJECT_ROOT = dirname(dirname(pathof(Foo)))
Or, you could use
const PROJECT_ROOT = pkdir(#__MODULE__)
I just use
const PROJECT_ROOT = #__DIR__
from inside my _init.jl file, which resides in the project root directory (next to the src directory) and gives you a canonical path.
I get my _init.jl files automatically executed when opening a Julia session from inside that directories by having
isfile("_init.jl") && include(joinpath(pwd(), "_init.jl"))
in my ~/.julia/config/startup.jl file. If you started Julia elsewhere, you have to include("_init.jl") it (or respective relative path) manually.

What does .. at the start of filepath do?

What does ..\ at the start of a file path do?
Example: The following file is referenced in the directory
What is the difference between referencing the file path as \work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt and referencing the file path as ..\work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt?
it's the difference between relative and absolute path referencing.
starts with a (back)slash "\" (or "/" in unix if it matters), so it's indicating "Start at the root, or top most level directory".
Then navigate down.
It's an Absolute path reference. It doesn't matter where you are, you will always end up pointing to the same file/location.
however, begins with "." Which is Relative path reference. It says to "start where you currently are". so if you were already in folder: \my\home\directory
then you'll end up navigating to:
".." is a reference to go one level up ... but again "relative path".
if you were in \my\home\directory
you'd end up here:
Since it backs up one level ("\directory\") ..and goes from there.
Hope that makes sense ;)
.. refers to the parent directory, the directory one level up from the current directory. Additionally, . refers to the current directory.
Say you're in directory \a\b\c\. You want to access file \a\b\c\d. You can access that file with just d or .\d or \a\b\c\d. Say you now want file \a\b\x. You can access that as ..\x or the full absolute path. You can, of course, chain . and .., like ..\.\..\y.
Paths starting with \ are absolute (or <drive letter>:\); they refer to the same file every time and don't depend on the current directory. Other paths are relative, the file they refer to changes with the current directory.
It means go to parent folder first and then look for the path specified.
so it is basically the same when you do cd .. in command line.
The difference between \work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt and ..\work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt is thet if you're in \a\b folder, first one will match \a\b\work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt and second one a\work\QA\Reports\TimeOff.rpt.

How to get relative path, not full path in map files with Closure Controller? `

I'm using Google Closure Compiler to minify my JS scripts:
The command I'm using is:
java -jar /home/user/compiler/compiler.jar --js $File::Find::name --create_source_map $ --source_map_format=V3 --compilation_level=WHITESPACE_ONLY --js_output_file $minified --charset=Windows-1251 --output_wrapper '%output%\n//#'
Thats fine, apart from one thing - the file has the FULL path for the file, not the relative one:
I assume I can change this in the invocation of the compiler.jar script? Otherwise, I guess I will have to add some more code into my script (not something I want to do, if its possible "out of the box")
EDIT: I've done a little bit of a dirty hack in my Perl script:
# now open the map file one, and edit it to remove the full path.. needs to be relative
my $contents = File::Slurp::read_file("/home/user/public_html/$");
$contents =~ s|/home/user/public_html||g;
That gets rid of the path info correctly. I've prefer if there were an option to use relative urls in the .map file (compared to the full path it currently puts in)
Specify sourcemap location transformations by using the --source_map_location_mapping flag. The flag expects a value formatted as:

How to find a file path in current java directory

I have a function that gets a file path as an input. input file is located in a folder in my project (etc/xsd/template.xsd). how can i set this path?
this ia my function:
JAXBUtilityTool tool = new JAXBUtilityTool("etc/xsd/template.xsd","");
and it can not find the file "etc/xsd/template.xsd"
System.getProperty("user.dir") does not help since when I add the rest of path to it:
System.getProperty("user.dir")+ "etc/xsd/template.xsd"
result is c:\eclipse\myworkingdirectory\project/etc/xsd/template.xsd
String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");
path = path.replaceAll("\\","/") + "/etc/xsd/template.xsd"
String.replaceAll single backslashes with double backslashes

setRootPath() in QT FIleSystemModel to a file

I'm building a simple file browser using QT, and I can't seem to get the setRootPath() of my model to be set to a file, rather than just a directory.
setRootPath("/Users/Foo/Bar") works, but
setRootPath("/Users/Foo/Bar/readme.txt") simply sets the root path to "."
Not sure what I'm missing. Everything else within my application works fine.
You can do this:
QFileInfo m_FileInfo = QString("C:/Users/Foo/Bar/readme.txt");
What we're doing is using QFileInfo to get the absolutePath() of the file. So it'll set the root path to C:/Users/Foo/Bar.
