How to Get Data from Rotary Encoder at VERY High Speeds (>4500 RPM) - arduino

Arduino ATmega2560
Rotary Encoder:
Manual Curved Treadmill (what it looks like if you've never seen one before):
I have a manual treadmill and I want to use my Arduino to capture distance and speed data. To do this, my approach was to use a rotary encoder, attach it to a skateboard wheel (older picture is attached, I'm using a bigger wheel now and there's no photo for that right now) such that when I run on the treadmill, the wheel spins proportionately.
In the code below, whenever I run it, the counter variable would accumulate to about 2000 (pulses) every time the wheel makes a full rotation. The wheel diameter = 6cm, therefore, it's circumference = 18.8495559215 cm.
This means for every centimeter I travel, there are about 106 pulses. (2000 pulses/18.8495559215 cm = ~106 pulses/cm).
Here's the code: (I got it from this website and only changed 2 lines of code because my sensor doesn't need to go in reverse; the treadmill only travels in one direction -
volatile long temp, counter = 0; //This variable will increase or decrease depending on the rotation of encoder
void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); // internal pullup input pin 2
pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); // internalเป็น pullup input pin 3
//Setting up interrupt
//A rising pulse from encodenren activated ai0(). AttachInterrupt 0 is DigitalPin nr 2 on moust Arduino.
attachInterrupt(0, ai0, RISING);
//B rising pulse from encodenren activated ai1(). AttachInterrupt 1 is DigitalPin nr 3 on moust Arduino.
attachInterrupt(1, ai1, RISING);
void loop() {
// Send the value of counter
if( counter != temp && counter % 106 == 0 ){ // Only print something if the wheel travels in increments of 1 cm.
Serial.println (counter);
temp = counter;
void ai0() {
// ai0 is activated if DigitalPin nr 2 is going from LOW to HIGH
// Check pin 3 to determine the direction
if(digitalRead(3)==LOW) {
counter++; // The original code said counter-- but my treadmill only goes one direction and the this variable starts to decrease when I reach a certain speed (around 5 kmk/h or (3.1 mph) or so). After I changed it to counter++, this issue was resolved however, the arduino serial monitor kept freezing at high speeds.
void ai1() {
// ai0 is activated if DigitalPin nr 3 is going from LOW to HIGH
// Check with pin 2 to determine the direction
if(digitalRead(2)==LOW) {
counter++; //// The original code said counter-- but my treadmill only goes one direction and the this variable starts to decrease when I reach a certain speed (around 5 kmk/h or (3.1 mph) or so). After I changed it to counter++, this issue was resolved however, the arduino serial monitor kept freezing at high speeds.
The Problem
*To get the speed is easy, it's just not in this code right now. Accomplished by using t1 and t2 variables and the Millis() function.
When I walk on the treadmill, I typically walk at about 4 or 5 km/h (3.1 mph). This works fine. However, the issue is I want to be able to sprint over 30 km/h (18.6 mph) and have the code be able to support up to 50 km/h (31 mph). Right now, I'm unable to run at speeds over 5 km/h without the serial monitor freezing periodically, or there being inaccurate data.
At these speeds, I would need the sensor to support the wheel moving at over 4500 RPM -> 75 RPS or (75 RPS x 2000 P/R = 150,000 Pulses/Second)
I have absolutely no idea why this issue is happening and how I should approach this to achieve my desired speeds.
Possible reasons why this is happening:
I'm not an expert at Arduino at all and am just starting to understand things like interrupts. I have my pins in 2 and 3. Should I leave this alone or change it?
If you click the Amazon link, you'll see that there is a 3rd Orange "Z" wire which I have absolutely no idea what it does. The few tutorials I could find only involve the two "A" and "B" wires. Maybe incorporating the "Z" wire would point me in the right direction?
My Rotary encoder sensor is using the Arduino's 5V. If you click on the Amazon link, you'd see that it actually supports up to 26V. Should I find an external power source that allows up to 26V and pair it with a relay? Not sure if the extra voltage will help me.
I'm not sure why by default, the sensor counted a full rotation for the wheel to be 2000 pulses. On Amazon, you'll see that it supports the following Pulses/Revolution:
Resolution (pulse/rotation) : 100, 200, 300, 360, 400, 500, 600, 1000, 1024, 1200, 2000, 2500, 3600, 5000 (optional)
How can I change my 2000 P/R to 5000 P/R for example? Would this help?
I want to use my Arduino and rotary sensor to collect speed and distance data from my manual treadmill. At slow speeds (up to 5 km/h), the code works fine, but at high speeds, the data is highly inaccurate, and the serial monitor freezes every few seconds. I want the Arduino to support speeds up to 50 km/h which is about 4500 RPM. If my solution with the rotary sensor is not feasible, I am 100% open to other ideas as I just want the speed and distance data. I'll purchase any new equipment that's necessary but ideally, I'd like to work with what I have right now.
Thank you for your help!

Well I looked at the datasheet of your encoder and I was also very confused regarding the multiple values of resolution... what I suspect is that maybe there are different E6B2-CWZ6C models with differnt ppr's...
But what was useful was that I found out that your encoder is an incermental rotary encoder (this video explains better the inner workings of your type of encoder) what this means is that you have three wires A black, B white and Z the orange one.
As described on the video when your shaft completes 1 full rotation you will get N quantity of pulses from A and B, but depending on which pulse you get first would determines the rotation, according to the diagram below, if you first get a pulse from A it would mean that the rotation is CW but if you get B first it would then be CCW.
So for example lets say you start with a pulse_count=0 and start turning your shaft CW and you start counting the pulses on A, the count would go 0,1,2... and so on, but how would you know when to stop counting? that's when the Z orange cable comes in place, because it makes a pulse only after a whole rotation has been made so let's say you counted up to 200 and then you get a pulse from Z then you would know that you should restart your count back to the begining.
So to solve your problem and if you are only interested in the measured speed i would sugest to only measure how long does it take from one Z pulse to the next one, which would tell you how long it took for your encoder to complete one rotation, which could then be use to calculate the speed.
If we solve for rpms using this formula we get that RPM=(V60)/(2pir) if V=50km/h=13.88 m/s and r=3cm=0.03m we get that at 50km/h we would get 4418.14 rpm or 4418/60= 73.63 revs per sec what means 73 pulses of Z every second.
What was maybe happening is that for example if A had a resolution of 2000 ppr would imply that for every second you were receiving 73*2000 = 146000 pulses every second and as you configured your baudrate for your serial communication at Serial.begin(9600) you were only capable of reading at most 9600 pulses for each second which is way less than your 146000 pulses in A. However there are different baudrates you can set: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600, or 115200. Just be sure to select the same audrate when using the serial monitor.

For extremely high speeds you have to use bit operators and port registers.
Try this code with the equivalent pins CLK and DT connected to A2 and A1 receptively.
// Rotary Encoder Inputs
#define CLK A2
#define DT A1
int counter = 0;
String currentDir ="";
unsigned char currentPairBit = 0b0; // 8 bits
unsigned char lastPairBit = 0b0; // 8 bits
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // opens serial port, sets data rate to 9600 bps
DDRC = 0b00000000; // Set Analog(C) encoder pins as inputs
void loop() {
while(true) { // while cycle is faster than loop!
// reads the analog states!
currentPairBit = PINC >> 1 & 0b11; // Gets A2(PC2) and A1(PC1) bits on C (analog input pins) (>> 1 = Jumps pin 0)
if ((lastPairBit & 0b11) != currentPairBit) {
lastPairBit = lastPairBit << 2 | currentPairBit;
// Bit Pairs Cyclic Sequence:
// 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
// 11 | 01 | 00 | 10 | 11 for CCW
// 11 | 10 | 00 | 01 | 11 for CW
if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011 || lastPairBit == 0b10000111) {
if (lastPairBit == 0b01001011) {
currentDir = "CCW";
} else {
currentDir = "CW";
Serial.print("Direction: ");
Serial.print(" | Counter: ");
Then check the Serial Monitor to see how fast it is. Note that you should avoid the delay() function in your code or any other that interrupts the cycle by too much time. Consider using a second auxiliary Arduino for anything else than counting.
Resulting Serial Output:


ESP32 Interrupt jitter at 20kHz

I would like your help to solve the following problem.
I'm using an ESP32 Dev Kit V1 connected as follows:
Pin 4 (input) is connected to a 20kHz and 3.3V signal and to channel 1 of the oscilloscope; and
Pin 2 (output) is connected to channel 2 of the oscilloscope.
My goal is to use interrupts and generate a signal on pin 2 (output) that follows the variations of the signal on pin 4 (input).
The image below illustrates two behaviors. The most frequent and the other one that happens occasionally.
In the first behavior, the latency is around 3 us, but sometimes there is a variation (jitter) and the rise of the output signal takes 15 us or even more to keep up with the input.
I would like to know how to remove this occasional behavior and keep the system stable.
The code that I'm using is below. To compile and upload I am using the latest Arduino IDE version 1.8.13.
I'm using GPIO.out_w1ts and GPIO.out_w1tc because I believe it will be faster than using digitalWrite(pin, state).
Also notice that I'm not reading the state of pin 4 (input) to be faster, because of this, sometimes the output signal gets inverted, but that's not a problem at this point.
#define OUTPUT_PIN 2
#define INPUT_PIN 4
volatile bool state = false;
void IRAM_ATTR interruptFunction() {
if (state)
GPIO.out_w1ts = 0b100;
GPIO.out_w1tc = 0b100;
state = !state;
void setup() {
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(INPUT_PIN), interruptFunction, CHANGE);
gpio_config_t io_conf;
io_conf.mode = GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT;
io_conf.pin_bit_mask = 0b100;
void loop() {
The settings used in the Arduino IDE are illustrated in the next image.
Thanks in advance for all the help!

To know the % charge of the battery using Arduino

I am using Arduino Nano and various Li-Fe , Li-Po batteries of 9.9V , 6.6V and 3.7V.
I can read the voltage of the battery using Arduino . My Arduino works at 5V so for batteries like 9.9V and 6.6V I have used a voltage divider using two 10k resistors.But the problem is I need to read the the % of charged battery , I tried something in the code but I am not sure about it. Please anyone help me with it.
My code is:
#define cellPin A0
const float mvpc = 4.55 ; //measured voltage of arduino through voltmeter
float counts = 0; //battery volts in millivolts
float mv = 0;
float multiplier = 2;
float output = 0;
int charge = 0;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
counts = analogRead(cellPin);
mv = counts * mvpc;
output = (mv * multiplier)/1000 ;
charge = (counts/1024)*100;
In order to accurately determine the % of the charged battery, you need the discharge graph for each of the batteries. The discharge graph is usually non-linear for lithium batteries. The discharge curve is basically the voltage versus the % charge and it is different for charging and discharging batteries.
If you have the discharge curve, you can create a map for each of the % to the corresponding voltage value. Then you can map each voltage to a % value from the map you created.
For example:
100% -> 5.00 V
99% -> 4.95 V
0% -> 3.23 V
Create an array to store the map of size 100 (for each %): [5.00, 4.95, ... 3.23]
You can then find the %s using the voltage. I hope you can find the discharge graph, otherwise, you can manually find it yourself by discharging the battery using a safe current
In addition to maheenul I'd like to add that you're calculations are a bit off.
const float mvpc = 4.55 ; //measured voltage of arduino through voltmeter
I presume you're supplying your Arduino via USB. This voltage is not very reliable.
float counts = 0; //battery volts in millivolts
counts = analogRead(cellPin);
analogRead returns a 10bit (0-1023) ADC reading. A fraction of your voltage reference. It is not a value in millivolts! So in the following you shoudl use 1024 instead of 1000.
output = (mv * multiplier)/1000 ;
charge = (counts/1024)*100; this calculates the percentage of your Vref. It is not a charge as explained by maheenul.
If you want accurate measurements you should use a better Vref. Either the internal 1.1Vref or some well regulated Vref. Both with appropriate voltage dividers.
But I guess being 5-10% off is not a big deal for a battery charge measurement.

LM35 decreases when near heat

My LM35 connected to arduino decreases temperature value in celsius when near heat and increases value when far from heat. Could any one help or know why it's working other way round.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
//Start the serial connection with the computer
//to view the result open the serial monitor
// 9600 is the “baud rate”, or communications speed.
void loop() {
float tempValue = analogRead(A2);
// converting that reading to voltage
float tempVoltage = (tempValue/1024.0)*5.0;
float tempDegrees = (tempVoltage - 0.5) * 100.0 ;
//Multiplying tempDegrees by -1 to make it positive
tempDegrees =(tempDegrees * -1);
just randomly came accross your question. and it has been 6 years since I touched an LM35 :d
but I think you have a problem in that -0.5 thing. I did not really get that!
LM35's function as far as I remember was :
T = V/ 10mV
you might want to check the datasheet but I'm pretty positive this is the equation. when you get the voltage from ADC you have to put it in this equation and get the result.
be careful : you have to also attribute for the temperature error as well as ADC noise if temperature precision is important for you.
If you are using a 5 volts power supply to your arduino:
5 Volts in the Arduino are directly converted to 1023 in the output of the ADC
ADC_Outpput * 5000 / 1024, where 5000 is coming from 5volts as millivolts, 1024 is the 10 bist resolution
LM35 resolution is linearly generated with a rate of + 10-mV/°C
so the analogVolt = ADC_Outpput * 5000 / 1024
FinalTemperature = (analogVolt - 500) / 10

How to get a fixed number of delays through arduino in a stepper motor?

I have to stop the stepper motor certain number of times (for one complete rotation) with delays as the stopping parameters.Suppose my requirement is to stop the motor 20 number of times so that my delay value should be evenly distributed between this number (20) for complete one rotation.I used a for loop for these stops(20) but i get delys more than 20.My code for arduino is given below where 8000 are the number of steps in one revolution:
#include <Stepper.h>
const int stepsPerRevolution = 200; // change this to fit the number of steps per revolution
// for your motor
// initialize the stepper library on pins 8 through 11:
Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8, 10, 9, 11);
void setup() {
// set the speed at 60 rpm:
// initialize the serial port:
// step one revolution in one direction:
void loop() {
int noi=20;// set the no of images here
for(int i=0;i<=noi;i++){
Your question is still confusing, but more clear than before.
It looks like you have a stepper motor that drives a turntable. The motor takes 200 steps for one revolution, but it takes 8000 steps to turn the turntable one revolution.
In one sense, all that matters is the number 8000. To make the table pause, you need to divide 8000 into equal pieces, as it looks like you attempted. But you have misplaced a }.
void loop() {
int noi=20;// set the no of images here
for(int i=0;i<=noi;i++){
} <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< REMOVE
void loop() {
int noi=20;// set the no of images here
for(int i=0;i<=noi;i++){
delay(enough_delay_to_take_image); // or trigger image here?
The only place that stepsPerRevolution = 200 matters is in calculating the speed of the movement, along with myStepper.setSpeed(60);. Do you really wanting the table to move that quickly? It might cause the object to shake too much.
will cause the movements betyween images to take 3 seconds. If that is too slow,
will cause the movements betyween images to take 1 second.

Speed measurement with arduino and ultrasonic hc-sr04 sensor?

i want made speed detection "device" using with Arduino and two ultrasonic hc-sr04 like this link. but I want to make it with ultrasonic instead by LDR.
from that link. how lasers and ldr work, like this
The resistors are used as pull-down resistors and I wired the sensors and put them in a case, to avoid them detecting surrounding light. For each case, a hole was drilled so that the laser beam can light the sensor while the ambient light does not affect the sensor.
The working principle is easy: an object that passes by will "cut" the laser beams, this means the LDR sensor will detect this sudden drop of light intensity. First I defined a threshold value under which the sensor is considered triggered, once the value is under threshold for the first sensor then Arduino waits for the second one to be triggered. During this waiting time it counts the elapsed time between the two events. When the second beam is interrupted, the timer stops and now is just simple math. The distance between the 2 sensors is known, the time between the two events is known, and speed can be computed as speed = distance/time.
Below the Arduino code:
by Claudiu Cristian
unsigned long time1;
int photocellPin_1 = 0; // 1st sensor is connected to a0
int photocellReading_1; // the analog reading from the analog port
int photocellPin_2 = 1; // 2nd sensor is connected to a1
int photocellReading_2; // the analog reading from the analog port
int threshold = 700; //value below sensors are trigerd
float Speed; // declaration of Speed variable
float timing;
unsigned long int calcTimeout = 0; // initialisation of timeout variable
void setup(void) {
// We'll send debugging information via the Serial monitor
void loop(void) {
photocellReading_1 = analogRead(photocellPin_1); //read out values for sensor 1
photocellReading_2 = analogRead(photocellPin_2); //read out values for sensor 2
// if reading of first sensor is smaller than threshold starts time count and moves to calculation function
if (photocellReading_1 < threshold) {
time1 = millis();
// calculation function
void startCalculation() {
calcTimeout = millis(); // asign time to timeout variable
//we wait for trigger of sensor 2 to start calculation - otherwise timeout
while (!(photocellReading_2 < threshold)) {
photocellReading_2 = analogRead(photocellPin_2);
if (millis() - calcTimeout > 5000) return;
timing = ((float) millis() - (float) time1) / 1000.0; //computes time in seconds
Speed = 0.115 / timing; //speed in m/s given a separation distance of 11.5 cm
how to implement the code with ultrasonic HC-SR04 sensors?
the coding is problem for me. hopefully someone can help me...... :(
Please excuse my poor English !
There are already lots of examples on the internet, so if all you want to do is copy, google arduino sr04
But if you want to know how to do it...
The sr04 has 4 pins, vin, gnd, trigger, and echo.
Connect vin and ground to +5 and gnd
Connect trigger to a digital output pin
Connect echo to a digital input pin
Trigger by going low for 2 microseconds (us) and then high for 10 us then low again
Then get the results with a pulseIn from the echo pin
Read the data sheet for more information
