Getting jEdit to show all schematic variable assignments - isabelle

Is there an easy way to get jEdit to show a list of all schematic variable assignments at a certain point in an Isabelle proof?


thy_goal_defn and keywords in Isabelle/HOL

I'm trying to get a good understanding of how math is built up in Isabelle. For whatever reason, all the tutorial/manuals hide a lot of the implementation details of basic types such as how the natural numbers, integers, rationals, and reals are constructed. When looking the src/HOL directory and examining the .thy files, I've encountered code blocks such as:
"print_quotmapsQ3" "print_quotientsQ3" "print_quotconsts" :: diag and
"quotient_type" :: thy_goal_defn and "/" and
"quotient_definition" :: thy_goal_defn
in Quotient.thy. Here, keywords is being used so that later you can define a type as:
quotient_type rat = "int * int" / partial: "ratrel"
and other related definitions. I haven't been able to figure out how the "keywords" feature works. It's not particularly obvious from the code, and the only documentation I can find is in the Isabelle/Isar Reference Manual where the following is written:
"The keywords specification declares outer syntax (chapter 3) that is introduced in this theory later on (rare in end-user applications). Both minor keywords and major keywords of the Isar command lan- guage need to be specified, in order to make parsing of proof docu- ments work properly. Command keywords need to be classified ac- cording to their structural role in the formal text. Examples may be seen in Isabelle/HOL sources itself, such as keywords "typedef" :: thy_goal_defn or keywords "datatype" :: thy_defn for theory-level definitions with and without proof, respectively." (p. 91)
This raises the question what a theory-level definition, which I haven't been able to figure out.
Isabelle's surface language, Isar, is extensible in multiple dimensions. In particular, a significant chunk of the keywords you'd usually use in day-to-day formalizations are defined in userspace. This sets Isar apart from many other programming languages, where syntax is fixed.
Roughly speaking, a theory file in Isabelle consists of two parts:
The header, which can be parsed statically, i.e. without running any custom code.
The contents, where e.g. logical definitions (types, constants, ...) and proofs can be mode.
Parsing of the contents happens in two phases:
First, the command structure is being parsed. This can be done by looking at the table of all the keywords that exist (those are declared in the header). There are various different types of keywords (as the manual points out). Command keywords start a new atomic chunk in the theory. (Consequently, theory contents can be seen as a sequence of commands.)
Second, the commands themselves are parsed, by using custom parsing code specified by whoever declared the corresponding keyword. This will execute any action, e.g. actually defining a type in the theory when the keyword typedef is encountered.
Commands can be classified according to the context in which they can appear. Top-level commands may only appear – well – on the top-level of a theory. Other commands may be freely nested in local contexts. Yet other commands do not modify the theory, but only print diagnostic output (diag). Theory processing in Isabelle takes that into account when e.g. parallelizing execution of a theory.
The example you mentioned, thy_goal_defn, is a keyword that adds some definitions to the theory and also enters proof mode, because quotient_type requires some proofs about the wellformedness of the definition.

"Efficient" least- and greatest fixpoint computations?

I am trying to compute two finite sets of some enumerable type (let's say char) using a least- and greatest- fixpoint computation, respectively. I want my definitions to be extractable to SML, and to be "semi-efficient" when executed. What are my options?
From exploring the HOL library and playing around with code generation, I have the following observations:
I could use the complete_lattice.lfp and complete_lattice.gfp constants with a pair of additional monotone functions to compute my sets, which in fact I currently am doing. Code generation does work with these constants, but the code produced is horribly inefficient, and if I understand the generated SML code correctly is performing an exhaustive search over every possible set in the powerset of characters. Any use, no matter how simple, of these two constants at type char therefore causes a divergence when executed.
I could try to make use of the iterative fixpoint described by the Kleene fixpoint theorem in directed complete partial orders. From exploring, there's a ccpo_class.fixp constant in the theory Complete_Partial_Order, but the underlying iterates constant that this is defined in terms of has no associated code equations, and so code cannot be extracted.
Are there any existing fixpoint combinators hiding somewhere, suitable for use with finite sets, that produce semi-efficient code with code generation that I have missed?
None of the general fixpoint combinators in Isabelle's standard library is meant to used directly for code extraction because their construction is too general to be usable in practice. (There is another one in the theory ~~/src/HOL/Library/Bourbaki_Witt_Fixpoint.) But the theory ~~/src/HOL/Library/While_Combinator connects the lfp and gfp fixpoints to the iterative implementation you are looking for, see theorems lfp_while_lattice and gfp_while_lattice. These characterisations have the precondition that the function is monotone, so they cannot be used as code equations directly. So you have two options:
Use the while combinator instead of lfp/gfp in your code equations and/or definitions.
Tell the code preprocessor to use lfp_while_lattice as a [code_unfold] equation. This works if you also add all the rules that the preprocessor needs to prove the assumptions of these equations for the instances at which it should apply. Hence, I recommend that you also add as [code_unfold] the monotonicity statement of your function and the theorem to prove the finiteness of char set, i.e., finite_class.finite.

What is retracting in the context of OCaml?

I have scribbled the term "retracting in OCaml" in a small space in my notebook and now I can't seem to recollect what it was about nor can I find anything about it on the internet.
Does this term really exist or is it my lecturer's own notation for some property of OCaml. My classmates also don't seem to remember what it was about so I just want to confirm if I was dreaming or not.
Another possible explanation: in math, a retraction is a left inverse of a morphism (see this definition). In particular, a parser can be seen as a retraction w.r.t. a given pretty-printer: start from an abstract syntax tree (AST) and pretty-print it, then parsing the resulting source code should yield the original AST (while the opposite is not necessarily true). It doesn't have much to do with OCaml per se but it is linked to an algebraic view (of compiling) which is quite common in functional programming.

Reflecting on a Type parameter

I am trying to create a function
import Language.Reflection
foo : Type -> TT
I tried it by using the reflect tactic:
foo = proof
intro t
reflect t
but this reflects on the variable t itself:
*SOQuestion> foo
\t => P Bound (UN "t") (TType (UVar 41)) : Type -> TT
Reflection in Idris is a purely syntactic, compile-time only feature. To predict how it will work, you need to know about how Idris converts your program to its core language. Importantly, you won't be able to get ahold of reflected terms at runtime and reconstruct them like you would with Lisp. Here's how your program is compiled:
Internally, Idris creates a hole that will expect something of type Type -> TT.
It runs the proof script for foo in this state. We start with no assumptions and a goal of type Type -> TT. That is, there's a term being constructed which looks like ?rhs : Type => TT . rhs. The ?foo : ty => body syntax shows that there's a hole called foo whose eventual value will be available inside of body.
The step intro t creates a function whose argument is t : Type - this means that we now have a term like ?foo_body : TT . \t : Type => foo_body.
The reflect t step then fills the current hole by taking the term on its right-hand side and converting it to a TT. That term is in fact just a reference to the argument of the function, so you get the variable t. reflect, like all other proof script steps, only has access to the information that is available directly at compile time. Thus, the result of filling in foo_body with the reflection of the term t is P Bound (UN "t") (TType (UVar (-1))).
If you could do what you are wanting here, it would have major consequences both for understanding Idris code and for running it efficiently.
The loss in understanding would come from the inability to use parametricity to reason about the behavior of functions based on their types. All functions would effectively become potentially ad-hoc polymorphic, because they could (say) run differently on lists of strings than on lists of ints.
The loss in performance would come from representing enough type information to do the reflection. After Idris code is compiled, there is no type information left in it (unlike in a system such as the JVM or .NET or a dynamically typed system such as Python, where types have a runtime representation that code can access). In Idris, types can be very large, because they can contain arbitrary programs - this means that far more information would have to be maintained, and computation occurring at the type level would also have to be preserved and repeated at runtime.
If you're wanting to reflect on the structure of a type for further proof automation at compile time, take a look at the applyTactic tactic. Its argument should be a function that takes a reflected context and goal and gives back a new reflected tactic script. An example can be seen in the Data.Vect source.
So I suppose the summary is that Idris can't do what you want, and it probably never will be able to, but you might be able to make progress another way.

How do I create a synonym for a type class name?

I want to abbreviate create a synonym for a type class name. Here's how I'm doing it now:
class fooC = linordered_idom
instance int :: fooC
proof qed
definition foof :: "'a::fooC ⇒ 'a" where
"foof x = x"
term "foof (x::int)"
value "foof (x::int)"
This works fine if there's not a better way to do it. The disadvantage is that I have to instantiate int, and the class command takes time to implement itself.
Update 140314
This update is to clarify for Makarius what it is I want, to explain my purpose in wanting it, and give a list of commands that I'm familiar with for creating notation, abbreviations, and synonyms, but commands which I couldn't get to work for what I want.
My initial choice of "abbreviation" rather than "synonym"
I guess "synonym" would have been a better word, but I chose "abbreviation" because it describes what I want, which is to be able to create a shorter name for for a type class, like renaming linordered_semidom to losdC. Though Isar abbreviation has some of the attributes of definition, it also just defines syntax. So, because "abbreviate" describes what I want, and abbreviation just defines syntax, I chose "abbreviation" instead of "synonym" or "alias".
Synonym/alias, Isar commands I couldn't get to work for that
"Alias" would describe what I want. As to the sentence "If you just want to save typing in the editor, you could use some abbreviations there," here are the commands I've experimented with to try and rename linordered_idom, but I couldn't get them to work for me:
Rather than explain what I've tried, and try to remember what I tried, I just list them. I did searches on "class" and only found the Isar commands class and classes. I thought maybe locale commands might be applicable, but I didn't find anything.
What I want is simple, like how type_synonym is used to define synonyms for types.
The purpose
There is my general desire to shorten type class names such as linordered_idom, because eventually, I plan on using the algebra type classes extensively.
However, there is a second reason, and that is to rename something like linordered_semidom to be part of a naming scheme of three types.
For any algebraic type class, such as linordered_semidom, I can use that type class, along with quotient_type, to create what I'll call a number system, such as how nat is used to define int.
Using Int.thy as a template, I did that with linordered_semidom, and then instantiated it as comm_ring_1, which is as far as I have time to go these days.
Additionally, with typedef, for any algebraic type class which has the dependencies of zero and one (and others such as ord), I can define a type of all elements greater than or equal to zero, and another one for all elements greater than zero. I did that for linordered_idom, but then I figured out that I actually needed to go the quotient_type route, to get things that model rat.
That's the long explanation. Eventually, I'll start working with numerous algebraic type classes, and from one type class, I'll get two more. If I do that for 20 type classes, and also use them, then long, descriptive names don't work, and renaming type classes will help me in knowing what type classes go together.
Here would be the scheme for linordered_semidom, where I don't know how this will actually work out, until I'm able to try it all:
linordered_semidom is the base class. I rename it to losdC. It's the numbers greater than or equal to zero for these three types.
losdQ is defined from losdC using quotient_type. It gives me the negative numbers, and the ability to coerce losdC to losdQ.
losd1 is defined using typedef, and is the numbers greater than zero.
I need a consistent naming scheme, to keep it all straight: losdC, losdQ, and losd1.
Finally, eventually even 4 types instead of 3 types
I haven't completely worked and thought things out (I'm not even close), but analogously, it's all related to implementing, for algebra type classes, the basic relationship between nat, int, and rat, where real might eventually come into play. Additionally, it's about getting a type, from these types, of the non-negative or positive members, if those don't come by default.
There is nat used for int, and int used for rat.
With nat used for int, we get the non-negative integers by default, which is nat.
With int used for rat, we don't get the non-negative members of rat, we get fractions. (Again, I'm talking about a type of non-negatives and positives, not a set of non-negatives and positives.)
So, if I use linordered_idom and quotient_type to define fractions, then I have to use typedef twice to get the non-negative and positive members of those fractions, which means I would have 4 types to keep track of, liodC, liodQ, liod0, and liod1.
If there's a simple solution to renaming type classes, then I've unnecessarily said about 600 words.
A definition is not an abbreviation, it introduces a separate term that is logical equal. That works for term constants.
A type class is semantically a predicate over types, and thus connected to some predicate (term constant), but in practice you rarely access that.
So what exactly means to "abbreviate a type class"?
For example, you might want to manipulate the class name space to get an alias for it, which is in principle possible. But what is the purpose?
If you just want to save typing in the editor, you could use some abbreviations there.
Another possibility, within the formal system, is to introduce genuine aliases in the name space. Isabelle provides some facilities for that, which are not very much advertized, because there is a real danger of obscuring libraries and preventing anyone else from understanding them, if names are changed too much.
This is how it works, using some friendly Isabelle/ML within the theory source:
class foobar = ord + fixes foobar :: 'a
setup {* Sign.class_alias #{binding f} #{class foobar} *}
typ "'a::f"
instantiation nat :: f
definition foobar_nat :: nat where "foobar_nat = 0"
instance ..
Note that Sign.class_alias only refers to the type class name space in the narrow sense. A class is many things at the same time: locale, const (the prodicate), type class. You can see this in the following examples where the class is used as "target" for local definitions and theorems:
definition (in foobar) "fuzz = foobar"
theorem (in foobar) "fuzz = foobar" by (simp add: fuzz_def)
Technically, the locale name space used above could support aliases as well, but this is not done. Only basic Sign.class_alias, Sign.type_alias, Sign.const_alias are exposed for unusual situations, to address problems with legacy libraries.
