I got stuck with our custom libraries/modules and Drupal9.
Installed: Drupal 9.2.7 & Libraries API 3.0-beta1.
We have Drupal multisite, with 5 dev repositories and 30+ production repositories. Dev repositories should have our own custom git pack of libraries, modules and themes (for developers). Prod repositories will get our custom pack of libraries, modules and themes from "all" sites. For contrib stuff (that will use Dev and Prod repositories) we use Drupal root folders libraries, modules and themes managed and autoloaded by Composer.
- web
-- libraries #contrib libraries managed by composer
-- modules #contrib modules managed by composer
-- themes #contrib themes managed by composer
-- sites
--- all
---- libraries # our custom libraries (prod)
---- modules # our custom modules (prod)
---- themes # our custom themes (prod)
--- dev-repository1
---- files
---- libraries # our custom libraries (dev)
---- modules # our custom modules (dev)
---- themes # our custom themes (dev)
--- prod-repoistory1
---- files
So, basically, develop in dev-repositories, push to our git, than pull it to "all" for production. Modules and themes are working great, but libraries are not recognized.
Each dev should have own instance of libraries but apparently composer isn't best solution for multisite libraries?
That's why we tried with Libraries API
There is basic module "demo" that works:
name: Demo
description: My Drupal 9 demo module.
package: Demo
type: module
core_version_requirement: ^9
path: '/demo'
_controller: '\Drupal\demo\Controller\DemoController::showdemo'
_title: 'Demo title'
_access: 'TRUE'
namespace Drupal\demo\Controller;
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
class DemoController extends ControllerBase {
public function showdemo() {
return ['#markup' => $this->t("test")];
and now we need to create custom (maybe independet of Drupal) PHP library with classes that will this module use.
class DemoLib {
public function showHello() {
return "Hello from library!";
If I dpm Libraries API function libraries_get_libraries(); in controller I get:
[demolib] => sites/dev-repository1/libraries/demolib
but if i try to load it with libraries_load('demolib'); I get:
[loaded] =>
Notice: Undefined index: installed in libraries_load() (line 708 of modules/contrib/libraries/libraries.module).
I checked https://www.drupal.org/docs/contributed-modules/libraries-api-8x and multiple tutorials but just can't get it to work, to automatically include and use classes in modules from our custom libraries with Libraries API module. Maybe some definitions are missing or file includes (instead of autoload classes)?
Or is there maybe some better approach to this problem?
I have created a test reusable Symfony 5 bundle and have written a Flex recipe to automatically install and configure it within any project which is private.
My problem is, I have no idea how to run and test this. I cannot find any clear complete instructions anywhere. The official documentation does not specify how this would be done and only specifies how to create the manifest.json file.
I found the following info which specifies uploading the recipe to a private repository on GitHub and then activating Symfony Recipe Server for the repository which I have done.
but then what?
If understood this correctly, you want to add custom domain from where recipe would be downloaded and installed. Check this project:
Github https://github.com/moay/server-for-symfony-flex
Docs https://server-for-symfony-flex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Eventually you get to the point where you add custom endpoint from where to download the recipe like this:
Using the server in your Symfony project is as easy
as adding the proper endpoint to your composer.json:
"symfony": {
"endpoint": "https://your.domain.com"
I apologize if this is not in the desired format of an answer.
I have an open source Objective C framework, which I'd like to provide using Swift Package Manager as well.
Normally, I have public headers set in the Xcode project, which, when the framework is built, are copied under the framework bundle, and are discovered when linked to by Xcode.
I can't, however get it to work with SwiftPM.
I created a modulemap for my framework:
framework module LNPopupController {
umbrella header "LNPopupController.h"
export *
module * { export * }
and I define the library like so in the Package.swift:
let package = Package(
name: "LNPopupController",
platforms: [
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "LNPopupController",
type: .dynamic,
targets: ["LNPopupController"]),
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
// .package(url: /* package url */, from: "1.0.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on.
name: "LNPopupController",
dependencies: [],
path: "LNPopupController",
publicHeadersPath: ".",
cSettings: [
When added as a project dependency in Xcode, the framework compiles just fine, but when the dependent target attempts to import LNPopupController, an error is thrown: umbrella header 'LNPopupController.h' not found
Looking at the build folder, indeed, I see that Xcode has built a binary, but has not copied the public headers.
Any way to specify which headers are public, and make the build system copy them for import?
I eventually figured it out. This is what I did for LNPopupController:
I created a include/LNPopupController/ sub-directory tree, and put soft links to all public headers there.
In the package file, I added publicHeadersPath: "include".
You can see the final result here:
It might not be the most optimal way, but it works for all my ObjC projects which I have tried this method on.
I am implementing a SYMFONY 3 project in production mode for the first time.
I follow OceanDigital tutorial and the standard doc.
I went thru a bunch of issues linked to user writing rights that I've solved, and I do get now a SYMFONY ERROR page (one step closer to victory) with this message:
Unable to find template "MyBundle:std_page:home.html.twig" (looked
into: /[folder to symf project]/app/Resources/views,
/[folder to symf project]/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Bridge/Twig/Resources/views/Form,
/[folder to symf project]/vendor/knplabs/knp-menu/src/Knp/Menu/Resources/views).
If I look in my [my symf project]\app\config\routing.yml, I have:
resource: "#MyBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
expose: true
In [my symf project]\app\AppKernel.php, in the registerBundles() function, I have:
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
new MyBundle\MyBundle(),
And the file regarding the template that should be fetched [my symf project]\src\MyBundle\Ressources\views/std_page/home.html.twig exists.
What did I not set up right, in production mode, to have it looking for the TWIG template in the folder [my symf project]\src\MyBundle\Ressources\views/?
After some search it happens to be a mistake similar to the one described in that SO thread.
In my controller I had:
return $this->render('MyBundle:Std_page:home.html.twig',$parameters);
Instead of:
return $this->render('MyBundle:std_page:home.html.twig',$parameters);
The development was made on a WINDOWS 10 OS, and it is set up in production on a UBUNTU 16.04. It seems that UBUNTU is stricter than WINDOWS regarding the letter case.
New to meteor. Just cloned a git repo, and upon launching the app, I get a router.js:347 There is no route for the path: / error.
This is my route for root in imports/startup/client/routes.js
FlowRouter.route('/', {
name: 'Home',
action() {
BlazeLayout.render('app_body', {tabs: 'tabs', inbox: 'inbox', upload: 'upload', invite: 'invite'});
console.log('root loaded');
Here is the list of packages
accounts-facebook 1.0.10 Login service for Facebook accounts
accounts-password 1.2.14* Password support for accounts
alanning:roles 1.2.15 Authorization package for Meteor
aldeed:collection2 2.9.1 Automatic validation of insert and update operations on the client and server.
aldeed:simple-schema 1.5.3 A simple schema validation object with reactivity. Used by collection2 and autoform.
arillo:flow-router-helpers 0.5.2 Template helpers for flow-router
blaze-html-templates 1.0.4 Compile HTML templates into reactive UI with Meteor Blaze
check 1.2.3 Check whether a value matches a pattern
dburles:collection-helpers 1.0.4 Transform your collections with helpers that you define
ecmascript 0.5.7* Compiler plugin that supports ES2015+ in all .js files
email 1.1.16* Send email messages
es5-shim 4.6.13* Shims and polyfills to improve ECMAScript 5 support
hpx7:youtube-iframe-player 0.4.15 Control YouTube's embedded player using Meteor
http 1.2.8* Make HTTP calls to remote servers
jazeee:spiderable-longer-timeout 1.2.13 Extended spiderable package: SSL, caching, longer timeout, no stdin issues, publish flag
jchristman:tagsinput-autocomplete-edited 1.1.0+ A combination of the mizzao:autocomplete library and a tagsinput-like functionality
jquery 1.11.9 Manipulate the DOM using CSS selectors
kadira:blaze-layout 2.3.0 Layout Manager for Blaze (works well with FlowRouter)
kadira:flow-router 2.12.1 Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor
keepnox:perfect-scrollbar 0.6.8 Perfect-scrollbar packaged for meteor
manuel:reactivearray 1.0.5 Reactive Array for Meteor
matb33:collection-hooks 0.8.3* Extends Mongo.Collection with before/after hooks for insert/update/remove/find/findOne
meteor-base 1.0.4 Packages that every Meteor app needs
meteorhacks:aggregate 1.3.0 Proper MongoDB aggregations support for Meteor
mobile-experience 1.0.4 Packages for a great mobile user experience
momentjs:moment 2.14.4 Moment.js (official): parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates - official Meteor packaging
mongo 1.1.10* Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
reactive-dict 1.1.8 Reactive dictionary
reactive-var 1.0.10 Reactive variable
sacha:spin 2.3.1 Simple spinner package for Meteor
saucecode:timezoned-synced-cron 1.2.11 Fork of original w/ timezone support. Define and run scheduled jobs across multiple servers.
session 1.1.6 Session variable
spiderable 1.0.13 Makes the application crawlable to web spiders
standard-minifier-css 1.1.8* Standard css minifier used with Meteor apps by default.
standard-minifier-js 1.1.8* Standard javascript minifiers used with Meteor apps by default.
tomwasd:flow-router-seo 0.0.3 A simple way to set the title and meta tags for sites using flow router
tracker 1.1.0 Dependency tracker to allow reactive callbacks
twbs:bootstrap 3.3.6 The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
What is it that is causing the app not to find the routes file? I have looked through the following posts for some guidance, but have found none.
Meteor Routing Error : There is no route for the path: /
Any help solving the problem would be appreciated. I feel like I'm missing something simple.
**project file structure
Are you importing the routes file into your app's main container?
For example, if you have a /client/main.js file that gets loaded from client side at startup, then it should include the import reference to routes file as follows:
import '/imports/startup/client';
Or, import '/imports/startup/client/routes.js';
Put your route file in 'imports/starup/lib' (lib - for example). In fast-render package recommended use 'lib', if you wanna use it. If no - 'client';
Then make sure you imported your route file in 'root/client/main.js';
Please, read this part of docs: https://guide.meteor.com/structure.html#javascript-structure
It is very helpful article.
Please, remove duplicate files in your client/main.js
When, in client/main.js
import '/imports/startup/client';
In your imports/startup/client/index.js
import './routes.js';
And now it will work.
Dont forget, you must import all views you wanna use in your route.
Problem fixed. Instead of launching with meteor run, need to launch with meteor --settings settings.json --production
I placed some custom configs in my config_prod.yml file like this:
installed: [abc]
Since SF2 will load and compile and cache, the config_prod.yml is actually loaded just once only. I wonder (without the need to do some custom coding to use setParameter to set my custom config values to the container, or to use my own method of caching the custom configs), how do I access these custom config values? Are they automatically cached and made available somehow?
Everything you define in the parameters section will be accessible as a parameter:
installed: [abc]
You can access your configuration by calling getParameter() on the container:
$store = $container->getParameter('store');
If you want to have your own section in the configuration file:
installed: [abc]
you'll have to create an extension and expose a semantic configuration of your bundle.
In both cases container with all its configuration is compiled and stored in cache.
Read more:
Service Container Parameters
How to expose a Semantic Configuration for a bundle