Ember-cli css minification is removing quotes and spaces - css

Is there a way that I can disable some minifying rules when launching the ember-cli build?
I have this CSS selector
[attribute*="value" i]
And the minified version returns
Which is kind of a problem because the framework is based on that way of selecting classes through combined parts that join in a single camelCase class name within the HTML, which is the reason why I need the "i" (case-insensitive). So unless I change all camelCase classes with its hyphen separated version and remove the "i" from everywhere, nothing is going to work
Ideally I'd like to prevent the minifier from removing spaces or from removing quotes.
Any idea?! maybe some other options to pass here:
const EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
module.exports = function(defaults) {
let app = new EmberApp(defaults, {
minifyCSS: {
options: { processImport: true }
return app.toTree();
Thanks in advance


Tailwindcss + Nextjs problems with class + variables

Good afternoon, I need help with a big problem I'm having with tailwindcss + nextjs...
So the problem is when it comes to setting the classes, I need to use a variable, the class is set in the css, but the tailwind is not converting the class into a style.
I need it to be like this:
I already tried to set the class as constant, I tried to set the constant both inside the component and in getstaticprops, and none of them worked.
I've tried to set a class within the css itself and it didn't work either.
Tailwind uses regex to find class names, and because of this they need to exist as unbroken strings in your source code. A consequence of this is you cannot use string interpolation the way you're trying to do, as Tailwind will not be able to find the class name.
What you can do instead is map your props to static class names:
const Component = ({pokemon}) => {
const pokemonBgVariants = {
pikachu: 'bg-pokemontype-pikachu',
bulbasaur: 'bg-pokemontype-bulbasaur',
// ...
return (
<div className=`[...other classes] ${pokemonBgVariants[pokemon.types[0].type.name]}`></div>

How to dynamically add classes to NextJS component using class names from CMS?

I am looking for a solution that will allow some styling options in a CMS that can dynamically change the classes of specific components in my NextJS app. My code looks like this:
import client from "../lib/client";
const Home = ({ headerConfig }) => {
return (
<Header headerConfig={headerConfig} />
export const getServerSideProps = async () => {
const headerConfig = await client.getDocument("headerConfig");
return {
props: { headerConfig },
export default Home;
const Header = ({ headerConfig }) => {
return (
<nav className={`relative ... ${headerConfig.bgColour}`}>
export default Header
However, the styling does not apply and the background colour remains unchanged although the class does seem to be injected into the class attribute on the browser.
I know my current method is incorrect but I am clueless as to how to fix this. Could someone help point me in the right direction?
I assume that you are using tailwind. If so, you cannot inject classnames into an html element. This is because tailwind only includes classes that are explicitly declared somewhere within your code (it will find classes within any string in your project depending on the configuration). You can get around this problem by adding classes to the safelist array in your tailwind.config.js file. You can also safelist classes with regex to allow all variants of certain utilities.
However, safelisting only works if there are a specific set of classes that could potentially be injected. One option, which will be guaranteed to work but NOT RECOMMENDED, is to add a <link> in your html to the tailwind cdn. However this will include every single tailwind class in your css bundle, making it MUCH larger and your website slower.
Another solution is to use inline styles which are calculated with javascript depending on the classes you need to inject. If you are dealing with only simple parts of tailwind (like padding, margin, or other sizing units), this may be a good approach. For example a class like p-4 would get converted to padding: 1rem in your inline styles.
Depending on the needs of your application, one of these three approaches is probably the way to go. Hope this helps!

Inject CSS variable names that come form the server (Angular 12)

I'm trying to find the best solution to inject css variables into angular application (currently using Angular 12).
This is the code I'm using:
private injectStyles(data: any) {
const styles = this.document.createElement('STYLE') as HTMLStyleElement;
styles.id = 'dynamic-css';
this.test = `:root {
--main-bg-color: black;
styles.innerHTML = this.test;
this.renderer.appendChild(this.document.head, styles);
This code is being executed on app.component.ts file and this works quite well, i can use this css variable throughout the whole application.
What I'm trying to achieve now is to extend the this.test Object with data that comes from the server and apply these custom css values that were set on my Visual settings module before.
Css variables must not have "" quotes.
"--button-color": "#a86c6c" (this is what I get from the server) and I would like to inject this property without quotes on the this.test Object and I can't do that. Any ideas?
Any help is highly appreciated,
Object.keys is your friend
let dataString = '';
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
dataString += `${key}: ${data[key]};`
this.test = `:root {
--main-bg-color: black;
If needed, you may need to add quote to the value like this
`dataString += `${key}: "${data[key]};"`

HIghlighting row during runtime

I am trying to highlight a row based user input. I am using Angular 5, with ag-grid-angular 19.1.2. Setting the style with gridOptions.getRowStyle changes the background, but I would rather use scss classes if possible. The function setHighlight() is called in the html file through (change)=setHighlight()
setHighlight() {
const nextChronoId = this.getNextChronoDateId();
// this.highlightWithStyle(nextChronoId); // Working solution
const row = this.gridApi.getDisplayedRowAtIndex(nextChronoId);
this.gridApi.redrawRows({ rowNodes: [row]})
Function definitions:
highlightWithStyle(id: number) {
this.gridApi.gridCore.gridOptions.getRowStyle = function(params) {
if (params.data.Id === id) {
return { background: 'green' }
highlightWithClass(id: number) {
this.gridApi.gridCore.gridOptions.getRowClass = function(params) {
if (params.data.Id === id) {
return 'highlighted'
My scss class:
/deep/ .ag-theme-balham .ag-row .ag-row-no-focus .ag-row-even .ag-row-level0 .ag-row-last, .highlighted{
background-color: green;
My issue
Using getRowClass does not apply my highlighted class correctly to the rowNode. After reading (and trying) this, I think that my custom scss class overwritten by the ag-classes. The same problem occurs when using rowClassRules.
How can I make Angular 5 and ag-grid work together in setting my custom scss class correctly?
Stepping with the debugger shows the class is picked up and appended to the native ag-grid classes.
In rowComp.js:
Addition, screen dump from dev tools:
angular's ViewEncapsulationis the culprit here.
First be aware that all shadow piercing selectors like /deep/ or ::ng-deep are or will be deprecated.
this leaves, to my knowledge, two options.
use ViewEncapsulation.None
add your highlighted class to the global stylesheet
setting ViewEncapsulation.None brings its own possible problems:
All components styles would become globally available styles.
I would advise to go with option two.
this answers sums it up pretty well.
.ag-theme-balham .ag-row .ag-row-no-focus .ag-row-even .ag-row-level0 .ag-row-last
this selector will never match anything, you should change it to
.ag-theme-balham .ag-row.ag-row-no-focus.ag-row-even.ag-row-level0.ag-row-last
every class after ag-theme-balham exists on the same element.
with the selector you wrote, you would denote a hierarchy.
Hope this helps

regex to delete specific entries in .css file

trying to delete the following entries in a .css file
UNUSEDbody.sticky-menu-active {
padding-top: 26px;
all the css entries I want to remove are prefixed with UNUSED followed by characters { }
so I want to delete everything starting with UNUSED and including the declaration
in javascript:
var text = "...";
var regex = /^UNUSED[^{]*?{[^}]*}[\r\n ]*/gm;
console.log(text.replace(regex, ''));
You should be more specific about regex and css. Are you trying to run some command in cmd/sh to remove these entries from file, or you are trying to do that from you code?
