Julia get stuck when pushing into two arrays - julia

I am not sure why but when I try to use push! two times (to append values in two different arrays), julia gets stuck. I have tried commenting out one of the push! lines and it executes fine. But with both it just doesn't work.
Any ideas why this maybe?
# organisation is a similar array

There is no need for the inner loop. Also, you are using the variable can and org in an ambiguous way.
can = []
org = []
for (c, o) in zip(candidates, organisations)
push!(can, c)
push!(org, o)


In-order traversal in BST-Ocaml

I'm working with a polymorphic binary search tree with the standard following type definition:
type tree =
| Node of int * tree * tree (*value, left sub tree, right sub tree*);;
I want to do an in order traversal of this tree and add the values to a list, let's say. I tried this:
let rec in_order tree =
match tree with
Empty -> []
| Node(v,l,r) -> let empty = [] in in_order r#empty;
in_order l#empty
But it keeps returning an empty list every time. I don't see why it is doing that.
When you're working with recursion you need to always reason as follows:
How do I solve the easiest version of the problem?
Supposing I have a solution to an easier problem, how can I modify it to solve a harder problem?
You've done the first part correctly, but the second part is a mess.
Part of the problem is that you've not implemented the thing you said you want to implement. You said you want to do a traversal and add the values to a list. OK, so then the method should take a list somewhere -- the list you are adding to. But it doesn't. So let's suppose it does take such a parameter and see if that helps. Such a list is traditionally called an accumulator for reasons which will become obvious.
As always, get the signature right first:
let rec in_order tree accumulator =
OK, what's the easy solution? If the tree is empty then adding the tree contents to the accumulator is simply the identity:
match tree with
| Empty -> accumulator
Now, what's the recursive case? We suppose that we have a solution to some smaller problems. For instance, we have a solution to the problem of "add everything on one side to the accumulator with the value":
| Node (value, left, right) ->
let acc_with_right = in_order right accumulator in
let acc_with_value = value :: acc_with_right in
OK, we now have the accumulator with all the elements from one side added. We can then use that to add to it all the elements from the other side:
in_order left acc_with_value
And now we can make the whole thing implement the function you tried to write in the first place:
let in_order tree =
let rec aux tree accumulator =
match tree with
| Empty -> accumulator
| Node (value, left, right) ->
let acc_with_right = aux right accumulator in
let acc_with_value = value :: acc_with_right in
aux left acc_with_value in
aux tree []
And we're done.
Does that all make sense? You have to (1) actually implement the exact thing you say you're going to implement, (2) solve the base case, and (3) assume you can solve smaller problems and combine them into solutions to larger problems. That's the pattern you use for all recursive problem solving.
I think your problem boils down to this. The # operator returns a new list that is the concatenation of two other lists. It doesn't modify the other lists. In fact, nothing ever modifies a list in OCaml. Lists are immutable.
So, this expression:
r # empty
Has no effect on the value named empty. It will remain an empty list. In fact, the value empty can never be changed either. Variables in OCaml are also immutable.
You need to imagine constructing and returning your value without modifying lists or variables.
When you figure it out, it won't involve the ; operator. What this operator does is to evaluate two expressions (to the left and right), then return the value of the expression at the right. It doesn't combine values, it performs an action and discards its result. As such, it's not useful when working with lists. (It is used for imperative constructs, like printing values.)
If you thought about using # where you're now using ;, you'd be a lot closer to a solution.

How can I dispatch on traits relating two types, where the second type that co-satisfies the trait is uniquely determined by the first?

Say I have a Julia trait that relates to two types: one type is a sort of "base" type that may satisfy a sort of partial trait, the other is an associated type that is uniquely determined by the base type. (That is, the relation from BaseType -> AssociatedType is a function.) Together, these types satisfy a composite trait that is the one of interest to me.
For example:
using Traits
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
#traitdef IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M} begin
#constraints begin
measurements(X) -> M
#Maybe some other stuff that dispatches on (X,M), e.g.
#fits_in(X,M) -> Bool
#how_many_fit_in(X,M) -> Int64
#But I don't want to implement these now
Now here are a couple of example types. Please ignore the particulars of the examples; they are just meant as MWEs and there is nothing relevant in the details:
type Rope
type Paper
function isnew(x::Rope)
(x.age_in_years < 10.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Rope)
if x.color=="Orange"
return 2.0::Float64
elseif x.color!="Taupe"
return 1.0::Float64
return 0.0::Float64
function isnew(x::Paper)
(x.age_in_years < 1.0)::Bool
function coolness(x::Paper)
(x.content=="StackOverflow Answers" ? 1000.0 : 0.0)::Float64
Since I've defined these functions, I can do
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Rope})
#assert istrait(IsProduct{Paper})
And now if I define
function measurements(x::Rope)
function measurements(x::Paper)
Then I can do
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Rope,Float64})
#assert istrait(IsProductWithMeasurement{Paper,Tuple{Float64,Float64}})
So far so good; these run without error. Now, what I want to do is write a function like the following:
#traitfn function get_measurements{X,M;IsProductWithMeasurement{X,M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Generically, this function is meant to be an example of "I want to use the fact that I, as the programmer, know that BaseType is always associated to AssociatedType to help the compiler with type inference. I know that whenever I do a certain task [in this case, get_measurements, but generically this could work in a bunch of cases] then I want the compiler to infer the output type of that function in a consistently patterned way."
That is, e.g.
will always spit out Array{AssociatedType}, and
will always spit out Tuple{Int64,BaseType,AssociatedType}.
AND, one such relationship holds for all pairs of <BaseType,AssociatedType>; e.g. if BatmanType is the base type to which RobinType is associated, and SupermanType is the base type to which LexLutherType is always associated, then
will always output Tuple{Int64,BatmanType,RobinType}, and
will always output Tuple{Int64,SupermanType,LexLutherType}.
So, I understand this relationship, and I want the compiler to understand it for the sake of speed.
Now, back to the function example. If this makes sense, you will have realized that while the function definition I gave as an example is 'correct' in the sense that it satisfies this relationship and does compile, it is un-callable because the compiler doesn't understand the relationship between X and M, even though I do. In particular, since M doesn't appear in the method signature, there is no way for Julia to dispatch on the function.
So far, the only thing I have thought to do to solve this problem is to create a sort of workaround where I "compute" the associated type on the fly, and I can still use method dispatch to do this computation. Consider:
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Rope)
function get_measurement_type_of_product(x::Paper)
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
M = get_measurement_type_of_product(similar_items[1]::X)
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
Then indeed this compiles and is callable:
julia> get_measurements(Array{Rope,1}([Rope("blue",1.0,1.0,1.0),Rope("red",2.0,2.0,2.0)]))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
But this is not ideal, because (a) I have to redefine this map each time, even though I feel as though I already told the compiler about the relationship between X and M by making them satisfy the trait, and (b) as far as I can guess--maybe this is wrong; I don't have direct evidence for this--the compiler won't necessarily be able to optimize as well as I want, since the relationship between X and M is "hidden" inside the return value of the function call.
One last thought: if I had the ability, what I would ideally do is something like this:
#traitdef IsProduct{X} begin
isnew(X) -> Bool
coolness(X) -> Float64
∃ ! M s.t. measurements(X) -> M
and then have some way of referring to the type that uniquely witnesses the existence relationship, so e.g.
#traitfn function get_measurements{X;IsProduct{X},IsWitnessType{IsProduct{X},M}}(similar_items::Array{X,1})
all_measurements = Array{M,1}(length(similar_items))
for i in eachindex(similar_items)
all_measurements[i] = measurements(similar_items[i])::M
because this would be somehow dispatchable.
So: what is my specific question? I am asking, given that you presumably by this point understand that my goals are
Have my code exhibit this sort of structure generically, so that
I can effectively repeat this design pattern across a lot of cases
and then program in the abstract at the high-level of X and M,
do (1) in such a way that the compiler can still optimize to the best of its ability / is as aware of the relationship among
types as I, the coder, am
then, how should I do this? I think the answer is
Use Traits.jl
Do something pretty similar to what you've done so far
Also do ____some clever thing____ that the answerer will indicate,
but I'm open to the idea that in fact the correct answer is
Abandon this approach, you're thinking about the problem the wrong way
Instead, think about it this way: ____MWE____
I'd also be perfectly satisfied by answers of the form
What you are asking for is a "sophisticated" feature of Julia that is still under development, and is expected to be included in v0.x.y, so just wait...
and I'm less enthusiastic about (but still curious to hear) an answer such as
Abandon Julia; instead use the language ________ that is designed for this type of thing
I also think this might be related to the question of typing Julia's function outputs, which as I take it is also under consideration, though I haven't been able to puzzle out the exact representation of this problem in terms of that one.

Erlang Recursive end loop

I just started learning Erlang and since I found out there is no for loop I tried recreating one with recursion:
display(Rooms, In) ->
Room = array:get(In, Rooms)
io:format("~w", [Room]),
In < 59 -> display(Rooms, In + 1);
true -> true
With this code i need to display the content (false or true) of each array in Rooms till the number 59 is reached. However this creates a weird code which displays all of Rooms contents about 60 times (?). When I drop the if statement and only put in the recursive code it is working except for a exception error: Bad Argument.
So basically my question is how do I put a proper end to my "for loop".
Thanks in advance!
Hmm, this code is rewritten and not pasted. It is missing colon after Room = array:get(In, Rooms). The Bad argument error is probably this:
exception error: bad argument
in function array:get/2 (array.erl, line 633)
in call from your_module_name:display/2
This means, that you called array:get/2 with bad arguments: either Rooms is not an array or you used index out of range. The second one is more likely the cause. You are checking if:
In < 59
and then calling display again, so it will get to 58, evaluate to true and call:
display(Rooms, 59)
which is too much.
There is also couple of other things:
In io:format/2 it is usually better to use ~p instead of ~w. It does exactly the same, but with pretty printing, so it is easier to read.
In Erlang if is unnatural, because it evaluates guards and one of them has to match or you get error... It is just really weird.
case is much more readable:
case In < 59 of
false -> do_something();
true -> ok
In case you usually write something, that always matches:
case Something of
{One, Two} -> do_stuff(One, Two);
[Head, RestOfList] -> do_other_stuff(Head, RestOfList);
_ -> none_of_the_previous_matched()
The underscore is really useful in pattern matching.
In functional languages you should never worry about details like indexes! Array module has map function, which takes function and array as arguments and calls the given function on each array element.
So you can write your code this way:
display(Rooms) ->
DisplayRoom = fun(Index, Room) -> io:format("~p ~p~n", [Index, Room]) end,
array:map(DisplayRoom, Rooms).
This isn't perfect though, because apart from calling the io:format/2 and displaying the contents, it will also construct new array. io:format returns atom ok after completion, so you will get array of 58 ok atoms. There is also array:foldl/3, which doesn't have that problem.
If you don't have to have random access, it would be best to simply use lists.
Rooms = lists:duplicate(58, false),
DisplayRoom = fun(Room) -> io:format("~p~n", [Room]) end,
lists:foreach(DisplayRoom, Rooms)
If you are not comfortable with higher order functions. Lists allow you to easily write recursive algorithms with function clauses:
display([]) -> % always start with base case, where you don't need recursion
ok; % you have to return something
display([Room | RestRooms]) -> % pattern match on list splitting it to first element and tail
io:format("~p~n", [Room]), % do something with first element
display(RestRooms). % recursive call on rest (RestRooms is quite funny name :D)
To summarize - don't write forloops in Erlang :)
This is a general misunderstanding of recursive loop definitions. What you are trying to check for is called the "base condition" or "base case". This is easiest to deal with by matching:
display(0, _) ->
display(In, Rooms) ->
Room = array:get(In, Rooms)
io:format("~w~n", [Room]),
display(In - 1, Rooms).
This is, however, rather unidiomatic. Instead of using a hand-made recursive function, something like a fold or map is more common.
Going a step beyond that, though, most folks would probably have chosen to represent the rooms as a set or list, and iterated over it using list operations. When hand-written the "base case" would be an empty list instead of a 0:
display([]) ->
display([Room | Rooms]) ->
io:format("~w~n", [Room]),
Which would have been avoided in favor, once again, of a list operation like foreach:
display(Rooms) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Room) -> io:format("~w~n", [Room]) end, Rooms).
Some folks really dislike reading lambdas in-line this way. (In this case I find it readable, but the larger they get the more likely the are to become genuinely distracting.) An alternative representation of the exact same function:
display(Rooms) ->
Display = fun(Room) -> io:format("~w~n", [Room]) end,
lists:foreach(Display, Rooms).
Which might itself be passed up in favor of using a list comprehension as a shorthand for iteration:
_ = [io:format("~w~n", [Room]) | Room <- Rooms].
When only trying to get a side effect, though, I really think that lists:foreach/2 is the best choice for semantic reasons.
I think part of the difficulty you are experiencing is that you have chosen to use a rather unusual structure as your base data for your first Erlang program that does anything (arrays are not used very often, and are not very idiomatic in functional languages). Try working with lists a bit first -- its not scary -- and some of the idioms and other code examples and general discussions about list processing and functional programming will make more sense.
Wait! There's more...
I didn't deal with the case where you have an irregular room layout. The assumption was always that everything was laid out in a nice even grid -- which is never the case when you get into the really interesting stuff (either because the map is irregular or because the topology is interesting).
The main difference here is that instead of simply carrying a list of [Room] where each Room value is a single value representing the Room's state, you would wrap the state value of the room in a tuple which also contained some extra data about that state such as its location or coordinates, name, etc. (You know, "metadata" -- which is such an overloaded, buzz-laden term today that I hate saying it.)
Let's say we need to maintain coordinates in a three-dimensional space in which the rooms reside, and that each room has a list of occupants. In the case of the array we would have divided the array by the dimensions of the layout. A 10*10*10 space would have an array index from 0 to 999, and each location would be found by an operation similar to
locate({X, Y, Z}) -> (1 * X) + (10 * Y) + (100 * Z).
and the value of each Room would be [Occupant1, occupant2, ...].
It would be a real annoyance to define such an array and then mark arbitrarily large regions of it as "unusable" to give the impression of irregular layout, and then work around that trying to simulate a 3D universe.
Instead we could use a list (or something like a list) to represent the set of rooms, but the Room value would now be a tuple: Room = {{X, Y, Z}, [Occupants]}. You may have an additional element (or ten!), like the "name" of the room or some other status information or whatever, but the coordinates are the most certain real identity you're likely to get. To get the room status you would do the same as before, but mark what element you are looking at:
display(Rooms) ->
Display =
fun({ID, Occupants}) ->
io:format("ID ~p: Occupants ~p~n", [ID, Occupants])
lists:foreach(Display, Rooms).
To do anything more interesting than printing sequentially, you could replace the internals of Display with a function that uses the coordinates to plot the room on a chart, check for empty or full lists of Occupants (use pattern matching, don't do it procedurally!), or whatever else you might dream up.

OCAML Recursive function not stopping

And thanks for your help. I'm currently working on an assigment, and I've been stuck with a faulty recursive call.
I have a simple CAML-Light function which is supposed to take a list and a size (number), and return a list with a chunk of that list, of that size, and a list with the rest. Really simple actually, it's a translation from a past PLT-Scheme project.
However, I'm having trouble with the recursive call. I simply don't know why it's not working. The function goes like this:
let rec cortar texto longitud resultado = match texto, longitud with
| _::t,0 -> resultado::(t::[])
| c::t,x-> cortar t (longitud-1) (consderecha resultado c);;
Longitud is the integer which defines the size. I'm afraid I'm doing something terribly wrong, as it appears to loop infinitely because "longitud" never reaches 0. I'm (as you may guess) new to ML and it's dialects, so any help would be really appreciated.
EDIT: Solved it, actually not really... Turns out I was calling the function with commas on the list, rather than semicolons. Yep. So thanks!!
It's hard to answer because I see so many problems with the code.
You say your function takes a list and a size, but the function you're defining here takes three parameters. It appears that the resultado parameter is an accumulated result. It's a little untidy to add this parameter to your outer function. Generally you'd want to add it to an internal function so the outer function matches your description (i.e., it takes two parameters).
Both of your patterns in the match statement assume that texto is non-null. This means your pattern isn't exhaustive, i.e., the function will fail if texto is null either initially or in a recursive call.
Your function uses a function named consderecha that's not defined anywhere. I'm going to assume it does a reverse cons, i.e., it adds a value to the end of a list. (This is not a good way to handle lists. Adding a value to the end of a list is slow.)
However, if you put aside all these issues, I don't see any problem with your recursion. When I try your function on a case where it's defined, it almost works. (It seems to be missing a value from the middle of the list.)
# cortar [1;2;3;4;5] 2 [];;
- : int list list = [[1; 2]; [4; 5]]
Possibly rather than not stopping, your function isn't starting. Maybe you forgot the third parameter?

Mathematica Map question

Original question:
I know Mathematica has a built in map(f, x), but what does this function look like? I know you need to look at every element in the list.
Any help or suggestions?
Edit (by Jefromi, pieced together from Mike's comments):
I am working on a program what needs to move through a list like the Map, but I am not allowed to use it. I'm not allowed to use Table either; I need to move through the list without help of another function. I'm working on a recursive version, I have an empty list one down, but moving through a list with items in it is not working out. Here is my first case: newMap[#, {}] = {} (the map of an empty list is just an empty list)
I posted a recursive solution but then decided to delete it, since from the comments this sounds like a homework problem, and I'm normally a teach-to-fish person.
You're on the way to a recursive solution with your definition newMap[f_, {}] := {}.
Mathematica's pattern-matching is your friend. Consider how you might implement the definition for newMap[f_, {e_}], and from there, newMap[f_, {e_, rest___}].
One last hint: once you can define that last function, you don't actually need the case for {e_}.
Based on your comments, maybe this example will help you see how to apply an arbitrary function:
func[a_, b_] := a[b]
In[4]:= func[Abs, x]
Out[4]= Abs[x]
Since the OP caught a fish, so to speak, (congrats!) here are two recursive solutions, to satisfy the curiosity of any onlookers. This first one is probably what I would consider "idiomatic" Mathematica:
map1[f_, {}] := {}
map1[f_, {e_, rest___}] := {f[e], Sequence##map1[f,{rest}]}
Here is the approach that does not leverage pattern matching quite as much, which is basically what the OP ended up with:
map2[f_, {}] := {}
map2[f_, lis_] := {f[First[lis]], Sequence##map2[f, Rest[lis]]}
The {f[e], Sequence##map[f,{rest}]} part can be expressed in a variety of equivalent ways, for example:
Prepend[map[f, {rest}], f[e]]
Join[{f[e]}, map[f, {rest}] (#Mike used this method)
Flatten[{{f[e]}, map[f, {rest}]}, 1]
I'll leave it to the reader to think of any more, and to ponder the performance implications of most of those =)
Finally, for fun, here's a procedural version, even though writing it made me a little nauseous: ;-)
map3[f_, lis_] :=
(* copy lis since it is read-only *)
Module[{ret = lis, i},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[lis], i++,
ret[[i]] = f[lis[[i]]]
To answer the question you posed in the comments, the first argument in Map is a function that accepts a single argument. This can be a pure function, or the name of a function that already only accepts a single argument like
In[1]:=f[x_]:= x + 2
Map[f, {1,2,3}]
As to how to replace Map with a recursive function of your own devising ... Following Jefromi's example, I'm not going to give to much away, as this is homework. But, you'll obviously need some way of operating on a piece of the list while keeping the rest of the list intact for the recursive part of you map function. As he said, Part is a good starting place, but I'd look at some of the other functions it references and see if they are more useful, like First and Rest. Also, I can see where Flatten would be useful. Finally, you'll need a way to end the recursion, so learning how to constrain patterns may be useful. Incidentally, this can be done in one or two lines depending on if you create a second definition for your map (the easier way), or not.
Hint: Now that you have your end condition, you need to answer three questions:
how do I extract a single element from my list,
how do I reference the remaining elements of the list, and
how do I put it back together?
It helps to think of a single step in the process, and what do you need to accomplish in that step.
