Unexplained time offset in QApplication event loop - qt

I'm currently working with a program for predicting the locations of satellites in real-time. Something similar to this. The underlying library uses system time as input.
time_t now(time(0));
This program accurately predicts the real-time position of satellites when I run it on a C++ console application using Qt Creator.
The problem is when I use it in a fully-fledged Qt Gui application with a QApplication object in the main function. In the program, the prediction function is periodically by the timer event function. That way I update the positions every 2 seconds. Unfortunately, The output doesn't match (either on the GUI or when I print it). It is like the orbital propagator is using a different time when calculating the satellite positions.
void TrackingManager::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event)
int nNumSats = m_Satellites.size() ;
//std::cout << __func__ << " - Number of satellites = " << nNumSats << std::endl;
std::vector<SatPosition> vSatPositions;
if (nNumSats >= 0)
time_t now(time(0));
std::cout << __func__ << "time(0) = " << asctime(gmtime(&now)) << std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < nNumSats; i++)
// Get satellite names and calculate position, altitude etc
SatPosition spPos;
GetInstantPredict(m_Satellites[i], now, spPos);
emit UpdateSatPosition(vSatPositions);
Even more confusing, the program works fine when I run the debugger (GDB on Ubuntu). It is as if GDB somehow manages to "fix" the problem. Does this make any sense?


QAudioBuffer providing different data of the same song in different computers

I'm creating a music player for PC. I want to visualize the FFT of the song. I've crated an entire class that buffers 1024 points of data does the FFT and displays it (this is handled by another class). My program was developed in my laptop which uses Debian Testing x64. My work pc uses Centos 7 x64. When I compiled my program (both use Qt 5.7.0) on my work PC the FFT visualization was garbage. Snooping into my code I found that the sample type provided by QAudioBuffer from QAudioProbe was Signed (in my work PC) while it was float in my Laptop. Here is the code that is called whenever QAudioProbe emits that data has been buffered:
void SpectrumController::setAudioBuffer(QAudioBuffer buffer){
// Used to momentarily stop the process.
if (!enableBuffering) return;
// Only process stereo frames
if (buffer.format().channelCount() != 2) return;
if (buffer.format().sampleType() == QAudioFormat::SignedInt){
//qWarning() << "Signed";
QAudioBuffer::S16S *data = buffer.data<QAudioBuffer::S16S>();
else if (buffer.format().sampleType() == QAudioFormat::UnSignedInt){
//qWarning() << "Unsigned";
QAudioBuffer::S16U *data = buffer.data<QAudioBuffer::S16U>();
else if(buffer.format().sampleType() == QAudioFormat::Float){
//qWarning() << "Float";
QAudioBuffer::S32F *data = buffer.data<QAudioBuffer::S32F>();
template<typename T>
void SpectrumController::bufferData(T *data, qint32 N){
for (qint32 i = 0; i < N; i++){
//if (qAbs(data[i].left) > largest){largest = qAbs(data[i].left); qDebug() << "Largest" << largest;}
//currentBuffer << ((qreal)data[i].left/(largest));
//qWarning() << "Added data" << currentBuffer.last();
currentBuffer << data[i].left;
if (datcounter < 100000){
*writer << data[i].left;
*writer << "\n";
else if (writeFile->isOpen()){
qWarning() << "Closed file";
if (currentBuffer.size() == FFT_SIZE){
dataBuffer << currentBuffer;
if (!isRunning) run();
What I ended up doing is writing, to a file, the first 100.000 points of data gathered by both my laptop and my work PC in order to plot them.
This is what I've got
What I think is that difference is in the base system's handling of the the mp3, which, in turn, is what Qt uses. I think is gstreamer. Centos uses a much older version. The plot on the right corresponds to my laptop while the plot on the left corresponds to my work pc.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Or am I just stuck with no way of accessising the raw audio data correctly?
Even though this is not a Fix or anything like that, the data in the other channel (data[i].right) did have more appropiate data. I'm using the right channnel, for now.

Error on adding to empty comboBox in Qt

I use Qt 5.2.0 (MSVC 2010).
I added to my form in Qt a ComboBox.
Then I want to fill it with numbers:
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
When I add a first element right in the form, it successfully adds numbers. But when I leave it empty, it throws an error:
ASSERT failure in QVector::operator[]: "index out of range"
Debugger shows that error occured right in this line. And there is no QVector across the line.
After adding qDebug().
qDebug() << "readFileToStringList: msg10";
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
qDebug() << "readFileToStringList: msg20 i = " << i;
qDebug() << "readFileToStringList: msg30";
qDebug() << "readFileToStringList: msg40";
I get the same result
readFileToStringList: msg10
readFileToStringList: msg20 i = 0
ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range", file C:\Qt\Qt5.2.0\5.2.0\mingw48_32\include/QtCore/qvector.h, line 369
I had this exact problem and couldn't figure it out for a couple hours. I realized ::addItem() was triggering the indexChanged(int) signal, which I had connected to a function that was causing an out-of-range error in a container.
I would say it was possibly the problem here too, but I'm sure the OP has moved on since then. To me it isn't exactly intuitive that the indexChanged signal would be called on insertion of new items, since it doesn't actually change the currentIndex.
Hopefully if anyone else gets tripped up this will help them!
addItem() doesn't throw that error! I'm positive it's coming from another instruction in your code.
Qt documentation has an entire section on Debugging Techniques, but if you are afraid of debuggers you can use the poor's man debugger: spread several qDebug() messages before and after the instructions you think are responsible for the problem:
qDebug() << "methodX: msg10";
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
qDebug() << "methodX: msg20 i = " << i;
qDebug() << "methodX: msg30";
qDebug() << "methodX: msg40";
If the message methodX: msg30 gets printed to the screen, means that addItem() didn't cause the error.

Does QAudioOutput::start() need to be called from main thread?

I am playing audio in my code like this:
// decode routine
QAudioFormat format;
QAudioDeviceInfo info(QAudioDeviceInfo::defaultOutputDevice());
if (!info.isFormatSupported(format)) {
cout<<"raw audio format not supported by backend, cannot play audio." <<endl;
format = info.nearestFormat(format);
QAudioOutput * audio = new QAudioOutput(format);
if( !buffer->open(QBuffer::ReadWrite) )
cout << "Couldnt open Buffer" << endl;
cout << "buffer.size()=" << buffer->size() <<endl;
I was running this code in a worker thread because the decoder routine is heavy. But no sound was playing. I shifted this code to the main thread and everything works fine.
Why is this so? The QAudioOutput doc does not say anything about which thread it needs to run on
I forgot to start an event loop in the worker thread. Otherwise the thread exits and that's why the audio does not play

QFileSystemModel and QFileSystemWatcher delete from disk

I have a QTreeView which is populated through a reimplementation of QFileSystemModel. As far as I know, QFileSystemModel installs a QFileSystemWatcher on the rootPath. What I'm trying to do is notify in my program when a file is being deleted directicly on the rootPath but i havent found any signal o reimplemented function which provides me that information.
My application upload some files thrugh an ftp connection and when the file is fully uploaded i remove it from the location, so i want a notification from the reimplementation of QFileSystemModel when the file is deleted directicly (not from the remove method or something similar).
I Hope you can help me. I have searched a lot on the web but I cant find anything.
You can use the FileSystemModel's rowsAboutToBeRemoved signal (inherited from QAbstractItemModel).
It will be fired whenever a row is removed from the model. The parent, start and end parameters allow you to get to the filename (in column 0 of the children).
Sample code:
// once you have your model set up:
QObject::connect(model, SIGNAL(rowsAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)),
receiver, SLOT(toBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&, int, int)));
// in receiver class:
public slots:
void toBeRemoved(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end) {
std::cout << start << " -> " << end << std::endl;
std::cout << parent.child(start, 0).data().typeName() << std::endl;
std::cout << qPrintable(parent.child(start, 0).data().toString()) << std::endl;
(Using std::cout isn't good practice with Qt I think, this is just to get you started.)
The other aboutToBe... signals from QAbstractItemModel can be used for the other events that happen on the filesystem.

qt - qprocess start in a loop

I am calling a process in a loop. Need to ensure that one process ends before it starts again. how is it possible.
void MainWindow::setNewProjectInQueueList()
// this is already gotten in queueList now loop thru the list and add project
QStringList arguments;
projNm = ui->lineEditCreateProject->text();
qDebug() << " projNm " << projNm;
for (int j= 0; j < queueList.length(); j++)
{ if (! QString(queueList[j]).isEmpty())
// call process
// QString queueName = queueList[j];
arguments << "-sq" << queueList[j];
qDebug() << " arguments sq " << queueList[j];
// and append for each queue with new project name
// and store into the system
Call QProcess::waitForFinished() to wait until the process terminates.
Using the waitForFinished approach from within a loop in the main thread will freeze the application. Instead, putting the loop in a separate thread, or making a queue of processes to start and then launch upon the finished signal from the previous one is good alternatives.
