I installed sageMath 9.3 from this server https://www.sagemath.org/download.html (I accessed the link from github for Windows) and when I use the plot function to create graphics I get this message.
The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically.
Here an example of a function that I want to implement.
What should I do in order to be able to create graphs?
Imagine that I open two session R.
In the first (R1) I loaded the package dplyr.
Now, my questions is, is there way to get the sessionInfo/packages loaded in R1
through R2??
I am writing a R help system in Atom editor. Atom editor currently not support the function help of R. So i am creating one. And to find the help of the function you need to search into packages where this function is, the best way is know what packages are loaded in your current session R. And that is my difficult. One way to solution this is to forgett the loaded packages and search in all installed packages, but it is to slowly if you have a lot of packages installed.
So in my script R i have a line that has this code:
pkg <- .packages() # all packages loaded in this currently session
But when I run this script R1 in other script R2, it not get the packages loaded in the currently script R2, but the script R1.
Use the Services API to interact with Hydrogen
The following details interacting with other packages in atom: http://flight-manual.atom.io/behind-atom/sections/interacting-with-other-packages-via-services/
Hydrogen is an interface to a jupyter kernel. It's is maintaining the session with the kernel, and it has a plugin API currently which you could use to get the connection information to the backing kernel. https://nteract.gitbooks.io/hydrogen/docs/PluginAPI.html. Using that you could send your call to packages().
There is also r-exec, but I believe that's Mac only. In that case, you could get the
I have been using ESS on Mac in the past and when I plotted repeatedly, I was able to access and navigate between plots using the arrow keys (if I remember correctly). A plotting history is also implemented in RStudio and I would like to use or emulate this feature using ESS on my Ubuntu machine. Is there any way to do this (through installing packages, using other Devices, etc.)?
And if this should not be possible: What is your workflow, when producing multiple plots in exploratory analysis?
Can anybody give me some direction on editing source code of an R package? From what I've seen, changing the package from within R does not seem to be possible. In editing outside of R, I'm stuck at unpacking the tar.gz. While I can now modify the function to my heart's content, the folder looks nothing like the working snow library. I presume I will need to turn the contents into a tar.gz once again and install it in the standard way?
My colleagues and I have been attempting to get makeSOCKcluster() to work with remote IPs for the past three days. Hangs indefinitely. After digging into the snow package I've found the issue to be in the way newSOCKnode() calls socketConnection(). If I run makeSOCKcluster("IP", manual=T) and then put the output into powershell, it results in the connection being made but the program not completing. However, I can run makeSOCKcluster("IP", manual=T) in one R instance and then run system("output", wait=F, input="") in another instance which results in the program completing. I believe I can simply modify snow to do this automatically.
RStudio server uses a headless R session and seems to pass all of the I/O operations encoded to save bandwidth. This works for everything except for packages like Rattle or Latticist, which work through their own GUI. Is there a way to use these packages through RStudio server or otherwise access the RStudio server R session to run these packages remotely?
Bonus if there's an efficient way to run these packages remotely without forwarding an X session over SSH.
I'm not sure this is possible over the RStudio interface because of the way these graphical programs work. It's easy enough for RStudio to capture textual input and output for R. Capturing normal graphical output is pretty impressive, but that's done "natively" in R. Even packages like ggplot2 and lattice use the builtin R plotting capabilities -- they do some rendering and data processing on their own, pass that onto grid and then grid renders the plots via R builtins when plot() or print is called (including implicitly in the REPL for interactive sessions). RCommander, RGL and the like use external libraries (Tcl/Tk, OpenGL), which render their interfaces directly over operating system services and not via R. R doesn't even see the output from these programs -- it only knows that the R wrapper function for these services hasn't returned yet. For local RStudio, this isn't a problem because the services are forwarded directly to the local display, but for RStudio server, there is no display!
Another consideration: assuming R could capture and forward X, that would imply having an X Server (in X, Server is the display/keyboard/etc, Client is the program that needs I/O) running in your browser. Modern JavaScript is pretty amazing at times, but X is a very complicated codebase and very sensitive to latency. Running X over the Internet is much slower than over the local network -- the protocol just wasn't designed for such things and most operations involve far too many roundtrips.
On a more practical side, you can still do most of your work via RStudio and only do the graphical commands via X forwarding:
Do everything that doesn't involve an external graphics interface.
Save your R Session (in the Environment tab or via the command line) as .RData in your project directory. (You can actually do this elsewhere, but it's generally more convenient if your workspace is saved in the working directory.)
Login in via SSH and X Forwarding and cd to the project directory.
Start R -- R will automatically load any existing workspaces saved as .RData. (You can disable this behavior with --vanilla. Depending on the size of your workspace, R may take a few seconds to a few minutes to load.
Have fun with Rattle, Latticist, RCommander, RGL, etc! Be ready for massive lag if you're doing this over the Internet and not the local network (see above).
I'm running R as another user on my system (sudo -uTest R), and certain commands (e.g. plot) fail with 'unable to open connection to X11 display'. This works fine running R normally, so I know it has to do with running as someone else. I'm guessing this happens because Test doesn't have the desktop/display/whatever running under their name so there's nowhere to draw the graph.
Is there anything I can do about this?
In a terminal window, type:
xauth merge /path-to-your-home-directory/.Xauthority