Google Place API - Autocomplete to return Precise/ Physical address - google-maps-api-3

Question: Is there a way for autocomplete API return results only for Precise locations?
We are using with type parameter as "address" in our application to retrieve the place ID to get the place details and have subsequent call to validate the postal code against our database and persist the address detail with postal code. What we are seeing is autocomplete shows result of street address sometimes and place ID associated with it does not have postal code. This results in failure because postal code is required for us to persist. Is there a way to restrict the autocomplete API to return only place IDs that would have postal codes?


How do i get local area using pincode or area name using HERE API?

How can we fetch local areas under a certain pincode/zipcode from HERE API, i can pass the pincode/area name, city and country to the API.
Places Search API helps to locate near by area based upon the area name that can be specified in q parameter{YOUR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE}&at=52.531,13.3843&q=Brandenburg+Gate &pretty Copy
Refer below documentation for detailed reference
With postal code, Geocoder API fetches the area around the code. please refer documentations :

How can we filter the google calendar events with attendee name

Is there any way to get the calendar events specifically with attendee name.
I have checked the API for this,
If I pass event name with q='abc'. I able to get the matched event.
But particularly I want to pass the attendee name to get the event from calendar.
With the above API, I suspect we might get by using privateExtendedProperty or sharedExtendedProperty request parameters (propertyName=Name) but I didn't get. I stuck while passing the values and get the desired results.
The search for google calendar events is free text.
Free text search terms to find events that match these terms in any field, except for extended properties. Optional. (string)
Which means that you add the text you want to search for and it will search for that value in all of the fields its designed to search. You cant specifiy that it should check only items(attendees%252Femail) for example
example Just add the persons email address you want to search for then you will have to process it again on your end to ensure that its actually the attended thats set and not some other field.

How to fetch email marketing insights data from Marketo using API?

I am trying to fetch "Email Performance Report" from the platform
using API to analyze the KPI's like CTR etc by type of the email
(newsletter,email marketing etc).
I went through the documentation, however I didn't find endpoint from
which I can fetch the same.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get this information?
There is no endpoint to query reports directly. However, the good news is, that the “things” that make up an “Email Performance Report”, namely: email delivery, bounce, open and click are available to query via the API.
This means that you have to build the report yourself, but you can fetch the dataset to work on.
These “things” are called activity types (activity measured on a Lead) and can be fetched by querying against the Get Lead Activities endpoint, which is also mentioned as the Query in the API docs.
It sits at the GET /rest/v1/activities.json url and you have to pass a nextPageToken and the activityTypeIds as query parameters.
The nextPageToken indicates a datetime. Activities after that date will be returned by the call. To obtain one, you have to make a call to GET /rest/v1/activities/pagingtoken.json, where you have to specify the earliest datetime to retrieve activities from. See more about Paging Tokens.
To figure out the value of activityTypeIds, you first need to get the internal Ids of the activity types you are interested in. In order to do so, you have to query the GET /rest/v1/activities/types.json endpoint and look for the activity types with names like Send Email, Email Delivered, Email Bounced, Unsubscribe Email, Open Email and Click Email. (I don't know if these Ids are changing from instance to instance, but in ours these are from #6 to #11).
Once you have all of these bits at hand, you can make your request like that:
GET https://<INSTANCE_ID><TYPE_ID>&nextPageToken=<NEXTPAGE_TOKEN>&access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN>
The result it gives is an array with items like below. Items can be filtered to specific email based on the primaryAttributeValue property and processed further accordingly.
"activityTypeId":11,// #11 = `Click Email`
"primaryAttributeValue":"EMAIL_NAME",// Name of the Email as seen in Marketo
// …

InfoPath - How can I read a people picker field and query AD to load additional fields related to the person in the field.

How can I read a people picker field and query AD to load additional fields related to the person in the field. Example: Employee Name; load information want to load email address, phone number. the InfoPath form is being used with Nintex Workflow and SharePoint 2010.
I have searched and have not been able to find answer.
Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation points yet to leave a comment, but your question really doesn't provide enough detail. So any answer provided is going to be based on assumptions. You don't even clarify what version of InfoPath you're using.
That said, a good place to start is to create a data connection to receive data. You'll need to select the web service option and will then need to enter in the web server address. The address will probably be in the following format:
Replace yourservernamehere with the address of your SharePoint server. Then, you'll need to select GetUserProfileByName as the operation you need. Just keep on clicking next and then finish to complete the connection.
You will then have to view the data source within InfoPath to see what fields are available and map the ones you want to the fields you want prepopulated on your form.
All this is based on my own assumptions, so I can't guarantee it will work in your scenario. Happy to assist if you still need help and are able to provide more details.
To autocomplete you can use your e-mail or phone number fields, with a new action rule. This is due to people picker fields not allowing any action rules applied to them.
The web service option mentioned in another answer unfortunately no longer works in SharePoint Online. Please use a data connection the hidden User Information List located on the stem of your SharePoint site instead.
Use the condition DisplayName is not blank by using "Select a field or group..." in advanced view and selecting your people pickers DisplayName field
Set a field's value
Field: User Information List data connection queryFields DisplayName of people picker
Value: your forms DisplayName of people picker
Query using a data connection: User Information List data connection
Set a field's value
Field: your forms email or phone number field
Value: data fields > Work_email / Work_phone of your data connection

Drupal: map address geolocation search

I am using the gmap and location modules to display a map. I would like the users to be able to fill an address in a field and the map autocenters and autozooms to that address. Like does it.
Is there a module or any specific configuration I can do with drupal? Ultimately I would like to create an advance filter where user inputs country, province and address and posibly select from a drop down list. Something very similar to what it is done in the following link
The GMap Location Module is the one which fits the requirements most closely.
"Provides a map of all a site's nodes and a map of all of the site users."
If you'd like to create it by yourself:
Would suggest to create 2 tables - with labels and center-points - in order to populate these cascaded drop-downs.
The last input-box needs to geo-code the entered text - over the Google GeoCoder API.
Of course any centerpoint could be geo-coded - but you have a limit of 2.500 API requests per 24hrs on the PHP API,
unless being a premier customer (besides local results are just quicker). That's why it's recommend to store the center-points for each item in the drop-downs in a table - and only use the JS API (instead of the PHP API) for the last step.
The example which you provided reloads the whole page when changing the drop-downs, which should be avoided.
