Populating an Apex Map from a SOQL query - dictionary

// I have a custom metadata object named boatNames__mdt and I'm using two methods to get a list of picklist values in a String[];
First Method
Map<String, boatNames__mdt> mapEd = boatNames__mdt.getAll();
string boatTypes = (string) mapEd.values()[0].BoatPick__c;
// BoatPick__c is a textarea field (Eg: 'Yacht, Sailboat')
string[] btWRAP = new string[]{};
Second Method
string[] strL = new string[]{};
Schema.DescribeFieldResult dfr = Schema.SObjectType.boatNames__mdt.fields.BoatTypesPicklist__c;
// BoatTypesPicklist__c is a picklist field (Picklist Values: 'Yacht, Sailboat')
PicklistEntry[] picklistValues = dfr.getPicklistValues();
for (PicklistEntry pick : picklistValues){
**strl**.add((string) pick.getLabel());
Map with SOQL query
Map<Id, BoatType__c> boatMap = new Map<Id, BoatType__c>
([Select Id, Name from BoatType__c Where Name in :btWRAP]);
When I run the above Map with SOQL query(btWRAP[]) no records show up.
But when I used it using the strl[] records do show up.
I'm stunned!
Can you please explain why two identical String[] when used in exact SOQL queries behave so different?

You are comparing different things so you get different results. Multiple fails here.
mapEd.values()[0].BoatPick__c - this takes 1st element. At random. Are you sure you have only 1 element in there? You might be getting random results, good luck debugging.
normalizeSpace() and trim() - you trim the string but after splitting you don't trim the components. You don't have Sailboat, you have {space}Sailboat
String s = 'Yacht, Sailboat';
List<String> tokens = s.normalizeSpace().split(',');
System.debug(tokens.size()); // "2"
System.debug(tokens); // "(Yacht, Sailboat)", note the extra space
System.debug(tokens[1].charAt(0)); // "32", space's ASCII number
Try splitting by "comma, optionally followed by space/tab/newline/any other whitespace symbol": s.split(',\\s*'); or call normalize in a loop over the split's results?
pick.getLabel() - in code never compare using picklist labels unless you really know what you're doing. Somebody will translate the org to German, French etc and your code will break. Compare to getValue()


How to extract a string value from an array using scripted field in kibana?

Is there a way to extract a string value from an array with the use of if statement in scripted field in kibana. I tried the below code, however, I am unable to filter out the correct and incorrect values in discover tab of kibana. This might be due to remark field is an array.
def result_string = "";
if (doc['nac.keyword'].value =="existing_intent" &&doc['remark.keyword'].value != "acceptable") {
result_string = "incorrect";
if (doc['nac.keyword'].value =="existing_intent" &&doc['remark.keyword'].value == "acceptable") {
result_string = "correct";
return result_string;`
You can use the contains method defined on Array to check for element membership:
!doc['remark.keyword'].value.contains("acceptable") //does not contain
For this, you might want to ensure first that doc['remark.keyword'].value is indeed an Array.

How to write Key Value Pairs in Map in a Loop without overwriting them?

the following is my problem:
I do a select on my database and want to write the values of every record i get in a map. When i do this, i only have the values of one record in my map, because the put() function overwrites the entries everytime the loop starts again. Since I have to transfer the Key:Value pairs via JSON into my Javascript and write something into a field for every Key:Value pair, an ArrayList is not an option.
I've already tried to convert a ArrayList, which contains the Map, to a Map or to a String and then to Map, but i failed.
Here´s my Code
def valueArray = new ArrayList();
def recordValues = [:]
while (rs.next())
fremdlKorr = rs.getFloatValue(1)
leistungKorr = rs.getFloatValue(2)
materialKorr = rs.getFloatValue(3)
strid = rs.getStringValue(4)
recordValues.put("strid", strid);
recordValues.put("material", materialKorr);
recordValues.put("fremdl", fremdlKorr);
recordValues.put("leistung", leistungKorr);
The ArrayList was just a test, i dont want to have an ArrayList, i need a Map.
The code as written, will give you a list of maps, but the maps will all contain the values of the last row. The reaons is the def recordValues = [:] that is outside of the while loop. So you basically add always the same map to the list and the map values get overwritten each loop.
While moving the code, would fix the problem, I'd use Sql instead. That all boils down to:
def valueArray = sql.rows("select strid, material, fremdl, leistung from ...")

How do I get a value from a dictionary when the key is a value in another dictionary in Lua?

I am writing some code where I have multiple dictionaries for my data. The reason being, I have multiple core objects and multiple smaller assets and the user must be able to choose a smaller asset and have some function off in the distance run the code with the parent noted.
An example of one of the dictionaries: (I'm working in ROBLOX Lua 5.1 but the syntax for the problem should be identical)
local data = {
character = workspace.Stores.NPCs.Thom,
name = "Thom", npcId = 9,
npcDialog = workspace.Stores.NPCs.Thom.Dialog
local items = {
item1 = {
model = workspace.Stores.Items.Item1.Main,
npcName = "Thom",
This is my function:
local function function1(item)
if not items[item] and data[items[item[npcName]]] then return false end
As you can see, I try to index the dictionary using a key from another dictionary. Usually this is no problem.
local thisIsAVariable = item[item1[npcName]]
but the method I use above tries to index the data dictionary for data that is in the items dictionary.
Without a ton of local variables and clutter, is there a way to do this? I had an idea to wrap the conflicting dictionary reference in a tostring() function to separate them - would that work?
Thank you.
As I see it, your issue is that:
is looking for data[“Thom”] ... but you do not have such a key in the data table. You have a “name” key that has a “Thom” value. You could reverse the name key and value in the data table. “Thom” = name

Xpages Date Time

I'm going loopy....
I want a date, in date format, for example
21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT
I stamp this on a document, but I then want to display it on my xpage as:
21/06/2017 17:23
But I keep getting different results no matter what I do. I get the date from the onClick of a button using
var dt = new Date();
I then pass this into a function:
function AddObjectivesHistoryItem(doc, dt, action, username){
var ArrDocHistory:array = doc.getItemValueArray("History");
if(ArrDocHistory.length < 1){
// This should always return an object as it is created when an objectives document is first
// created but do this check to be safe and create an array if for some reason it doesnt exist
ArrDocHistory = [dt+"|"+action+"|"+username];
// append new value to the array
I've tried using toLocaleString() and all others it seems but it wont work.
For example, toLocaleString() displays as 13-Mar-2018 15:02:15 on my xpage. It's close to what I want except it uses hyphens instead of slashes, and also displays the seconds.
I've tried using custom date pattern on my date field properties with no luck and I'm certain I'm missing something super obvious!?
Any pointers on how to firstly get the date like 21/06/2017 17:23:04 GDT and store as a date and secondly to then display it as 21/06/2017 17:23, this can be a string if it needs to be.
You can get your date value as String in SSJS with:
var dateTimeFormat = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy kk:mm");
var dateTimeString = dateTimeFormat.format(dt)));
If you want to store as text, java.text.SimpleDateFormat is best for converting a date server-side to a specific text format. It can also be used in a converter to manipulate to/from as well.

Correct parameter binding for SELECT WHERE .. LIKE using fmdb?

First time user of fmdb here, trying to start off doing things correctly. I have a simple single table that I wish to perform a SELECT WHERE .. LIKE query on and after trying several of the documented approaches, I can't get any to yield the correct results.
// 'filter' is an NSString * containing a fragment of
// text that we want in the 'track' column
NSDictionary *params =
[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:filter, #"filter", nil];
FMResultSet *results =
[db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%:filter%' ORDER BY linkNum;"
results = [db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
results = [db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;" withArgumentsInArray:#[filter]];
I've stepped through and all methods converge in the fmdb method:
- (FMResultSet *)executeQuery:(NSString *)sql withArgumentsInArray:(NSArray*)arrayArgs orDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryArgs orVAList:(va_list)args
Depending on the approach, and therefore which params are nil, it then either calls sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt), which always returns zero, or, for the dictionary case, calls sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(..), which also returns zero, so the parameter doesn't get slotted into the LIKE and then the resultSet from the query is wrong.
I know that this is absolutely the wrong way to do it (SQL injection), but it's the only way I've managed to have my LIKE honoured:
NSString *queryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
results = [db executeQuery:queryString];
(I've also tried all permutations but with escaped double-quotes in place of the single quotes shown here)
I've also tried fmdb's own …WithFormat variant, which should provide convenience and protection from injection:
[db executeQueryWithFormat:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
Again, stepping into the debugger I can see that the LIKE gets transformed from this:
… LIKE '%%%#%%' ORDER BY linkNum;
To this:
… LIKE '%%?%' ORDER BY linkNum;
… which also goes on to return zero from sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(), where I would expect a positive value equal to "the index of the largest (rightmost) parameter." (from the sqlite docs)
The error was to include any quotes at all:
[db executeQuery:#"SELECT * FROM items WHERE track LIKE ? ORDER BY linkNum;", filter];
… and the % is now in the filter variable, rather than in the query.
