Using Firebase Anonymous Auth as only authentication method in app - firebase

I have the following mobile app scenario based on a Firebase backend:
Two or more mobile app instances communicate with each other through a central service (trusted). The apps are paired by exchanging a shared secret, e.g. through scanning a QR code or entering a pairing code.
Users are anonymous, ie no signup required (or possible). Essentially, it is the specific app on a specific device that is paired with a ditto counterpart (vs user-to-user).
Information exchanged is sensitive but has no intrinsic value: It must be possible to trust that information comes from a given device and it must be possible to trust that the information has reached the intended device and not an impersonating device. But it is not a critical problem that an app instance's information is lost, e.g. if the app is removed or the device is destroyed (an annoyance that requires re-pairing, but not a critical issue).
It seems Firebase Anonymous Auth is a perfect match for this scenario - but the documentation hints that it should only be used as a temporary solution until users create an actual account. Are there any drawbacks to using anonymous auth as the sole authentication method for the solution? The alternatives I see are some kind of hack using a custom token-based login or perhaps email/password auth.

Are there any drawbacks to using anonymous auth as the sole authentication method for the solution?
There isn't unless the user uninstalls the app.
The documentation hints that it should only be used as a temporary solution until users create an actual account.
Why a temporary solution? It's because anonymous accounts do not persist across application uninstalls. If a user uninstalls the app, everything that was saved locally will be deleted, including the anonymous auth token that identifies that account. Unfortunately, there is no way to reclaim that token for the user.
The alternatives I see are some kind of hack using a custom token-based login or perhaps email/password auth.
IMHO, the best approach would be to use anonymous authentication but to also let the user the possibility to link their account with email and password or any other providers, like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and so on.


Firebase Flutter Authentication login environment

I am building a Flutter app with Firebase Authentication. I am trying to find a way to ensure that the communication going to my backend is actually from the app I wrote and uploaded to the stores. I thought that I could be using the JWT provided as a result of the firebase login for this task to ensure that the logins can be made only from within my app.
I figured out that certain signs in email and password methods can be logged in from outside the app it was intended for. However, since google and phone sign-in require an SHA-1 key to be registered to the firebase project, I wondered if I could ensure that by restricting logins to these methods, only the trusted app can generate valid JWT and communicate with my backend.
I do not know much about security, so I would really appreciate any tips.

Use OAuth2 or JWT for mobile application with Wordpress backend (REST API)

So.. I've read countless articles, but still can't wrap my mind on which to use; if a simple JSON Web Token is enough..
I have a Wordpress website and a mobile application of said website.
I can login in my website using email and password and I can also login on my mobile application using email and password.
The mobile application communicates with the website through the Wordpress REST API. It (the mobile app) sends the user email and password to the API, and the API returns a JWT if both are valid.
Then, I simply store the JWT in the user's device.
My main doubts are:
For a mobile app with not much sensitive user data, is that acceptable/safe enough?
For a mobile app with sensitive user data, is that acceptable/safe enough?
Or should I use OAuth2 in both cases (which is harder to implement and will take time, but it's safer (I think..))?
Thank you and apologies if duplicated.
This is more of a security compliance decision you might have to take.
As a first thing, you should think like a product owner or ask a product owner about which one to use by explaining to them, what are the advantages of OAuth 2.0 over simple JWT.
You might have to consider the following things,
what is the size of the userbase?
how sensitive is the data you are going to store?
What is the user experience you wanted to give to your users?
Also, JWT doesn't mean it is not safe enough.
One more extra thing you could do to make it more secure is adding a expiry time for your JWT with a refresh token mechanism that way even if JWT is exposed it ll be expired later sometime.
JWT is a secure solution and is often used for mobile applications.
If you choose OAuth, you have several options for authentication, because there are several grant types:
Authorization Code grant type, which is the most popular, the advantage of this is that it uses the WordPress login interface
User Credentials grant type, which has a direct trust relationship with the application, which provides the user credentials, this is often used with mobile applications
You have the option of JWT Access Tokens at the OAuth server, which provides even more security for you.
We have created an OAuth 2.0 plugin for WordPress:
You can try it with the demo, and there is also detailed documentation for it.
I personally use the OAuth plugin to be able to log in to my WordPress websites using the Single Sign On button, which uses my primary WordPress website for authentication. OAuth is more commonly used for Single Sign On solutions.

How to use the same Firebase Auth for Two different Flutter apps?

I developed two different Flutter applications. An Admin Version and another Client Version. I would like to use the same login (auth) and access to Storage for both Apps.
It's definitely possible to access the same Firebase project from two different apps. In fact, when these apps are locally part of the same "application", that is actually an intended use-case.
A few things to keep in mind though:
Firebase Authentication does not have the concept of an administrator user. It "merely" authenticates the user, allowing them to sign in with their credentials. Any administrator logic is specific to your application, hence often referred to as an application administrator. You'll typically want to flag application administrators, for example by setting a custom claim on their accounts.
Not all functionality that the application administrator may need is going to be available in Firebase's client-side SDKs. A common scenario is that the administrator should be able to create accounts for other users, where the client-side Firebase Authentication SDKs don't support this logic. For some more information on this, and how to solve it, see Firebase kicks out current user and my answer with many links here How to create firebase admin user for authentication in java. In a nutshell: you'll have to use the Firebase Admin SDK, in a trusted environment, for some of these operations.
You then secure access to Cloud Storage by writing security rules. For some examples of securing access based on the user, see the documentation on securing user data.

Best practice for syncing passwords across multiple platforms?

I'm designing a web-based app that will have its own authorization system (via Codeigniter-based Ion Auth) and will also be logging into a service in the background via API calls (Adobe Connect webinar services). When the user creates their account on the base system, it will simultaneously create an account on the Adobe Connect system, using the user name and password they enter. Easy enough to do.
The problem comes when making API calls to their account. During initial sign-up, the Ion Auth code translates the user's password into a salted hash value but this won't work for the API calls, which require their in-the-clear password for authorization. It wouldn't be an issue except that the user will also need to log into the Adobe Connect system directly for some functions.
My first thought is to create a field in the user's profile that stores their password in encrypted form, then decrypt it before passing to Adobe Connect. Does anyone have a better method to suggest?
Thanks in advance,

ASP.NET Web Api (REST): Authentication using the users credentials or a token? Leave "Register new user" resource password free?

I am trying to create a REST service using web api and everything is working fine but I have now come across what to do with authentication.
I am a little confused of where to start, here is what I have been thinking.
I have an REST api that consist of a number of resources, each resource will need the user to be registered, so what is the best action for doing this? Should I just send the username and password in the header on each call to the service so I can authenticate on the server using
I should at least encrypt it though? I would be interested to know what others are doing, I know there is a concept of creating a token (which I presume will be short-lived) so hence the user would authenticate and then would receive a token, this token would then be sent on further calls to the service. So how would I handle the problem when the token expires?
I also have a resource that is used to register a new user, actually the only things that will be calling this is my clients (Android, iPhone). SO should I leave it FREE of any authentication methods or put a hard coded password or something similar so that at least nobody else can register new users? Bearing in mind that the service will be public on the internet.
I just don't seem to be able to find the correct way of doing this, I certainly want to try and get it right the first time so I don't have to refactor the service completely.
The following link appears to cover some sensible DIY options The "Tokens based on Public/Private Keys" section covers an approach I have used effectively in the past and would maybe be of assistance to you.
At the moment though I am using the Thinktecture IdentityServer with OAuth bearer tokens ("Resource Owner Password Credential" grant type)... I am finding this a very good set of code and examples to work from and have IOS clients obtaining tokens and calling the WebApi.
If you really must secure your registration screen you could maybe use client certificates installed on the devices to authenticate... again the Thinktecture service could help here Although if you registration process is secure What are best practices for activation/registration/password-reset links in emails with nonce e.g. email confirmations and activations etc. it may be safe to leave publicly accessible - this all depends on your business requirements and desired sign up workflow.
You should at least use Transport Level security SSL but as you suggest message level security e.g. encrypting any tokens is very advisable - the OAuth spec has something to say about this
Regarding expiring tokens - we tend to expire our tokens with the same frequency as our password changing policy; although keeping the validity time down is important (to minimise impact of token theft) and a consideration to balance against your requirements. OAuth has the concept of refresh tokens Why Does OAuth v2 Have Both Access and Refresh Tokens? some debate and links around this topic here, we are not currently using this approach as the ID server we are using doesn't currently support this.
Keeping your tokens safe is also a consideration e.g. we are using the KeyChain in IOS, but also think about Mobile Device Management policies if possible as if these tokens or passwords are one the device they could be stolen, perhaps look into jailbreak detection, lock screen enforcement etc.
