Monte Carlo simulations for VAR models - r

I've been trying to estimate VAR models using Monte Carlo Simulation. I have 3 endogenous variables. I need some guidance regarding this.
First of all, I want to add an outlier as a percentage of the sample size.
Second (second simulation for same model), I want to add multivariate contaminated normal distribution like 0.9N (0, I) + 0.1((0,0,0)',(100, 100, 100)) instead of outlier.
Could you tell me how to do these?
Thank you.
RR <- function(n, out){
# n is number of observations
k <- 3 # Number of endogenous variables
p <- 2 # Number of lags
# add outlier
n[1]<- n[1]+out
# Generate coefficient matrices
B1 <- matrix(c(.1, .3, .4, .1, -.2, -.3, .03, .1, .1), k) # Coefficient matrix of lag 1
B2 <- matrix(c(0, .2, .1, .07, -.4, -.1, .5, 0, -.1), k) # Coefficient matrix of lag 2
M <- cbind(B1, B2) # Companion form of the coefficient matrices
# Generate series
DT <- matrix(0, k, n + 2*p) # Raw series with zeros
for (i in (p + 1):(n + 2*p)){ # Generate series with e ~ N(0,1)
DT[, i] <- B1%*%DT[, i-1] + B2%*%DT[, i-2] + rnorm(k, 0, 1)
DT <- ts(t(DT[, -(1:p)])) # Convert to time series format
#names <- c("V1", "V2", "V3") # Rename variables
colnames(DT) <- c("Y1", "Y2", "Y3")
#plot.ts(DT) # Plot the series
# estimate VECM
vecm1 <- VECM(DT, lag = 2, r = 2, include = "const", estim ="ML")
vecm2 <- VECM(DT, lag = 2, r = 1, include = "const", estim ="ML")
# mse
mse1 <- mean(vecm1$residuals^2)
mse2 <- mean(vecm2$residuals^2)
#param_list <- unname(param_list)
return(list("mse1" = mse1, "mse2" = mse2, "mse3" = mse3))
# defined the parameter grids(define the parameters ranges we want to run our function with)
n_grid = c(50, 80, 200, 400)
out_grid = c(0 ,5, 10)
# collect parameter grids in a list (to enter it into the Monte Carlo function)
prml = list("n" = n_grid, "out" = out_grid)
# run simulation
RRS <- MonteCarlo(func = RR, nrep = 1000, param_list = prml)
# make table:
rows = "n"
cols = "out"
MakeTable(output = RRS, rows = rows, cols = cols)


How can I perform bootstrap to find the confidence interval for a k-nn model in R?

I have a training df with 2 columns like
a b
1 1000 20
2 1008 13
n ... ...
Now, as I am required to find a 95% CI for the estimate of 'b' based on a specific 'a' value, with a 'k' value of my choice and compare the CI result to other specific value of 'k's. My question is how can I perform bootstrap for this with 1000 bootstrap reps as I am required to use a fitted knn model for the training data with kernel = 'gaussian' and k can only be in range 1-20 ?
I have found that the best k for this model is k = 5, and had a go for bootstrap but it doesn't work
library(boot) = function(formula, data, indices)
# Create a bootstrapped version
d = data[indices,]
# Fit a model for bs = fitted(train.kknn(formula,data, kernel= "gaussian", ks = 5))
# Do I even need this complicated block
target = as.character($terms[[2]])
rv = my.pred.stats(, d[,target])
bs = boot(data=df,, R=1000, formula=b ~ a),conf=0.95,type="bca")
Please inform me for more info if I'm not clear enough. Thank you.
Here is a way to regress b on a with the k-nearest neighbors algorithm.
First, a data set. This is a subset of the iris data set, keeping the first two columns. One row is removed to later be the new data.
i <- which(iris$Sepal.Length == 5.3)
df1 <- iris[-i, 1:2]
newdata <- iris[i, 1:2]
names(df1) <- c("a", "b")
names(newdata) <- c("a", "b")
Now load the packages to be used and determine the optimal value for k with package kknn.
fit <- kknn::train.kknn(
formula = b ~ a,
data = df1,
kmax = 15,
kernel = "gaussian",
distance = 1
k <- fit$best.parameters$k
#[1] 9
And bootstrap predictions for the new point a <- 5.3. <- function(data, indices, formula, newdata, k){
d <- data[indices, ]
fit <- knnreg(formula, data = d)
predict(fit, newdata = newdata)
R <- 1e4
bs <- boot(df1,, R = R, formula = b ~ a, newdata = newdata, k = k)
ci <-, level = 0.95, type = "bca")
#Based on 10000 bootstrap replicates
#CALL : = bs, type = "bca", level = 0.95)
#Intervals :
#Level BCa
#95% ( 3.177, 3.740 )
#Calculations and Intervals on Original Scale
Plot the results.
old_par <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1),
oma = c(5, 4, 0, 0) + 0.1,
mar = c(1, 1, 1, 1) + 0.1)
hist(bs$t, main = "Histogram of bootstrap values")
abline(v = 3.7, col = "red")
abline(v = mean(bs$t), col = "blue")
abline(v = ci$bca[4:5], col = "blue", lty = "dashed")
plot(b ~ a, df1)
points(5.3, 3.7, col = "red", pch = 19)
points(5.3, mean(bs$t), col = "blue", pch = 19)
arrows(x0 = 5.3, y0 = ci$bca[4],
x1 = 5.3, y1 = ci$bca[5],
col = "blue", angle = 90, code = 3)

How to simulate PCA Data?

I am trying to simulate PCA Data as follows:
q <- 5 # no. of PCs
p <- 20 # no. of variables
n <- 2000 # no. of individuals
eps <- 0.05 # error standard deviation
# Eigenvalues
Sig <- seq(3, 1, length.out = q)^2
Lambda <- diag(Sig)
# Matrix of Principal Components
H <- rmvnorm(n = n, mean = rep(0, q), sigma = Lambda)
# Add gaussian noise
E <- matrix(rnorm(n*p, sd = sqrt(eps)), ncol = p)
# Data matrix
Y <- H %*% t(Amat) + E
# Perform PCA
summary(m1 <- prcomp(Y, scale = T)) # and so on...
However, I have no idea how to create the matrix of Loadings Amat in a meaningful way.
Thanks for any help I receive from you and I appreciate it!
This is not using the same structure as the OP, but it simulates a PCA with 4 different groups (which could be species) which each have 3 "traits" (each of the trait have different means and sd based on some biological data found in the literature for example).
set.seed(123) # setting this so the random results will be repeatable
# Simulating 3 traits for 4 different species
n = 200 # number of "individuals"
# Generate the groups
Amat1 = MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(11.2,11.8,9.91), Sigma = diag(c(1.31,1.01,1.02)))
Amat2 = MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(7.16,8.54,6.82), Sigma = diag(c(0.445,0.546,0.350)))
Amat3 = MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(15.6,14.6,13.5), Sigma = diag(c(1.43,0.885,0.990)))
Amat4 = MASS::mvrnorm(n, mu = c(8.65,14.1,8.24), Sigma = diag(c(0.535,0.844,0.426)))
# Combine the data
Amat = rbind(Amat1,Amat2,Amat3,Amat4)
# Make group data = cbind(Amat, gl(4,k=n,labels = c(1,2,3,4)))
# Calculate the covariance matrix for each group
by([,1:3],INDICES =[,4],FUN = cov) # calculate covariance matrix for all groups
# Plot the result
summary(m1 <- prcomp(Amat, scale= T))
# biplot(m1, xlabs=rep(".", nrow(Amat)), cex = 2)
plot(vegan::scores(m1), asp = 1, pch = 19, col = gl(4,k=n,labels = c(1,2,3,4)))
plot(Amat[,1],Amat[,2], pch = 19, col = gl(4,k=n,labels = c(1,2,3,4)))
The plot on the left shows the PCA and on the right the raw data.
I added a toy example with data to show what is the algorithm to compute a PCA in R from Legendre and Legendre 2012.
# Generate vectors (example from Legendre and Legendre 2012)
v1 = c(2,3,5,7,9)
v2 = c(1,4,0,6,2)
# If you want to play with sample size
# n = 100
# v1 = rnorm(n = n, mean = mean(v1), sd = sd(v1))
# v2 = rnorm(n = n, mean = mean(v2), sd = sd(v2))
# Get the y matrix
y = cbind(v1,v2)
# Centered y matrix
yc = apply(y, 2, FUN = function(x) x-mean(x))
# Dispersion matrix
s = 1/(nrow(y)-1)*t(yc) %*% yc
# Compute the single value decomposition to get the eigenvectors and
ev = svd(s)$v
# get the principal components
f = yc %*% ev
# This gives the identity matrix
round(t(svd(s)$v) %*% svd(s)$v,2)
# these are the eigen values
-svd(yc)$v #p. 104
plot(f, pch = 19); abline(h=0,v=0, lty = 3)

How to get an R^2 and P-Value for R ELISA Analysis 4PL

I am trying to mimic the graphpad ELISA analysis using R, however I am having a bit of difficulty getting a P-Value and an R^2 value.
I have followed the tutorial:
It got me a majority of the information needed using a package called "minpack.lm", however I am not sure how to approach getting the R^2 and P value from here.
ODCalc1 <- c(.007, .072, .328, .988, 1.534, 1.983)
ODCalc2 <- c(.006, .074, .361, .858, 1.612, 1.993)
ODCalc <- (ODCalc1 + ODCalc2)/2
concentration <- log10(c(1, 36, 180, 540, 1080, 1800))
ocon <- data.frame(10^(concentration), "rep", ODCalc, stringsAsFactors = F)
ocon$X.rep. <- as.numeric(ocon$X.rep.)
ocon$X.rep. <- 1
names(ocon) <- c("conc", "rep", "od")
# Plot the O'Connell data
par(mfrow = c(1, 2), cex.main = 1, mar = c(4, 4, 1, 2), oma = c(0.5, 0.5, 2.5, 0))
plot(ocon$conc, ocon$od, pch = 21, bg = "grey", ylab = "Response (od)",
xlab = "Concentration")
# Plot on the log(x) scale
plot(log(ocon$conc), ocon$od, pch = 21, bg = "grey", ylab = "Response (od)",
xlab = "log(concentration)")
title("O'Connell's ELISA: concentration on absolute (left) and log (right) scales",
outer = T)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# ------------ Function: 4PL curve function ---------------------------------
M.4pl <- function(x, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, inflec, hill){
f <- small.x.asymp + ((inf.x.asymp - small.x.asymp)/
(1 + (x / inflec)^hill))
# ------------- end ---------------------------------------------------------
start.ocon <- c(small.x.asymp = 0.1, inf.x.asymp = 1, inflec = 3000, hill = -1)
uw.4pl <- nlsLM(od ~ M.4pl(conc, small.x.asymp, inf.x.asymp, inflec, hill),
data = ocon,
start = start.ocon)
data.4pl <- summary(uw.4pl)
bottom.4pl <- data.4pl$parameters[1,1]
top.4pl <- data.4pl$parameters[2,1]
IC50.4pl <- data.4pl$parameters[3,1]
HillSlope.4pl <- abs(data.4pl$parameters[4,1])
RSS.p <- sum(residuals(uw.4pl)^2)
TSS <- sum((ocon$od - mean(ocon$od))^2)
r.squared <- 1-(RSS.p/TSS) # is this the proper way to get an r^2 value? It does not match what graphpad has which is an issue.
# I have also read this should work, but since the model is a linear model instead of a Sigmoidal, 4PL, X is log (concentration) model
model <- lm(concentration ~ poly(ODCalc, degree = 4, raw=T))
summary(model) # R^2 is not the correct value I am looking for.
# Not sure if sample data is needed but these were the values we were using to produce the values below
sample.od.values1 <- c(0.275, 1.18, 0.085, 0.054, 0.119)
sample.od.values2 <- c(0.263, 1.149, 0.068, 0.062, 0.109)
sample.od.values <- (sample.od.values1+sample.od.values2)/2
Values to prove the methods are the same:
bottom.4pl = 0.01657
top.4pl = 3.002
HillSlope = 1.222
R^2 = 0.9978
R^2(adjusted) = 0.9969
P-Value = 0.5106
Thank you in advance for any helpful tips!
Since R^2 measures linear association it is normally used for linear regression but ignoring that this seems to give the numbers you want or at least numbers that are close to those. For the adjusted R squared formula see and for the p-value I have assumed that you are looking for the p-value for the hypothesis that the first coefficient is zero.
RSS <- deviance(uw.4pl); RSS
## [1] 0.001514624
coef(uw.4pl) # coefficients/parameters
## small.x.asymp inf.x.asymp inflec hill
## 0.01654996 3.00261439 1033.53324214 -1.22171740
R2 <- cor(ocon$od, fitted(uw.4pl))^2; R2
## [1] 0.9995529
n <- nobs(uw.4pl)
p <- length(coef(uw.4pl))
adjR2 <- 1 - (1-R2) * (n - 1) / (n - p - 1); adjR2
## [1] 0.9977645
pvalue <- coef(summary(uw.4pl))[1, 4]; pvalue
## [1] 0.5486584

reiterating a script using r

I have the following script
Posdef <- function (n, ev = runif(n, 0, 10))
Z <- matrix(ncol=n, rnorm(n^2))
decomp <- qr(Z)
Q <- qr.Q(decomp)
R <- qr.R(decomp)
d <- diag(R)
ph <- d / abs(d)
O <- Q %*% diag(ph)
Z <- t(O) %*% diag(ev) %*% O
Sigma <- Posdef(n = 11)
mu <- runif(11,0,10)
data <-, mu, Sigma))
data[data < 0] <- 0 #setting a floor#
data[data > 10] <- 10 #setting a ceiling#
names(data) = c('criteria_1', 'criteria_2', 'criteria_3', 'criteria_4', 'criteria_5',
'criteria_6', 'criteria_7', 'criteria_8', 'criteria_9', 'criteria_10',
data$outcome <- ifelse(data$outcome > 5, 1, 0)
data <- data[, sapply(data, is.numeric)]
maxValue <- as.numeric(apply (data, 2, max))
minValue <- as.numeric(apply (data, 2, min))
data_scaled <-, center = minValue,
scale = maxValue-minValue))
ind <- sample (1:nrow(data_scaled), 600)
train <- data_scaled[ind,]
test <- data_scaled[-ind,]
model <- glm (formula =
outcome ~ criteria_1 + criteria_2 + criteria_3 + criteria_4 + criteria_5 +
criteria_6 + criteria_7 + criteria_8 + criteria_9 + criteria_10,
family = "binomial",
data = train)
summary (model)
predicted_model <- predict(model, test)
neural_model <- neuralnet(formula =
outcome ~ criteria_1 + criteria_2 + criteria_3 + criteria_4 + criteria_5 +
criteria_6 + criteria_7 + criteria_8 + criteria_9 + criteria_10,
hidden = c(2,2) ,
threshold = 0.01,
stepmax = 1e+07,
startweights = NULL,
rep = 1,
learningrate = NULL,
algorithm = "rprop+",
data= train)
plot (neural_model)
results <- compute (neural_model, test[1:10])
results <- results$net.result*(max(data$outcome)-
min(data$outcome))+ min(data$outcome)
Values <- (test$outcome)*(max(data$outcome)-
min(data$outcome)) + min(data$outcome)
MSE_nueral_model <- sum((results - Values)^2)/nrow(test)
MSE_model <- sum((predicted_model - test$outcome)^2)/nrow(test)
print(MSE_model - MSE_nueral_model)
R1 <- (MSE_model - MSE_nueral_model)
The purpose of this script is to generate some arbitrary multivariate distribution and then compare two methods. In this case its a neural net and logistic regression. The end result is a difference in mean square error.
Now my issue with creating a loop has been with generating the 1000 observations.
I am able to create a loop without the data simulation portion of the script, putting that into the loop seems to make things go haywire. I tried creating a column vector filled with NA's but all I ended up getting was a single value returned rather than a vector of length n populated by the MSE reductions for each iteration of the loop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Separate Bayesian parameter estimates for multiple groups in JAGS/rjags

I am trying to perform a hierarchical analysis in JAGS, extrapolating from Kruschke's Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, chapter 9. I wish to obtain posterior parameter estimates for the proportion of heads for four coins (theta's 1,2,3 and 4), coming from two mints, and also the estimates for average bias of the coins that come from each mint (mint bias: omega). I have kept the variability of each mint's bias, kappa, as a constant. The trouble is that I cannot get a posterior estimate from the second mint, it seems to just be sampling the prior. Does anyone know how to fix the model string text (see step 3 below) so as to generate the posterior estimate for the second mint?
Entire script for the analysis below
############### 1. Generate the data
flips <- c(sample(c(rep(1,3), rep(0,9))), # coin 1, mint 1, 12 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,1), rep(0,4))), # coin 2, mint 1, 5 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,10), rep(0,5))), # coin 1, mint 2, 15 flips
sample(c(rep(1,17), rep(0,6)))) # coin 2, mint 2, 23 flips
coins <- factor(c(rep(1,12), rep(2,5), rep(3, 15), rep(4, 23)))
mints <- factor(c(rep(1,17), rep(2,38)))
nFlips <- length(flips)
nCoins <- length(unique(coins))
nMints <- length(unique(mints))
#################### 2. Pass data into a list
dataList <- list(
flips = flips,
coins = coins,
mints = mints,
nFlips = nFlips,
nCoins = nCoins,
nMints = nMints)
################### 3. specify and save the model
modelString <- "
# start with nested likelihood function
for (i in 1:nFlips) {
flips[i] ~ dbern(theta[coins[i]])
# next the prior on theta
for (coins in 1:nCoins) {
theta[coins] ~ dbeta(omega[mints[coins]]*(kappa - 2) + 1, (1 - omega[mints[coins]])*(kappa - 2) + 1)
# next we specify the prior for the higher-level parameters on the mint, omega and kappa
for (mints in 1:nMints) {
omega[mints] ~ dbeta(2,2)
kappa <- 5
writeLines(modelString, "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt")
############################### Step 4: Initialise Chains
initsList <- list(theta1 = mean(flips[coins==1]),
theta2 = mean(flips[coins==2]),
theta3 = mean(flips[coins==3]),
theta4 = mean(flips[coins==4]),
omega1 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==1]),
omega2 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==3]),
############################### Step 5: Generate Chains
runJagsOut <- run.jags(method = "simple",
model = "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt",
monitor = c("theta[1]", "theta[2]", "theta[3]", "theta[4]", "omega[1]", "omega[2]"),
data = dataList,
inits = initsList,
n.chains = 1,
adapt = 500,
burnin = 1000,
sample = 50000,
thin = 1,
summarise = FALSE,
plots = FALSE)
############################### Step 6: Convert to Coda Object
codaSamples <- as.mcmc.list(runJagsOut)
############################### Step 7: Make Graphs
df <- data.frame(as.matrix(codaSamples))
theta1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.1.)) + geom_density()
theta2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.2.)) + geom_density()
theta3 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.3.)) + geom_density()
theta4 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$theta.4.)) + geom_density()
omega1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$omega.1.)) + geom_density()
omega2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x = df$omega.2.)) + geom_density()
ggsave("coinsAndMintsHier/hierPropFourCoinsTwoMints.pdf", grid.arrange(theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, omega1, omega2, ncol = 2), device = "pdf", height = 30, width = 10, units = "cm")
The problem was the way you were attempting to index the mints of the coins when setting the prior on theta. There are only 4 theta's in this case, not nFlips. Your nested indexing mints[coins] was accessing the mints data vector, not a vector of which mint each coin belongs to. I've created a corrected version below. Notice the explicit construction of a vector that indexes which mint each coin belongs to. Notice also in the model specification each for-loop index has its own index name distinct from data names. # This closes all of R's graphics windows.
rm(list=ls()) # Careful! This clears all of R's memory!
############### 1. Generate the data
flips <- c(sample(c(rep(1,3), rep(0,9))), # coin 1, mint 1, 12 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,1), rep(0,4))), # coin 2, mint 1, 5 flips total
sample(c(rep(1,10), rep(0,5))), # coin 1, mint 2, 15 flips
sample(c(rep(1,17), rep(0,6)))) # coin 2, mint 2, 23 flips
# NOTE: I got rid of `factor` because it was unneeded and got in the way
coins <- c(rep(1,12), rep(2,5), rep(3, 15), rep(4, 23))
# NOTE: I got rid of `factor` because it was unneeded and got in the way
mints <- c(rep(1,17), rep(2,38))
nFlips <- length(flips)
nCoins <- length(unique(coins))
nMints <- length(unique(mints))
# NEW: Create vector that specifies the mint of each coin. There must be a more
# elegant way to do this, but here is a logical brute-force approach. This
# assumes that coins are consecutively numbered from 1 to nCoins.
mintOfCoin = NULL
for ( cIdx in 1:nCoins ) {
mintOfCoin = c( mintOfCoin , unique(mints[coins==cIdx]) )
#################### 2. Pass data into a list
dataList <- list(
flips = flips,
coins = coins,
mints = mints,
nFlips = nFlips,
nCoins = nCoins,
nMints = nMints,
mintOfCoin = mintOfCoin # NOTE
################### 3. specify and save the model
modelString <- "
# start with nested likelihood function
for (fIdx in 1:nFlips) {
flips[fIdx] ~ dbern( theta[coins[fIdx]] )
# next the prior on theta
# NOTE: Here we use the mintOfCoin index.
for (cIdx in 1:nCoins) {
theta[cIdx] ~ dbeta( omega[mintOfCoin[cIdx]]*(kappa - 2) + 1 ,
( 1 - omega[mintOfCoin[cIdx]])*(kappa - 2) + 1 )
# next we specify the prior for the higher-level parameters on the mint,
# omega and kappa
# NOTE: I changed the name of the mint index so it doesn't conflict with
# mints data vector.
for (mIdx in 1:nMints) {
omega[mIdx] ~ dbeta(2,2)
kappa <- 5
writeLines(modelString, "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt")
############################### Step 4: Initialise Chains
initsList <- list(theta1 = mean(flips[coins==1]),
theta2 = mean(flips[coins==2]),
theta3 = mean(flips[coins==3]),
theta4 = mean(flips[coins==4]),
omega1 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==1]),
omega2 = mean(c(mean(flips[coins==3]),
############################### Step 5: Generate Chains
runJagsOut <- run.jags(method = "parallel",
model = "tempModelHier4CoinTwoMint.txt",
# NOTE: theta and omega are vectors:
monitor = c( "theta", "omega" , "kappa" ),
data = dataList,
#inits = initsList, # NOTE: Let JAGS initialize.
n.chains = 4, # NOTE: Not only 1 chain.
adapt = 500,
burnin = 1000,
sample = 10000,
thin = 1,
summarise = FALSE,
plots = FALSE)
############################### Step 6: Convert to Coda Object
codaSamples <- as.mcmc.list(runJagsOut)
## NOTE: Important step --- Check MCMC diagnostics
# Display diagnostics of chain, for specified parameters:
source("DBDA2E-utilities.R") # For function diagMCMC()
parameterNames = varnames(codaSamples) # from coda package
for ( parName in parameterNames ) {
diagMCMC( codaObject=codaSamples , parName=parName )
############################### Step 7: Make Graphs
# ...
