Firestore - Batch querying nested documents in REST API - firebase

There is a way to batch get documents after you specified exactly all the file paths using
And there is a way to get all documents and their fields under a collection by sending a GET to
I ideally want to make a batch request to get document fields for all documents under an array of collections. Is there a way to do this without knowing the document names of every document I intend to get?
I have a structure like projects/projectName/databases/dbName/documents/Inventory/productId/variantId/*location*
Each productId is a document, and under this it has a collection for each variant, and within that collection are documents for each location, that contains a field count.
For a basket, I want to get all inventory counts for all inventory locations, for each productId/variantId in that bas

It is not possible to get all documents based on an array of collection names.
You can use a collection group query and search all collections of a given name, but then you must know the path of each document you want to read.
Alternatively, you can get all documents under a specific path, but then you can't filter by ID anymore, and the collections have to be under a path - not an array.


How to get documents from Firestore without a single document id

So i have a collection named products in my Firestore and it contains all my products.
Since i am using Tag widget it gives me an error when there is more than one item sharing the same tag. So for my Products Builder i want to give a list that contains all my products without a specific product catched by his id, so stream property of my Stream Builder can be like this.
StreamBuilder(stream: Firestore.instance.collection('products').WITHOUT SPECIFIC PRODUCT ID .snapshot()
How can i do that?
It's not possible to construct a query for all documents except one. There are no inequality filters in Firestore.
Since it's just one document, it makes sense to simply do the query for all documents, the have the client code remove the one you don't want from the result set.

Firebase Get document from subcollection using its ID only

Is it possible to fetch a document from a subcollection without parent document ids?
We have a structure like:
-- SubCollection1
-- SubCollection2
- Document1
-- SubCollection3
-- Document2
-- SubCollection2
-- Document3 [different fields with Document1]
App User will only have the Document1 ID.
I tried implementing a collection group query. Notice that SubCollection2 name appears twice and they have different fields/values. I only want to get the document from one SubCollection2.
Is it possible to fetch the data from document1 without the parent doc id from SubCollection1 and RootCollection1.
If you can't locate a document using its full path (knowing the names of all documents and collections in the path), and you can't use a collection group query, then what you're trying to do isn't possible. You can't focus a collection group query to a specific path - they always consider all documents in all collections with the same name.
You have two viable workarounds:
Change the name of the subcollection so that it's unique and does not overlap with subcollections that should not be queried in a collection group query.
Add a field to the document so you can use it in a filter on a collection group query. You will have to be able to identify which documents you are interested in without considering all documents in all subcollections with the same name. For example, if you have a field called "scope", you can narrow the scope of your collection group query like this:
firestore.collectionGroup('coll').where('scope', '==', 'x')
Or you can store the ID of the document as a field in it, and filter for it:
firestore.collectionGroup('coll').where('id', '==', 'id')
This is all you need:

Firestore: Getting documents sorted by a numeric field contained in the two sub-levels documents

My firm asked me to get all the documents from the root collection, users. They must be sorted according to the value of a numeric field, titled amount, present in a first sub-level document and also in a second sub-level document.
I don't know how to fulfill this aim easily with Firestore NoSQL queries. What would you recommend to me?
Data structure
Here it is:
user_1 (document to get and sort)
user_2 (document to get and sort)
Each of these two users is structured like this:
contains this field: amount
and contains also this collection: collection_2
contains this field: amount
So I should get a list containing user_1 and user_2. This is a sorted list. It's sorted according to the two fields both named amount, which are contained under user_1, but also under user_2. These both fields are nested.
They must be sorted according to the value of a numeric field, titled amount, present in a first sub-level document and also in a second sub-level document.
As also #DougStevenson mentioned in his comment, you cannot achieve this with Cloud Firestore. There is no way to get documents from a subcollection (level 1) and another subcollection (level 2) in a single query. Firestore doesn't support queries across different subcollections in one go. Queries in Firestore are shallow, which means they only get items from the collection that the query is run against. A single query may only use properties of documents in a single collection.
So the most simple solution I can think of, would be to query the database twice, once to get the documents within subcollection (level 1) and second to get documents within subcollection (level 2) and then compare them client side.
The idea from your comment is a solution since adding a property under the level 1 document will allow you to query the database just once. In Firestore, you can simply chain multiple where() functions in a single query.

Batch read from firebase based on an array of document IDs - Swift 4

I have an array with specific document IDs (that are all in the same collection) and would like to query them one time and getting a qsnapshot with all of those documents, instead of having to request them individually one at a time with a for loop. Is there a way t do this?

Resolve Firestore References

Firebase Firestore has a reference type while defining fields of a document which allows us to add a reference to another document via its "Document path".
For example, I have the document animals/3OYc0QTbGOTRkhXeiW0t, with a field name having value Zebra. I reference it in the array animals, of document zoo/xmo5wX0MLUEbfFJHvKq6. I am basically storing a list of animals in a zoo, by referring the animals to the corresponding animal document in the animals collections.
Now if I query a specific document from the zoo collection, will references to the animals be automatically resolved? Will I the get the animal names in the query result? If not, how can I achieve this?
All document queries in Firestore are shallow, meaning that you only get one document in return for each document requested.
References in a document are not automatically fetched - you will have to make subsequent queries using the references in the document to get those other documents on your own.
Same thing with documents in subcollections - they require separate queries.
