Firestore - Can you query fields in nested documents? - firebase

I currently have a data structure like this in Firebase Cloud Firestore
+ ProductInventories (collection)
+ productId1 (document)
+ variantName (collection)
+ [auto-ID] (document)
+ location: "Paris"
+ count: 1334
How would I make a structuredQuery in POST to get the count for location `Paris'?
Intuitively it might have been a POST to with the following JSON
"structuredQuery": {
"from": [
"collectionId": "variantName",
"allDescendants": true
"where": {
"fieldFilter": {
"field": {
"fieldPath": "location"
"op": "EQUAL",
"value": {
"stringValue": "Paris"
With this I get error collection group queries are only allowed at the root parent, which means I need to make the POST to instead. This however means I'll need to create a collection group index exemption for each variant (variantName) I have for each productId.
Seems like I would be better off to have below variantName collection level, the location as the name of the document, and I can then access the count directly without making a query. But seems to me the point of NoSQL was that I could be less careful about how I structure the data, so I'm wondering if there's a way for me to make the query as is with the current data structure.

Using collection names that are not known ahead of time is usually an anti-pattern in Firestore. And what you get is one of the reasons for that: you need to be able to create a collection group query across documents in multiple collections, you need to be able to define an index on the collection name - and that requires that you know those some time during development.
As usual, when using NoSQL databases, you can modify/augment your data structure to allow the use-case. For example, if you create a single subcollection for all variants, you can give that collection a fixed name, and search for paris and $variantName in there. This collection can either be a replacement of your current $variantName collections, or an addition to it.

have you tried something like this?
.where('location', '==', 'Paris')
.then(res=>{, i)=>{
console.log('item ' + i + ': ' + product.count);


How is the order of the fields in firestore composite indexes decided?

This is my query:
.where('userId', '==', uid)
.where('placeId', '==', placeId)
.where('endTime', '>=',
.where('isFullfilled', '==', false);
So I manually wrote this index in firestore.indexes.json:
"collectionGroup": "requests",
"queryScope": "COLLECTION",
"fields": [
"fieldPath": "userId",
"order": "ASCENDING"
"fieldPath": "placeId",
"order": "ASCENDING"
"fieldPath": "endTime",
"order": "ASCENDING"
"fieldPath": "isFullfilled",
"order": "ASCENDING"
When run, I get an error "This query requires an index". And the automatically created index looks like this:
My manually created index on the other hand looks like this in GUI:
Why does it not accept my own index? Does the order of fields matter? I am not ordering query results. Is there any kind of pattern to index creation? This is really confusing and I can't find anything on this in the docs. It's really annoying to have to run every query against the cloud database to get the proper composite index field order.
Does the order of fields matter?
Yes, the order of the fields very much matters to the resulting index. I pretty much see such an index as:
Firestore creates a composite value for each document by concatenating the value of the fields in that index.
For a query it then can only query if the fields and order exactly match (with some exceptions for subsets of fields, and cases where it can do a zig-zag-merge-join).
For such a query Firestore finds the first entry in the index that matches the conditions. From there it then returns contiguous results (sometimes called a slice). It does not skip any documents, nor jump to another point in the index, nor reverse the index.
The field that you order on, or do a range query on (your >=) must be last in the index.
Note that this is probably not how it really works, but the model holds up pretty well - and is in fact how we recommend implementing multi-field filtering on Firebase's other database as explained here: Query based on multiple where clauses in Firebase

firebase what is the best way/structure to retrieve by unique child key

I have a firebase database like this structure:
---groupname: 'group1'
---grouptype: 'sometype'
---groupname: 'group2'
---grouptype: 'someothertype'
Now, I am trying to pull groups of authenticated user. For example for uid1, it should return me group1id and group2id, and for example uid3 it should just return group2id.
I tried to do that with this code:
database().ref('groups/').orderByChild('groupMembers/' + auth().currentUser.uid).equalTo('true').on('value' , function(snapshot) {
console.log('GROUPS SNAPSHOT >> ' + JSON.stringify(snapshot))
but this returns null. if I remove "equalTo" and go it returns all childs under 'groups'.
Do you know any solution or better database structure suggestion for this situation ?
Your current structure makes it easy to retrieve the users for a group. It does not however make it easy to retrieve the groups for a user.
To also allow easy reading of the groups for a user, you'll want to add an additional data structure:
userGroups: {
uid1: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid2: {
group1id: true,
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
uid3: {
group2id: true
Now of course you'll need to update both /userGroups and /groups when you add a user to (or remove them from) a group. This is quite common when modeling data in NoSQL databases: you may have to modify your data structure for the use-cases that your app supports.
Also see:
Firebase query if child of child contains a value
NoSQL data modeling
Many to Many relationship in Firebase

How to query nested objects in firestore [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Firestore - Nested query
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I want to store data in following format:
"chatName": "Football",
"userId": "nSWnbKwL6GW9fqIQKREZENTdVyq2",
"name": "Niklas"
"userId": "V3QONGrVegQBnnINYHzXtnG1kXu1",
"name": "Timo"
My goal is to get all chats, where the signed in user with a userId is in the chatMembers list. If the userId of the signed in user is not in the chatMembers property, then that chat should be ignored. Is this possible?
If this is not possible, how can i achive this with subcollections?
My development language is dart, but you can also post solutions in other languages.
My current attempt is this, but this is not working:
_firestore.collection(collectionName).where("chatMembers.userId", isEqualTo: userId).snapshots()
Since August 2018 there is the new array_contains operator which allows filtering based on array values. The doc is here:
It works very well with arrays of string. However, I think it is not possible to query for a specific property of an object stored in the array. One workaround is to query for the entire object, as follows (in Javascript). Of course this may not be feasible in every situation....
var db = firebase.firestore();
var query = db.collection('chatDocs').where("chatMembers", "array-contains", { userId: "xyz", userName: "abc" });
Renaud Tarnec's, which complete, doesn't work in every case. Situations where only one or not all of the fields are known won't return the expected documents. However, by restructuring the data in the document, a query can be made to work where only one field is known, like a user identifier (uid).
Here's the data structure inside one of the document:
"members": {
"user4": {
"active": true,
"userName": "King Edward III",
"avatar": ""
"user7": {
"active": true,
"userName": "Dave K.",
"avatar": ""
Here's the query:
uid = 'user4';
collectionQuery = collectionReference.where(`members.${uid}.active`,"==", true);
In this example, "user4" represents a user who may or may not be in a group. This will return all documents in the collection where the uid "user4" is an active member. This works by only needing to know the UID of the member and works without needing to know their name or avatar uri ahead of time.

Firestore - how do I fetch all documents with an empty map field?

I have a Firebase Firestore collection called "posts" that has a structure like this:
"title": "My blog title",
"categories": {
"general": true,
"sample": true
I can query for all blog posts with the category "general" like this: db.collection('posts').where('categories.general', '==', true).get().then() however, I can't seem to figure out a way to fetch all documents where the "categories" map is empty.
I would like to query all documents in the "posts" collection where "categories": {}. I tried db.collection('posts').where('categories', '==', {}).get().then() but that didn't work. How would I go about fetching this data?
What you're trying is not possible. The way Firestore indexes work is with the presence of fields in documents, not by the absence of fields. You can only expect to be able to query for things that actually exist.

How to query related records in Firebase?

Given this database structure in Firebase:
"users": {
"user1": {
"items": {
"id1": true
"user2": {
"items": {
"id2": true
"items": {
"id1": {
"name": "foo1",
"user": "user1"
"id2": {
"name": "foo2",
"user": "user2"
which is a more efficient way of querying the items belonged to a specific user?
The Firebase docs seem to suggest this:
var itemsRef = new Firebase("");
var usersItemsRef = new Firebase("https://firebaseio/users/" + user.uid + "/items");
usersItemsRef.on("child_added", function(data){
itemsRef.child(data.key()).once("value", function(itemData){
//got the item
but using the .equalTo() query works as well:
var ref = new Firebase("");
ref.orderByChild("user").equalTo(user.uid).on("child_added", function(data){
//got the item
The latter code seems more concise and doesn't require denormalization of the item keys into the user records but it's unclear to me if it's a less efficient methodology (assuming I create an index on "user").
This is rather old one, but when working on the firebase-backed app, I found myself dealing with similar issues quite often.
.equalTo is more time-efficient (especially, if one user owns big number of items). Although n+1 subscriptions does not lead to n+1 networking roundtrips to the cloud, there is some performance penalty for having so many open subscriptions.
Moreover, .equalTo approach does not lead to denormalization of your data.
There is a gotcha however: When you'll want to secure the data, the .equalTo approach may stop working at all.
To allow user to call orderByChild("user").equalTo(user.uid), they must have read privilege to 'items' collection. This read permission is valid for the whole sub-document rooted at /items.
Summary: If user1 is to be prevented from finding out about items of user2, you must use the BYOI (build your own index) approach. That way you can validate that user only reads items that are put to their index.
Finally, disclaimer :) I use firebase only for a short period of time all I got is a few benchmarks and documentation. If I'm mistaken in any way, please correct me.
