react-step-progress bar styling customization - css

I am creating a progress bar using the react-step-progress[enter link description here][1] library provided in react. It already takes it own styling reference from react-step-progress/dist/index.css. But, I want to override the colors provided by them. I tried to override by creating my own sass file and giving reference to those classes but they dont seem to override the existing styles.
Can someone please help me override those styles?
I had taken reference from the following link.
I have tried to override in the following way.
I imported my own scss file with the required styles I want in my tsx file.
Then I referred my respective classes in the progressbar tag like this.
.ProgressBar {
.stepColor {
background-color: #26890D;
And I have imported this class into my tsx file in the following way :
import styles from './iconStyles.module.scss';
import * as React from 'react';
import StepProgressBar from 'react-step-progress';
const step2Content = <h1>Step1</h1>;
const step3Content = <h1> Step 2</h1>;
const step4Content = <h1> Step3 </h1>;
export default function ProgressBar() {
// setup step validators, will be called before proceeding to the next step
function step2Validator() {
// return a boolean
function step3Validator() {
// return a boolean
// render the progress bar
return (
label: 'Step1',
name: 'Step1',
content: step1Content
label: 'Step2',
name: 'Step2',
content: step2Content,
validator: step2Validator
label: 'Step3',
name: 'Step3',
content: step3Content,
validator: step3Validator
]} onSubmit={undefined} />

To control the class used for each step you need to use the stepClass prop rather than the className prop:
return (
steps={ [...] }
onSubmit={undefined} />


Add styles of class of external css file to Block props to use as attributes

Is it possible to use styles of a class in an external css file ( which is added to the block.json) as props to use these as attributes in the InspectorControls Component, if so, how?
I know that I can use inline styles as attributes for the InspectorControls Component. But dont know any way to use certain parts of classes in the external css files.
My css file added to the blocks.json:
"editorScript": "file:./index.js",
"editorStyle": "file:./editor.css",
"style": "file:./style.css"
I want to use Method 2 from this wordpress docs page for my classes and then use parts of the classes as attributes.
Yes, by importing the class names from a CSS module as the options for a UI control (eg <SelectControl>) the class can be applied to the block with useBlockProps().
In the example below, I used create block to setup a simple block that renders a paragraph which the user can choose the color "theme" of. It's best to use a CSS file containing only the classes you wish to load into the UI component, eg:
theme.scss (or an external css file)
border-color: red;
border-color: blue;
Create a new SCSS file with CSS modules in block/src to import the external styles:
#import './theme.scss';
Import the same external CSS in the blocks main style so it will be compiled into style.css, eg:
style.scss (main block styles)
#import './theme.scss';
/* all custom styles for the block */
padding: 1em;
border:2px solid;
Alternatively, you could enqueue the stylesheet separately via PHP or via the theme..
Add a new string attribute to store the name of the class selected from the UI/SelectControl, eg:
"attributes": {
"customClassName": {
"type": "string",
"default": ""
"editorScript": "file:./index.js",
"editorStyle": "file:./index.css",
"style": "file:./style-index.css"
By naming the importing the CSS module in edit(), we can have access an Object containing all the classes from theme.scss. Before displaying in the UI, the class names are formatted as options for a <SelectControl>. The selected class name is saved to the blocks attributes and applied by useBlockProps(), eg:
import { InspectorControls, useBlockProps } from '#wordpress/block-editor';
import { PanelBody, SelectControl } from '#wordpress/components';
import styleClasses from './classes.module.scss';
export default function Edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
const { customClassName } = attributes;
const myClasses = [{ label: 'none', value: '' }]; // Default option for SelectControl
// Add each classname in styleClasses to myClasses
for (const key in styleClasses) {
myClasses.push({ label: key, value: key })
return (
label="Custom Class"
onChange={(value) => setAttributes({ customClassName: value })}
<p {...useBlockProps({ className: customClassName })}>Hello World</p>
Finally, wraps the selected classname into the blocks markup on save.
import { useBlockProps } from '#wordpress/block-editor';
export default function save({ attributes }) {
const { customClassName } = attributes;
return (
<p {{ className: customClassName })}>Hello World</p >
End result:
Hopefully this will give you some ideas for what's possible in your own block with CSS and attributes.

Change width of event in FullCalendar (React JS)

I like to change the width of an event in context of React JS.
Similiar questions described here:
How to edit width of event in FullCalendar?
Change Fullcalendar width
Unfortunately, in the quoted questions is nothing mentioned how to solve this in a react environment.
I figured it out how to do it. eventRender does no longer exist (v4) but instead different "event render hooks" (v5):
eventClassNames: Specifically for changing the .css of an event
eventContent: To inject content into the event
and others (see:
Now, depending what you want to achieve, there are two ways to do this in React JS. (Note: I used TypeScript)
Applying CSS change to all events
We can use styled to create our own .css definition for any event and use that as a wrapper (StyleWrapper)
import React from 'react';
import FullCalendar from '#fullcalendar/react';
import timeGridPlugin from '#fullcalendar/timegrid';
import styled from '#emotion/styled';
export interface ISampleProps {}
//our Wrapper that will go around FullCalendar
export const StyleWrapper = styled.div`
.fc-event {
width: 98px !important;
//Reacct Functional Component
const Sample: React.FunctionComponent<ISampleProps> = (props) => {
const events = [
/*some events */
return (
export default Sample;
Apply specific CSS to specific events
With this way, you can tell FullCalendar exactly how an event has to look like depending self-defined props you add to an event. Your self-defined props will be added to extendedProps which will be used in our event render hook eventClassNames
//same imports from earlier (but you don't need "styled" for this one)
const Sample: React.FunctionComponent<ISampleProps> = (props) => {
function eventAddStyle(arg: any) {
//all self-created props are under "extendedProps"
if (arg.event.extendedProps.demanding) {
return ['maxLevel']; //maxLevel and lowLevel are two CSS classes defined in a .css file
} else {
return ['lowLevel'];
const events = [
id: 'a',
title: 'This is just an example',
start: '2022-03-19T12:30:00',
end: '2022-03-19T16:30:00',
backgroundColor: '#74AAEB',
demanding: true //our self-created props
id: 'b',
title: 'This is another example',
start: '2022-03-17T08:00:00',
end: '2022-03-17T11:30:00',
demanding: false // our self-created props
return (
export default Sample;

How to use Flatpickr in Stenciljs components?

Flatpickr input field is not showing up in the stencil component with proper css.
I added the flatpickr date input field in a newly created (using stencil cli) app. No other settings or configs are changed.
import { Component, h } from '#stencil/core';
import flatpickr from 'flatpickr';
tag: 'my-component',
styleUrl: 'my-component.css',
shadow: true,
export class MyComponent {
private element: HTMLInputElement;
componentDidLoad() {
flatpickr(this.element, {
render() {
return (
<input ref={el => this.element = el} type="text" id="flatpickr" />
I'm guessing the problem is with the styling since the code you posted looks correct.
Flatpickr appends the calendar to the body element by default and since CSS is encapsulated when ShadowDOM is enabled (shadow: true) the styles in my-component.css won't affect it.
I see three options:
1. Append to different element
You can set a different parent for the calendar (your component or any element in it)
import { Component, Element, h } from '#stencil/core';
// ...
export class MyComponent {
#Element() el: HTMLElement;
private element: HTMLInputElement;
componentDidLoad() {
flatpickr(this.element, {
appendTo: this.el,
render() {
return (
<input ref={el => this.element = el} type="text" id="flatpickr" />
And import the styles in the CSS (my-component.css):
#import '~flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.min.css';
2. Include the Flatpickr CSS globally.
Include the CSS in your HTML head or any global CSS file.
3. Disable ShadowDOM
Set shadow: false to allow the styles in my-component.css to affect elements outside your component and import the CSS in my-component.css (same as in Option 1.).

Cant overwrite the custom stylesheet

I am trying to overwrite the CSS of react range slider.It uses the custom style sheet of which i need to add in the head section.My project is built on next.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Otherwise, the slider doesn't show anything if i don't add the link in head even though I installed the library. It's not even overwriting the CSS. I want to change the background color.This is my code:
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import 'react-rangeslider/lib/index.css';
import './slider.css';
import Slider from 'react-rangeslider'
class Horizontal extends Component {
constructor (props, context) {
super(props, context)
this.state = {
value: 850
handleChangeStart = () => {
console.log('Change event started')
handleChange = value => {
value: value
handleChangeComplete = () => {
console.log('Change event completed')
render () {
const { value } = this.state
return (
<div className='slider' style={{ marginTop:'165px',marginLeft:'319px',width:'700px',backgroundColor:'EF5350'}} >
<div style={{ textAlign:'center',color:'gray',fontSize:'35px',marginBottom:'82px'}}>
<p> What is the size of your property?</p>
<div className='value'>{value}</div>
export default Horizontal
I tried to change the background color in slider.css.
.rangeslider-horizontal .rangeslider__fill {
background-color: red;
The library needs to be installed first:
npm install react-rangeslider --save
It doesn't work as the slider stylesheet overwrite yours. Include the style like
// To include the default styles
import 'react-rangeslider/lib/index.css'
// import your css
import './style.css';
always make your own CSS stylesheet file the last file to import after any other CSS stylesheet files to make overwrite you need
otherwise, you can always use the console in the browser to auto-detect any error by pressing F12 in the browser then go to the tab called (console)
I think you can style element you want to live in the console to know the detail of how to nesting element
you also can open the CSS file in the editor and press Ctrl+F then find the line of code you want to style then copy its property and value to your own CSS file and then you can edit it so easy

conditional css in create-react-app

I have default css file and separate css file that should be applied (to owerride default) only when certain conditions are met.
I am using create-react-app wit default import 'file.css' syntax.
What is the best way forward to decide whether to load or not load particular css file dynamically?
The require method only worked in development (as all the CSS is bundled upon build), and the import method did not work at all (using CRA version 3.3).
In our case, we have multiple themes, which cannot be bundled - so we solved this using React.lazy and React.Suspense.
We have the ThemeSelector, which loads the correct css conditionally.
import React from 'react';
* The theme components only imports it's theme CSS-file. These components are lazy
* loaded, to enable "code splitting" (in order to avoid the themes being bundled together)
const Theme1 = React.lazy(() => import('./Theme1'));
const Theme2 = React.lazy(() => import('./Theme2'));
const ThemeSelector: React.FC = ({ children }) => (
{/* Conditionally render theme, based on the current client context */}
<React.Suspense fallback={() => null}>
{shouldRenderTheme1 && <Theme1 />}
{shouldRenderTheme2 && <Theme2 />}
{/* Render children immediately! */}
export default ThemeSelector;
The Theme component's only job, is to import the correct css file:
import * as React from 'react';
// 👇 Only important line - as this component should be lazy-loaded,
// to enable code - splitting for this CSS.
import 'theme1.css';
const Theme1: React.FC = () => <></>;
export default Theme1;
The ThemeSelector should wrap the App component, in the src/index.tsx:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import ThemeSelector from 'themes/ThemeSelector';
<App />
As I understand, this forces each Theme to be split into separate bundles (effectively also splitting CSS).
As mentioned in the comments, this solution does not present an easy way of switching themes runtime. This solution focuses on splitting themes into separate bundles.
If you already got themes split into separate CSS files, and you want to swap themes runtime, you might want to look at a solution using ReactHelmet (illustrated by #Alexander Ladonin's answer below)
You can use require('file.css') syntax instead. This will allow you to put it inside of a conditional.
if(someCondition) {
Use React Helmet. It adds links, meta tags etc into document header dynamically.
Add it into any render method.
import {Component} from 'react';
import ReactHelmet from 'react-helmet';
class Example extends Component{
<ReactHelmet link={
[{"rel": "stylesheet", type:"text/css", "href": "/style.css"}]
You can rewrite it on next <ReactHelmet/> rendering.
One simple solution that I found that works in production is to use vercel's styled-jsx. First, install styled-jsx:
npm install --save styled-jsx
Or if you use Yarn:
yarn add styled-jsx
Now create strings from your css file, so for instance:
const style1 = `
div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
const style2 = `
div {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
And then in your React Component, you can do something like this:
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
<div className='my-component'>
<style jsx>
conditionA ? style1: style2
Simply add <style jsx>{your_css_string}</style> to the component which you wish to add styling to and you can then to implement conditions just use different strings to import different css styling.
If you are here you most likely are trying to condition a CSS or SCSS import, probably to make some light/dark mode theme or something. The accepted answer works just on mount, after the second css is loaded they are both loaded and you dont have a way to unload them, or actually you have, keep reading...
The use of React lazy and suspense is awesome but in this case we need to help our selves from webpack, because is actually the guy that bundles stuff and can also unbundle stuff, which is what you need, a toggle of css imports basically
Adding webpack lazyStyleTag
Go to your webpack config file and add the following rules
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.css$/i,
// Probly you already have this rule, add this line
exclude: /\.lazy\.css$/i,
use: ["style-loader", "css-loader"],
// And add this rule
test: /\.lazy\.css$/i,
use: [
{ loader: "style-loader", options: { injectType: "lazyStyleTag" } },
Now take your CSS files and change their name to the lazy named convention
You probably have this
// or
Now will be this:
Then create your React theme Provider in a simple React context, this context will wrap your App so it will load the conditioned CSS everytime the context state changes. This context state is going to be availabe anywhere inside your app as well as the setter via a custom hook we will export from the same file, check this out:
import React, {
useEffect, createContext, useState, useContext,
} from 'react';
import { Nullable } from 'types';
// Import both files here like this:
// Import of CSS file number 1
import LightMode from './theme/styles.lazy.css';
// Import of CSS file number 2
import DarkMode from './theme/styles.lazy.css';
interface IContext {
theme: Nullable<string>
toggleTheme: () => void
const Context = createContext<IContext>({
theme: null,
toggleTheme: () => { },
// Your Provider component that returns the Context.Provider
// Let's also play with the sessionStorage, so this state doesn't
// brake with browser refresh or logouts
const ThemeProvider: React.FC = ({ children }) => {
// Im initialazing here the state with any existing value in the
//sessionStorage, or not...
const [theme, setTheme] = useState<Nullable<string>>(sessionStorage.getItem('themeMode') || 'dark');
// this setter Fn we can pass down to anywhere
const toggleTheme = () => {
const newThemeValue = theme === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark';
sessionStorage.setItem('themeMode', newThemeValue);
// Now the magic, this lazy css files you can use or unuse
// This is exactly what you need, import the CSS but also unimport
// the one you had imported before. An actual toggle of import in a
// dynamic way.. brought to you by webpack
useEffect(() => {
if (theme === 'light') {
} else if (theme == 'dark') {
}, [theme]);
return (
<Context.Provider value={{ theme, toggleTheme }}>
export default ThemeProvider;
// This useTheme hook will give you the context anywhere to set the state of // theme and this will toggle the styles imported
export const useTheme = () => useContext(Context);
Remember to put this state on the sessionStorage like in this example so your user has the state available every time it comes back or refreshes the page
Don't forget to wrap the friking App with the Provider:
import ThemeProvider from './ThemeProvider'
const App = () => {
return (
<App />
Now just toggle the CSS imports of your application using your cool useTheme hook
import { useTheme } from './yourContextFile';
// inside your component
const AnyComponentDownTheTree = () => {
const { theme, toggleTheme } = useTheme()
// use the toggleTheme function to toggle and the theme actual value
// for your components, you might need disable something or set active a
// switch, etc, etc
Other solution does not work for me. After one day of the search, I obtain bellow solution. In my issue, I have two CSS files for RTL or LTR like app.rtl.css or app.ltr.css
Create a functional component Style like this:
import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function Style(props) {
const [stylePath, setStylePath] = useState(props.path);
return (
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href={stylePath} />
And then you can call it, for example in App.js:
function App() {
return (
<Style path={`/css/app.${direction}.css`} />
direction param contains rtl or ltr and determine which file should be loaded.
I tested some alternatives available in some tutorials and the best for me was to use only classes in css.
One of the problems I encountered when using
require: did not override on some occasions
import: delay generated to load css
The best way for me was to actually put a class switch
.default-sidebar {
--side-text-icon:rgba(255,255,255,.9) !important;
--side-text-section: rgb(255,255,255,.8) !important;
--side-separator-section:#ff944d !important;
.dark-sidebar {
--side-text-icon:rgba(255,255,255,.9) !important;
--side-text-section: rgb(255,255,255,.8) !important;
--side-separator-section:#262626 !important;
<div className={`root-sidebar ${condition?'default-sidebar':'dark-sidebar'}`}></div>
