How to make Ant Media Server HLS playlist continue to other video without refreshing? - ant-media-server

Steps to reproduce:
Create a playlist with more than 1 video.
After each video finishes, it won't let you continue watching unless you refresh.
Expected behavior:
m3u8 file should not have #EXT-X-ENDLIST in it.
Actual behavior:
m3u8 has #EXT-X-ENDLIST in it.

Can you add these settings in your file and restart the server, then try again please.
Location: <ams_installation_dir>/webapps//WEB-INF/;
The setting of omit_endlist will disable putting #EXT-X-ENDLIST at the end of your m3u8 file as referenced here:


m3u8 file on computer opened with notepad any suggestions

First of all I am not an IT professional. I found file on my laptop which has .m3u8 extension. I downloaded VLC media player but that file does not show anything. It has following code. What is it?
I downloaded VLC media player. It did not play anything.
It's a HLS multivariant playlist, as defined in
Each EXT-X-STREAM-INF points a variant of the same media (audio and video) at different qualities.
To play it, you'd need the file you have, the variant playlists and the media referenced within the variant playlists.

I can't play my recordings when my recorded streams are pushed to S3

I can't play my recordings when my recorded streams are pushed to S3. How can I fix this issue? How can I be able to watch when I'm sending the stream to the S3.
This is caused because Ant Media is trying to watch Vods on your machine while recordings are somewhere else.
You can achieve playing these by http forwarding.
I assume that you already added your S3 account to Ant Media Server since you are recording to that destination
Open the file {AMS-DIR} / webapps / {APPLICATION} / WEB-INF /
Add comma separated file extensions like this settings.httpforwarding.extension=mp4 to the file
If you want to save your preview images, add png as well.
Add the base URL with settings.httpforwarding.baseURL=https://{s3BucketName}.s3.{awsLocation} for forwarding.
Please replace {s3BucketName} with your own URL and {awsLocation}. Please pay attention that there is no leading or trailing white spaces.
If you did correctly the steps above, your vod playing request will be like following: https://{s3BucketName}.s3.{awsLocation}{streamId.mp4}

Is it possible to create a hls master playlist with .ts chunks?

I am trying to create a hls master playlist with .ts chunks(of different playlists) instead of creating it with different variants playlist in nginx using ffmpeg, Can one do that? if not is there any way I can immediately create the master playlist as soon as nginx receives the first .ts chunk?
Thanks, your help is much appreciated.

How to play m3u8 using AVplayer at local

i try to save .m3u8 & .ts file on local ,then using AVplayer to play it, but player always loading fail. Have any way to play it , or i have to set small http server on device to put the file then play it?
Thanks all
Yes, you'll need to setup a http server to server the file. check cocoahttpserver
Or, you can try to convert the .ts file to .mp4, with TS2MP4
I personally suggest using CocoaHttpServer, it's just simple.

Play flv file on FMS

I have per-recorded .flv file, Now I want to play this video on Flash Media Server.I created a folder name "sampleApplication" in my directory C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 3\applications\ directory. Now I write code to make connection
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, checkConnection);
In checkConnection listener I check that my connection is perfectly working and then i code to play the video
netStream = new NetStream(netConnection);
vid = new Video(300, 300);
video is not going to be played...
what is problem..Urgent help required?
Thanks in advance!!
Try put your sample.flv to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flash Media Server 3\sampleApplication\streams\_definst_\ folder
