Redirect Block Controller view() - concrete5

From view() of a single page controller I can redirect like following:
use \Concrete\Core\Http\ResponseFactory;
return ResponseFactory::redirect($this->getRequest()->getPathInfo());
From the view() method of a block controller the redirection with the above snippet does not work.
I also tried to return the value of the AbstractController::buildRedirect() with no success.
Therefor my question is: What kind of support from c5 does exist to redierct from view() of a block controller?

A possibility is, as I mentioned in the comment, to send the response. But then the script has to be exited to avoid rendering the view.
The related snippet would be as following:


Spring MVC retain error meesage after redirect

I have a jsp with 2 input boxes that searches on 2 different scenarios. So , i have two different Get requests mapping to /search1 and /search2 but have created only one POJO for this.
As soon as user submits a search, I check if there is any results for that, and if not i add error message in model and "redirect:"(redirection because if i simply return a page and now make a new search the url will be /search1/search2) to the same basic page.
But everytime i load the page the error message persists.
Any workaround for this? how do i display the messaeg only on search.
Use Flash Attributes.
Add RedirectAttributes parameter to your controller's handler method.
then redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("modelAttributeName", "value");
then redirect
The controller handler that you redirect to should have "modelAttributeName" model attribute available to it.
Essentially your a putting a value into session which is removed as soon as it is read on the next request.
Another solution would be
you can use request parameter to pass message id and write utility to read message from properties file using message id in the get request of redirected controller.
Controller 1
return "redirect:your_redirection_url?messageId=1";
Controller 2 (where redirected)
if (messageid != null && !(messageid.equals(""))) { MessageUtility.addMessage(Integer.parseInt(messageid), model, locale); }

Symfony2 dynamically select controller based on query result

I'm trying to create an extendible cms. I have URLs in my database like "/menu-item/content" for each of these urls there is an action specified in format "AcmeDemoBundle:Default:index".
I would like to resolve this action and call the appropriate controller based on the matched URL.
My main goal is to call the controller stored in the db directly. Before i used a method when i put a route in the end of the routings which matched all urls associate a controller with it that found out the target controller from the db, than used Controller::forward() to get the expected results. The main problem with this approach is that i need to create an unnecessary subrequest for each page load. The other problem is passing post variables to this new subrequest.
So far i've tried to listen on kernel.request event and modify $request->attributes to contain the matching _controller value, but it seems like it has no effect.
Any advice in the subject is appreciated.
I think you mixed up the forward and redirect calls. Redirect performs 301 or 302 redirects (permanent and temporary respectfully), which creates the subrequest, as you call it. Forward performs internal call (same request) to the new action. As for your second problem, as forward is an internal call within the same request, everything global stays the same (including POST variables). In my opinion, using forward might be a good solution for you (if you don't have any other low-level requirements or if you want to be even more flexible than the usual MVC operation allows).
Hope this helps.

How to get request type (master/sub) in Symfony2 controller?

Is there possible get request type in controller? How?
To detect if the request is a master or not requires the use of the RequestStack, which should be injected into your controller. The request stack has 3 useful methods
The getParentRequest() will always return null if the current request is the master.
I was looking for this myself, and it seems it is just passed around, so there doesn't seem to be one single place that knows what it is.
My thought for solving this would be to create a simple kernel.request listener that just adds an attribute to the request. Rough (un-tested) code below:
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
$event->getRequest()->attributes->set('_request_type', $event->getRequestType());
Then in the controller you should be able to do:
$requestType = $this->getRequest()->attributes->get('_request_type');
Again this is untested. You would need to write out the full listener class and add it to the services config file, but other than that I think this will work.
Easy, just call the getMethod() method on your Request object:
$method = $this->get('request')->getMethod();
This will return the HTTP method of the current request, e.g. GET, POST, PUT or DELETE.

ASP.NET MVC 2: Avoiding loop when accessing 404 action directly

Like many people using ASP.NET MVC, I've implemented my own custom 404 error handling scheme using an approach similar to the one described here: How can I properly handle 404 in ASP.NET MVC?
(I actually discovered that post after implementing my own solution, but what I came up with is virtually identical.)
However, I ran into one issue I'm not sure how to properly handle. Here's what my 404 action in my ErrorController class looks like:
public ActionResult NotFound(string url)
url = (url ?? "");
if (Request.Url.OriginalString.Contains(url) &&
Request.Url.OriginalString != url)
url = Request.Url.OriginalString;
url = new Uri(url).AbsolutePath;
// Check URL to prevent 'retry loop'
if (url != "/Error/NotFound")
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
// Log 404 error just in case something important really is
// missing from the web site...
new HttpException(Response.StatusCode,
String.Format("Resource not found: {0}", url)));
return View();
The part that's different from the answer in the other StackOverflow question I referenced above is how the 'retry loop' is prevented. In other other answer, the code that prevents the retry loop simply sets properties on a ViewModel, which doesn't seem to actually prevent the loop. Since the action is sending back a response code of 404, then accessing the action directly (by typing "/Error/NotFound" in the browser) causes an infinite loop.
So here's my question: Did I miss another, more obvious way to handle the retry loop issue, or is my approach a decent way to do this?
you can handel erros by enabling the customErrors mode in the web.config file and set it to redirect errors to your controller when any errors occurs.
see an example here

Spring MVC - pass model between controllers

I have created a controller that does some business logic and creates a model. If I pass this model directly to view by returning ModelAndView with view name and model - everything working great. But now I want to display results at another page. So I use "redirect:" prefix to redirect to another controller, but the model is lost.
What Im missing?
you can use the forward: prefix which ultimately does a RequestDispatcher.forward()
insted of The redirect: prefix.
Option 1 :
You might put the model in session and get it back in the controller and nullify it in session.
Option 2 :
You said, you are having two controllers, first one would retrieve the user input and do some business logic and redirect to other one. My suggestion is to move the business logic which is placed in both controllers to a class and have only one controller which would return the model and view to the user.
During redirect: request is sent using GET method with parameters appended to the url. You can right a new method in the controller to receive the request parameters with #RequestParameter annotation.
While redirecting the request simple add all the parameters as string
e.g ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView();
mv.addObject("param1", string_param);
This way you can redirect successfully.
Since the redirect: prefix runs another controller, you will lose whatever you had in the ModelAndView in the previous controller. Perhaps the business logic controller should not be a controller at all -- maybe you should just make it a regular class, and have the results controller call it. Then the results controller could save the data to the model.
i would not use #SessionAttributes as it may change in future releases of spring. I would stick with the old fashioned way that Oleksandr showed you above
somehow an old post but maybe someone else will find it usefull
