Using sed to replace symbol after semicolon - unix

Trying to make use of the sed command in order to change a word after a semicolon, like so (fileGrades.txt):
Chad;3;Nice work;
Now using sed command should find Eric and Chad and change both of their grades to 2, but leave the rest untouched. I was thinking of doing it with this method (see below), but it didn't work as it would not allow me to utilize the semicolon to know where to change the grade.
sed -i 's/Chad;*/Chad;2/g' fileGrades.txt
I also tried this method using wild cards such as *, ^ and . , but it didn't work.

You can use
sed -E -i 's/(Eric|Chad);[0-9]*/\1;2/g' fileGrades.txt
-E - POSIX ERE enabled
-i - the contents of the input file gets modified
s/(Eric|Chad);[0-9]*/\1;2 - matches and captures into Group 1 (\1) Eric or Chad, then matches ; and zero or more digits, and replaces this match with the Group 1 value, ; and 2.
See the online demo:
Chad;3;Nice work;'
sed -E 's/(Eric|Chad);[0-9]*/\1;2/g' <<< "$s"
Chad;2;Nice work;

This is a tailor made problem for awk, use following awk code in your shown samples case.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} FNR==1{print;next} $1=="Eric" || $1=="Chad"{$2=2} 1' Input_file
Once you are happy with above code's results then try following code to save output into Input_file itself.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=";"} FNR==1{print;next} $1=="Eric" || $1=="Chad"{$2=2} 1' Input_file > temp && mv temp Input_file


delete text with delimiter in unix

I have a text file in the below format . I need to remove the text between the first and second semicolon (delimiter ), but retain the second semicolon
$cat test.txt
My expected output
I tried using sed 's/^([^;][^;]*);.*$/\1/', but it removes everything after the first semicolon. I also tried with cut -d ';' -f2, this only give the 2nd field as output.
Using cut
cut -d";" -f2 --complement file
-d is for delimeter, i.e ";" in your case
-f is for field, i.e keep the fields listed
--complement is to reverse the selection, i.e remove the fields listed
$ cat test.txt
$ cut -d";" -f2 --complement test.txt
You may use this sed:
sed 's/;[^;]*//' file
You can do it directly by simply removing the 2nd occurrence of the characters in question, e.g.
sed 's/[^;]*;//2' test.txt
Example Use/Output
$ sed 's/[^;]*;//2' test.txt
A thanks to #EdMorton for improvements here as well.
If you did want to use awk, you could simply replace the 2nd field with nothing as well, e.g.
awk -F';' '{sub(/;[^;]*/,"")}1' test.txt
(same output)
With a thanks to #EdMorton for the improvement to the original.
Or as Cyrus suggest with cut, deleting field 2, e.g.
cut -d';' -f-1,3- test.txt
(same output)
Trying to fix OP's attempts here, with sed you could try following code. Simple explanation would be, create 1st back reference which has value till 1st occurrence of ; then from 1st ; to 2nd ; don't keep it in backreference and keep rest of the value in 2nd back reference. Finally while substituting substitute it with 1st and 2nd back reference values.
sed -E 's/^([^;]*);[^;]*;(.*)/\1;\2/' Input_file
OR as per Ed's comment please try following;
sed -E 's/^([^;]*);[^;]*/\1/' Input_file
super lazy awk solution
gawk/mawk/mawk2 'sub(/;[^;]+/,"")'
a more verbose solution but makes it clearer what it's doing
g/mawk 'BEGIN {FS=";+"; OFS=";"} ($2="")||($0=$0)&&($1=$1)'
clean out 2nd field, but since null string is assigned in, it returns 0 (false), thus requiring logical or || to continue.
$0=$0 plus $1=$1 to clean up extra ;, which will also print it.

Removing comments from a datafile. What are the differences?

Let's say that you would like to remove comments from a datafile using one of two methods:
cat file.dat | sed -e "s/\#.*//"
cat file.dat | grep -v "#"
How do these individual methods work, and what is the difference between them? Would it also be possible for a person to write the clean data to a new file, while avoiding any possible warnings or error messages to end up in that datafile? If so, how would you go about doing this?
How do these individual methods work, and what is the difference
between them?
Yes, they work same though sed and grep are 2 different commands. Your sed command simply substitutes all those lines which having # with NULL. On other hand grep will simply skip or ignore those lines which will skip lines which have # in it.
You could get more information on these by man page as follows:
man grep:
-v, --invert-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines. (-v is specified by POSIX.)
man sed:
Attempt to match regexp against the pattern space. If successful, replace that portion matched with replacement. The
replacement may
contain the special character & to refer to that portion of the pattern space which matched, and the special escapes \1
through \9 to
refer to the corresponding matching sub-expressions in the regexp.
Would it also be possible for a person to write the clean data to a
new file, while avoiding any possible warnings or error messages to
end up in that datafile?
yes, we could re-direct the errors by using 2>/dev/null in both the commands.
If so, how would you go about doing this?
You could try like 2>/dev/null 1>output_file
Explanation of sed command: Adding explanation of sed command too now. This is only for understanding purposes and no need to use cat and then use sed you could use sed -e "s/\#.*//" Input_file instead.
sed -e " ##Initiating sed command here with adding the script to the commands to be executed
s/ ##using s for substitution of regexp following it.
\#.* ##telling sed to match a line if it has # till everything here.
//" ##If match found for above regexp then substitute it with NULL.
That grep -v will lose all the lines that have # on them, for example:
$ cat file
# second
thi # rd
$ grep -v "#" file
will drop off all lines with # on it which is not favorable. Rather you should:
$ grep -o "^[^#]*" file
like that sed command does but this way you won't get empty lines. man grep:
-o, --only-matching
Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line,
with each such part on a separate output line.

How to read nth line and mth field of text file in unix

Suppose i have | delimeted file,
Line1: 1|2|3|4
Line2: 5|6|7|8
Line3: 9|9|1|0
Now i need to read 3 field at second line which is 7 in above example how i can do that using Cut or Sed Command. I'm new to unix please help
A job for awk:
awk -F '|' 'NR==2{print $3}' file
awk -F '|' -v row=2 -v col=3 'NR==row{print $col}' file
This should work:
sed -n '2p' file |awk -F '|' '{print $3}'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -rn '2s/^(([^|]*)\|?){3}.*/\2/p' file
Turn off automatic printing by setting the -n option, turn on easier regexp declaration by -r option. Use pattern matching and back references to replace the whole of the second line by the third field of the same line and print the result.
The address of the substitution command is limited to only the second line.
The regexp groups the non-delimited characters followed by a delimiter a specific number of times. The second group, only retains the non-delimited characters for the specific number. Each grouping is replaced by the next and so the last grouping is reported, the .* consumes the remainder of the line and so only the third field (contents of second group) is printed.
N.B. the delimiter would be present following the final column and is therefore optional \|?

How to read a value from recursive xml attribute in Unix using sed/awk/grep only

I have config.xml. Here I need to retrieve the value of the attribute from the xpath
I can only use grep/sed/awk. Need Help
The content of the xml is below where I need to retrieve the Server Name only.
The output should be :
I tried to do,
sed -ne '/<\/name>/ { s/<[^>]*>(.*)<\/name>/\1/; p }' config.xml
sed is only for simple substitutions on individual lines, doing anything else with sed is strictly for mental exercise, not for real code. That's not what you are trying to do so you shouldn't even be considering sed. Just use awk:
$ awk -F'[<>]' 'p=="server" && $2=="name"{print $3} {p=$2}' file
That will work with any awk on any UNIX box. If that's not all you need then edit your question to provide more truly representative sample input and expected output.
Try this command. Name your xml and supply that file as an input.
awk '/<server>/,/<\/server>/' < name.xml | grep "name" | cut -d ">" -f2 | cut -d "<" -f1
Based on your sample Input_file shown, could you please try following.
awk -F"[><]" '/<\/server>/{a="";next} /<server>/{a=1;next} a && /<name>/{print $3}' Input_file
sed -n '/<server>/{n;s/\s*<[^>]*>//gp}'
for example. for the first match
1. /<server>/
match the line that contains "<server>" got " <server>"
2. n
the "n" command will go to next line. after executed "n" command got " <name>AdminServer</name>"
replece all "\s*<[^>]*>" as "". then print the pattern space
type "info sed" for more sed command
You can get the desired output with just sed:
sed -n 's:.*<name>\(.*\)</name>.*:\1:p' config.xml
I feel dirty parsing XML in awk.
The following finds the correct depth of entry with the right tag name. It does not verify the path, though it depends on the elements you specified. While this works on your example data, it makes certain ugly assumptions and it's not guaranteed to work elsewhere:
awk -F'[<>]' '$2~/^(domain|server|name)$/{n++} $1~/\// {n--} n==3&&$2=="name"{print $3}' input.xml
A better solution would be to parse the XML itself.
$ awk -F'[<>]' -v check="" '$2~/^[a-z]/ { path=path "." $2; closex="</"$2">" } $0~closex { sub(/\.[^.]$/,"",path) } substr(path,2)==check {print path " = " $3}' input.xml = AdminServer
Here it is split out for easier commenting.
$ awk -F'[<>]' -v check="" '
# Split fields around pointy brackets. Supply a path to check.
$2~/^[a-z]/ { # If we see an open tag,
path=path "." $2 # append the current tag to our path,
closex="</"$2">" # compose a close tag which we'll check later.
$0~closex { # If we see a close tag,
sub(/\.[^.]$/,"",path) # truncate the path.
substr(path,2)==check { # If we match the given path,
print path " = " $3 # print the result.
' input.xml
Note that this solution barfs horribly if you feed it badly formatted XML. The recognition of tags could be improved, but may be sufficient if you have consistently formatted XML. It may barf horribly for other reasons too. Do not do this. Install the correct tools to parse XML properly.

How to remove blank lines from a Unix file

I need to remove all the blank lines from an input file and write into an output file. Here is my data as below.
sed -i '/^$/d' foo
This tells sed to delete every line matching the regex ^$ i.e. every empty line. The -i flag edits the file in-place, if your sed doesn't support that you can write the output to a temporary file and replace the original:
sed '/^$/d' foo > foo.tmp
mv foo.tmp foo
If you also want to remove lines consisting only of whitespace (not just empty lines) then use:
sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' foo
Edit: also remove whitespace at the end of lines, because apparently you've decided you need that too:
sed -i '/^[[:space:]]*$/d;s/[[:space:]]*$//' foo
awk 'NF' filename
awk 'NF > 0' filename
sed -i '/^$/d' filename
awk '!/^$/' filename
awk '/./' filename
The NF also removes lines containing only blanks or tabs, the regex /^$/ does not.
Use grep to match any line that has nothing between the start anchor (^) and the end anchor ($):
grep -v '^$' infile.txt > outfile.txt
If you want to remove lines with only whitespace, you can still use grep. I am using Perl regular expressions in this example, but here are other ways:
grep -P -v '^\s*$' infile.txt > outfile.txt
or, without Perl regular expressions:
grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' infile.txt > outfile.txt
sed -e '/^ *$/d' input > output
Deletes all lines which consist only of blanks (or is completely empty). You can change the blank to [ \t] where the \t is a representation for tab. Whether your shell or your sed will do the expansion varies, but you can probably type the tab character directly. And if you're using GNU or BSD sed, you can do the edit in-place, if that's what you want, with the -i option.
If I execute the above command still I have blank lines in my output file. What could be the reason?
There could be several reasons. It might be that you don't have blank lines but you have lots of spaces at the end of a line so it looks like you have blank lines when you cat the file to the screen. If that's the problem, then:
sed -e 's/ *$//' -e '/^ *$/d' input > output
The new regex removes repeated blanks at the end of the line; see previous discussion for blanks or tabs.
Another possibility is that your data file came from Windows and has CRLF line endings. Unix sees the carriage return at the end of the line; it isn't a blank, so the line is not removed. There are multiple ways to deal with that. A reliable one is tr to delete (-d) character code octal 15, aka control-M or \r or carriage return:
tr -d '\015' < input | sed -e 's/ *$//' -e '/^ *$/d' > output
If neither of those works, then you need to show a hex dump or octal dump (od -c) of the first two lines of the file, so we can see what we're up against:
head -n 2 input | od -c
Judging from the comments that sed -i does not work for you, you are not working on Linux or Mac OS X or BSD — which platform are you working on? (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX spring to mind as relatively plausible possibilities, but there are plenty of other less plausible ones too.)
You can try the POSIX named character classes such as sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'; it will probably work, but is not guaranteed. You can try it with:
echo "Hello World" | sed 's/[[:space:]][[:space:]]*/ /'
If it works, there'll be three spaces between the 'Hello' and the 'World'. If not, you'll probably get an error from sed. That might save you grief over getting tabs typed on the command line.
grep . file
grep looks at your file line-by-line; the dot . matches anything except a newline character. The output from grep is therefore all the lines that consist of something other than a single newline.
with awk
awk 'NF > 0' filename
To be thorough and remove lines even if they include spaces or tabs something like this in perl will do it:
cat file.txt | perl -lane "print if /\S/"
Of course there are the awk and sed equivalents. Best not to assume the lines are totally blank as ^$ would do.
You can sed's -i option to edit in-place without using temporary file:
sed -i '/^$/d' file
