I have a log file that has one log entry per line. I want to read it into RStudio and go trough it line for line to look for IP adresses. However I dont know how to read a file and split in on new line.
What i want is to
Read file
Loop trough it line for line
RStudio The code I have now:
# Read data
data <- readLines("failed_jobs.ibd")
In PHP I would do something like this:
$fh = fopen("failed_jobs.ibd", "r");
$data = fread($fh, filesize("failed_jobs.ibd"));
$array = explode("\n", $data);
$line = $array[$x];
I guess this would be the basic structure of what you want, the only disadvantage is it will read all lines into memory but assuming the file is not endless that should be mostly fine
lines <- readLines("failed_jobs.ibd")
for(line in lines){
# do other things per line here
I'm new to Scilab. I have to run the same program with a dozen different input files. Currently I simply uncomment the line and then rerun the program, and change the output file to a new name
// Input data file
data_file = 'data1.txt';
//data_file = 'data2.txt';
//data_file = 'data3.txt';
//data_file = 'data4.txt';
//data_file = 'data5.txt';
//data_file = 'data6.txt';
etc. another 6 lines
// Output data file name
output_data = '/output_files/data1.csv';
Is there a way to read in each file (data1.txt, data2.txt...) execute the body of the program and then output a new output file (data1.csv, data2.csv ...) instead of what I'm doing now, which is running the program and then editing it to use the next file and run again?
Just do something like:
for i=1:6
// Input data file
// Output data file name
// exec the body of your script
I'm trying to retrieve raw physiological data (hand dynanometer) from Acqknowledge to be able to preprocess and analyze them in R (or Matlab) in an automatized way. Is there a way to do that ? I would like to avoid having to copy/paste the data manually from Acknowledge to Excel to read them in R.
Then I would like to apply a filter on the data and retrieve the squeezes of interest in R. Is there a way to do that ?
Any advice is very welcome, thank you in advance!
I had a similar problem. The key is the load_acq.m function, you can find it here -> https://github.com/munoztd0/fusy-octave-memories/blob/main/load_acq.m then you can just loop through them and save them as .csv or anything that you can load and work with in R.
As for how to do that I have put together a little routine to do that.
% Create physiological files from AcqKnowledge
path = 'your path here'; %your path here
physiodir = fullfile(path, '/SOURCE/physio');
outdir = fullfile(path, '/DERIVATIVES/physio');
session = "first" %your session
base = [path 'sub-**_ses-' session '*'];
subj = dir(base); %check all matching subject for this session
addpath([path '/functions']) % load aknowledge functions
%check here https://github.com/munoztd0/fusy-octave-memories/blob/main/load_acq.m
for i=1:length(subj)
cd (physiodir) %go to the folder
subjO = char(subj(i).name);
subjX = subjO(end-3:end); %remove .mat extension
filename = [subjX '.acq']; %add .acq extension
disp (['****** PARTICIPANT: ' subjX ' **** session ' session ' ****' ]);
physio = load_acq(filename); %load and transform acknowledge file
data = physio.data; %or whatever the name is
cd (outdir) %go to the folder
% save the data as a file text in the participant directory
fid = fopen([subjX ',txt'],'wt');
for ii = 1:length(data)
Hope it helps !
I have three different folders name as "5k", "10k" and "15k", I can save the R out from the following code using this for loop.
for ( i in 1:length(iter_no)){
save(y, file =paste0("ydat",iter_name[i],".RData"))
Is there any shortcut or better way to do this.
Any help is appreciated.
Try the following code. It looks like you are omitting / in the second call to paste0.
for ( i in 1:length(iter_no)){
file = paste0("C:/Users/Owner/Desktop/prac_fol/",iter_name[i], '/' , "ydat",iter_name[i],".RData")
save(y, file = file)
hello im trying to read and write (send) text from words text file but it gives me bunch of errors i'm kinda newbie please be gentle to me thank you so much.
$File = FileReadToArray("words.txt")
$RandomWords = $File[Random(0, UBound($File) - 1, 1)]
send ("$RandomWords")
sleep (1000)
send ("{enter}")
I'm certain there are better ways of doing it but if you're wanting to send one random line from a text file, this should work.
#include <file.au3>
$File = "words.txt"
$Lines = _FileCountLines($File)
$word = FileReadLine($File, Random(0, $Lines))
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
This will select the random line and send it to notepad.
I often have to define many similar devices in sip.conf like this:
; setting some parameters
callerid=dev01 <01>
callerid=dev02 <02>
; ...
callerid=devXX <XX>
The question is perhaps I could avoid setting device-name specific parameters by using some variable like following?
callerid=dev${DEVICE_NAME:-2} <${DEVICE_NAME:-2}>
; setting some parameters
; ...
It would be perfect, if there was some device constructor, so I could reduce the script to following, but, I think, that is not possible in Asterisk.
callerid=dev${DEVICE_NAME:-2} <${DEVICE_NAME:-2}>
; setting some parameters
I've had good results writing a small program that takes care of it. It checks for a line saying something like
------- Automatically generated -------
and whatever is after that line, it's going to be regenerated as soon as it detects that there are new values for it (it could be from a database or from a text file). Then, I run it with supervisor and it checks every XX seconds if there are changes.
If there are changes, it issues a sip reload command after updating the sip.conf file
I wrote it in python, but whatever language you feel comfortable with should work just fine.
That's how I managed that and has been working fine so far (after a couple of months). I'd be extremely interested in learning about other approaches though. It's basically this (called from another script with supervisor):
users = get_users_logic()
#get the data that will me used on the sip.conf file
data_to_be_hashed = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, map(lambda x: x['username'] + x['password'] + x['company_prefix'], users))
m = hashlib.md5()
new_md5 = m.hexdigest()
last_md5 = None
file = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/lastMd5.txt', 'r')
last_md5 = file.read().rstrip()
# if it changed...
if new_md5 != last_md5:
#needs update
with open(settings['asterisk']['path_to_sip_conf'], 'r') as file:
sip_content = file.read().rstrip()
parts = sip_content.split(";-------------- BEYOND THIS POINT IT IS AUTO GENERATED --------------;")
sip_content = parts[0].rstrip()
sip_content += "\n\n;-------------- BEYOND THIS POINT IT IS AUTO GENERATED --------------;\n\n"
for user in users:
m = hashlib.md5()
m.update(("%s:sip.ellauri.it:%s" % (user['username'], user['password'])).encode("ascii"))
md5secret = m.hexdigest()
sip_content += "[%s]\ntype = friend\ncontext = %sLocal\nmd5secret = %s\nhost = dynamic\n\n" % (
user['username'], user['company_prefix'], md5secret)
#write the sip.conf file
f = open(settings['asterisk']['path_to_sip_conf'], 'w')
print(sip_content, file=f)
subprocess.call('asterisk -x "sip reload"', shell=True)
#write the new md5
f = open(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/lastMd5.txt', 'w')
print(new_md5, file=f)