ggplot2 and change xlabel and ylabel names with also legend - r

Below the result of a R script:
This R code snippet is: %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step
pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long
ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to name
How can I change the name of xlabel (value) and ylabel (density) and the legend also (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5)?
Update 1
By using the code snippet of #Park, I get no curves plotted: %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step
pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long
mutate(name = recode(name, V1="z = 0.9595", V2="z = 1.087", V3="z = 1.2395", V4="z = 1.45", V5="z = 1.688")) %>%
ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to name
geom_density() +
xlab("Distribution of Ratio $b_{sp}/b_{ph}$ or each redshift") +
ylab("Number of occurences")
and the result:
I tried also to use subscript with Latex format : $b_{sp}/b_{ph}$ but without success.

You may try xlab, ylab, scale_color_manual, %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step
pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long
ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to name
geom_density() +
xlab("text") +
ylab("text") +
scale_color_manual(labels = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e"))
Recode before plot %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step
pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long
mutate(name = recode(name, V1 = "a", V2 = "b", V3 = "c", V4 = "d", V5 = "e")) %>%
ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to name
geom_density() +
xlab("text") +
Using Array_total_WITH_Shot_Noise data
my_data <- read.delim("D:/Prac/Array_total_WITH_Shot_Noise.txt", header = FALSE, sep = " ")
array_2D <- array(my_data)
z_ph <- c(0.9595, 1.087, 1.2395, 1.45, 1.688)
b_sp <- c(1.42904922, 1.52601862, 1.63866958, 1.78259615, 1.91956918)
b_ph <- c(sqrt(1+z_ph))
ratio_squared <- (b_sp/b_ph)^2
nRed <- 5
nRow <- NROW(my_data)
nSample_var <- 1000000
nSample_mc <- 1000
Cl<-my_data[,2:length(my_data)]#suppose cl=var(alm)
Cl_sp <- array(0, dim=c(nRow,nRed))
Cl_ph <- array(0, dim=c(nRow,nRed))
for (i in 1:length(Cl)) {
#(shape/rate) convention :
Cl_sp[,i] <-(Cl[, i] * ratio_squared[i])
Cl_ph[,i] <- (Cl[, i])
L <- array_2D[,1]
L <- 2*(array_2D[,1])+1
# Weighted sum of Chi squared distribution
for (i in 1:nRed) {
for (j in 1:nRow) {
# Try to summing all the random variable
y3_1[,i] <- y3_1[,i] + Cl_sp[j,i] * rchisq(nSample_var,df=L[j])
y3_2[,i] <- y3_2[,i] + Cl_ph[j,i] * rchisq(nSample_var,df=L[j])
y3[,i] <- y3_1[,i]/y3_2[,i]
} %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>% # add row to simplify next step
pivot_longer(-row) %>% # reshape long
mutate(name = recode(name, V1="z = 0.9595", V2="z = 1.087", V3="z = 1.2395", V4="z = 1.45", V5="z = 1.688")) %>%
ggplot(aes(value, color = name)) + # map x to value, color to name
geom_density() +
xlab(TeX("Distribution of Ratio $b_{sp}/b_{ph}$ or each redshift")) +
ylab("Number of occurences")


How to visualize similar resistance pattern in a plot using R

I have a large dataset in which I want to group similar resistance patterns together. A plot to visualize similarity of resistance pattern is needed.
dat <- read.table(text="Id Resistance.Pattern
I would separate out the values into a wider dataframe and then make a heatmap and dendrogram to compare sillimanites in patterns:
recode_dat <- dat |>
mutate(pat = str_split(Resistance.Pattern, "")) |>
unnest_wider(pat, names_sep = "_") |>
select(starts_with("pat_")) |>
mutate(across(everything(), ~case_when(. == "S" ~ 1, . == "R" ~ 2, ~0)))
rownames(recode_dat) <- dat$Id
dendro <- as.dendrogram(hclust(d = dist(x = scale(recode_dat))))
dendro_plot <- ggdendrogram(data = dendro, rotate = TRUE)
heatmap_plot <- dat |>
mutate(pat = str_split(Resistance.Pattern, "")) |>
unnest_wider(pat, names_sep = "_") |>
pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("pat_"), names_to = "pattern_position") |>
mutate(Id = factor(Id, levels = dat$Id[order.dendrogram(dendro)])) |>
ggplot(aes(pattern_position, Id))+
geom_tile(aes(fill = value))+
scale_x_discrete(labels = \(x) sub(".*_(\\d+$)", "\\1", x))+
theme(legend.position = "top")
cowplot::plot_grid(heatmap_plot, dendro_plot,nrow = 1, align = "h", axis = "tb")
It sounds as though the second column of your data frame represents sensitivity (S) and resistance (R), presumably to antibiotics (though this is not clear in your question). That being the case, you are presumably looking for something like this:
p <- strsplit(dat$Resistance.Pattern, ""), lapply(p, \(x) c(x, rep(NA, max(lengths(p)) - length(x))))) %>% %>%
cbind(Id = dat$Id) %>%
mutate(Id = factor(Id, rev(Id))) %>%
pivot_longer(V1:V9) %>%
ggplot(aes(name, Id, fill = value)) +
geom_tile(col = "white", size = 2) +
coord_equal() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#e02430", "#d8d848"),
labels = c("Resistant", "Sensitive"),
na.value = "gray95") +
scale_x_discrete(name = "Antibiotic", position = "top",
labels = 1:9) +
labs(fill = "Resistance", y = "ID") +
theme_minimal(base_size = 20) +
theme(text = element_text(color = "gray30"))
I'd separate the entries by character, convert the binary data to numeric and plot the matrix as a heatmap and show the character string as rownames.
Whether to use a row and/or column clustering depends on whats desired.
library(tidyr) # for unnest_wider
library(gplots) # for heatmap.2
mm <-
dat %>%
group_by(Resistance.Pattern) %>%
summarize(Id, Resistance.Pattern) %>%
mutate(binary = strsplit(Resistance.Pattern, "")) %>%
unnest_wider(binary, names_sep="") %>%
mutate(across(starts_with("binary"), ~ as.numeric(c(R = 1, S = 0)[.x])))
mm2 <- as.matrix(mm[, -c(1,2)]) |> unname() # the numeric part
rownames(mm2) <- apply(as.matrix(mm[,1:2]), 1, paste, collapse=" ")
heatmap.2(mm2, trace="none", Colv="none", dendrogram="row",
col=c("green", "darkgreen"), margins=c(10,10))

Write a function to plot original value, mom and yoy change for time series data in 3 subplots [duplicate]

Given two monthly time series data sample from this link.
I will need to create one plot containing 3 subplots: plot1 for the original values, plot2 for month over month changes, and plot3 for year over year changes.
I'm able to draw the plot with code below, but the code is too redundant. So my question is how could achieve that in a concise way? Thanks.
df <- read.xlsx('./sample_data.xlsx', 'Sheet1')
# df
cols <- c('food_index', 'energy_index')
df <- df %>% mutate(date=as.Date(date)) %>%
mutate(across(-contains('date'), as.numeric)) %>%
mutate(date= floor_date(date, 'month')) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise_at(vars(cols), funs(mean(., na.rm=TRUE))) %>%
mutate(across(cols, list(yoy = ~(. - lag(., 12))/lag(., 12)))*100) %>%
mutate(across(cols, list(mom = ~(. - lag(., 1))/lag(., 1)))*100) %>%
filter(date >= '2018-01-01' & date <= '2021-12-31') %>%
df1 <- df %>%
select(!grep('mom|yoy', names(df)))
df1_long <- melt(df1, id.vars = 'date')
plot1 <- ggplot(df1_long[!$value), ],
aes(x = date,
y = value,
col = variable)) +
geom_line(size=0.6, alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=1, alpha=0.8) +
y='Unit: $'
# MoM changes
df2 <- df %>%
select(grep('date|mom', names(df)))
df2_long <- melt(df2, id.vars = 'date')
plot2 <- ggplot(df2_long[!$value), ],
aes(x = date,
y = value,
col = variable)) +
geom_line(size=0.6, alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=1, alpha=0.8) +
y='Unit: %'
# YoY changes
df3 <- df %>%
select(grep('date|yoy', names(df)))
df3_long <- melt(df3, id.vars = 'date')
plot3 <- ggplot(df3_long[!$value), ],
aes(x = date,
y = value,
col = variable)) +
geom_line(size=0.6, alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=1, alpha=0.8) +
y='Unit: %'
plot <- plot1 + plot2 + plot3 + plot_layout(ncol=1)
# plot <- plot_grid(plot1, plot2, plot3, labels = c('Value', 'MoM', 'YoY'), label_size = 12)
The expected result will be similar to the plot below (the upper plot will display the original data, the middle plot will display the mom changes data, and the lower plot will display the yoy changes data):
Side-by-side plots with ggplot2
Maybe this is what you are looking for? By reshaping your data to the right shape, using a plot function and e.g. purrr::map2 you could achieve your desired result without duplicating your code like so.
Using some fake random example data to mimic your true data:
df_long <- df |>
rename(food_index_raw = food_index, energy_index_raw = energy_index) |>
pivot_longer(-date, names_to = c("variable", ".value"), names_pattern = "^(.*?_index)_(.*)$")
plot_fun <- function(x, y, ylab) {
x <- x |>
select(date, variable, value = .data[[y]]) |>
x = date,
y = value,
col = variable
) +
geom_line(size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.8) +
x = "",
y = ylab
yvars <- c("raw", "mom", "yoy")
ylabs <- paste0("Unit: ", c("$", "%", "%"))
plots <- purrr::map2(yvars, ylabs, plot_fun, x = df_long)
wrap_plots(plots) + plot_layout(ncol = 1)
date <- seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct("2017-01-31"), as.POSIXct("2022-12-31"), by = "month")
food_index <- runif(length(date))
energy_index <- runif(length(date))
df <- data.frame(date, food_index, energy_index)
EDIT Adding subtitles to each plot when using patchwork is (as of the moment) a bit tricky. What I would do in this case would be to use a faceting "hack". To this end I slightly adjusted the function to take a subtitle argument and switched to purrr::pmap:
df_long <- df |>
rename(food_index_raw = food_index, energy_index_raw = energy_index) |>
pivot_longer(-date, names_to = c("variable", ".value"), names_pattern = "^(.*?_index)_(.*)$")
plot_fun <- function(x, y, ylab, subtitle) {
x <- x |>
select(date, variable, value = .data[[y]]) |>
x = date,
y = value,
col = variable
) +
geom_line(size = 0.6, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_point(size = 1, alpha = 0.8) +
facet_wrap(~.env$subtitle) +
x = "",
y = ylab
) +
theme(strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_text(hjust = 0))
yvars <- c("raw", "mom", "yoy")
ylabs <- paste0("Unit: ", c("$", "%", "%"))
subtitle <- c("Original", "Month-to-Month", "Year-to-Year")
plots <- purrr::pmap(list(y = yvars, ylab = ylabs, subtitle = subtitle), plot_fun, x = df_long)
wrap_plots(plots) + plot_layout(ncol = 1)
The target output is done with facets rather than stitching plots together. You could do this too if you like, but it requires reshaping your data in a different way. Which approach you take is really a matter of taste.
yoy <- function(x) 100 * (x - lag(x, 13)) / lag(x, 12)
mom <- function(x) 100 * (x - lag(x)) / lag(x)
df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date, origin = "1899-12-30"),
`Actual value (Dollars).Food Index` = food_index,
`Month-on-month change (%).Food Index` = mom(food_index),
`Year-on-year change (%).Food Index` = yoy(food_index),
`Actual value (Dollars).Energy Index` = energy_index,
`Month-on-month change (%).Energy Index` = mom(energy_index),
`Year-on-year change (%).Energy Index` = yoy(energy_index)) %>%
select(-food_index, -energy_index) %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(-1) %>%
filter(date > as.Date("2018-01-01")) %>%
tidyr::separate(name, into = c("series", "index"), sep = "\\.") %>%
ggplot(aes(date, value, color = index)) +
geom_point(na.rm = TRUE) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(series~., scales = "free_y") +
theme_bw(base_size = 16)
Reproducible data taken from link in question
df <- structure(list(date = c(42766, 42794, 42825, 42855, 42886, 42916,
42947, 42978, 43008, 43039, 43069, 43100, 43131, 43159, 43190,
43220, 43251, 43281, 43312, 43343, 43373, 43404, 43434, 43465,
43496, 43524, 43555, 43585, 43616, 43646, 43677, 43708, 43738,
43769, 43799, 43830, 43861, 43890, 43921, 43951, 43982, 44012,
44043, 44074, 44104, 44135, 44165, 44196, 44227, 44255, 44286,
44316, 44347, 44377, 44408, 44439, 44469, 44500, 44530, 44561
), food_index = c(58.53, 61.23, 55.32, 55.34, 61.73, 56.91, 54.27,
59.08, 60.11, 66.01, 60.11, 63.41, 69.8, 72.45, 81.11, 89.64,
88.64, 88.62, 98.27, 111.11, 129.39, 140.14, 143.44, 169.21,
177.39, 163.88, 135.07, 151.28, 172.81, 143.82, 162.13, 172.22,
176.67, 179.3, 157.27, 169.12, 192.51, 194.2, 179.4, 169.1, 193.17,
174.92, 181.92, 188.41, 192.14, 203.41, 194.19, 174.3, 174.86,
182.33, 182.82, 185.36, 192.41, 195.59, 202.6, 201.51, 225.01,
243.78, 270.67, 304.57), energy_index = c(127.36, 119.87, 120.96,
112.09, 112.19, 109.24, 109.56, 106.89, 109.35, 108.35, 112.39,
117.77, 119.52, 122.24, 120.91, 125.41, 129.72, 135.25, 139.33,
148.6, 169.62, 184.23, 204.38, 198.55, 189.29, 202.47, 220.23,
240.67, 263.12, 249.74, 240.84, 243.42, 261.2, 256.76, 258.69,
277.98, 289.63, 293.46, 310.81, 318.68, 310.04, 302.17, 298.62,
260.92, 269.29, 258.84, 241.68, 224.18, 216.36, 226.57, 235.98,
253.86, 267.37, 261.99, 273.37, 280.91, 291.84, 297.88, 292.78,
289.79)), row.names = c(NA, 60L), class = "data.frame")

Use scale_x_continuous with labeller function that also takes a data frame as an argument as well as default breaks

Here's a code block:
# scale the log of price per group (cut)
my_diamonds <- diamonds %>%
mutate(log_price = log(price)) %>%
group_by(cut) %>%
mutate(scaled_log_price = scale(log_price) %>% as.numeric) %>% # scale within each group as opposed to overall
nest() %>%
mutate(mean_log_price = map_dbl(data, ~ .x$log_price %>% mean)) %>%
mutate(sd_log_price = map_dbl(data, ~ .x$log_price %>% sd)) %>%
unnest %>%
select(cut, price, price_scaled:sd_log_price) %>%
# for each cut, find the back transformed actual values (exp) of each unit of zscore between -3:3
for (i in -3:3) {
my_diamonds <- my_diamonds %>%
mutate(!! paste0('mean_', ifelse(i < 0 , 'less_', 'plus_'), abs(i), 'z') := map2(.x = mean_log_price, .y = sd_log_price, ~ (.x + (i * .y)) %>% exp) %>% unlist)
my_diamonds_split <- my_diamonds %>% group_split(cut)
split_names <- my_diamonds %>% mutate(cut = as.character(cut)) %>% group_keys(cut) %>% pull(cut)
names(my_diamonds_split) <- split_names
I now have a variable my_diamonds_split that is a list of data frames. I would like to loop over these data frames and each time create a new ggplot.
I can use a custom labeller function with a single df, but I don't know how to do this within a loop:
labeller <- function(x) {
paste0(x,"\n", scales::dollar(sd(ex_df$price) * x + mean(ex_df$price)))
ex_df <- my_diamonds_split$Ideal
ex_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scaled_log_price)) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_continuous(label = labeller, limits = c(-3, 3))
This creates a plot for the 'Ideal' cut of diamonds. I also get two data points on the x axis, the zscore values at -2, 0 and 2 as well as the raw dollar values of 3.8K, 3.9K and 11.8K.
When I define the labeller function, I must specify the df to scale with. Tried instead with placing the dot instead of my_df, hoping that on each iteration ggplot would get the value of the df on any iteration:
labeller <- function(x) {
paste0(x,"\n", scales::dollar(sd(.$price) * x + mean(.$price)))
ex_df <- my_diamonds_split$Ideal
ex_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scaled_log_price)) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_continuous(label = labeller, limits = c(-3, 3))
Error in : object '.' not found
I then tried writing the function to accept an argument for the df to scale with:
labeller <- function(x, df) {
paste0(x,"\n", scales::dollar(sd(df$price) * x + mean(df$price)))
ex_df <- my_diamonds_split$Ideal
ex_df %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scaled_log_price)) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_continuous(label = labeller(df = ex_df), limits = c(-3, 3)) # because when it comes to running in real life, I will try something like labeller(df = my_diamonds_split[[i]])
Error in paste0(x, "\n", scales::dollar(sd(df$price) * x + mean(df$price))) :
argument "x" is missing, with no default
Bearing in mind that the scaling must be done per iteration, how could I loop over my_diamonds_split, and on each iteration generate a ggplot per above?
labeller <- function(x) {
# how can I make df variable
paste0(x,"\n", scales::dollar(sd(df$price) * x + mean(df$price)))
for (i in split_names) {
my_diamonds_split[[i]] %>%
ggplot(aes(x = scaled_log_price)) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_continuous(label = labeller, # <--- here, labeller must be defined with df$price except that will difer on each iteration
limits = c(-3, 3))
There's a hacky way to get this result in facets. Basically, after converting to z scores, you add different amounts (say, multiples of 1000) to each group's z scores. Then you set all the breaks to this collection of points and label them with pre-calculated labels.
f <- function(x) {
y <- diamonds$price[diamonds$cut == x]
paste(seq(-3, 3), scales::dollar(round(mean(y) + seq(-3, 3) * sd(y))), sep = "\n")
breaks <- as.vector(sapply(levels(diamonds$cut), f))
diamonds %>%
group_by(cut) %>%
mutate(z = scale(price) + 3 + 1000 * as.numeric(cut)) %>%
ggplot(aes(z)) +
geom_point(aes(x = z - 2, y = 1), alpha = 0) +
geom_density() +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = as.vector(sapply(1:5 * 1000, "+", 0:6)),
labels = breaks) +
facet_wrap(vars(cut), scales = "free_x") +
theme(text = element_text(size = 16),
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6))
You would have to increase the plot size to make the dollar values more visible of course.
Created on 2020-08-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

How can we data wrangling to obtain shown ratio/proportion chart shown

Goal is to produce a visualization indicating ratio.
Please help us how can we produce such ratio chart (high lighted) in R ?
# Dataset creation
df <- data.frame(cls = c(rep("A",4),rep("B",4)),
grd = c("A1",rep("A2",3),rep(c("B1","B2"), 2)),
typ = c(rep("m",2),rep("o",2),"m","n",rep("p",2)),
pnts = c(rep(1:4,2)))
#### Data wrangling
df1 <- df %>%
group_by(cls) %>%
summarise(cls_pct = sum(pnts))
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(cls,grd) %>%
summarize(grd_pct = sum(pnts))
df3 <- df %>%
group_by(cls,grd,typ) %>%
summarise(typ_pct = sum(pnts))
#### Attempt to combine all df1,df2,df3
# but mutate and summarise are mixing up leading to wrong results
df3 %>%
group_by(cls,grd) %>%
mutate(grd_pct = sum(typ_pct)) %>%
group_by(cls) %>%
mutate(cls_pct = sum(grd_pct))
Attempt to visualize all the ratios in 1 chart
data %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -c(cls:pnts),
names_to = "per_cat",
values_to = "percent") %>%
ggplot(aes(cls,percent, col = typ, fill = grd)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
coord_flip() +
plot of the same.
EDIT -- added formula version with more useful output for visualization.
ORIG: At this point it may be worth making a function to reduce copying and pasting, but this may get you what you need:
df %>%
group_by(cls) %>%
mutate(per1 = sum(pnts),
per1_pct = per1 / sum(per1)) %>%
group_by(cls, grd) %>%
mutate(per2 = sum(pnts),
per2_pct = per2 / sum(per2)) %>%
group_by(cls, grd, typ) %>%
mutate(per3 = sum(pnts),
per3_pct = per3 / sum(per3)) %>%
EDIT: Here's a general function to calculate the stats for a given grouping, making it easier to combine a few groupings together in long format better suited for visualization.
df_sum <- function(df, level, ...) {
df %>%
group_by(...) %>%
summarize(grp_ttl = sum(pnts)) %>%
mutate(ttl = sum(grp_ttl),
pct = grp_ttl / ttl) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(level = {{ level }} )
df_sum(df, level = 1, cls) %>%
bind_rows(df_sum(df, level = 2, cls, grd)) %>%
bind_rows(df_sum(df, level = 3, cls, grd, typ)) %>%
mutate(label = coalesce(as.character(typ), # This grabs the first non-NA
as.character(cls))) -> df_summed
df_summed %>%
ggplot(aes(level, grp_ttl)) +
geom_col(color = "white") +
geom_text(aes(label = paste0(label, "\n", grp_ttl, "/", ttl)),
color = "white",
position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
scale_x_reverse() + # To make level 1 at the top
coord_flip() # To switch from vertical to horizontal orientation

Plot data from list using ggplot2

I have a list of 4 different matrix length. I wish to plot them as set of time series like in the example below just that x-axis is a running number (e.g. 1:75) and y-axis is the matrix value (e.g. sin(1:75)).
I know that that ggplot2 does not handle lists so any idea how to advance?
mat1 <- matrix(cos(1:50), nrow = 50, ncol = 1)
mat2 <- matrix(sin(1:75), nrow = 75, ncol = 1)
mat3 <- matrix(tan(1:50), nrow = 50, ncol = 1)
mat4 <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 100, ncol = 1)
myList <- list(mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4)
names(myList)[1] <- "mat1"
names(myList)[2] <- "mat2"
names(myList)[3] <- "mat3"
names(myList)[4] <- "mat4"
Something like this?
map_dfr(myList,, .id = "id") %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(n = 1:n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(id = as.factor(id)) %>%
ggplot(aes(n, V1, colour = id)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free")
Explanation: We first convert all matrices to data.frames and bind all rows together into a single data.frame including an id which derives from the list names; we can then number rows by id and then plot the row number vs. the single column.
Here is the same code "un-piped" and "uglified"
# Convert from list of matrices to long data.frame
df.long <- map_dfr(myList,, .id = "id")
# Group by id
df.long <- group_by(df.long, id)
# Add row number (per group)
df.long <- mutate(df.long, n = 1:n())
# ungroup
df.long <- ungroup(df.long)
# Make sure id is a factor
df.long <- mutate(df.long, id = as.factor(id))
# (gg)plot
ggplot(df.long, aes(n, V1, colour = id)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~ id, scales = "free")
It's easy to see how %>% takes the left object and uses it as the first argument of the function on the right; so f(x) would become x %>% f().
enframe(myList) %>%
unnest() %>%
group_by(name) %>%
rowid_to_column() %>%
ungroup() %>%
ggplot(aes(rowid, value)) +
geom_line() +
facet_wrap(~name, scales = "free")
