Firebase Auth token refresh not firing or not received in stream - firebase

I am having trouble getting the Firebase auth stream to work for a token refresh. I listen to a stream, and upon a token change, such as a token refresh, I want to trigger a function that updates the client link with the new headers. I need the header to pass authorization rules on the backend.
To do so, I set up a stream in my root widget's initState that fires when the app is first built and set up the listener by reaching out to an AuthService class that then triggers a function in the Api class that updates the client. When I manually call currentUser.getIdToken(true) to refresh the token, the streams fire, but not when the token is automatically refreshed after an hour. I wonder whether I somehow turned off the auto-refresh function, or my listeners aren't set up correctly, or whether there is something else I am missing.
Setting up the listeners:
void initState() {
locator<AuthService>().auth.idTokenChanges().listen((user) {
.then((token) => locator<DgraphApi>().setNewToken(token));
Updating the client:
late GraphQLClient client;
void setNewToken(String token) {
HttpLink httpLink = HttpLink(
defaultHeaders: {'X-Auth-Token': token,
'DG-Auth': dotenv.env['KEY']!
client = GraphQLClient(
cache: GraphQLCache(),
link: httpLink,


how to handle expiring access token from partner api

I'm new to Next js. I'm sure this is a common issue but I don't know what to search for. Here's an outline:
One of my partners has an API with Bearer auth. The Bearer token comes from an endpoint I call (/auth) with my username and password. That endpoint returns the Bearer token that I use for all other endpoints, but it expires in one day.
How would I handle making API calls on Next.js API routes to this partner? I.e. where would I store this access token so each API route doesn't need to constantly fetch it. And, how do I update it when it expires?
Your clients (once authenticated) should be the ones "storing" these tokens. You would basically need to fetch it from the client's session, cookie, or however you are storing those.
As far as updating these tokens, your auth provider should also provide a "refresh token" that can be used to retrieve a new jwt once it has expired. The purpose here is that you'll be able to refresh the token for the user without requiring them to log in again.
Depending on your provider, this may be a new endpoint you'll need to call.
If you are making calls to your partner's api when you go to a specific route(like a protected one), then you should store your access token as cookie with http-only flag to avoid security issues like xss attacks that can steal the session data from your browser(the http-only flag should be set in the /auth route in your partner's api when he sends the response with the token), so make the calls within the getServerSideProps sending the cookie with the request, so your partner should take the token from the cookie and validate it to allow the request, one thing i need to point out is that you can't access an http-only cookie from client side, but as you are using nextJs you can still access it from getServerSideProps with a library called nookies, so you could do something like this:
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ctx => {
const cookies = nookies.get(ctx)
const someApiData = await fetchApiData(cookies)
if (!someApiData) {
return {
redirect: {
// Redirect to home if not authorized
destination: '/',
permanent: false
return {
//return data fetched from the api
props: {
and the function that makes the api call, could look like this(note that i'm using axios):
const fetchApiData = async (cookies: CookieData) => {
try {
const result = await axios.get<ApiData>('/some/api/route', {
// Pay attention to this line, here we are sending the cookie with the access token
headers: {
Cookie: `token=${cookies.token}; HttpOnly;`
} catch (error) {
Note that you should send the cookie whenever you make a request to a protected route and your partner should validate this token in each route that he wants to protect.
And to refresh the token without login again, your partner can implement a refresh token like #SLee mentioned. This is just an example but you got the idea.

NuxtJS state changes and firebase authentication

I am still a nuxt beginner, so please excuse any faults.
I am using the "official" firebase module for nuxt to access firebase services such as auth signIn and singOut.
This works.
However, I am using nuxt in universal mode and I cannot access this inside my page fetch function. So my solution is to save this info in the vuex store and update it as it changes.
So, once a user is logged in or the firebase auth state changes, a state change needs to happen in the vuex store.
Currently, when a user logs in or the firebase auth state changes, if the user is still logged in, I save the state to my store like so :
const actions = {
async onAuthStateChangedAction(state, { authUser, claims }) {
if (!authUser) {
// claims = null
// TODO: perform logout operations
} else {
// Do something with the authUser and the claims object...
const { uid, email } = authUser
const token = await authUser.getIdToken()
commit('SET_USER', { uid, email, token })
I also have a mutation where the state is set, a getter to get the state and the actual state object as well to store the initial state:
const mutations = {
SET_USER(state, user) {
state.user = user
const state = () => ({
user: null
const getters = {
getUser(state) {
return state.user
My problem is, on many of my pages, I use the fetch method to fetch data from an API and then I store this data in my vuex store.
This fetch method uses axios to make the api call, like so:
async fetch({ store }) {
const token = store.getters['getUser'] //This is null for a few seconds
const tempData = await axios
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Authorization: token
.then((res) => {
.catch((err) => {
return {
error: err
console.log('error', err)
store.commit('my_model/setData', tempData)
Axios needs my firebase user id token as part of the headers sent to the API for authorization.
When the fetch method runs, the state has not always changed or updated yet, and thus the state of the user is still null until the state has changed, which is usually about a second later, which is a problem for me since I need that token from the store to make my api call.
How can I wait for the store.user state to finish updating / not be null, before making my axios api call inside my fetch method ?
I have considered using cookies to store this information when a user logs in. Then, when inside the fetch method, I can use a cookie to get the token instead of having to wait for the state to change. The problem I have with this approach is that the cookie also needs to wait for a state change before it updates it's token, which means it will use an old token upon the initial page load. I might still opt for this solution, it just feels like it's the wrong way to approach this. Is there any better way to handle this type of conundrum ?
Also, when inside fetch, the first load will be made from the server, so I can grab the token from the cookie, however the next load will be from the client, so how do I retrieve the token then if the store value will still be null while loading ?
I have opted for SPA mode. After thinking long and hard about it, I don't really need the nuxt server and SPA mode has "server-like" behaviour, where you could still use asyncdata and fetch to fetch data before pages render, middleware still works similar and authentication actually works where you dont have to keep the client and server in sync with access tokens etc. I would still like to see a better solution for this in the future, but for now SPA mode works fine.
I came across this question looking for a solution to a similar problem. I had a similar solution in mind as mentioned in the other answer before coming to this question, what I was looking for was the implementation details.
I use nuxt.js, the first approach that came to my mind was make a layout component and render the <Nuxt/> directive only when the user is authenticated, but with that approach, I can have only one layout file, and if I do have more than one layout file I will have to implement the same pre-auth mechanism across every layout, although this is do-able as now I am not implementing it in every page but implementing in every layout which should be considerably less.
I found an even better solution, which was to use middlewares in nuxt, you can return a promise or use async-await with the middleware to stop the application mounting process until that promise is resolved. Here is the sample code:
// middleware/auth.js
export default async function ({ store, redirect, $axios, app }) {
if (!store.state.auth) { // if use is not authenticated
if (!localStorage.getItem("token")) // if token is not set then just redirect the user to login page
return redirect(app.localePath('/login'))
try {
const token = localStorage.getItem("token");
const res = await $axios.$get("/auth/validate", { // you can use your firebase auth mechanism code here
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`
store.commit('login', { token, user: res.user }); // now just dispatch a login action to vuex store
catch (err) {
store.commit('logout'); // preauth failed, so dispatch logout action which will clear localStorage and our Store
return redirect(app.localePath('/login'))
Now you can use this middleware in your page/layout component, like so:
export default {
middleware: "auth",
One way of fixing this is to do the firebase login before mounting the app.
Get the token from firebase, save it in vuex and only after that mount the app.
This will ensure that by the time the pages load you have the firebase token saved in the store.
Add checks on the routes for the pages that you don't want to be accessible without login to look in the store for the token (firebase one or another) and redirect to another route if none is present.

Can you use IAP to log in to Firebase?

I have an angular app that is protected with Identity Aware Proxy (IAP). I am trying to add Firebase to this app in order to use firestore for a component using AngularFire. I don't want to make the user log in twice, so I thought about using IAP to authenticate with Firebase.
I've tried:
Letting GCP do its magic and see if the user is automatically inserted the Firebase Auth module - it isn't.
I've tried using the token you get from IAP in the GCP_IAAP_AUTH_TOKEN cookie with the signInWithCustomToken method - doesn't work, invalid token.
I've tried using getRedirectResult after logging in through IAP to if it's injected there - it isn't.
I've spent days trying to get this to work, I've had a colleague look at it as well, but it just doesn't seem possible. Now, as a last resort, I'm writing here to see if someone knows if it's even possible.
If not, I will have to suggest to the team to switch auth method and get rid of IAP, but I'd rather keep it.
More info:
Environment: NodeJS 10 on App Engine Flexible
Angular version: 7.x.x
AngularFire version: 5.2.3
Notes: I do not have a backend, because I want to use this component standalone and at most with a couple of Cloud Functions if need be. I am trying to use Firestore as a "backend".
I managed to authenticate on Firebase automatically using the id token from the authentication made for Cloud IAP.
I just needed to use Google API Client Library for JavaScript
1) Add the Google JS library to your page i.e. in
<script src=""></script>
2) Load the OAuth2 library, gapi.auth2
gapi.load('client:auth2', callback)
3) Grab the id token from GoogleAuth:
const auth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance()
const token = auth.currentUser.get().getAuthResponse().id_token;
4) Pass the token to GoogleAuthProvider's credential
const credential = firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(token);
5) Authenticate on Firebase using the credential
Putting everything together on an Angular component, this is what I have (including a sign out method)
import { Component, isDevMode, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { AngularFireAuth } from '#angular/fire/auth';
import { Router } from '#angular/router';
import * as firebase from 'firebase/app';
// TODO: move this all to some global state logic
selector: 'app-sign-in-page',
templateUrl: './sign-in-page.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./sign-in-page.component.scss']
export class SignInPageComponent implements OnInit {
GoogleAuth?: gapi.auth2.GoogleAuth = null;
constructor(public auth: AngularFireAuth, private router: Router) { }
async ngOnInit(): Promise<void> {
// The build is restricted by Cloud IAP on non-local environments. Google
// API Client is used to take the id token from IAP's authentication and
// auto authenticate Firebase.
// GAPI auth:
// GoogleAuthProvider:
if (isDevMode()) return;
await this.loadGapiAuth();
this.GoogleAuth = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
// Prevents a reauthentication and a redirect from `/signout` to `/dashboard` route
if (this.GoogleAuth && this.router.url === "/signin") {
const token = this.GoogleAuth.currentUser.get().getAuthResponse().id_token;
const credential = firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(token);
this.auth.onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) this.router.navigate(["/dashboard"]);
// Sign in button, which calls this method, should only be displayed for local
// environment where Cloud IAP isn't setup
login() {
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
logout() {
if (this.GoogleAuth) {
// It isn't a real sign out, since there's no way yet to sign out user from IAP
// Clearing the cookie does not change the fact that the user is still
// logged into Google Accounts. When the user goes to your website again,
// opens a new tab, etc. The user is still authenticated with Google and
// therefore is still authenticated with Google IAP.
window.location.href = "/?gcp-iap-mode=CLEAR_LOGIN_COOKIE"
private async loadGapiAuth() {
await new Promise((resolve) => gapi.load('client:auth2', resolve));
await new Promise((resolve) => gapi.auth2.init(GAPI_CONFIG).then(resolve));
given the nature of IAP and Firebase, it seems not to be possible. The workaround could be just as mentioned in previous comments, to implement a custom provider, but you should mint your own token. Then maybe, re-thinking your solution if maybe this is the best way to achieve your goals.
I'm not experienced with Google Identity Aware Product, but my expectation is that you'll have to implement a custom provider for Firebase Authentication. The key part that you're missing now is a server-side code that take the information from the IAP token and mints a valid Firebase token from that. You then pass that token back to the client, which can use it to sign in with signInWithCustomToken.

firebase auth with MIcrosoft Graph (accessToken)

I am super hopeful someone can help me - I'm kind of stuck.
I'm happily using firebase auth with Microsoft AD. My AuthProvider is firebase.auth.OAuthProvider('').
When I call firebase.auth().signInWithPopup() with that provider, everything works GREAT. I can pick out the accessToken from the resulting UserCredential and access Microsoft Graph api's no problem (yay!).
Firebase persists and renews the authentication and my app gets the expected callback via onAuthStateChanged with the new firebase.User when the user returns to my SPA later (also yay!).
The bad news (where I'm stuck) is: how do I get the Microsoft Graph accessToken in this flow (e.g. when the user returns to my app later)? I don't want them to have to re-authenticate with another popup (yech).
Basically, how do I go from a valid firebase.User to a MS Graph accessToken when the user returns?
Thanks so so much for any help!
Firebase Auth only focuses on authentication only. They will return the OAuth access token on sign in success via UserCredential but will discard the Microsoft OAuth refresh token and not store any OAuth credential associated with the provider. So you have no way to get a new access token afterwards. If you have a good reason for Firebase Auth to manage OAuth access tokens, please file an official feature request.
UPDATE/answer: so it turns out to be simpler than I thought:
The basic idea is to authenticate (re-authenticate) using firebase and use the same clientID for silent microsoft authentication. However, you must supply a loginHint
parameter to the microsoft auth, even if you were previously authorized. loginHint can
be the email address for the firebase user...
In that scenario, the authentication is shared and you won't need to popup a second sign-in for the "microsoft half" of the process - the firebase auth works fine.
I ended up using microsoft's MSAL library ( something like this:
const graphDebug = false;
const msalLogger = new Logger(msalLogCallback, { level: LogLevel.Error });
export async function graphClient(loginHint: string) {
const msal = new UserAgentApplication({
// gotcha: MUST set the redirectUri, otherwise get weird errors when msal
// tries to refresh an expired token.
auth: { clientId: CLIENT_ID, redirectUri: window.location.origin },
system: { logger: msalLogger },
// TODO: should we set cache location to session/cookie?
* Create an authprovider for use in subsequent graph calls. Note that we use
* the `aquireTokenSilent` mechanism which works because firebase has already
* authenticated this user once, so we can share the single sign-on.
* In order for that to work, we must pass a `loginHint` with the user's
* email. Failure to do that is fatal.
const authProvider: AuthProvider = callback => {
.acquireTokenSilent({ scopes: SCOPES, loginHint })
.then(result => {
callback(null, result.accessToken);
.catch(err => callback(err, null));
const client = Client.init({
debugLogging: graphDebug,
return client;
When you are using signInWithPopup, the result object contains the credentials you are looking for.
.then(function(result) {
// User is signed in.
// IdP data available in result.additionalUserInfo.profile.
// OAuth access token can also be retrieved:
// result.credential.accessToken
// OAuth ID token can also be retrieved:
// result.credential.idToken
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle error.
Hope this helps.
If you look deep enough you should find msal access token in firebase response under (firebaseAuth.currentUser as zzx).zzj()

Meteor async function for validateLoginAttempt

I wan't to use googles captcha as an security messure in my app.
The process:
Request public response from google on client (Success)
Save public response to an collection (Success)
On server validateLoginAttempt should send my secret and client aclaimed public keys for validation (Success)
If and only if 3 successfull return true otherwise false. (Fails)
The problem I am facing is in 4
I need to execute validateLoginAttempt as async, As soon as I write:
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(async() => {
await myCallToRemoteValidation
Accounts.validateLoginAttempt(() => {...})
does process the callback, but too late since node will have already progressed. I already use async await in other parts of the code, and it works but not with accounts. How can I solve this?
