AWS Cognito expired access token - next.js

In my application I have used aws cognito with next auth for user auth.
In the jwt callback that I have from api next-auth I receive an access token, which is then saved and sent to the client side. There, I save it in local storage and, among other things, I send it to my api which checks if it is correct.
The problem is that after an hour the access token expires and does not get a new one (always next-auth gives me old value). Has anyone had a similar flow and knows how to manage a session refresh? I will add that I am not automatically logged out because next-auth is managing it underneath, but it does not return the value of the new access token to me.
Do you have any ways how to manage this?

I can suggest a workaround that would take the least effort to solve this quickly. Amazon Cognito contains 3 kinds of tokens, the ID Token, Access Token and Refresh Token.
From the Amazon Cognito console, you can increase the validity of the token you're dealing with from there. A good idea is to refer to this answer.
Albeit you might need a couple of methods to assert security and robustness.


What happens in case where someone steals your firebase auth refresh token?

I am starting to learn about JWT and I was wondering if some one got a hold of both my id token and refresh token, could that someone access firestore or other firebase resources pretending to be me indefinitely(until the refresh token is revoked)?
If so, how does firebase prevent this from happening?
I can't help feeling that the if someone could get my id token, it's not that hard to access the refresh token as well.
All communication with Firebase APIs are over HTTPS, which means that no one can listen in on that communication. It is secure. If someone got both a fresh ID token and a refresh token, then could impersonate you when making calls to Firebase APIs.
However, no one can get your ID token or refresh token unless you make a security mistake. For example, leaving your computer unlocked while you're signed in would be a bad idea. Or, having a password that's easy to guess. Use all the standard security precautions, and you won't have a problem.

Storing Firebase Auth UID in Cookie while using Firestore - Is this secure?

I was recently having an argument with another programmer mate of mine regarding storing Firebase Auth UID (just the uid nothing else) in a cookie with sameSite: 'strict' enabled.
What's the argument about
Currently, I am working in a Nuxt JS project where I am saving the user's uid on onAuthStateChange() event in a cookie with sameSite: 'strict' enabled so that I can grab it in my serverMiddleware code and do stuff with it.
I have checked this firebase doc about managing cookie and it shows how to store the JWT idToken in a cookie and then in the server decode it.
In fact, that is who I initially coded my work. But due to some requirements, it was super helpful if I store the uid instead. So, I did that. Then I started reading about how can I hack my own data to see if anyone can harm my data from the uid in the cookie.
Then I stumbled upon to this firebase doc: Use the Cloud Firestore REST API which shows how to get the firestore data using REST API and I figured out that you need to provide Google OAuth 2.0 token in the header of the API call in order for it to work, otherwise even if you put the correct URL with all the collection name and everything (which is hard for an outsider to know, but lets assume he knows), you will get nothing but this:
"error": {
"code": 403,
"message": "Missing or insufficient permissions.",
I have also tried to run code in browser console in order to hack the data out of my project. But That didn't work as well.
Now in order to get the Google OAuth 2.0 token, the person must need login access to my account which is not that easy as I have a unique long password along with 2 Step Authentication with phone OTP & push notification. Besides if anyone has login access to my Google account, he can easily go to and see the data, so at that point, nothing will matter.
But I did say that if anyone is using firebase Realtime database then I will not recommend storing the uid in a cookie as the realtime database provides easy REST API without any authentication layer to fetch data. At that time I would recommend using JWT idToken instead.
So, what's the final question?
The final question is this:
If someone is using firebase auth & firebase cloud firestore (not realtime database) using firebase SDK in his project, is it secure to store just the uid in cookie instead of storing JWT idToken if it will reduce the code complexity and code execution time over using idToken?
I would love to know your thoughts on these as there are many super experienced devs beside two programmers arguing.
My friend keeps telling me that storing uid in the cookie is not sure, but when I asked him why exactly, he had no concrete answer. As what is secure and what is not a universal thing and changes as you change your tools. But in this exact context what do you guys think? I know that normally in most cases it is not a secure thing, but I am asking about this specific context only.
It is in fact fairly common to expose the UID of a user to other user to identify that user. See Firebase - Is auth.uid a shared secret?
There is nothing insecure about storing the UID in a cookie, nor in reading that cookie in your middleware. But if your middleware then assumes that the UID is the authenticated user, you have a security risk.
What is keeping any other user from putting your or my UID into that cookie, and thus getting access to your or my data?
Also note that UIDs don't change over time, so if ever one (even inadvertently) leaks, you could impersonate that user forever.
ID tokens on the other hand have a limited lifespan (currently about an hour), which limits the risk if they accidentally get exposed.

Using firebase jwt to authenticate users to external server\service?

Okay so in my iOS app I log the user into firebase, then get the jwt token. So now I have my server with an api which accepts an idtoken in the header of the GET.
What do I do here? Certainly I wouldn't be validating the JWT againt firebase on every single API call right? I mean its fast, but that adds latency with a second external check, no? How does one simply just decode that guy in C#? I have an Auth0 layer already and that decodes the JWT with my server-stored secret, but that same code doesn't work for the Firebase token.
Could it just be decoded then extract the user details from that, maybe just check expiry and if expiry > X months it's still okay?
In order to verify Firebase ID tokens and JWTs in general, you only make a network call on your server to get the public certs which are usually not updated for several hours. You could cache that and try to verify with an ID token and if it fails, only then, load the new public certs.
And yes, you must verify the ID token on each call especially since Firebase ID tokens expire after typically an hour and need to be refreshed continuously.

OAuth 2 Authorization Code - how long is it valid?

In Webserver Grant Flow
After I obtain the Authorization Code from the authorization authority (after the user has authorized my access) how long is that code usually valid form?
The reason i am asking is, can my webserver store that code and use it in later sessions to retrieve a new access token without the need for the user to re-authenticate again? Should that be the flow?
FYI my goal is make requests from Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics on behalf of my customer. So i would want to ask my customer for authorization once until he revokes my access.
Speaking strictly of Google Oauth. There are three types of codes or tokens you should be aware of.
Authorization code
Access token
Refresh token
Authorization code is return when the user clicks accept to your application accessing their data. This code is used to exchange for an access token and a refresh token. This code can only be used once and is extremely short lived 10 minutes I believe.
Access tokens are used to access private user data. They are valid for approximately one hour.
Refresh tokens are used to gain a new access token when the access token has expired. For the most part refresh tokens do not expire however if it has not been used for six months it will no longer be valid and of course the user can always remove your access.
Answer: No storing the authentication code would be pointless. You will need to store the refresh token. make sure you are requesting offline access of your users.
I cant help you with adobe analytics however I suspect it is similar this is standard Oauth protocol we are talking about.

facebook authentication -is this use of the token correct?

After authenticating the user, I save the authorization token insidea database. Than I save his Id inside a cookie. Each time he accesses a page I check to see if the cookie is there. If it s not there, I try to get another authorization cookie and replace the old in the database, and create that cookie.
I have a deep feeling I am wrong:0 Can you tell me how should I handle this?
You should not deal directly with cookies but use a SDK that do it for you. For C#, you can use the Facebook C# SDK. Check out the API Quickstart guide if you want to have a good overview.
You should store the token in you database only if you ask the offline_access permission when you get the access token because token expires after a few hours.
If you do ask for the offline_access permission when you get the token, then you can store it in your database and make API calls with that token anytime you want (without having to check the user session or cookie).
Hope that helps !
