Google Data Studio can't count user count for an analytics event - firebase

So i've an app that logs events to firebase/google analytics for instance lets say the event name is 'log_purchase'
I can use data studio and create a filter but now if i select my metric as
event count i can see a value but if i change it to 'Active Users' as in total number of unique users that triggered this event
It says no data, what am i doing wrong how can i see either active user count or event count that only logs users once

Turns out it needs at least around 40-45 users before the data studio shows them after that it starts to work properly.


User's google calendar ID changes when primary email is updated

Essentially I've noticed that when a user's primary email is updated on their google account, their calendar ID will also change (e.g. ID will change from to
This is a problem because I work on an application that relies on the calendar ID being a stable identifier for users. For example, lets say user A at a company schedules an event to their calendar through my application. We'll save metadata related to that event in our own database along with user A's calendar ID to denote that the event was scheduled to that calendar. This is important because we use this information to ensure that only users with write access to this calendar ID can edit this event from our application (important for security purposes).
Lets say user A gets their primary email updated, which causes their calendar ID to also change. Now, when I query the CalendarList endpoint to get a list of user A's calendars, I get back the new calendar ID, which makes my application think that user A should not have access to edit the event they just scheduled since that event was scheduled to a calendar ID that user A no longer has access to.
Is there a way around a problem like this? I can't find an endpoint that will return user A's "archived" calendar ID in addition to their new one. More deeply, I don't understand why their calendar ID changes as it feels like IDs should be stable identifiers...
In this case, by testing and working with the calendar API and Google Workspace it's a fact that the Calendar ID will always be the email address of the user account it’s associated with. I wish there was actual documentation but this is only from testing that I have verified this. There are other threads that explain the same, in this case with your situation you should modify your app in a way that the CalendarID is not based in a stable ID, as this depends on your email address.

Firestore Analytics - Is there a limit to the number of parameter's values in one event?

So let's say for example, I have user_id#1234 in chat room_id#4321 and I'm keeping track of:
The total number of messages for this particular room_id#4321, and
The total number of messages user_id#1234 sends in this room - (It's important to associate the user's messages with the room because I need to track the total user's message count PER each chat room.)
Here's the approach I got so far in my attempt to keep it to one event: On Firestore Analytics, I've created a custom dimension with the event "room_messages" and I'm able to log the events like so every time a message is sent:
.logEvent("room_messages", {
room_id: room_id,
user_room: `${user_id}-${room_id}`,
But particularly for the user_room parameter, since there could be so many users and rooms, is there a limit on the number of parameter values? ie there could be a ton of the event (room_messages) -> parameter (user_room) -> value (user_id-room_id)
And on top of that, how do you even view these events and their parameters for insights? Whether on Firestore or Google Analytics, it seems like I can view all the total events that have occurred just fine, but for viewing the events AND their parameters, I am only able to view that from what events were triggered in the last 30 minutes.
Appreciate any help!
Update: The parameter has to also be defined using Custom Definitions. Now the room_id tracking information shows up on the room_messages event page.

Google Analytics User Activity showing wrong Event Parameters

After creating a report using the Explore (Analysis) tool on Google Analytics, we've created a report for all the users that have triggered a specific event. but once we click on that user to view his User's Activities, we found the following issues:
Numeric Event Parameters are being shown with 6 extra zeros. (i.e. actual value=5, shown value=5000000).
It is not showing all the Event Parameters that we are sending with the event
2 notes that should be mentioned:
at the same time, we've checked BigQuery for those records and saw that the number event parameters values are correct (without zeros) and all event parameters are being stored correctly.
the numeric Event parameter has been registered as Standard

Report last login by user on Google Analytics

What would be the easiest way to get a report on Google Analytics containing authenticated users ordered by the last login time (the latest login first)?
We are already using Event logging with Category "User", Action "Login" and Label set to user ID (a GUID). Is it possible to base the report on this data?
UPDATE 5-Dec-2018:
As a reference, we have a Custom Report for top logins:
This shows:
Now, I would like to change 'Hits' to "the last time the event occurred", with the given Event Label.
You can create a custom report with the event label ordered by date and time. Though the default implementation in GA only gives you up to the hours I believe. If you want more granularity, I think you'd need to create a custom dimension with a timestamp to the second/millisecond and capture that data front-end.

Outlook events sent to a google calendar - event ids change unexpectedly?

I am creating a meeting series from an outlook client, on an office365 mailbox.
The invited user is on g-suite (email, calendar...).
My code connects to google calendar via the API and periodically checks of event changes \ new events \ cancelled etc.
I store the event ids in my database and use them to match to the event IDs I read from google calendar.
When a whole meeting series is changed - for instance a weekly series gets a new starting time - the event IDs returning from google calendar APIs - change!
I am not sure if the IDs are generated by office\outlook or by g-suite.
I am not sure what's the right way to match the events I stored with their old IDs, to the new events coming in.
If you read the Google API Documentation, it states that recurring events are composed of instances. The recurring event is a parent and individual instances are its children. Each child has a recurringEventId which identifies its parent. Their individual instance ids might change when they are changed.
See the following:
