No Cone of Influence Displayed Using WaveletComp in R - r

I am using the WaveletComp package in R. I first run analyze.coherency to get the cross-wavelet transform and store the result in my.wc.
Next, I want to get a figure of the cross-wavelet power levels and apply wc.image to the previously stored results. The figure is plotted but missing the cone of influence. I did not change the default setting (which is to display the cone of influence). Even explicitly providing the argument for inclusion of the cone of influence does not work.
Did anyone experience similar issues and is there any advice how to fix this issue? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks, I figured out the issue: The cone of influence is not displayed in the plot window. Only saving the graphic as svg or pdf file will show the cone of influence. All other file extensions won't do the job.


What type of data do I need for maplines in R highcharter?

I'm trying to add a mapline object to a highcharter graph (ideally using hcmap as a base)--in my case, so county borders can look different than state borders.
I've seen the solution listed here, but it doesn't work for me--indeed, running the answer's example code fails to create different lines for states and counties. Meanwhile, the more complex code shown here does work, but I'm not sure what it's doing under the hood, or how I could use its method to create a mapline object of state boundaries. What kind of data do I need to add a working "mapline" series? Does anyone know a good source for one for state boundaries?
Any help would be appreciated!

Removing grid lines in a map and smoothing in maps

I am trying to remove the grids on my map. I used several commands for example: plt.grid(), plt.rcParams["axes.grid"] = False but nothing happens, the map produced as is with the grids. Is there any possible way to remove the grids?
Another thing also, how can I make my plot to be smoothed instead of having the data as blocks (see below a sample of the plot).
enter image description here
Please assist in this regard.
Truly appreciate your time.
Thank you.

How to change the scale of the plot in R

I have been trying to perform some of the raster related operations using R and whenever I am loading raster files in R in the plot window it is being displayed at a different scale which is hard to notice. I'm a little confused about how to bring it back to a standard size. As I'm new to the R language I'm not able to figure it out. Little help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It was due to the default values set in par() function. By changing the "mar" parameter in the function I was able to resize it to my own convenience.enter image description here

Changing the font size in a DAG in R

I'm building a Bayesian network (DAG) in R, it has several nodes stemming from one parent, so it has a lot of nodes.
I can't seem to figure out how to increase the font size of the node labels (won't let me post image).
To plot it, I've just done plot(dag_pigment).
Where the input is this:
dag_pigment<-dag(c("pigment","1800407"),c("pigment","12203592"),c("pigment","12896399"),c("pigment","3829241"),c("3829241","12913832"), c("pigment","1408799"), c("1408799", "12913832"),c("pigment","683"),c("pigment","10777129"),c("pigment", "28777"),c("pigment", "16891982"),c("pigment", "6119471"), c("pigment", "1426654"),c("pigment", "1800414"),c("pigment", "4959270"),c("pigment", "2378249"),c("pigment", "12821256"),c("pigment", "1805007"))
I've tried using cex within the plot function, and all the other subcategories (cex.main, cex.sub,etc.)
I've tried using ps, and I've tried using par like par(ps=20,cex=1,cex.main=1).
Are there other functions I should be trying? A different plot function?
Appreciate any help! I'm still pretty new at figuring these things out.
Ok, I actually figured this out after several hours, so, I'm posting the answer to be helpful for anyone else who might be looking.
You have to use the attrs function:
and this increased the font.

scaling Venn diagram in R

I am trying to plot the Venn Diagram of intersection of 3 sets with the following function:
In the Quartz window I receive 3 identical circles (all of the same size). Where did the scaling go? After several hours of trying, I am wondering if it is a bug or if maybe the previous settings of my plotting area are not allowing it ( i closed and reopened the Quartz window several times). The output value is:
(polygon[GRID.polygon.1498], polygon[GRID.polygon.1499], polygon[GRID.polygon.1500], polygon[GRID.polygon.1501], polygon[GRID.polygon.1502], polygon[GRID.polygon.1503], text[GRID.text.1504], text[GRID.text.1505], text[GRID.text.1506], text[GRID.text.1507], text[GRID.text.1508], text[GRID.text.1509], text[GRID.text.1510], text[GRID.text.1511], text[GRID.text.1512])
Any help or tip would be appreciated. All the examples I see online are depicted already scaled.
According to the manual, scaling only happens for some configurations. One example would be
On the other hand, looking at the source code of that function, there appears to be no relevant use of that parameter at all. And indeed, passing scale=FALSE to the above command still results in scaled circles.
So it looks like with the current source code, you have no control over scaling, one way or the other.
The scale parameter is being ignored in many cases.
Here is another example that is also not plotted to scale
venn.plot <- draw.triple.venn(1883,598,2151,218,221,611,95, c("AL", "RL", "R"),scale=TRUE)
I used this .jar instead:
